Plays by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Part 19

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MiTYA. I humbly beg you to sit down.

_They sit down_; MiTYA _seats himself opposite_ LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA; RAZLYULYaYEV _walks about_.

ANNA IVaNOVNA. It grew dull sitting silent cracking nuts. "Come on, girls,"

said I, "and see the boys," and that suited the girls.

LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA. What stories you do make up! We never thought of coming here--that was your idea.

ANNA IVaNOVNA. Much you didn't! You were the first! Everybody knows, if a person wants a thing, then he thinks about it; the boys of the girls, and the girls of the boys.

RAZLYULYaYEV. Ha, ha, ha! Anna Ivanovna, you have said it exactly.

LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA. Not a bit of it!

MaSHA. [_To_ LiZA] Oh, how embarra.s.sing!

LiZA. Anna Ivanovna, you are just saying what isn't true.

ANNA IVaNOVNA. Oh, you modest thing! I'd like to say a word--but it wouldn't be nice before the boys!--I've been a girl myself. I know all about it.

LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA. There are girls and girls!

MaSHA. Oh, how embarra.s.sing!

LiZA. What you say sounds very strange to us, and, I must say, it's disconcerting.

RAZLYULYaYEV. Ha, ha, ha!

ANNA IVaNOVNA. What were we talking about just now up-stairs? Do you want me to tell? Shall I tell them? Well, have you calmed down now?

RAZLYULYaYEV. Ha, ha, ha!

ANNA IVaNOVNA. What are _you_ opening your mouth for? It wasn't about you--don't you worry.

RAZLYULYaYEV. Even if it wasn't about me, still it may be there is some one who thinks about me. I know what I know! [_Dances to a tune_.

"Who does not love a hussar!

Life without love would be sad!"

ANNA IVaNOVNA. [_Walking towards_ GuSLIN] Well, guitar player, when will you marry me?

GuSLIN. [_Playing on the guitar_] When I can get permission from Gordey Karpych. What's the use of hurrying! It isn't raining on us! [_Nods his head_] Come along here, Anna Ivanovna; I've got something to say to you.

_She goes to him, and sits near him; he whispers in her ear, looking towards_ LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA _and_ MiTYA.

ANNA IVaNOVNA. What do you say!--Really?

GuSLIN. It's really true.

ANNA IVaNOVNA. Well, then, all right; keep quiet! [_They talk in a whisper_.

LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA. You, Mitya, will you come to us later on in the evening?

MiTYA. I will.

RAZLYULYaYEV. And I'm coming; I'm good at dancing. [_Stands with arms akimbo_] Girls! do fall in love with me, one of you!

MaSHA. You ought to be ashamed of yourself! What's that you're saying?

RAZLYULYaYEV. Why such airs! I say, fall in love with me, somebody--yes--for my simplicity.

LiZA. People don't talk like that to girls. You ought to wait till they do fall in love with you.

RAZLYULYaYEV. Yes, much I'll get from you by waiting! [_Dances_

"Who does not love a hussar!"

LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA. [_Looking at_ MiTYA] It may be somebody loves somebody and won't tell! He must guess himself.

LiZA. How can any girl in the world say that!

MaSHA. I know it!

ANNA IVaNOVNA. [_Goes up to them and looks now at_ LYUBoV GORDeYEVNA _and now at_ MiTYA _and sings_:

"Already it is seen If somebody loves somebody-- Opposite the beloved one she seats herself Heavily sighing."

MiTYA. Who does that apply to?

ANNA IVaNOVNA. We know to whom.

RAZLYULYaYEV. Stay, girls, I'll sing you a song.

ANNA IVaNOVNA. Sing, sing!

RAZLYULYaYEV. [_Sings slowly_]

"A bear was flying through the sky."

ANNA IVaNOVNA. Don't you know anything worse than that!

LiZA. We might think you were making fun of us.

RAZLYULYaYEV. If this isn't good enough I'll sing you another, for I'm a jolly fellow. [_Sings_.

"Beat! Beat! upon the board.

Moscow! Moscow! that's the word.

Moscow's got it in his head That Kolomna he will wed.

Tula laughs with all his heart.

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Plays by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Part 19 summary

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