Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia Volume II Part 44

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Platycercus pileatus, Vig.

Polytelis melanura, Wagl.

Nymphicus novae-hollandiae, Wagl.

Pezoporus formosus, Ill.

Euphema elegans, Gould.

Euphema splendida, Gould.

Euphema petrophila, Gould.

Trichoglossus porphyrocephalus, Diet.

Plyctolophus leadbeateri, Vig.

Plyctolophus galeritus, Vieill.

Licmetis pastinator, Gould.

Calyptorhynchus naso, Gould.

Calyptorhynchus baudinii, Vig.

Anthochaera lewinii, Vig. and Horsf.

Anthochaera lunulata, Gould.

Myzantha obscura, Gould.

Meliphaga mystacalis, Gould.

Meliphaga novae-hollandiae ? Vig. and Horsf.

Ptilotis ornata, Gould.

Ptilotis leucotis, Swains.

Ptilotis plumula, Gould.

Ptilotis sonora, Gould.

Glyciphila ocularis ? Gould.

Glyciphila albifrons, Gould.

Haematops lunulatus ? Gould.

Acanthorhynchus superciliosus, Gould.

Myzomela nigra, Gould.


Turtur spilonota.

Peristera chalcoptera, Swains.

Peristera scripta. albipennis, Gould. (North-West Coast.) Coturnix australis, Temm.

Turnix* varius, Vieill.

Turnix velox, Gould.

Turnix castanotus, Gould.

(*The term Turnix having been published long prior to that of Hemipodius it must necessarily be employed in preference to the latter; the Australian species of this form will therefore stand as: Turnix varius, Vieill.

Turnix melanogaster, Gould.

Turnix castanotus, Gould.

Turnix velox, Gould.

Turnix pyrrhothorax, Gould.

Turnix melanotus, Gould.) Leipoa ocellata, Gould.


Otis australasia.n.u.s, Gould.

Dromaius novae-hollandiae, Vieill.

OEdicnemus novae-hollandiae, Lath.

Charadrius virginia.n.u.s, Borkh.

Squatarola helvetica ? Cuv.

AEgialitis nigrifrons, Gould.

AEgialitis ruficapillus.

Himantopus leucocephalus, Gould.

Chladorhynchus pectoralis, G.R. Gray.

Vanellus ? pectoralis.

Erythrogonys cinctus, Gould.

Strepsilas collaris, Temm.

Pelidna australis, Jard.

Limosa australis, Briss.

Tota.n.u.s stagnatilis ? Bechst.

Haematopus picatus ?

Haematopus niger ?

Numenius australasia.n.u.s, Gould.

Recurvirostra rubricollis, Temm.

Porphyrio bellus, Gould.

Tribonyx ventralis, Gould.

Fulica novae-hollandiae, Gould.

Rallus phillipensis, Linn.

Zap.o.r.nia phillipensis ?

Botauras stellaris ? Steph.

Nycticorax caledonicus, Less.

Ardea novae-hollandiae, Lath.


Larus leucomelas, Vieill.

Xema jamesonii.

Sterna poliocerca, Gould.

Sterna caspia ? Pall.

Sterna caspia ? (like minuta).

Sterna dougallii, Mont.

Diomedea exulans, Linn.

Diomedea melanophrys, Temm.

Diomedea chlororhyncha, Gmel.

Diomedea fuliginosa, Gmel.

Procellaria gigantea, Auct.

Puffinus brevicaudus, Gould.

Puffinus chlorhynchus, Less.

Cygnus atratus, Linn.

Anser atratus ?

Casarka tadornoides, Eyton.

Malacorhynchus membranaceus, Swains.

Nyroca australis, Gould.

Anas novae-hollandiae, Steph.

Anas naevosa, Gould.

Mareca castanea, Eyton.

Rhynchaspis rhyncotis, Steph.

Biziura lobata, G.R. Gray.

Oxyura australis, Gould.

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Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia Volume II Part 44 summary

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