Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 24

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"Hmmm?" she murmured through another kiss.

"Promise me you won't go back into that state of denial again." She seemed just as surprised to hear me say that as what I was to hear me say it. I decided that it should be another one of those things that I knew was important but didn't bother to try to understand. Whatever it was, it meant enough to me to voice it.

Her fingertips traced my cheek. "No more denial. It's too late for that now anyway."

This time when my lips came down to hers they moved fiercely and urgently. I then trailed my hands down to the backs of her thighs, raised her hips to mine and surged deep inside her.

Chapter Thirteen.

(Sam) Even though I wasn't one for sprawling all over the bed in my sleep and I usually curled up in a foetal position, I still like to have my s.p.a.ce. But when I woke up, I found myself nestled into Jared like a bird under the wing. I even had an arm draped over him. Usually I kept my arms huddling against my chest. Sure, I remember us getting into this position; Jared on his back with an arm curled round my waist, holding me to him as reverberations from more subsided. But how had I fallen asleep like this? And how had I actually slept the entire time like this?

I could try telling myself that I'd just been so wiped after such an eventful encounter with Jared he had the stamina of a Trojan. Or I could try writing it off as a result of my stomach being so tanked before I fell asleep I'd swallowed a decent amount of his blood in addition to some NSTs. I could even pin the blame on the bed it was without a doubt the comfiest bed in the world. But if I was honest, I would admit that the situation was nothing to do with any of those things, and everything to do with the fact that it was Jared who I was with.

But I'd never tell him that. Just like I'd never tell him that he was by far the best s.h.a.g I'd ever had; his ego was bad enough already. No one had ever touched me the way he had, hands exploring every part of me like he was learning and marking me. No one had ever been so intent on pleasuring me in every way possible or gotten so much satisfaction from that. And then there was the way that he had looked at every tiny flicker of emotion I felt was important. Sometimes something blazed in his eyes that I would have mistaken for possessiveness if it weren't for how certain I was that this was just about s.e.x for him.

G.o.d, I'd forgotten what real s.e.x was truly like. s.e.x with Victor didn't count as real as far as I was concerned. I, me, wasn't part of it. The desire he made me feel wasn't real. As such, I hadn't had an o.r.g.a.s.m in years. Jared and his teasing had me climaxing again and again. In truth, I'd loved the teasing just as much as I'd hated it. It was beyond my understanding how he managed to hold back for as long as he had that first time; the hunger had been so evident in his expression. In fact, I couldn't understand why he had felt the need to restrain himself at all. Yeah he'd said he wanted to drag it out, but I didn't get why that would matter to him. Then again, Jared didn't operate in the same way that everyone else did.

Like electrifying my c.l.i.t and G-spot, for instance...That just wasn't normal. But G.o.d it had felt so good. It had burnt and sizzled and sent shooting sensations through me that were the perfect balance of pleasure and pain. As if I hadn't already been on fire just by having him kiss and touch me! Over the edge I'd gone.

Never had I thought he would make me lose control enough to call his name. But taking into account everything he made me feel, how could I not have? I hadn't just called it out that one time either. Every single time he had been inside me, without fail, he'd reduced me to such a rapturous state that I would have called out anything he wanted. But after the first time I hadn't needed asking again anyway. He was just as smug about it every time.

The smugness was partly why I'd joked after our first round of s.e.x about it all being a mistake. I'd just wanted to bring him back down to Earth, but I really hadn't expected him to react so badly at the idea of it. Too many things about him I just didn't get. I got him, just not all of his reactions concerning me. I mean come on if Joy could have morphed into me at his leisure then it was a shock that he hadn't even tried it. Surely a girl-obsessed bloke wouldn't be so fussy and would prefer a collection of consorts to this casual s.h.a.g. I really hadn't, and still don't, know what to think of it. In a way, it had somehow managed to sound sweet, especially when he had said that he wanted every part of me. Shrug. Well, now that he'd finally gotten what he wanted his interest may have expired. It'd be a shame; we seemed to have this weird instinctive understanding of what the other liked and wanted, and it made us good together in bed, I mean. Just in bed. Honest.

Jared's perfect stillness and even breathing told me that he was still asleep. I'd happily have stayed here, but I was just so thirsty. Quietly and gently I freed myself from his hold and edged myself further and further along the bed. Finally reaching the end, I gently pushed myself up. I hadn't even taken a step before an arm curled around my waist and I was dragged backwards, colliding with a naked body.

Jared, his chest pressed against my back, nuzzled the crook of my neck. "Hey," he said a little sleepily. "Trying to escape before I woke up?"

"I might have done if you hadn't destroyed my clothes."

"They were in the way."

"So were yours," I said, amused, "but I didn't tear them."

"No, you just used them to get me all tangled while you made a run for it." He repeatedly kissed my neck only gently, but tingling still started between my thighs. I was sure that I had the most sensitive neck in history. "You. Taste. So. Good."

"Are we talking about my skin or my blood?"

A low chuckle tickled my ear. "Both. And I can think of some other parts of you I enjoy tasting. But none of that beats being inside you; I f.u.c.king love that." Then he proved that he meant it in earnest.

He proved it again when he teleported me to my apartment and joined me uninvited in the shower. Needless to say, that wasn't a problem. Then he proved it again in my bedroom once we'd dried off. See what I mean about the Trojan stamina? Little more than ten seconds after our final round, there was knocking on the front door. Considering that both of us were lying on the bed naked and panting it seemed reasonable to ignore the visitor. But the knocker was relentless.

Groaning, I got up and slipped into my white, silk robe which made Jared grin in a way that said he wouldn't mind s.h.a.gging me while I wore it. "I better get that, it might be Sebastian; him and Antonio probably want to know how last night went." Seeing that Jared was making no moves to leave, I pointed at him, "If you're staying then you stay in here. I don't want my business spread around."

"Anyone would think you were ashamed of me," he said light-heartedly, gently slapping my b.u.t.t as I was leaving the bedroom.

I flipped him the finger, scowling playfully at him. I was half-expecting the knocker to have gone by now, but they tapped on it again just before I reached it. Abruptly all the tingly feelings still running through me fell away as I opened the door; it was his pained expression that did it, he looked ashamed of himself like a dog walking with its tail between its legs. "Max," I said, surprised.

He smiled as he eyed my appearance, taking in my wet, dishevelled hair. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "Sorry, did I disturb your shower?"

"Er, yeah."

"Can I come in?"

Saying no would be wise, but then that would mean that pa.s.sers-by could do a little eavesdropping. I stepped aside and his smile grew as he entered. He looked good even in just his t-s.h.i.+rt and jeans like a model from a catalogue or something. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just had to know you were okay after having to go to that gathering last night. I know you can take care of yourself and everything but..."

"Well thanks, yeah I'm good. There was no trouble or anything."

"Good." After an uncomfortable pause he cleared his throat and began, "Listen, about what happened at the restaurant -"

"Max, it's fine."

"No, it's not. I was out of line, I had no right to question you about things that weren't any of my business. It's just...well you already know I like you. I guess I'm just hoping that I haven't messed up any chances I might have had by coming across all paranoid."

I sighed. "The thing is -" I stopped as his eyes moved from mine to over my shoulder and his expression darkened.

I turned my head to find Jared standing at the edge of the kitchen casually swigging an NST. At least he'd put his pants on. I rolled my eyes at him. I thought you might do that, I grumbled. I might not want Max the way I did Jared, but I had no interest in tormenting him.

Jared offered me an innocent smile and a small shrug of the shoulder.

Dreading Max's reaction, I slowly swerved my head back round. To my surprise he had pasted a fake smile on his face. "So it was that kind of night," he said something that Fletcher would have said in the exact playful tone that Fletcher would have used.

What could I possibly say? I wasn't going to deny it. I had no reason to other than that I felt sorry for Max but that wasn't a reason to lie to him and it would only insult his intelligence anyway. Acting as though I bought his smile and pretence, I smiled back. "Yep."

"Well I'd better go, got training in about twenty minutes. Although there's a possibility that my trainer" he nodded toward Jared "might be late." Again his tone was playful, empty of sourness. But I could detect the slight edge to it.

"See you later at the arena," I said as he let himself out. I then turned to Jared with a was that really necessary?' look on my face.

He shrugged again and came toward me. "I did warn him that I wouldn't stay away from you. Not my fault if he didn't listen."

"What happened to you staying in my room out of sight?"

"Max won't do any blabbering. Though he might blubber a little."

I slapped his upper arm as he reached me. "Must you be so mean?"

He slid his arms around my waist. "I just think it's better for him that he knows."

My eyes narrowed. "Or was this about you trying to mark territory that wasn't yours to mark?"

"No," he giggled.


"Alright. I don't want anyone kissing you" he kissed me softly "or touching you" he slid his hands up to my neck "the way that I do. Is that really that bad?"

And here I'd been thinking that maybe he was done with me after having his curiosity and horniness taken care of. "No, it's not bad. But the whole idea of casual s.e.x is that there aren't any strings attached'."

He sucked in a breath. "I think maybe we should get you a new handbook on casual s.e.x because you obviously haven't heard that there are special situations in which exclusivity can be brought into the mix."

"Ah but that would make me practically your consort, and we've been over this."

Jared inhaled heavily and made a hmmm sound as he released a breath. "Okay, fair enough. I'll just have to make sure you're permanently sated so that you don't have the time or energy for anyone else."

I smiled. "You're very welcome to try." He did try just once more before teleporting back to his apartment to get ready for his session with the squad. That was probably why I had a huge smile on my face as I left my own apartment and headed to the Command Centre.

Instantly Fletcher was on his feet, examining me from head to toe. Then he ushered me into my own office and an impish smirk broke free on his face. "You bonked Jared."

"Several times."

He giggled. "How was his performance?"

"You want me to resort to kiss and tell'? Let's just say he topped the rest by far."

"What happened to not wanting to be a consort? Not that I'm disapproving of you s.h.a.gging him or anything."

"I'm not Jared's consort...And nor is Joy, Daniela or Tammy."

Fletcher's brows flew up. "He dumped them?"


"b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l. So are you two seeing each other now then?"

"We're just two adults having fun."



Fletcher gave me a look that questioned my IQ level. "Sam, luv, a bloke like Jared doesn't change his lifestyle for fun'."

I shrugged. "Maybe I'm a lot of fun."

Perceiving Fletcher's theory that maybe Jared saw things a little more serious as totally idiotic, I didn't even consider it. Instead, I got out the recruits' files and made notes on their progress chart. I was confident that they could handle what I had planned for tonight. I was glad that Jared was having a meeting during lunch hour with Sherman because I seriously doubted he'd have got through that hour in our office without kissing or touching me and then I would've been one very h.o.r.n.y vampire coach at the arena.

When I arrived at the arena the entire squad was waiting and all were rearing to go. Apart from Max he wouldn't meet my eyes and couldn't have looked less enthusiastic. I might have felt sorry for him if he didn't look like a mutinous, sulky, pouty five year old. Instantly they formed a perfect line in front of me and concentrated on sucking in any excess energy.

"I'm impressed," I said as I reached the end of the line. "There wasn't even the slightest spark of energy leaking from any of you. I think that means you're ready for what I've got in mind. Chico, I want you to stand with Damien. Stuart, you stand with Denny. Butch, you're with David. Max, you stand with Harvey. And Salem, you're with Reuben. Now, take a look at who's beside you. This is who I'll be pairing you up with not just for now, but during the attack. I'd prefer not to have to separate you during an attack, but if it comes to that then pair up as you are now." Everyone nodded, except for one person.

"You expect me to pair up with Harvey?" griped Max. "You know me and him don't get along."

I stood directly in front of Slap-head. "I expect you to not be a w.a.n.ker and to push aside any negative feelings you have for who you're paired up with. Chico and Damien aren't the best of friends either. Do you hear them complaining?"

He spoke through his teeth. "You're doing this to p.i.s.s me off because of what happened the other night, aren't you? Just like you f.u.c.ked Jared to p.i.s.s me off."

The cheeky little b.u.g.g.e.r! I ignored the gasps coming from the others; they seemed more shocked by Slap-head's behaviour than what he'd divulged. "So you think my life revolves around you, do you? And here was me thinking it was Commander Michaels who had the ego problem." I spoke in a grave, cautioning voice as I continued, "Now you listen to me: Personal business has no place in this arena. If you want to make pathetic, sly remarks then you do so out of training time. Not now, not here. You don't waste my time or the time of the rest of the squad. You got that?"

Eventually Slap-head nodded.

Again I addressed the entire squad, who I noticed were looking at Slap-head with disgust. "As I was saying, I want you to pair up as you are now. Each of you have an excellent, powerful gift but some of those are more offensive than others. I've paired you up with people who'll complement your own gift. Salem, your punch can be deadly when your power is amplified so I've placed you with Reuben who can amplify it for you. Chico, although your thorns are great, they can be easily dodged. However if Damien is using his ability to astral project he can have them looking one way while you come up from behind. Stuart and Denny you can both travel together as mush and molecules, and hopefully get close enough for Stuart to distract the enemy so Denny can then use his ooze or other mimicry. David, once the enemy see how profound your gift is they will want to eliminate you fast. Butch, however, can s.h.i.+eld you both and negate any attacks away from you while you do your thing. Also, if Max can steal the senses of any vamps surrounding us they won't be prepared for Harvey's telekinesis." I looked at Max with the latter sentence, driving home the point of pairing him as I had.

I ushered them aside before strolling to the other end of the arena. "What I'd like you to do is revise in your mind the formations we practised. I'll just be a sec." Tapping into the energy of the element earth, I created several boulders and walls and a few ditches. "Now for the main part of today's training..." I opened the door to the arena and in strode Evan and his own squad of ten. Instantly my squad turned into a crowd of giddy kids. I gave them a look that told them to take this seriously. They each then straightened their posture and met the gazes of Evan's squad steadily.

"You sure they're ready for this, Coach?" asked Evan as he came to stand beside me.

"Only one way to find out." I stood between the squads, claiming their attention. "I want my squad on the North side, Commander Evan Michael's squad on the South. Invade each other's territory only if you dare. Your object is to annihilate the other squad. First, I want anyone with a deadly or severe gift to come forward so Reuben can weaken it; I don't want people unconscious or dead, but I'll expect that anyone who is struck by these severe gifts to subtract themselves from their squad just as they would have been had Reuben not weakened the effects of these gifts."

Once Reuben was done with that, one of Evan's squad asked, "Coach, will you be letting us know in advance who has what gift?"

"Will the vampires who attack The Hollow stop, smile and fairly announce what their gift is?" When he looked sheepish I nodded. "Then don't expect my squad to." Evan and I then went to stand in the spectators' box. Although during the attack we would be there to guide them, we had both agreed that it was best for them to learn not to depend too greatly on our presence. Listen to our orders, yeah, but depend on our guidance, no. So we decided to simply observe for today. I could see that Evan was confident his own squad would win but I didn't comment.

Just as they'd practiced, Damien, Max, Chico and Harvey covered the front boulder. Denny, Reuben and Stuart covered the boulders behind them, and then Salem, David and Butch covered the rear of the squad. Evan's squad looked as though they were hoping to make the first move but I'd learnt my lot not to give the enemy a chance.

First Damien astral projected around the first boulder of the enemy which served two purposes; firstly, he could distract the enemy; secondly, he could then inform Chico, Max and Harvey how many were hiding there. Taking advantage of the enemy's distraction, Harvey used his telekinesis to zoom Max to the boulder and he quickly stole the four members' senses. Chico used this opportunity to aim his thorns at them. Three other members of Evan's squad from behind a separate boulder aimed their gifts at Chico but soon they were eliminated when Stuart and Denny travelled as mush and molecules: Stuart distracted the vamps and Denny then oozed them while their backs were turned. Meanwhile Reuben had been hit by the enemy but not before having weakened some of them so their gifts were pretty useless.

The rest of the enemy there were only four left decided to spring forth and get rid of Max and Chico who were of the ultimate threat so far. They were successful, but sadly for them they hadn't known of David's and Salem's gift. While Butch s.h.i.+elded them both, David sent psionic booms and Salem used his psychic punches. At the same time Harvey was sending other members of Evan's squad cras.h.i.+ng into the walls.

Done and dusted: Evan's squad had been eliminated. There were still seven left of my squad. Evan and his entire squad looked equally stunned. My lot, of course, were looking rather smug and proud. And so was I. But we behaved like adults and didn't jump for joy...until Evan and his squad had left, of course. Then they begin basking in their own greatness and I somehow then ended up in the centre of a huddle while a very odd and c.r.a.p song was sung in my honour while they bounced around me. Max, however, didn't partic.i.p.ate. I pulled him aside as the others were leaving.

"You and me need to have a little chat if this is how you're going to behave," I told him.

He shrugged. "What's there to chat about?"

"You're acting like a jilted, betrayed boyfriend and, worse still, you're acting it in the arena. For G.o.d's sake, Max, The Hollow's going to be attacked soon."

"Yeah, and I'll be ready. It doesn't mean I have to respect your a.s.s."

I placed my face close to his. "Actually, it means exactly that. Not only do you need to respect me, you need to listen to me and follow instructions. And not just mine, but Commander Michaels' as well. If I can't trust you to do that then, I swear, I'll leave you behind."

He snickered. "Oh you will?"

"Oh I will. So here's what you're going to do. You're going to take fifteen minutes and then you're going to come to my office. After I've been to see Commander Norton I'll go there for your answer about whether or not you're going to get your act together. If you don't come, I'll take that as a no'."

Predictably, he stormed off.

(Jared) A smile dripping with pride surfaced on my face when I caught up with Evan to tell him about the meeting that was on shortly for the commanders only to be told that mine and Sam's squad had kicked the a.s.s of Evan's. As much as I hated to admit it and I really, really hated to admit it I had been totally wrong. Sam had been indispensible to having the squad in tip-top shape. I doubted I'd ever admit it aloud but stranger things had happened.

"You're not trying to tell me it's the squad who deserves the glory, not her," observed Evan.

I just shrugged. Yep, I was right: I couldn't admit my mistake aloud.

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Here Be Sexist Vampires Part 24 summary

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