Once Upon A Dyke Part 8

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So, over all, by pulling her out of here early, I'd be saving the prince from a horrible fate, and this beautiful princess from a G.o.d-awful future, perhaps short-circuiting her right to her happily ever after.

Anyway, for f.u.c.k's sake, I was still conked out cold, and sleeping away my unconscious time in Fairy-Tale Land, so why shouldn't I have some fun? None of this mattered, really, so why should I care? Why should I even think about how old she was? How inexperienced she was? It was all a dream, anyway, right?

She was still dancing around the room, by herself. Her hair glistened in the sunlight. I wondered if I could teach her how to flip her long locks over her shoulder.

The very thought made me hot. As did watching her pirouette around the tower's circular room as she sang of her release.

G.o.d, she was beautiful. And now flipping her hair over her shoulder. I wondered again if my own thoughts were creating this reality. The potential of unleas.h.i.+ng my nightmares had been terrifying, but right now I hoped my good dreams were all about to come true.

I couldn't take it any longer. I glided into her orbit, into her aura, and then she was running into me. She was in my arms, and we danced together. Her laughter was light and contagious. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me closer as we swung around the room, dancing, around and around.

Her innocent green eyes looked up into mine. "You have set me free, my prince. I feel so strange, as if there is more... more you could teach me, show me."

This really was a Very Good Dream.

We spun around, getting closer and closer until finally, I pushed her against the wall, pressing into her. My thigh was between her legs, pressed into her heat.

Time seemed to stop. We caught our breaths at the unexpected electricity of our union, until finally she gasped, and her bosom pressed against me. We were looking right into each other's eyes. I could feel her breath on my lips.

She was so soft in all the right places. I ate last night, now I hungered for something else.

My leg was between hers. My hands were on her hips. Her arms were around my neck.

"I've read about things," she whispered. Her breath was like a feather against my cheek. "Are you my prince? My knight in"-she paused, glancing over my leather jacket and jeans-"leather?" I was the metal to her magnet. I couldn't resist. I brought a hand up through my hair in the back, expecting to wipe away sweat.

I leaned closer. Moving toward her lips. I gave her a chance to move away, but she didn't. So I brushed my lips against hers. They were just as soft as I thought they'd be.

She kissed me back. She didn't resist when my tongue entered her mouth. She followed my lead. She was my damsel, whom I was rescuing.

I could get used to this entire damselling bit.

She gasped when I ran my hands over her curves, enjoying my touch. Her body seemed to swell against me.

She was mine. She was giving herself to me, to her prince.

If I could be an angel, why couldn't I also be a das.h.i.+ng prince? We could both be in our very own fairy tales. And I'd rescue her, and she wouldn't have to deal with all the s.a.d.i.s.tic elements of a Grimm Brothers tale. We could escape, and if it was meant to be, she'd still meet with her true prince.

She pulled me in closer, obviously enjoying the fit of her body against mine, the feel of my tongue in her mouth. And I was in her mouth, deep and firm, sharing kisses that sent sparks up my spine. She was following my moves like Ginger Rogers, just not backward and in high heels. Though I couldn't say for sure, 'cause I hadn't seen her shoes yet.

I'd let her know what my tongue could really do. Give her a feel for options other than doing her duty for G.o.d and Country.

I went for her neck, kissing, nibbling, and biting.

"Oh, my prince..." she moaned. "Your kisses make me feel things I've never felt before."

The material of her robe was thin, but the ties that held it shut were incredibly complicated. I needed her naked, now! I needed to f.u.c.k her. I needed to make her squirm, feel true pleasure, and scream my name.

But I don't think I had told her my name.

I took both of her hands in one of mine and held them above her head. She struggled against me, humping my thigh. I knew there was a reason I worked out. "You're gonna be screaming my name soon, my beautiful treasure. So know that it's Cody."

"Cody, Cody, Cody," she started repeating, panting, like a magic chant. "Prince Cody, show me the tender mysteries I can see in your eyes."

Her breath was hot on me, her body was squirming against me, pus.h.i.+ng herself into me as much as she could-fitting into me- wanting me. I had to do this without hurting her. I had to be careful and gentle. I hoped I could do this right, make this nice for her. I loosened my grip on her hands.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes. "Rapunzel," I whispered to her, moving in on her neck. "Rapunzel," I murmured again.

Her neck was so soft, and her moans as musical as her singing had been. "Let down your clothes for me." Carefully watching the tip of my blade, I cut the laces on her gown. They were in my way.

She gasped as the s.h.i.+mmering cloth rippled off her shoulders, falling into a puddle at her feet to expose her luscious body. She tried to pull away to cover herself. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

Our gazes locked as I tried to rea.s.sure any fears she might have. "If something doesn't feel good, I'll stop." I ran my hands over her naked arms and hips, still looking into her eyes. I wouldn't have been so abrupt about stripping her if I'd remembered they didn't wear real underwear back then.

She moaned and pushed against the wall, stretching her neck to entice my lips to return to it.

I wasn't one to allow a damsel to continue in her distress. I cupped her face in my hands, running my fingers lightly over her cheeks, and finally allowed my thumbs to trace her lips. She slipped her tongue out to flick over them. I went in for another delightful kiss. We nibbled lightly on each other's lips, then I slipped my tongue again into her mouth, exploring her. I kept reminding myself that she was a young virgin, so I needed to go slow and be careful.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, finally, pulling me again closer. When her hands wound into my hair, securing me to her, I ran my tongue over her neck, tenderly nipping lightly at her pulse point, enticing her to further moans. I kept my hands on her arms at first, then allowed myself to feel her sides and her outer thighs until she began to press her warm heat down on my thigh still between her legs.

"My prince, my Cody. Do with me what you will. Set me free of my past, my sweet prince."

Still looking into her eyes, I cupped her breast in my hand, enjoying the feel of her hardening nipple against my palm. I dropped my gaze down to her breast. I was the first person to ever touch her. She knew nothing of s.e.x, nor of what her body was capable. I had a sudden vision of Rapunzel as a mature woman, self-aware and s.e.xy as h.e.l.l. She'd cut a swath through the butches of my world, leaving us panting like puppy dogs. And if I thought about that much more I'd get performance anxiety.

I lowered my head to run my tongue over her nipple. She grasped my head to her. I kept my thigh against her crotch, pus.h.i.+ng into her.

"What is it I'm feeling?" she gasped.

I ran my hands down over her naked hips, pulling her into me. I began to lick and tease her other nipple, flicking my tongue over it. I wanted to bite it, but I didn't know her, or her body, yet. And she had never experienced anything like this before. I needed to make this good for her. Very good.

"Oh, sweet Cody."

I tightened my lips around her nipple, sucking it into my mouth as she began to move more urgently against me. She was arching up into me, searching blindly for greater satisfaction. Her fingers were tightly wound in my hair, and she urged me from one breast to the other, forcing her erect, swollen nubs into my mouth.

I wrapped my lips around her luscious flesh, pulling it into my mouth as I lightly tugged and teased the rigid, reddened tip.

"Oh, yes, yes, please ... What is this I am feeling?"

"You're feeling pleasure, darling Rapunzel. Enjoy it." I looked up at her with a feral grin on my face. Yup, I was a predator. I was going to eat her. I was going to taste her and feel her and make her mine. d.a.m.n it, this was my dream, and I was going to enjoy it! And she was going to, too. I hoped. I needed her to.

I sucked a hardened point back into my mouth and whipped it with my tongue.

"Oh, sweet prince!" she screamed.

I could feel her wetness through my jeans. She was wicked turned on. I nibbled on the other breast, reminding myself that I had to go slowly. But her urgent bucking against me made me momentarily lose control.

I bit her nipple.

She screamed and thrust against me, yanking me into her, spreading her legs for me.

I knew she wanted me to do that, so I did it again, and pulled her smooth hips into me. Deep in her primal senses, she knew what I was doing to her, and she wanted it.

And good lord, I was being so d.y.k.ey and over-a.n.a.lyzing everything to death. I had a hot and willing woman in my arms, spreading her thighs for me, needing me to make her day.

I bit the other nipple, causing her to thrust against me again.

I'd do my duty. To G.o.d and Country and Rapunzel and my own strange subconscious. I was gonna enjoy this, dammit!


I dropped my hand between her legs and felt her. Lubricated my finger with her sweet juices.

"My prince," she gasped.

I lightly plunged a finger into her. Into her wet, inside of her. Feeling her. She was tight.

She went beyond words. Now she only made sounds.

G.o.dd.a.m.n, it was so f.u.c.king hot.

I bit one nipple while twisting the other. I slipped that same finger back into her, curling it up so as not to hurt her, and she collapsed against me. What could I do but carry her to the bed?

"What... what are you doing ... to me... making me feel..."

"Ssh." I whispered into her ear, kissing it lightly. "Just enjoy." I touched her perfect body all over, feeling her everywhere, including inside of her.

She was very wet.

"Have you ever touched yourself?" I asked.

"I wash my hands. I wash ... myself."

"Have you made yourself come?"

"What?" Her confusion was obvious.

"How much pleasure have you experienced?"

She moaned as I curled that singular finger inside of her. "I have ... I have ... I enjoy poetry..."

A true virgin. In mind, body and soul. A butch's dream come true, maybe. But not mine. Her inexperience was scary. But she was here and sweaty. I was h.o.r.n.y. And she was willing. And it was all just a dream anyway.

I treasured her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipples with my lips and mouth, while I caressed her c.l.i.t with my fingers. Every time I withdrew that finger from her warmth, she arched, trying to recapture it. But when I pressed more deeply, she squeaked. Loudly. It was too much for her.

I looked into her eyes. "Do you like my touch?"

"Please, don't stop!"

I slid that finger back into her tightness and she moaned, arching up into me, wanting more. She had no idea what was going on. She was wet, and I made her feel good. I'd make her come. She would remember me for the rest of her life and, I hoped, require the same depth of pleasure from her princelings, male and female. Everything about her said she was not meant for an ivory tower, though a princess she would always be.

She was naked beneath me. She moved against me, her body knowing what she wanted even if she didn't.

I withdrew and fondled her c.l.i.t. She arched against me, asking for me inside of her again. My finger slowly slid back into her shuddering c.u.n.t.

She grabbed my hair and forced me to look into her eyes. "My prince... Cody... please... I am yours..."

She had her own fairy tale in mind. And yet I loved her in that moment. I loved her naivete, her youth, her beauty.

I couldn't really f.u.c.k her, not without hurting her. And I didn't want to hurt her.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"I am yours, my love." She tried to sit up, but I pushed her back with a kiss.

I slowly licked my way down her perfect body, gently nibbling along the way. I wors.h.i.+pped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s for a few moments, while spreading her legs under my body, and pus.h.i.+ng into her, causing her to arch against me.

And I continued my descent down her pale flesh, bringing it to life and causing her to squirm. As soon as she felt my hot breath on the tender flesh between her legs she almost threw me from the bed.

I held her down. And then I put my head between her legs, draping her thighs over my shoulders while I reached up to fondle her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I took a deep lungful of her musky scent, and slowly, softly, ran my tongue up her.

"Oh... oh... oh... dear Lord!" she screamed.

I used my hands to hold her down and keep her against me. I carefully brought my lips against her heat, trying to gradually ease her into what she was beginning to feel. I used my breath and lips on her for a while, first causing her to squirm, then to calm down and moan deeply. Her wetness was dripping out of her.

I needed to taste her, and make her scream again.

Unable to resist further, I brought my tongue back into play. I slowly licked up where she was dripping, enjoying the sweet taste of her. She was hot and pulsing right in front of my face, and I knew she needed me.

That was a rare feeling for me. Having such a delicious femme want me so badly.

I drew my tongue up her, enjoying the taste and feel of her. I wanted to bury my tongue inside of her, but knew I had to go slowly. So I continued softly licking her, listening to her breathing and groans-listening to her body.

I lowered my hands to her stomach, and felt the quivering within her. I became more forceful with my tongue, working up to stroking her c.l.i.t with long, hard motions. Then I pushed my tongue up into her, causing her to shove her c.u.n.t into my face.

I continued tongue f.u.c.king her, while again running my hands over her smooth, firm, young flesh, until she began seriously bucking against me, begging for release.

"Please, please, oh my prince..." Her head thrashed deliriously from side to side.

I swirled my tongue into her depths and then returned to licking her, but this time I was more forceful, and I slipped that same finger back up into her, curling it to touch her G-spot.

"Cody!" she screamed, bucking against my mouth, pus.h.i.+ng my arms out of the way so she could pull me to her crotch harder, deeper.

She was delicious, and I ate her. I took her. My finger inside of her, my tongue attacking her beautiful c.l.i.t.

She tightened around my finger, and her legs crushed my shoulders.

I went after her and kept going after her. I wasn't here long, so I had to make this last-for the rest of her life, and maybe even mine.

"Cody!" she screamed again, and her body was all at once rigid and melting.

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Once Upon A Dyke Part 8 summary

You're reading Once Upon A Dyke. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Karin Kallmaker, Julia Watts. Already has 510 views.

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