Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 21

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I groaned and rolled my eyes. "I was Victor's for three years, what do you think?"

"I know, but that was when you were travelling in lower cla.s.s circles. This gathering will be full of the big boys, there's a certain standard they expect. Number one: you cannot leave my side without asking permission. Where I go, you follow. Number two: you don't speak to anyone unless they speak to you first. They'll speak about you to me, that's different. Unless they address you, you keep zipped. Number three: you don't argue with anything at all that I say. I know that goes against your very nature, but you have to be a good girl."

I groaned. "All that is going to kill me."

"I should warn you and your feisty little self now that you should expect them to speak about you. You're a Svente vampire. Me bringing a Svente as my consort is like the president taking his servant to a royal gathering."

"Oh really? Well I think you'll be very surprised by their response."

"In what way?"

"Just because Kejas and Pagoris rarely a.s.sociate with Sventes because of their prejudiced view that we're apparently more human than vampire, don't expect them to frown upon my presence. They'll be just as curious as you are about being having me bite them."

He gave me a doubtful look.

"Trust me. At least one will ask if you like to have exclusive rights to my saliva because they'll want a sample, you'll see."

His gaze was hot again, and the heat was contagious. My self-consciousness under his glare had long ago subsided as my desire grew. Those sensual lips and those masterful hands brought plenty of memories really good ones to the forefront of my mind. This was not good while he was so close.

"Can I claim those rights now?" He leant toward me. I took a step backwards but he took my wrist and tugged me lightly to him. Not up close to him. He was just stopping me from getting away.

I swallowed. "No, and you won't be claiming them tomorrow night either. You're going to promise me now that you won't try to take advantage of the situation that I have to do what you say."

His smile widened. "Don't worry, I won't. Know why? For the same reason that I'm not running my hands all over you right now. I'm not interested in doing anything to you that you don't first say you want me to do. When we have s.e.x and we will, Sam it won't be because I seduced you, it'll be because you've finally admitted that you want it. That's why I didn't want us to do anything last night. It wasn't really me you wanted, and you'd have just said afterwards that you weren't thinking straight at the time because of what had happened outside the bar."

I didn't argue. I would've done that. The truth was that last night I did want comfort. He gave it to me by holding me, but I'd wanted more. I'd wanted to know just how good he could make me feel. Once my head was clear I probably would have browbeat myself for s.h.a.gging a bloke who collected women like they were coupons.

He slowly brought his face to mine but didn't kiss me. The red rings of his irises were glowing. "Why do you fight it so hard, Sam?" His voice was no more than a throaty whisper.

"You know why," I whispered.

"I'll get rid of them. All of them. Just say the word and they're gone. You're all I want."

Taken aback, I studied his face searching for some indication that he was either joking or lying. But there was no deception or humour there, and I could sense nothing but honesty coming from him. "You'll get rid of your consorts? Just like that?" There was pure disbelief dripping from the words.

"Like I said, you're all I want." His voice was still deep and throaty, indicating a barely controlled hunger. "Not as a consort. You're worth more than that. I'll grant you it's greedy of me to have three, but just because I like to enjoy the advantages of being Heir doesn't mean I see women as objects or that I'm anything like your Sire was. If getting rid of them proves that to you then that's what I'll do."

I went to say something but the intensity of his gaze as he ran his knuckles down the column of my throat brought me up short. His gaze dropped to my lips which were dry and I was restraining from licking them in case he mistook that as a signal for him to kiss me.

"I'll get rid of them," he repeated.

"Oh, really?"

"You don't believe me."

"Of course not."

He smiled, brus.h.i.+ng his nose against mine. "Why?"

"What was it you said to me when we had that fight? That I should get on with my celibate lifestyle and you'd get on with s.h.a.gging your consorts?"

"I haven't slept with any one of them since before our fight. Doesn't seem any point when it's you I'm thinking about."

"While you're on a roll with lies would you care to tell me anymore?"

His gaze seized mine. Softly, he insisted, "I'm not lying."

I snorted. "You can't expect me to believe that. Joy comes to the office all the time talking about plans for you and her involving whipped cream and handcuffs and all that c.r.a.p."

His smile grew. "I knew you were listening."

I smiled back in spite of myself.

"Her version of seduction techniques. All were unsuccessful."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry but there's just no way I can believe that you haven't touched them for weeks because of me. And I definitely can't believe that you'd ditch them for a s.h.a.g, no matter how much you say you want me."

"Oh I don't want a s.h.a.g'." With his nose he skimmed the line of my jaw, making me shudder. "Once won't be enough. I want to do it over, and over, and over, and over again. And I intend to do a lot more to you than just that."

Great now I had a series of images circulating round my head that were dazing my brain with l.u.s.t. "I heard you don't s.h.a.g the same woman twice unless it's a consort."

"I don't."

"Yet you're saying over and over again'...?"

He softly ran the tip of his finger along my bottom lip which I very nearly flicked it with my tongue. "It's...different...with you," he finally said.

Close to overwhelmed by his closeness and teasing touches I swallowed so hard that I was surprised that I found my voice. "Different how?"

He seemed to be searching for words; confusion was splattered across his face. Eventually he shrugged one shoulder slightly. "It just is. I don't just want you, I need you. Crave you so bad that no one else even appeals to me."

The hint of desperation in his voice sent a s.h.i.+ver through my body. I might have thought these words were just designed to eat at my defences if I hadn't seen the truth in his eyes. But even as he stood here admitting something that I could see wasn't easy for him to do that he craved me so badly, he was sure to keep his touches light, simple, non-invasive. He had to see the effect he was having on me, had to be able to sense my arousal, and yet he wasn't leaping on that. He really wasn't going to until I gave in to him, I realised with a shock. Until he heard the words come from my mouth, he wouldn't act on what he wanted craved no matter how bad it was for him. How could I have ever thought that there was any similarity whatsoever between him and Victor? They were nothing alike. That old b.a.s.t.a.r.d had took what he wanted when he wanted, disregarding anyone else. Yeah Jared was arrogant and s.l.u.tty, but taking advantage of his position of Heir and accepting the offers of the women around him wasn't a crime and didn't make him anything like my Sire at all. But then I'd known that all along really, hadn't I? It was like Jared had said; it had just been so long since my body had responded to a bloke without being manipulated that I hadn't known how to deal with it. So what had I done? Slammed up a s.h.i.+eld and ran from it.

"You know how it'll feel, Sam."

I did know. I knew how his hands would feel on my skin. I knew how wildly he would kiss me. I knew how tight he would hold me. There would be that explosion of heat coursing through me, like fire. And if just having him kiss me and touch me would make me feel that, what would the rest be like? My c.l.i.t was throbbing just thinking about it. Oh G.o.d I really needed to step away from him. Right. Now.

Did my body move? No.

"I'll get rid of them, Sam. I told you I will, I meant it. All you have to do is admit that you want me." He brought his lips to mine and spoke against them, "Just admit it. Tell me you want me and I'll get rid of them."

Suddenly every single fibre of my being was sizzling with alertness and desire and antic.i.p.ation. Yeah, he was a sod and, yeah, he was s.e.xist and, yeah, he'd rejected me last night and, yeah, there were probably more reasons than that why I shouldn't want him. But at this point I'd had enough of fighting myself on this, enough of running away. All I wanted now was to feel that fire again. To have his hands on me again. To have him finish what he started weeks ago. My body was supportive of that idea. My body also sensed the but...Yes, there was a but. I just found it way too hard to believe that he would get ditch his consorts just to s.h.a.g me no matter how many times he was hoping to do it or how much he wanted me.

"Just tell me you want me, and I'll get rid of them," he repeated.

Cloaking my hypersensitivity to him, I smoothed out the collar of his jacket and spoke against his lips, "Get rid of them, and then I'll tell you I want you." He didn't tug me back to him this time when I stepped away. His smile hadn't fallen but frustration s.e.xual frustration, mostly filled his expression. And his pants.

There was also respect in his gaze; a gaze that was exploring my body again. Exploring it so closely that I was tingling all over. I wondered if I'd made him even worse by holding back. He seemed to appreciate a challenge more than most. "Alright," said Jared, smiling. No one should have a smile that s.e.xy. "You don't think I will, do you?"


He came toward me. "I can promise you that when I come for you tomorrow night to leave for Connelly's gathering I'll be consort-free...and ready to make you scream as soon as we get back from there."

"Oh is that right?" I giggled.

He nodded and then seized my eyes with a gaze so heated that it scorched my entire body. "And I can't wait to hear that husky voice you've got calling out my name."

"Sorry, I don't call out anyone's name. It's nothing personal."

His smile was now almost stretched from ear to ear. "You will for me. You will for me."

(Jared) In the interest of not having the people in the neighbouring apartments gossiping Sam liked her private business very private, she said I teleported her to her apartment so she didn't have to leave through the door. I was so close to just snagging a kiss before I left but I held everything I was feeling in reserve. I meant what I'd said just as seriously as I'd said it: I wanted her to admit that she wanted me before I touched her. Twice we'd kissed before and twice she had backed away full of excuses. This time there would be none, and no one would be backing away. I'd make sure of it.

And I'd make sure she called my name.

Before any of that was going to be possible, there was something I had to do first.

It was Daniela who answered the door when I went to the apartment. As usual, the inside was a mess: open tubs of nail varnish on the table, clothes hanging over the sofa, shoes here there and everywhere, empty NST bottles on almost every surface. All three of them were, in a word, slobs. They were so bad that the maid had gone on strike.

"Jared, hi," said Daniela, reaching out to me with those weirdly long acrylic nails. "I've missed you."

I avoided her touch and advanced further into the apartment. Joy and Tammy appeared from the kitchen within seconds, both glowing and ready to start their usual seduction techniques. I held up my hand as a signal to them to stop in their tracks. All three girls were now looking at me with confusion and wariness flas.h.i.+ng across their face, glancing briefly at each other. No matter how I phrased what I was about to say, their reactions would be the same. As such, I didn't see the point in creeping around the issue. "I'm relieving each of you of your consort position."

There was a brief moment of silence. Shock echoed within it.

"You don't want us anymore?" asked Daniela after a minute or so.

"What did we do?" Tammy was doing her hands on hips thing.

I glanced at the three of them as I explained, "My decision is not something that any of you should take personally, I -"

"You're replacing us," said Joy sharply. She had the look of someone who was considering how to do the perfect murder.

Tammy gasped and then shot Joy a scowl. "If he is, we all know who's to blame."

"Yeah," spat Daniela, glowering at Joy. "It's your fault for being so heavy on him all the time, following him around."

Joy's hands balled into fists. "I wasn't being heavy all the time'" oh she was "it's not my fault if I'm the favourite and he likes having me around."

None of this was unexpected. We'd been through something similar before when I almost added another consort. All of them suddenly became insecure and repeatedly asked what they had done wrong, if I was punis.h.i.+ng them. Daniela became whiny. Tammy became full of questions. Joy became snappy and couldn't let the issue go. Then they all turned on each other. With that in mind, I knew that this could go on all night long. Time to cut it short and rip the Band-Aid right off.

Before I could speak, Joy turned back to me and spoke, "Who're you replacing us with?"

"I don't need to explain myself to any of you. My decision has been made, that is all you need to know. You have a week to find alternative accommodation."

Ignoring their noises of protest, I proceeded to leave the apartment. I might have let them keep it if it weren't for the fact that it would look to others, more importantly to Sam, that I was still using them as consorts. I'd originally thought that since I'd had consorts so long it would be weird to suddenly have none. But it wasn't.

As I reached the door, there was a tug on the back of my s.h.i.+rt. I pivoted sharply, ready to reprimand the tugger. I hadn't expected to see the vision that was then in front of me.


My initial reaction was to hitch in a breath and insert warmth into my expression. But then reality quickly kicked in. I sighed, irritated. "Joy, what're you doing?"

"This is what you want, isn't it," she said bitterly.

"Joy, that's -"

"I can give you that. You don't need to make her your consort, you don't need to do all this, I can give you that."

"You have a week to get out," I repeated.

Before I could open the door she threw herself in front of me, still physically a perfect imitation of Sam, leaning back against the door. Her hands grabbed my t-s.h.i.+rt. "Jared, listen to me. I can give you what you want. If this is what you want to see, who you want to see, then this is what I'll do. And I'll be better than she is. You'll be able to see her in front of you like this but you won't have to deal with all the s.h.i.+t she pulls. I won't insist on being you're only consort. I won't talk down to you. I won't disrespect you. I won't fight you."

I sighed. "I know. That's why you'll never be her."

"So, what, you're saying it's not enough because you care about her?"

For a second my mind went blank, but then I deduced that of course I didn't. I couldn't. The only people I cared about were Evan and Antonio. I didn't do feelings when it came to women. I'd already been over all this once in my head before; just because I wanted her as much as I did, it didn't mean anything. It was just l.u.s.t on a very grand scale. A very, very grand scale. That was all it could be.

I removed Joy's hands from my s.h.i.+rt. "Have a bit of pride." And then I left.

Chapter Twelve.

(Sam) At eight-thirty in the evening exactly there was a knock on my apartment door. Wow, Jared had actually used the door rather than just teleporting in. He was obviously on his best behaviour. Imagine that. Full points for his punctuality.

Our eyes raked over each other as I opened the door. G.o.d there was no denying how gorgeous he looked in his designer pale blue s.h.i.+rt and designer black trousers such a simple combination and yet he looked edible. I suddenly felt underdressed even though I was wearing a blood-red c.o.c.ktail dress that was so thin and clingy it was more like an extra layer of skin. Somehow, though, it didn't look tarty or cheap. Fletcher had sorted my entire outfit. Three hours he had spent rallying around me asking me to try things on. Eventually he had settled on this dress, a pair of high-heeled strap-up red shoes, and a matching purse.

Jared did exactly what Fletcher said he would do. He flashed me the s.e.xiest, hungriest smile and sucked in a breath. "I'm so torn right now."


"As much as I know how important it is to go to this gathering at Connelly's, all I really want to do is push you back inside and ravish you. What to do..."

"What makes you think I'd let you ravish me?"

He settled his hands softly on my hips. "I held up to my side of the bargain, now it's your turn to deliver."

"You really got rid of them?" I hadn't actually been convinced that he would. Not just for me, just like that.

"I told you I would, didn't I?"

I pursed my lips. "Then maybe I'll let you ravish me after Connelly's gathering."

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Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 21 summary

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