The Sweet Girl Graduates Part 2

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_Mr. De S._ Hurrah for Matilda! A female Patrick Henry!

_Mrs. De S._ Papa, don't speak so loud!

_Mr. De S._ (contritely). I beg your pardon, Mamma,--your poor head!

_Maude_ I want something pretty! Not--not just--just any old thing!

_Madam_ (with awful dignity). Paris muslin is beautiful.

_Maude_ The other girls have silk.

_Mr. De S._ Then you must have silk, too,--decidedly. Mustn't she, Mamma?

_Mrs. De S._ (sighing). I do not know, Papa, I do not know. This is a dreadful time,--a dreadful time. I fear I shall not live to see her graduate! (sighs dismally). But you will all enjoy it. Matilda, will you heat the salt bags?

(Miss Hoppenh.o.e.r bounces out.)

_Maude_ (flies to couch). O, you precious, precious Mamma! Don't you dare get sick and die!

(Katherine opens the door.)

_Katherine_ Miss Reynolds and Mr. Hamilton.

_Maude_ h.e.l.lo, Valeria, how you vas? Jack, did you get 'em?

_Jack_ (bows to ladies, shakes hands with Mr. De Smythe). Couldn't _Maude_, nothing but red.

_Maude_ Red! I can't wear red! Madam Sateene, can I?

_Madam_ (after due deliberation). Yes, you can. You will need a touch of color.

_Valeria_ Why don't you carry pink ones?

_Jack_ Pink roses are lovely. You carried pink ones at the Junior Banquet, didn't you, Val?

_Valeria_ (thoughtfully). Did I? Yes, I did! Bridesmaid, I think they were.

_Maude_ I hate pink roses!

_Mrs. De S._ Maudie, Maudie, do not be so vehement!

_Mr. De S._ Never mind about the roses. They are a side issue. The question is, "Wherewithal shall you be clothed!" I must be off to earn your daily cake. Let's decide.

_Maude_ (pensively). Jack, do you like Paris muslin?

_Jack_ Is it anything like Plaster of Paris?

_Maude_ Jack, behave! I am so worried! (signs of tears.)

_Valeria_ She's just tired, poor dear; don't tease her, Jack.

_Maude_ (with dignity). I am not tired. He can't tease me, thank you, _Valeria_. I think, Madam, I will have Paris muslin. Silk is so common.

_Jack_ Why don't you have bobinet?

_Valeria_ Why, Jack, bobinet is--

_Jack_ I know what bobinet is; heavy and kind of corded,--dead swell.

_Maude_ That's pique!

_Mr. De S._ Well, children, defer that discussion until the Fourth of July. Is there time for a whole new rig?

_Madam_ Y-e-s,--I think so.

_Mr. De S._ Cheer up, everybody! We'll have the prettiest frock in the outfit, if it breaks the R.I.P. Railroad! We are the people! I must go hunt those papers--things are stirred up so! Good-bye, Mamma, don't worry! Madam Sateene will save us! (goes).

_Madam_ (rising with alacrity). I shall go look at Paris muslins.

Shall I bring you samples?

_Mrs. De S._ No, I am not able to decide. We trust to you absolutely, _Madam_ Sateene, absolutely. (groans). I believe I am going to have an attack! Oh, dear, my nerves! They actually twitch! I wish Matilda were of some use in such matters. Because she never graduated, she thinks _Maude_ shouldn't! Jack, do you see my smelling salts?

(Jack hunts for the salts. Girls talk apart. Madam makes memoranda.)

_Madam_ Miss Maude, how would you like ribbon, very narrow satin ribbon?

_Maude_ Kate Saunders had that in--let me see,--oh, in 1900.

_Valeria_ And that French Girl,--Giggre--wore it last year.

_Madam_ O dear! (grimly). Anybody ever use rope?

_Jack_ (grinning). Only men--for neck-ties mostly. I can't find it, Mrs.

De Smythe.

_Mrs. De S._ Then Matilda has put it in the medicine chest. She is so neat! I can't help it--I don't want to have an attack! What shall I do? But I am afraid I--I am going to have one!

_Maude_ (with signs of tears). O, Mamma, don't have an attack! What shall I do? No roses, no dress, no nothing!

_Madam_ (resolutely). Well, you shall have a dress, about noon, to give you (with a tragic sweep of hand) if it is my last effort! Mrs. De Smythe, I'll drop in and report! (Goes hastily.)

_Valeria_ I must go. I stopped for a list of my committee.

_Maude_ (absently). Don't go. What committee?

_Valeria_ Committee on Decorations.

_Maude_ (vaguely). Committee on--?

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The Sweet Girl Graduates Part 2 summary

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