Plays by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Part 50

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TATYaNA. [_Placing her hand on his shoulder_] I don't need anything from you; I'm satisfied with everything. But don't think ill of me. Why were you so jealous?

KRASNoV. [_Embracing her_] So you were offended! [_Looking at her lovingly_] You're my dear! Whatever is dear to one he guards. Why, you're dearer to me than everything in the world! What a wife you are! Who else has such a one? You're the envy of the whole city--don't I see that? Who would want to lose such a wife? In the first place, it's just like tearing a piece out of his heart; and secondly with their taunts and reproaches they would give me no peace, drive me wild. I must tell you, I love you more than my soul, and I had no intention of abusing you, but--how can I explain it?--I can't help having notions.

TATYaNA. Don't have them.

KRASNoV. That's all over now.

TATYaNA. [_Kindly_] Don't you insult me by watching me!

KRASNoV. I tell you that's all past! Give me a good hard kiss! [_They kiss each other_] That's right! Now tell me why you love me? How can you be so attached to me?

TATYaNA. I just love you, that's all.

KRASNoV. No, do tell me! It does me good to hear it from you. I want to know what there is in me that could make such a beauty fall in love with me. Did I please you by my wit or by something else?

TATYaNA. By everything. Who could say anything bad of you? Everybody knows you're a good man.

KRASNoV. And what else?

TATYaNA. You're very kind, and you don't begrudge me anything.

KRASNoV. That's the talk! [_Embraces her fervently and kisses her_] Well, love me still more and then I'll be still kinder. What are you frowning at?

Did I muss you a little?

TATYaNA. You're holding me too tight.

KRASNoV. Oh, for the Lord's sake! I just can't help it! I squeeze you the way I love you. It's right from the heart, no humbug. I don't suppose you're made of sugar; you won't fall to pieces.

TATYaNA. That's all right.

KRASNoV. I know you didn't mean anything. What's there to complain of! No need to get angry at such treatment! Isn't that so?

TATYaNA. You know yourself, why ask!

KRASNoV. Such is life with a good woman! Peaches and cream! Simply lovely!

Nothing on earth is better! What is the reason that you're so precious to us men?

TATYaNA. I don't know.

KRASNoV. It's the work of Providence--truly, of Providence! It's beyond our understanding! We know one thing, that--if you're attached to your wife, that's enough. If you're once attached, then that's all. Now that we're friends, the house might burn down over my head. [_Kisses her_] To-day I'll go and collect some money, and to-morrow I'll buy you a new outfit.

TATYaNA. What for? You don't need to.

KRASNoV. If I say I'll buy it, then that's my affair. So I do need to buy it. You attend to your business; comfort your husband! And I'll attend to mine. [_Looking at his watch_] Oh, there's lots of time! I'd better go! I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TATYaNA. Don't go!

KRASNoV. Don't you really want me to go? Don't act spoiled! Business before pleasure! If I don't make the collection to-day, I can't get my money for a whole week. It's so far to go, too! I wish he'd--Why, it's on the other side of the river! It'll take an hour; confound him! [_Takes his cap_] So you don't want me to go?

TATYaNA. Of course not!

KRASNoV. Oh, what a woman you are! [_Embraces her_] I know your kind, and very well too! You just wait for me an hour, you'll live through it!

[_Kisses her_] Good-by! Otherwise I'd really be bound to stay with you. You women were created for man's temptation in this world! [_Starts off_.

TATYaNA. Come back soon!

KRASNoV. I'll be back 'fore you can count ten! Speaking seriously, I can't return within an hour. [_He goes out_.


TATYaNA _alone_

TATYaNA. [_As soon as her husband goes_] Well, good-by! At last he's gone!

I'm unfortunate, unfortunate! They say one ought to love one's husband; but how can I love him? He's vulgar, uneducated--and he fondles me as a bear would! Sits there--and swaggers like a peasant; and I have to pretend to love him, to humor him; how disgusting! I'd give anything on earth not to have to do that. But how can I help it! I have to submit to one I don't love! [_Silence_] I wonder where everybody is? Here I am all alone! Such loneliness! [_Sits down at the window_] Even the streets are deserted, and there's no one to look at. Where's my sister? [_Sings softly_.

"O, mother I'm sad!

Sad, my lady!

My heart is cast down, Cast down and aching; My beloved knows not How my heart is bleeding."



LUKeRYA. What, is he gone?



TATYaNA. Across the river.

LUKeRYA. Will he be long?

TATYaNA. He said, not sooner than an hour.

LUKeRYA. Now you might run over. I was just there--he's waiting. He leaves to-day.

TATYaNA. Surely not to-day? How can that be, Lusha, my dear? He didn't tell me. If I could only see him!

LUKeRYA. Take my kerchief and cover yourself all up with it. It's so dark outside that no one will know you.

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Plays by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Part 50 summary

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