Enquire Within Upon Everything Part 73

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698. Compound Spirit of Sulphuric Ether

Compound Spirit of Sulphuric Ether is a very useful stimulant, narcotic, and antispasmodic.

_Used internally_ in cases of great exhaustion, attended with irritability.

_Dose_, from half a drachm to two drachms, in camphor julep. When combined with laudanum, it prevents the nauseating effects of the opium, and acts more beneficially as a narcotic.

699. The Hop

The Hop is a narcotic, tonic, and diuretic; it reduces the frequency of the pulse, and does not affect the head, like most anodynes.

_Used externally_, it acts as an anodyne and discutient, and is useful as a fomentation for painful tumours, rheumatic pains in the joints, and severe contusions. A pillow stuffed with hops acts as a narcotic.

When the powder is mixed with lard, it acts as an anodyne dressing in painful ulcers.

_Dose_, of the _extract_, from five grains to one scruple; of the _tincture_, from half a drachm to two drachms; of the _powder_, from three! grains to one scruple; of the _infusion_, half an ounce to one and a half ounce.

700. Opium

Opium is a stimulant, narcotic, and anodyne.

_Used externally_ it acts almost as well as when taken into the stomach, and without affecting the head or causing nausea. Applied to irritable ulcers in the form of tincture, it promotes their cure, and allays pain. Cloths dipped in a strong solution, and applied over painful bruises, tumours, or inflamed joints, allay pain. A small piece of solid opium stuffed into a hollow tooth relieves toothache. A weak solution of opium forms a valuable collyrium in ophthalmia. Two drops of the wine of opium dropped into the eye acts as an excellent stimulant in bloodshot eye; or after long-continued inflammation, it is useful in strengthening the eye. Applied as a liniment, in combination with ammonia and oil, or with camphorated spirit, it relieves muscular pain. When combined with oil of turpentine, it is useful as a liniment in spasmodic colic.

_Used internally_, it acts as a very powerful stimulant: then as a sedative, and finally as an anodyne and narcotic, allaying pain in the most extraordinary manner, by acting directly upon the nervous system.

In acute rheumatism it is a most excellent medicine when combined with calomel and tartrate of antimony; but its exhibition requires the judicious care of a medical man.

_Doses of the various preparations._--. _Confection of opium_, from five grains to half a drachm; _extract of opium_, from one to five grains (this is a valuable form, as it does not produce so much after derangement of the nervous system as solid opium); _pills of soap and opium_, from five to ten grains; _compound ipecacuanha powder_ ("Dover's Powder"), from ten to fifteen grains; _compound kino powder_, from five to fifteen grains; _wine of opium_, from ten minims to one drachm. _Caution._--Opium is a powerful _poison_ when taken in too large a quant.i.ty (_See_ POISONS, _pars._ 1340-1367), and thus should be used with extreme caution. It is on this account that we have omitted some of its preparations. The best antidote for opium is camphor.

701. Antispasmodics.

Antispasmodics are medicines which possess the power of overcoming the spasms of the muscles, or allaying any severe pain which is not attended by inflammation. The cla.s.s includes a great many, but the most safe and serviceable are ammonia, a.s.safoetida, galbanum, valerian, bark, ether, camphor, opium, and chloroform; with the minerals, oxide of zinc and calomel.

702. Ammonia.

Ammonia, or Sal Volatile, is an antispasmodic antacid, stimulant and diaph.o.r.etic.

_Used externally_, combined with oil, it forms a cheap and useful liniment, but it should be dissolved in _proof_ spirit before the oil is added. One part of this salt, and three parts of extract of belladonna, mixed and spread upon leather, makes an excellent plaster for relieving rheumatic pains. As a local stimulant it is well known, as regards its effects in hysterics, faintness, and la.s.situde, when applied to the nose, as common smelling salts.

It is used _internally_ as an adjunct to infusion of gentian in dyspepsia or indigestion, and in moderate doses in gout.

_Dose_, from five to fifteen grains. _Caution_.--Overdoses act as a narcotic and irritant poison.


703. Bicarbonate of Ammonia

Bicarbonate of Ammonia is used internally the same as _sal volatile_.

_Dose_, from six to twelve grains. It is frequently combined with Epsom salts.

704. Solution of Sesoquicarbonate of Ammonia,

Solution of Sesoquicarbonate of Ammonia, used the same as _sal volatile_.

_Dose_, from half a drachm to one drachm, combined with some milky fluid, like almond emulsion.

705. Asafoetida

Asafoetida is an antispasmodic, expectorant, excitant, and anthelmintic.

_Used internally_, it is extremely useful in dyspepsia, flatulent colic, hysteria, and nervous diseases; and where there are no inflammatory symptoms, it is an excellent remedy in hooping cough and asthma.

_Used locally_ as an enema, it is useful in flatulent colic, and convulsions that come on through teething.

_Doses of various preparations_.--_Solid gum_, from five to ten grains as pills; _mixture_, from half an ounce to one ounce; _tincture_, from fifteen minims to one drachm; _ammoniated tincture_, from twenty minims to one drachm.

_Caution_.--Never give this drug when inflammation exists.

706. Galbanum

Galbanum is stimulant, antispasmodic, expectorant, and deobstruent.

_Used externally_, it a.s.sists in dispelling tumours when spread upon indolent leather as a plaster, and is useful in weakness of the legs from rickets, being applied as a plaster to the loins.

_Employed internally_, it is useful in chronic or old-standing rheumatism and hysteria.

_Doses of preparations_.--Of the _gum_, from ten to fifteen grains as pills; _tincture_, from fifteen minims to one drachm. It may be made into an emulsion with mucilage and water.

707. Valerian

Valerian is a powerful antispasmodic, tonic, and excitant, acting chiefly on the nervous centres.

_Used internally_, it is employed in hysteria, nervous languors, and spasmodic complaints generally. It is useful in low fevers.

_Doses of various preparations_.--_Powder_, from ten grains to half a drachm, three or four times a day; _tincture_, from two to four drachms; _ammoniated tincture_, from one to two drachms; _infusion_, from two to three ounces, or more.

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Enquire Within Upon Everything Part 73 summary

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