Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 2

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Distracting me from responding, I caught Jared swerve and meet my eyes. His expression was thoughtful. For a small moment I thought about smiling at him. I'm actually not much of a smiler so that was odd.

"Good luck," said the thorn-exhaling Keja vampire who suddenly appeared on my right.

I win a duel and suddenly everyone's nicey, nicey. I simply nodded.

Finally the three commanders came to stand before the line of potential recruits. Jared's gaze settled on each one of us for a few seconds before he spoke. "Between the three of us, we have selected three of you to join my squad. The rest of you will be required to return home imminently." He walked to the front of the line and then began a slow walk pa.s.sed the recruits. He stopped in front of the Pagori with the power to deflect and pointed at him with a congratulatory look on his gorgeous face. "Well done." Next he stopped at Max and pointed. No surprise there Max's power to cause sensory deprivation was really good. Then Jared came to the end of the line, standing between myself and the thorn-exhaling Keja. He looked at each of us, then slowly raised his hand, extended his index finger...and pointed at the Keja.

What a f.u.c.king little s.h.i.+t.

Instantly there were murmurs and gasps, whether those were of surprise or disagreement I didn't know. I didn't care to find out. "Congratulations," I said to Max and the Keja beside me. Then I twirled sharply and paced away.

"Sam!" Max caught up with me and sighed. "You should have gotten a place. You deserved it more than any of us."

"It's alright," I said though my tone made it clear that it wasn't. I let my eyes track down Jared who was staring at me with a crease between his eyebrows. As I spoke to Max I continued to look hard at Jared, "I wouldn't want to work for a s.e.xist t.w.a.t anyway."

As I stormed away, I couldn't decide what incensed me more; the fact that I hadn't been given a place in the legion even after proving myself, or the fact that this bothered me so much. It was now that I realised that I hadn't just wanted a place to spite Victor or to escape him, or even to annoy Jared. The truth was that I'd wanted to be a part of the picture that Sebastian had tried selling me, to make the most out of the life I now had whether it had been my choosing or not. I wanted to be part of something important, to have a purpose beyond Victor's plans for me.

Sebastian travelled with vampire speed to my side. "Sam, I -"

"It's fine. Really." But I'd said it too sharply, I didn't sound in the least bit convincing.

"I intend to dispute Jared's decision. His judgement was impaired by his -"

"Really Sebastian don't bother," I advised him gently as we entered the museum-like house. "If I had to see Jared's ugly mug every day, I'd probably stake him."

"Yes, I'd imagine you would," agreed an amused, unfamiliar voice before me. It belonged to a Latino-looking Keja, though he spoke in a very clear American accent, with shoulder length, thick, coal-black hair and the widest eyes. Everything about the way he conducted himself while he slowly circled me spoke of pure power. This had to be the Grand High Master himself. Flanking him were two Pagori vampires, both looked robotic and fearless.

Sebastian whispered down my ear, "This is the Grand High -"

"Oh I know," I said, irritated, "I'm not thick." I simply gave the Big Man a half-smile. I knew I wasn't being very respectful but he couldn't do anything worse to me than what Victor would do when he found out what I'd done. No doubt my good ole Sire would taunt me about how I wasn't successful.

"Miss Samantha Parker," he greeted. "I am Antonio."

"Well, hi. And bye." I proceeded to walk pa.s.sed him.

"Might I have a few moments of your time?" Antonio asked.

I twirled round intending to tell him no, he could do a run and jump because I was getting out of this place that was stuck in the 1700s. But then he smiled at me and his eyes held tightly to mine. Suddenly I didn't feel so angry anymore. d.a.m.n the Keja hypnotic beauty! "Look, I don't mean to be rude, it's just that I have to be getting back."

"To Victor? I have to say that I don't much approve of your Sire. Everything I've heard about him from my researchers has indicated him to be a vampire of cruelty."

At that I stiffened. I felt defensive at the thought of people checking up on my personal business, especially considering what my life with Victor was like.

"You intrigue me, Miss Parker. Your presence. Your self-expression. Your determination. Fascinating." He gestured for me to follow him. "I promise not to keep you long." Instantly he began walking, all elegance and grace, down the everlasting hallway.

Sebastian nodded encouragingly at me. Rolling my eyes, I followed Antonio and his hefty bodyguards. Antonio didn't halt until we reached the most eastern point of what was proving to be a gigantic mansion. The room he urged us into was bigger than mine and Victor's flat. Some sort of parlour. Very posh.The walls were lined with books. The fireplace was marble. In the corner sat an old-style piano. In the centre were two black leather sofas that framed a gla.s.s coffee table. The room was a library slash sitting room.

Instantly two dogs dashed toward us, growling and barking.

"Quiet," said Antonio simply. They quieted.

"I love Pit Bull Terriers," I told him. One was reddish brown while the other was brindle.

"I would not approach them if I were you, they can be quite -" Antonio watched, stunned, as the two dogs approached me and nuzzled my hands, hinting for a stroke. "Oh dear."

"What?" I said as I patted their necks.

"Well they are usually only so friendly with me. That is how I like it." He frowned at the dogs.

Well it made sense that he'd want them to only be loyal to him. "I think it's because I can absorb any excess energy they've got, it makes them more relaxed."

His frown morphed into a smile. "Please sit," he invited, gesturing to one of the sofas.

Feeling completely out of place among all the luxury I gingerly sat. Sebastian lounged beside me, fitting the atmosphere like he was an ornament.

Holding my gaze the entire time, Antonio sat opposite me and crossed one leg over the other. "You're a Feeder," he eventually said, his tone soft and curious.


"Did you know that the gift has only ever run through Pagori bloodlines before you? This means that not only are you the first female Feeder, you are the first Svente Feeder."

"So I've been told." Victor had been thrilled about it. I was his key to more territory.

"I observed the tryout from the spectators' box. I deeply enjoyed your duel with Jared."

I snorted on hearing that name.

Antonio smiled in amus.e.m.e.nt. "You're not a fan of his? I do not think I have ever before met a female who was not." The guards laughed at that oh so they weren't robots.

I snorted again. "I can't think why. If you observed the tryout then you must have seen the way he carried on."

Antonio jiggled his head. "Admittedly, he was a little discourteous."

"Oh let's just call it what it is, shall we? He's an ignorant, arrogant, narrow-minded bigot."

Again Antonio was amused. "He's also my Heir. Out of hundreds, I made him my Heir six years ago."

"Bad decision on your part." I could feel Sebastian's eyes drilling into me, cautioning me.

"It is fine, Sebastian," Antonio told him, waving a hand. "I like her frankness." Antonio looked at me again. "I know that Jared does still have things to learn. In fact, his biggest weakness is that he does not realise that there are still things for him to learn. But pride aside, he is an a.s.set to me. He is very devoted to me and my legion. He, much like you, has great drive about him. And he is an excellent trainer. I could hand him a newborn vampire and within a month Jared would make him a model warrior."

Antonio seemed to be waiting for me to respond, maybe concede that there's more to Jared than what I'd seen. Hardly likely. "That's great," I said in a flippant tone.

"I want my new squad trained quickly. Physically, they will be prepared. I am confident that Jared will ensure this. However, with regards to learning the new recruits how to control and best utilise their gifts, I believe that Jared may...struggle to have them prepared so quickly. He's an excellent motivator, but not the best teacher. You, on the other hand...I believe that you are just what I need. I want you to work with Jared."

Oh this had been a surreal twenty-four hours. "Say again?"

His laugh was silent. "You will be thought of as an employee, a commander in your own right. An equal to Jared and the other commanders."

I waited for the punch line but there didn't appear to be one. "You think I'd make a good commander because I'm a Feeder?"

"No, because you have tremendous control of your gift. Not many can boast of that. For a Feeder, a type of vampire known for being too overwhelmed bytheir own gift to live much longer than two years, to have such tremendous control is astonis.h.i.+ng. Yes, I am confident that you would be an a.s.set to me and my legion."

I cast a look at Sebastian. His face was all go for it'. I looked back at Antonio. "You know that Jared would hate this, right?"

Antonio raised his brows. "You would allow that to influence your decision about accepting such a position?"

"No. But I don't want to accept your offer and then later be told to go back home because Heir Boy had a tantrum."

"Jared may be my Heir, but I cast all final decisions on every matter. He knows this. He respects this."

The brindle Pit Bull Terrier laid his head on my lap and stared up at me with an almost pleading expression on his face. Don't worry, I don't think that the dog understood what was going on and was begging me to take up Antonio's offer. But I felt like it was a sign hopefully that sounds less psychotic.

(Jared) I had my a.s.s kicked. I had my a.s.s kicked by a Svente vampire. I had my a.s.s kicked by a woman. The guys would never let me live this down. Neither would my brother or Antonio. Neither would she if she had stayed. Sam. It suited her.

I had to laugh inwardly at myself: the whole thing was so weird. She had kicked my a.s.s, embarra.s.sed me in front of G.o.d knows how many people, and even called me a pretty girl...and all I'd wanted to do was grab her, kiss her and bite her.

Why couldn't she have come here to ask to be one of my consorts?! When I'd saw her at the pool I thought that might have been why she had come. Oh I'd have said yes. Who wouldn't have? There was that amazing body, that great accent, that husky voice. Even her smart-a.s.s att.i.tude was a turn-on. I wouldn't have cared if she was like the others; not interested in me, just wanting to be the Heir's' consort. If it was the power and authority that got the women rolling up their skirts then fine, whatever. Just as long as they rolled those skirts up whenever I told them to, all was good.

But she would never have done what I told her to. Never have bowed down. Never have batted her eyelids. She hadn't been impressed or intimidated by my authority. Sure, she wouldn't have known that I was the Heir. But she knew that I was a Commander, potentially her boss. Did she care? No. She kicked my a.s.s. All of that made her different. It made her interesting.

Nothing could have stopped me from offering for her to be another of my consorts. Nothing except for that look on her face when she realised I hadn't chosen her for the squad. Pure hatred. And, strangely, that had got to me. So did the idea that I wouldn't see her again. What had got to me even more was that it had felt so...I don't know, watch her go. Like I was watching something go that was mine.

Well, whatever. Maybe I was just h.o.r.n.y. I'd get Joy to see to me once I was done in the office. Or maybe Daniela. Or even Tammy. Or maybe even all of them. Only one thing stopped all that from being the turn-on that it should be: I could make it happen so easily.

I shrugged it all off as I teleported from the Squads' Quarters to my own personal office in the Command Centre. Kind of lazy that I was teleporting to the building next-door, but whatever. As I appeared at the bureau in my office, movement in my peripheral vision s.n.a.t.c.hed my attention. A weird feeling circulated through me when I turned my head to the left. It was a feeling that made me feel sickly and energized at the same time.

It was her.

She was sat on an oak bureau swinging her crossed legs slightly. A tiny part of my brain registered that the bureau was new, and liked how it was situated to my left so that the bureaus together formed an L' shape. The rest of my brain joined my body in being totally preoccupied with the sight of her. It was weird how good it was to just see her, especially since I hadn't expected to ever see her again. G.o.d she was too tempting. Like a trap. And I'd already stepped in it. With both feet.

She had her head tilted to the side as she returned my glare, but her expression was blank. I could guess why she was here. "Come to contest my decision?" I asked as I leant casually against the front of my bureau. "I thought you wouldn't want to work for a s.e.xist t.w.a.t."

"I earned a spot. And you know it. I suppose whipping you into place didn't do anything for my chances seen as you obviously have an ego as swollen as a horse's rigid d.i.c.k."

The laugh just burst out of me. "You're powerful, I'll give you that. But there's a lot more to being in the legion than being agile and gifted."

"Explain it to me."

I sighed. "Some of the things that the recruits will be required to do...Let's just say they're not for the faint-hearted. There's no s.p.a.ce for compa.s.sion or even guilt."

"So...because I'm a woman, I must be faint-hearted, compa.s.sionate and to guilt-trips?"

My smile widened a little. She couldn't have any idea how much her att.i.tude was making me want her right now.

"You know what, Commander Michaels" there was no respect in the t.i.tle, it was patronising, and I loved it "I would have thought that today might have at least taught you one thing; women might just be able to handle things better than what you give them credit for. You held blood to my lips" I'd wanted her to lick my finger badly "and I didn't even so much as twitch. You had me playing Tarzan in the forest with that giant ogre chasing me and I delivered on that task as well. Then you purposely left me 'til last for the third task so that I'd have to duel with you...and let's not b.u.t.ter up the fact that I put you on your backside."

"But those tasks are not nearly as bad as what tasks you get once you're in the legion. Some will keep you up at night. Stick with you forever."

Her eyes narrowed, she slowly slid off the desk with the smoothness of a snake and approached me in a predatory manner. With only a footstep between us, she spoke, "Well let me tell you something. I've done things in my time that would make the curly hairs in your pants go straight. Female or not, I reckon I've got bigger b.a.l.l.s than you have."

Her voice went even raspier when she was irritated and that just made me want her even more. I found myself wondering what it would be like to bury my fingers in that dark hair or claim her mouth. I didn't bother masking my desire for her. I let my eyes wander to her full lips. I let the red tint to my irises be prominent. Then I watched her face as she noticed. She didn't shrink away. Instead more defiance entered her expression as she shot me a not a chance' look. I strongly disagreed. A part of her wanted me, I could sense it.

"So, you want me to give you a trial-run in my squad?"

She tilted her head again. "No."

The office doors then opened and in strode Antonio, his bodyguards and Pit Bulls flanking him. The dogs, to my complete shock, trotted over to Sam, sniffing and nuzzling her. Antonio didn't seem surprised, which also shocked me.

"You have told him the news?" Antonio asked Sam.

"News?" I queried. Something told me that I wasn't going to like this. Mostly it was her smug expression.

"You will both be working together."

"We'll both be what?"

"I've offered Miss Parker -"

"For the gazillionth time will you just call me Sam?" she stressed.

Antonio smiled at her indulgently, like a father. What the h.e.l.l had been going on? "You've offered her...?" I prompted.

"The role of aiding you with training your squad to control their gifts."

"Isn't that great?" she said with fake enthusiasm.

Antonio looked as though he was stifling a chuckle. Great, the joke's on me. "You made this decision without first speaking to me," I said in a low voice, feeling overlooked.

He sighed. "Jared, you know that I hold you in the highest esteem. You know how valuable I consider you to be. You know that I trust in your capability -"

"But I'm apparently not capable enough."

"I have my reasons for needing the squad properly prepared without delay. I will be holding a meeting tomorrow during which all will be explained to you, Sam and the other commanders. What I will a.s.sure you of now is that my employing Sam is not a reflection on you or my faith in you."

"Yeah, right." That's when I walked out.

(Sam) "Well that went well," I said after Jared slammed the door shut behind him.

Antonio sighed. "After a little time alone with his thoughts he will be fine."

"I certainly hope he isn't."

"In the meantime, please acquaint yourself with your personal a.s.sistant."

"I have a personal a.s.sistant?"

"Fletcher has been Jared's a.s.sistant for the past three years, and now he is also yours. A fellow Brit, too. Fletcher?"

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Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 2 summary

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