Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 11

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"I know you're not playing. But babe, that just makes you even more of a challenge. You've no idea how much I like challenges. You might not have meant to, but you just turned me on big style."

I had a feeling that he didn't walk away with vampire speed because he was hoping I'd take a sneaky look at his a.r.s.e as he strutted off. I didn't look. I'd already gotten a good look at it at the try-out. It was a nice behind if ever there was one. Biteable.

You've just saved his life by saying no, I heard in my head. Jared.

My head immediately snapped up to look at his balcony. He wasn't out, but I could see him at the window. Seconds later he was out of view, but I'd saw his expression long enough to notice that he was absolutely livid with me. That fact bothered me as I lay there that morning, trying desperately to get some sleep.

After my day's sleep in the comfiest bed ever, I actually didn't feel so bad. Yeah, I still felt c.r.a.ppy over everything that had happened with Jared. And I still had mixed feelings over burning alive my maker. But there were bigger problems like the fact that The Hollow might be attacked soon and the squad had to be prepared. So although I was again a little tempted to hide away in my room, I ignored it.

I thought about trying to teleport to the office but immediately decided against it. G.o.d knows where I'd end up. It was odd. Usually when I absorbed someone's power I could handle it just as easy as I handled my own because I knew exactly how to harness energy and channel it; that was all you needed in order to control and effectively use a power. But I couldn't seem to grasp how to use this teleporting thing. Thankfully it would fade as soon as I used up all of the energy that Jared had pa.s.sed on to me.

Before I was even half-way down the corridor to the office I knew that Jared wasn't in there. I'd be able to smell his scent from here, and he wasn't too hard for me to sense.

"Alright, Fletch," I greeted as I reached the reception desk outside my office.

"Oh, luv, come here." Before I could say a word he was on his feet and his arms were clamped around me. I guessed he'd heard about Victor meeting his doom at my hands. "It's alright, luv. It's alright," he crooned, as though I was crying. "I know. I know."

"Fletch, I'm fine honestly."

"You don't have to act for me, luv." He was patting my back now.

"Oh b.u.g.g.e.r off ya big Nancy," I giggled as I stepped out of his arms. "I'm fine."

"Your emotions say different."

Oh c.r.a.p, yeah, I'd forgotten he was an Empath. "Okay, I'm a bit mixed up."

"Mixed up? You're all over the place. You're like a broth of conflicting emotions." He held his head as if the impact of it all hurt. "Ooh I can feel a migraine coming on."

"Then I'll leave you be, luv."

"Ah bless ya. Bless ya."

Once settled at my desk I retrieved my notepad, intent on doing flow charts on the recruits for me to doc.u.ment what their ability is now and what goal I have for each of them. That was, of course, if they bothered turning up later at the arena. I got a feeling that some of them might. Max, David and Denny would. Maybe Chico and Butch. I wouldn't go chasing after the others; that would cut into the training time I had for those that did show, which wasn't fair to them. As for afterwards, I might make cook up a mini tornado and stick the lazy absent gits inside it. That would be satisfying to watch.

On completing the flow charts I stuck each one in the relevant recruits' file. I still had an hour to kill before it was time to meet the recruits at the arena when Evan strolled in the office wearing a cheery grin.

"You're here. I knew you would be," he added. He looked edible in those tank-green pants and t-s.h.i.+rt, but I wouldn't have thought they'd suit him if I hadn't seen the evidence for myself.

Confused, I said, "Where else would I be?"

"Well some people thought you might want more time alone. I said you'd have bounced back by now. Right, come on."

"Say again?"

"Antonio wants to see you. In the mansion." With that, he turned and waltzed c.o.c.kily out the office, confident that I'd follow. Which I did.

Fletcher's face was a question mark as Evan and I started down the corridor together. Wanting to be careful not to start rumours that I was s.h.a.gging both brothers, I told my a.s.sistant, "Fletch, I'm just going to see Antonio and after that I'll be at the arena if you need me."

"Right, luv." He looked less suspicious now but still curious.

"What does he want to see me about?" I asked Evan as we left the Command Centre, heading toward the mansion. G.o.d I wouldn't be surprised if some of the recruits had gone whining to him that I'd thrown bits of their past at them.

"Don't look so worried," chuckled Evan.

"I'm not worried. It's just that I feel like I'm been sent for by the School Head Master and escorted to the Head Master's office to get a rollicking for something."

"Oh, no, I don't think it's anything like that." He held the door open for me and we stepped into the grand hallway of the mansion. "He probably just wants to make sure you're okay after what happened yesterday." After a moment of walking in silence along the hallway he said, "So, are you okay?"

"No offence, but I'd rather not keep going with this conversation considering that I know exactly what course it'll take."

"It'll take a course?" he asked, amused.

"I'll say I'm fine, then you'll say I can't really be fine, then I'll try to convince you I am, then you'll say how it must have been really hard for me kill him."

"Well it must have been."

"Jared, Max and Fletcher said the same thing and all three times it made me feel like s.h.i.+t."


"Because it wasn't hard. I did it without thinking."

"You did it to protect Antonio, that's nothing to feel bad about." Gently Evan squeezed my shoulder, giving me the sort of smile that begs you to smile yourself. So I did. And that's the moment while Evan had his hand on my shoulder and we were smiling at each other widely that fate decided it would be fun for Jared to walk down the same hallway, heading in our direction. His face was a picture of fury. Oh b.u.g.g.e.r.

Where're you taking her? I heard in my head. Did Jared realise he'd sent that thought to me instead of Evan?

Antonio wants to see her. Why are we talking about this telepathically? Evan's confusion didn't show on his face.

Then I understood what was happening. Absorbing a little of Jared's power must have made it possible for me to listen to telepathic conversations around me. I didn't let it show that I could hear.

Jared, nearly at us: Why are you taking her to him?

Evan: I was asked to go get her, what's the problem?

Jared: No problem. You can both do what you want, it's none of my business.

Evan, amused: Oh, I get it, she won't let you screw her, will she?

"Hi," said Jared to both Evan and me as he stopped before us. If I hadn't been able to hear the frustration in his telepathic voice, I might have bought his aloof expression.

"Alright," I greeted, trying for aloof too.

"Where you off to, bro?" Evan asked him.

Evan, amused: Oh I bet this is all new for you. I was starting to think there wasn't a girl out there who wouldn't spread her legs for you. She just gets more and more interesting.

Jared: Evan, I'm not in the mood for this. Oh and don't think she'll let you in her panties either.

"Going back to the squad," replied Jared. "Dawson supervised them for me while I came to speak to Antonio and Luther." He gestured with his head to the room across the hallway.

Evan, still amused: Oh my G.o.d this has really got to you, hasn't it? It's not just killing your pride, you're - Jared: Luther's just told me there'll be trouble ahead, he obviously meant you.

Evan, even more amused and singing: There may be trouble ahead...

Jared turned to me, all business but still friendly. "I need to update the recruits' files. You done with them for today?"

"Yeah, they're on my desk," I replied in the same tone.

Evan, still singing: But while there's moonlight and music and love and romance...

"Let's face the music, and dance," I finished, watching both of them gawp at me unattractively. "I'll see you both later." And then I strolled off whistling the tune of the song that might very well end up stuck in my head all night long. I could feel their glares still on me as I, called in by Antonio, advanced into the room that only a minute ago Jared had come out of.

"Alright," I said to Antonio and Luther who offered me greeting smiles. I then nodded to the guards who nodded back, and then I was licked half to death by the dogs. Nero was especially attentive.

This room was absolutely huge and amazing. I'd been expecting another parlour room seen as Antonio seemed to love them, but this was different than anything I'd seen. In the centre was a large rectangular aviary; inside were canaries, rabbits, guinea pigs, and some other types of birds that I didn't know the names to.

The aviary was made of gla.s.s and had a tiny little stream covering the perimeter of it. Antonio and Luther were standing side by side, staring through the gla.s.s of the aviary at the trees and animals and other plants. I was already thinking what Antonio was thinking before he said it.

"It's such a peaceful place." He was still staring through the gla.s.s. "I come here whenever an emotion overwhelms me. So I thought this would be an extremely good place for me to speak with you today. I can imagine you might be quite overwhelmed."

As I reached his side I grumbled, "Not you as well."

He laughed at that, as did Luther. "You know, if a number of people are interested in your emotional state, maybe you should consider this a good thing: it shows that you are finally accepted, and cared about."

"It might be a good thing to someone else, but I'm not really a let's hold hands, cuddle and share all' person."

He laughed again. "Maybe one day you will learn that it is not a fault to care." Turning to face me his expression all business now he continued, "My guards have never failed to protect me. They would have reached Victor before he was able to reach me."

"I know."

"And yet you intervened in spite of that." It was half-question, half-statement.

"I did."

"I would not go as far as to say that I owe you my life, because I do not believe that it was ever truly in danger. But your intervention was much appreciated, and I thank you for it."

"You also have my appreciation," said Luther. The guards mumbled something like and ours'.

Sighing, I admitted, "I wouldn't bother thanking me, I didn't really think about it, if I'm honest. I just did it."

"Do you not see that for this to be your natural reaction to my safety being jeopardised that this is a tremendous thing?" Antonio glared at me curiously. "There have only ever been three other people to intervene in such a way; Sebastian, and the brothers and that was after decades of being under my wing, and none of them intervened by harming their Sires. You have known me for all of a few nights and yet you not only instinctually protected me, but you killed your own Sire in order to do so."

I smiled. "Maybe you didn't notice that he was a p.r.i.c.k who I had no time or respect for."

"He was still your Sire, Sam. And just like any human would have that small moment of doubt before harming either of their parents, any vampire experiences this before trying to harm their Sire. Most vampires never do it, no matter what the circ.u.mstances. A blood-bond is overpowering for the mind. And yet you did not experience that moment of hesitation."

I bowed my head. "Cold-hearted, I suppose."

"No," he insisted but in a gentle voice. "You are not cold-hearted. Harsh at times, yes but only if you believe it is necessary. Foul-mouthed on occasion, yes but we don't mind that so much. Capable of brutal honesty, oh yes but sometimes the absolute truth is what people need to hear. You are not cold, Sam. Do not ever think that about yourself. Consider that an order."

"Sir, yes, Sir," I said light-heartedly, to which he rolled his eyes at.

"I did not call you here just to enquire about your well-being or to thank you." He made his way to a bench beside on one of the walls I hadn't even noticed that before, the beauty of the aviary had taken up all of my focus and invited me to sit beside him.

"Are you giving me a raise?" I teased.

"You could say that." I wasn't expecting for that to be his response. "I told you before that you are not the only individual to intervene to protect me. In each of those cases I called them to me just as I have called you now. I believe in thanking people with actions more than with words. Rewards, you might say."

"Okay." Did he mean, like, a medal or something?

"I am a Bestower, Sam that is my vampiric gift. Have you ever encountered a Bestower before?"

"No, but I've heard of Bestowers. You can pa.s.s on gifts to other vampires."

"Not exactly. I can impart power to a vampire, not energy, that is different. Power. It can only be done at my control, but I cannot control what reaction the power has to your own innate concentration of power. In other words, I do not know what gift you will then develop, but it will not be my own."

Wow, I hadn't seen this coming.

"It is your decision, Sam. I know that you already have a substantial gift to control, so it is understandable if you do not want another. But if you would like to accept my offer, I will be very happy to reward you as I wish to."

The idea of having another gift was exciting. Even the idea that I'd have no idea what it would be was exciting. But it had taken me a while to have the control that I have now over my own gift...This wasn't exactly the best time to be struggling with another gift seen as The Hollow's walls would be attacked in a few weeks. "Will I be able to control it? I mean, I can control other vampires' gifts easy enough because it's just about channelling energy and I'm a master at that. But when I absorbed some of Jared's energy" Antonio raised his brows at that but didn't comment "I couldn't get a grip on the teleporting thing."

"That is not because you couldn't control it," explained Antonio. "Teleporting is not as simple as people might think. It is a lot like being a satellite. Your mind picks up and commits to memory the signals and coordinates of places or even people on a totally subconscious level. For Jared, his initial struggles were due to his inexperience at channelling energy. For you, the problem was obviously that you obviously did not absorb the amount of his energy required to receive enough of the concentration of that power. As such, you were, through no fault of your own, an uncompleted satellite."

"Oh. Right." Well that was good news.

"So, do you wish to accept my offer?" He was eager, I could tell. Probably curious as to what gift I'd end up with. I had to admit I was extremely curious myself, and curiosity killed this kitten in this instance.

"What do I have to do?"

Antonio smiled pleasantly and exchanged a pleased expression with Luther before returning his attention to me. "You will need to join your forehead to mine. It might feel a little strange, sort of like a sizzling sensation, but do not withdraw from it. The process is not something I can control; it depends on the reaction that the power I impart has on you. It can take anything from thirty seconds to an entire minute."

I nodded. "Okay." Although I was a little hesitant due to the shock and weirdness of it all, I didn't let it show.

Antonio closed his eyes. Seconds later he spoke, "I am ready for you."

I almost laughed seen as that unintentionally sounded a little kinky. Slowly I leant in. When my forehead met his there was the strangest bang inside my body, I guessed that Antonio felt it too because he gasped also.

"Antonio?" said Luther, sounding concerned.

"All is well, Luther," he a.s.sured him. I took it that the bang wasn't normal. "Sam, do not fear, be still."

Remaining still had to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. It was the freakiest thing. It felt as though bugs were crawling under the skin of Antonio's forehead and bursting out and then their way through the skin of my own. Then there was this almost unbearable feeling of bubbles bursting inside my skull. My limbs burned. My heart went ten to the dozen. My lungs pained. My stomach ached, and G.o.d I was so thirsty all of a sudden.

It felt like forever before all of it, as abruptly as it started, ended with one more bang which made us break apart.

"Oh. My. G.o.d. What was all that?" I was wheezing. Luther thrust NSTs in mine and Antonio's hands. So efficient. I'd gulped it down so quick that I didn't even taste it. My throat stopped aching then.

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Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 11 summary

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