Dark Tort Part 24

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You know, I think she loved Mr. Ogden.

You know...

How was she keeping that rope so tight? I wondered even as I felt my consciousness bleeding away. She must have had some kind of knot on it. She was holding the rope with both hands and pulling hard. Was there any way I could get her to lighten up on her grip? My mind groped for answers, but my ability to think was fading, fading...

Julian had said, She thought Mr. Ogden would leave his wife, but he didn't...

Dusty had written in her journal, "I'm afraid this is another Mr. O."

Wait, I thought when we reached where the ground sloped down toward the lake. If I push mightily toward one side, that could create slack in the rope. Then I could try to slip away, call for help...

I stopped stumbling and leaped sideways. The rope went slack for a nanosecond. I managed to take a gasping breath, that was all, not make a cry for someone, anyone, to come to my aid...

You know I think she loved Mr. Ogden...

"Goldy?" a faraway voice called. Was it my mother, calling to me, beckoning me to the grave? "Goldy?"

And then there was a sudden loosening of the rope, and a thud. Nora cried out and broke away from me. There was another thwacking noise, and Nora shrieked and ran toward the lake. Hacking and coughing as my lungs remembered how to work, I looked in the direction of the Roundhouse. I saw a bird, a ball, a rock, what was it? And why was it sailing toward me?

Actually, it was headed for Nora, who was almost to the path that circled the lake. But the third toss of a baseball-size rock from star senior-softball pitcher Meg Blatchford landed just where the first two had been aimed: on the head of Nora Ellis. She collapsed to the ground and didn't move.

Julian called the police.


Why did she do it? For one of the oldest reasons: jealousy. And Nora Ellis wasn't just envious of Dusty, although she certainly was that. She despised what Dusty could do to her, to Nora.

Dusty had been fifteen years younger than Donald; she'd been wonderfully pretty and optimistic; she'd hero-wors.h.i.+ped him, even though he was an a.s.sociate with no money of his own. Still, Dusty had adored Donald, and he, in turn, reveled in her infatuation. Donald wanted to change his whole life, to have more of Dusty's love. And Nora couldn't stand for that.

Because Nora had also been jealous of her place in the community. She didn't want to divorce Donald because she wanted to be married to him, to be an attorney's wife, even one for whom she'd have to bring business, to ensure he made partner. And of course, there was that twenty million. She had loved Donald so much, she had insisted her inheritance be made marital property. Later, Nora told the police what I already knew: that she'd made it jointly theirs to show Donald how much she loved him. The downside to that was if Donald divorced her, which he certainly was prepared to do, he'd be taking half of that dough with him.

Which, in Nora's mind, was all the more reason to be rid of Dusty.

But why did she have to run down defenseless Althea Mannheim? I kept wondering. Nora has now hired a criminal defense attorney, who has told her to keep her mouth shut, so I don't know the answer. But I can imagine. Because Uriah Sutherland had seen Althea at Charlie Baker's last show at the gallery. Uriah had watched Althea talk with a suddenly anxious Charlie Baker. And he'd been able to guess that the conversation involved Uriah's stealing Althea's family's paten and chalice.

Now Uriah has told the police that of course he informed Nora of why Althea was at the gallery. Uriah said he'd guessed why Althea was so urgently talking to Charlie. In fact, Uriah had told Nora all this right there at the reception. He didn't know Nora was going to run Althea over, he told the police, how could he?

So: at that same reception, when Uriah told Nora what Charlie Baker was just now learning, Nora saw Althea Mannheim as potentially spoiling her life. Because if Althea had succeeded in telling Charlie Baker about Uriah's stealing, then she might tell the world. Then forget the Mountain Pastoral Center: n.o.body would hire Uriah. Nora would be taking care of her insufferable, thieving father for the rest of her days. The way she saw it, she had to get rid of Althea.

And she had to get rid of Charlie Baker, too. Because once Charlie Baker learned the truth about Uriah, he would inevitably change his will, which was precisely what he had tried to do. And if he changed his will, everyone would learn why he'd changed his will. Once again, Nora would be stuck with Uriah and be socially embarra.s.sed in the community. So she paid Charlie Baker a visit. Everyone in town knew Nora had scads of money. Had she pretended to be interested in buying a couple of his paintings, to get him up to his studio? It would have been easy to push the frail, cancer-ridden Charlie down the stairs, a fall that would be sure to kill him.

Two other people had known that Charlie Baker was changing his will: Dusty Routt and Richard Chenault. Richard did admit to the police that Charlie had a new will drawn up that he'd never had the chance to sign and validate. He said he hadn't tied Charlie's desire for a new will to his death the next night. It had been none of his business, he told the cops. What he didn't tell law enforcement was that Charlie's sudden death gave Richard the idea to lift some of the paintings in Charlie's house and create a fraudulent inventory to cover his theft.

For that is what he did. The dual inventories that Dusty kept, plus her journal, helped to prove that. "I am going to FIND OUT," she'd written. And where had Richard hidden the paintings? Why, in Donald Ellis's mess of an office, that's where. People who work on oil and gas leases have to have those large, long, map-size drawers, the same ones Dusty had complained about in her journal.

Imagine Donald's surprise, the morning after his wife was arrested, when he opened a drawer to check a map of the Wyoming gas fields Dusty had grumbled about not being able to find. Instead, almost three dozen unfinished paintings of Wedding Cake, Sponge Cake, and Cherry Coffeecake all spilled out. Unlike Louise Upton, when Donald Ellis discovered stolen goods, he reported them to the police. And right away, too. He didn't even touch the paintings, he just left them on top of the mountain range of paper already decorating his floor.

Investigators took fingerprints from the paintings, and some matched those of Richard Chenault. With that evidence plus the dual inventories, the cops had plenty of evidence to arrest Richard Chenault for felony theft. He'd also sold stolen property: Nora Ellis was only too happy to finger Richard for stiffing her for forty thou, which was what he'd charged her for the unfinished Charlie Baker painting of Journey Cake. Betraying a client's trust, felony theft from an estate, and selling stolen property: very dark torts, indeed.

But why had Richard stolen from dear, deceased Charlie Baker? Well, Richard was jealous, too. Jealous of all the things-cars, houses, vacations, women-his a.s.sociate Donald had been able to have. Donald even had a wealthy, stay-at-home wife, which Richard had not had. No, Richard had been married to K.D., a successful professional woman who couldn't abide his infidelity. I treasured K.D., whose care for a dying woman had led to the exposure of Uriah's thievery and the motive behind the killing of Charlie Baker.

I'd always suspected the cops didn't have their man, or woman, as the case was, when they arrested Louise Upton. As it turned out, Dusty had been wearing the bracelet the night she died. It had been an early birthday present, Donald Ellis told the cops later, because opals were the birthstone for October. Donald had given Dusty the bracelet because he really did want to marry her, and he'd wanted her to know the level of his commitment. Maybe the bracelet, Donald's divorce, and their desire to marry had been what Dusty had wanted to tell me that last, fateful night. But never mind all that, the cops said, because the important thing was that Nora had ripped the bracelet off Dusty's wrist, once she was dead.

I felt sorry for Wink Calhoun, because after Nora was apprehended, Wink's conscience went into overtime. In one of their oh-so-friendly squash games, Nora had asked Wink if anyone in the firm was in dire financial straits. Wink had confided that Louise Upton needed money, and how. This was the data Nora had been seeking. Unfortunately, Wink then had taken the enormous guilt leap that this knowledge had helped Nora conceive her plan to kill Dusty, and blame Louise in her place. But I told Wink no. No: it had been Donald's desire to get out of his marriage that had made Nora kill Wink's dear friend.

So: Nora had been aware that Louise Upton was strapped for money. This was why Nora had hired Louise to "help" with the party at her house. Once Louise was inside the house, Nora had easily dropped the opal-and-diamond bracelet through a slightly open window into Louise's car. Louise, thinking a wealthy guest had lost the obviously valuable piece of jewelry, had tried to p.a.w.n the thing that very day. Also, when Nora was supposedly out running a few errands, and Louise was safe at the Ellises' house setting up for the party, Nora had zipped over to Louise's townhouse complex and left the sledgehammer she'd used on Dusty's Civic in Louise's Dumpster.

But Louise wouldn't, couldn't, have killed Dusty. She might have been envious of the young, perky paralegal-to-be, but she was too protective of H&J to have its image sullied with a murder. Meanwhile, she's planning on suing the cops for false arrest.

Perhaps most inscrutable in all this was Donald Ellis. Who was he? He'd had affairs with both Wink and then Dusty, young women who had adored him. And maybe that was what he had been jealous for: adoration. Dusty had had no material goods, and had wors.h.i.+ped Donald because he represented what she was pa.s.sionate about: the law, or maybe just being attached to a rich lawyer. He loved her, he said. That's why they'd made love every lunch hour, with him hidden inside Dusty's car as she drove it into Charlie Baker's garage.

I wondered. Dusty, judging from her journal, had only wanted to learn about the law, and to be in love. Donald, on the other hand, had wanted a new wife. And his note to his neighbor, divorce lawyer Michael Radford, had sealed Dusty's fate. Nora Ellis had known about Dusty the way she had known about Wink; she'd just looked the other way. But then she'd sketched over a pad to find a note Donald had written to a premier divorce attorney. Facing a divorce and losing half of her inheritance-well, Nora just couldn't have that.

And now, ironically, Donald was getting just what he wanted. First, freedom from Richard and his envy and criticism. And he was getting, finally, freedom from Nora, whom he was divorcing, against whom he was testifying, and whose money he now had to spend. But he wasn't getting just what he wanted. He hadn't gotten Dusty.

The cops never did find Jason Gurdley, the fellow who tried to mow down Vic. Vic is doing better now, and we have him over to dinner sometimes. At least, he's doing a lot better than when he almost was killed holding Dusty's computer. In any event, I was certain that Nora had hired Gurdley to watch the Routts' and later our house. When Vic came out of the Routts' house with a computer, Gurdley had decided to play it better safe than sorry, and attempted to destroy the computer.

Gurdley also could have tried to sideswipe K.D.'s car, since Nora might have worried that K.D. knew something about Uriah, based on her reaction to meeting him at the birthday party. K.D. returned from her hideout in Santa Fe, shocked to learn that what she'd suspected about the bishop had turned out to be true-and that her own husband was also a thief. On the bright side, she no longer has to fight with Richard over the divorce, and seems ready finally to get on with her life. She moved out of the house in Flicker Ridge and into a gorgeous townhouse right near Southwest Hospital.

As for Nora Ellis...she was indeed that very wealthy lady who'd wanted, as Julian had characterized her, "the best-quality stuff, but only at a steep discount." Facing grand larceny charges, Richard Chenault is now working on a plea bargain that begins with him sharing information. The first thing he told Detective Britt was that Nora Ellis had wanted to buy a Charlie Baker painting for Donald's birthday present. Nora had asked Richard if he could "help her out," as she put it. Since Richard had stolen a number of Charlie's paintings, he'd sold Nora the one for Journey Cake at a huge discount. Nora, gleeful, hadn't questioned the price, nor had she questioned the recipe, which had been one of the ways that this whole puzzle concerning Dusty's murder had unraveled.

Well. As things stand now, Nora Ellis is going to be tried for three murders: those of Althea Mannheim, Charlie Baker, and Dusty Routt. In Colorado, she faces the death penalty.

The funeral for Dusty Routt was a somber, stunning affair, with Father Pete presiding. Several of Dusty's former cla.s.smates at both Elk Park Prep and the Mile-High Paralegal Inst.i.tute gave testimonials describing their fun-loving, hardworking friend. Sally was able to pull herself out of her funk to attend; Marla had bought her a new black dress to wear, and arranged for a hairdresser to visit the Routt home prior to the service. The church was filled to overflowing, and Sally, who'd felt stigmatized for so long as a "welfare person," appeared both gratified and overwhelmed. Julian and I provided the post-liturgy refreshments, and as is often the case with these things, the food seemed to set the mourners off on a renewed path to life.

Meg Blatchford came, and spoke movingly about what Dusty had provided for all of us: a view of zest, ambition, kindness. We all thanked her afterward. I also told her that she was my new hero, since she'd saved me from being strangled by Nora Ellis. Meg said, "Aw, it was nothing." I said, "Yeah, right, Sandy Koufax," which was a compliment with a historical context she could appreciate. She beamed, and invited our whole family to visit her at her Scottsdale home. She's already packed up her place in Aspen Meadow and headed to Arizona with Grace Mannheim. After all, the winter season for senior softball is about to get under way.

Julian is doing well. After Dusty's funeral, he went back to Boulder, where he's begun working again at the bistro. I talked to him yesterday. He said, "Life is so much less eventful here than it is in Aspen Meadow. I may have to come over to that nice, quiet mountain town, just so I can inject some excitement into my life."

To which Tom said, "Nice and quiet we're not. But come anyway."

Tom is better than ever. He's back down at the department, working a big forgery case. When I asked him to tell me about it, he refused.

I'm not working at H&J anymore. For my part, I'm a little jealous, too: but only for peace and quiet. We'll see if I actually get it. But in the meantime, our extended family has grown to include Sally, John, and Colin Routt at big biweekly dinners. Tonight Gus is spending the night with Arch, and the two of them have vowed to teach Colin how to throw a Frisbee. For dessert, we're having the carrot cake that was meant to be Dusty's birthday cake, and will toast her memory. Tom, bless his heart, had thought to wrap it up and freeze it. My dear husband is also making us gnocchi in veal sauce.

I can't wait.

Recipes in Dark Tort 1. Dark Torte 2. Chicky Bread 3. Prosciutto Bites 4. Tom's Savory Sausage Ca.s.serole 5. Asparagus Quiche 6. Chicken Piccata Supreme 7. All-American Deep-Dish Apple Pie 8. Strong-Arm Cookies 9. Chocolate Lovers' Dipped Fruits 10. Blue Cheesecake 11. Journey Cake with Hard Sauce Dark Torte 6 large eggs, separated 1 cup granulated sugar, divided 1 cups ground zwieback crumbs (1 six-ounce box) 1 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon ground cinnamon teaspoon ground cloves (high alt.i.tude: 1 tablespoon cake flour) 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup finely chopped pecans Sherry Syrup (recipe below) Whipped Cream Topping (recipe below) Preheat the oven to 375F. b.u.t.ter two 9-inch cake pans. b.u.t.ter two cooling racks.

In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks until they are light and lemon-colored. Remove 2 tablespoons of sugar from the cup of sugar and set aside. Gradually beat the rest of the sugar (1 cup minus 2 tablespoons) into the egg yolks. In another large bowl, combine the crumbs, baking powder, cinnamon, and cloves (and flour if cooking at high alt.i.tude), stirring to combine well. Stir this mixture into the egg-yolk mixture (batter will be very stiff). Set aside.

In a large bowl, using a wire whip or whip attachment, beat the egg whites until they are foamy. Add the salt and cream of tartar, and continue beating until stiff. Gradually beat in the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Fold 1/3 of the egg-white mixture into the egg-yolk mixture. Fold in half of the nuts. Fold in another 1/3 of the egg-white mixture; then fold in the last of the nuts. Fold in the final 1/3 of the egg-white mixture until there are no traces of white in the batter. Spread the batter evenly into the prepared pans.

Bake in the center of the oven for 15 to 25 minutes, until the layers have browned slightly, toothpicks inserted in the center come out clean, and the layers have begun to shrink from the sides of the pans.

Cool the layers for 5 minutes in their pans. Place a large piece of aluminum foil underneath the b.u.t.tered racks and fold it up all the way around so as to catch the syrup. Turn the layers out onto the separate b.u.t.tered cake racks. Allow the layers to cool while you make the Sherry Syrup.

Using a skewer or ice pick, evenly poke holes all over the tops of the layers. (Take care not to poke the holes all the way through the cake. The holes should go down about of the way through the layers.) Carefully and slowly pour the hot Sherry Syrup evenly over the layers, until it is all gone.

When the layers are cool, make the Whipped Cream Topping. Discard the foil and carefully turn the first layer onto a cake plate. Spread a thick layer of Whipped Cream Topping over this layer. Then top with the second layer. Spread the rest of the topping on the top and sides of the torte.

The torte may be served immediately or it may be chilled. Leftovers must be kept in the refrigerator.


Sherry Syrup 2 cups granulated sugar 2 cups spring water cup dry sherry Combine the sugar and water in a wide, heavy-bottomed saute pan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, and allow the mixture to boil until it reaches the soft-ball stage (234 to 240F). (Use a candy thermometer to ensure the proper stage has been reached.) Remove the pan from the heat. Using a wooden spoon, carefully and slowly swirl in the sherry. When the mixture is well combined, pour over the torte layers.

Whipped Cream Topping 1 tablespoon springwater 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin powder 2 cups (1 pint) heavy whipping cream, well chilled 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar Pour the water and vanilla into a small saucepan. Sprinkle the gelatin powder over the surface of the liquid, and allow the gelatin to soften for 2 minutes. Turn the heat on under the pan to medium low. Swirling the mixture frequently, cook the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Keep the heat on very low to maintain the liquid gelatin mixture.

Pour the cream into a large mixer bowl. Using a wire whip or a whip attachment, beat the cream until it forms soft peaks. Beat in the sugar and whip until stiff peaks form.

With the beater running, pour the liquid gelatin mixture into the cream until completely combined. Turn off the beater, the blades, and immediately spread the whipped cream topping between the layers and on top of the torte.

Chicky Bread 12/3 cups chickpeas (garbanzo beans) (contents of one 15-ounce can) cup plus 1 tablespoon, divided cup lukewarm springwater 1 tablespoon active dry yeast 1 tablespoon bread-dough enhancer (recommended brand: Lora Brody's, available at Williams-Sonoma) 2 cups bread flour, or all-purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons salt 1/3 cup rolled oats 2/3 cup springwater cup nonfat dry milk cup safflower oil 1 large egg, beaten Drain the chickpeas, rinse them, and pat them dry. Pour them into a blender along with cup of the Blend until the mixture is smooth (no chickpeas visible). Measure out 1 cup of this mixture; discard remainder.

Mix 1 tablespoon into the cup lukewarm springwater and sprinkle the yeast on top. Let this sit for 3 to 5 minutes, until the yeast is completely moistened. Stir the yeast into the water and place in a warm spot for 10 minutes, allowing the yeast to proof.

Mix the bread-dough enhancer into the bread (or all-purpose) flour and whole wheat flour. Place these ingredients into a bread machine, followed by the salt, oats, 2/3 cup springwater, nonfat dry milk, safflower oil, and egg. Pour the yeast in on top. Program for white bread (approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes) and press start.

After the first few minutes of mixing, lift the lid of the machine and check that the dough is neither too sticky and wet nor so dry that it cannot incorporate all the ingredients. If the mixture looks too wet, add up to 2 more tablespoons of bread flour. If the mixture looks dry, add up to 2 tablespoons of springwater. Use a large spatula, if necessary, to gently coax all the ingredients together as the blade continues to mix the ingredients. (Do not touch the blade.) What you are aiming for here is a smooth, supple dough that holds together and that the blade of the machine can knead easily. Once a smooth, supple dough is obtained, close the lid of the bread machine and let the bread-making process continue.

Once the bread is done, remove it from the machine and allow it to cool on a rack before slicing.


Prosciutto Bites 4 medium-size b.u.t.ter croissants (see note) cup best-quality plum preserves, strained, with plums reserved 6 slices prosciutto cup goat cheese (or cream cheese) Preheat the oven to 375F.

Carefully slice the croissants lengthwise. Place the 8 croissant halves on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Spread each croissant half with 4 teaspoons of the strained preserves, spreading just to the edge.

Slice the reserved plums into fourths. Evenly divide them between the croissant halves, placing the plum slices at regular intervals on top of the preserves.

Trim the fat from the prosciutto slices. Place the prosciutto slices over the preserves and plums. Trim any overhang and place on top of the preserves. (Each croissant half will need about slice of prosciutto.) Chop and crumble the goat cheese (or cream cheese) into teaspoon portions. Evenly dot the prosciutto with the cheese.

Bake for about 10 minutes, or until the cheese is just beginning to brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for at least 5 minutes. Using tongs, carefully place each croissant half onto a cutting board. Using a sharp serrated knife, cut each croissant half into four "bites." (Alternatively, you may serve each croissant half as an appetizer, or two croissant halves for breakfast or a light lunch.) MAKES 32 SMALL SERVINGS ("BITES") Note: Croissants now come in three sizes: large, medium, and small, or "c.o.c.ktail." This recipe is tailored for the medium-size croissants. However, if you can only get large or c.o.c.ktail-size croissants, merely adjust the proportions as necessary, making sure that the preserves are thinly spread to the edge of each croissant half, that the preserve layer is completely covered with a single thin layer of prosciutto, and that each prosciutto layer is well dotted with cheese.

Tom's Savory Sausage Ca.s.serole 1 pound new potatoes 8 ounces mushrooms, minced 2 tablespoons unsalted b.u.t.ter 1 cups minced onions 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley 1 pound Italian sausage, hot or mild, casings removed 3 large eggs 1 cups half-and-half 1 cup grated Gruyere cheese Preheat the oven to 350F. b.u.t.ter a 9-by 13-inch pan.

Bring a large quant.i.ty of water to boil and cook the new potatoes until they are just done, about 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the potatoes and set them aside to cool before slicing.

Using a clean cloth dishtowel that may be stained, squeeze the mushrooms by small handfuls to remove all excess liquid. When all the mushrooms have been rendered almost dry, set them aside.

Using a wide saute pan, melt the b.u.t.ter over low heat. Still keeping the heat low, cook the mushrooms and onions until the onions are translucent. Remove the mushrooms and onions from the pan and put them into a heatproof bowl. Stir in the chopped parsley and set aside. Using the same pan, raise the heat to medium low and cook the sausage until it is brown. Turn off the heat and set aside.

Slice the cooled potatoes into -inch slices. Place them in the bottom of the prepared pan. Distribute the mushroom mixture over the potatoes. Evenly distribute the sausage over the mushroom layer. Set aside.

In the large bowl of an electric mixer, beat the eggs with the half-and-half over low speed until the mixture is smooth, about 3 to 5 minutes. Pour this mixture over the ingredients in the baking dish. Sprinkle the cheese on top.

Bake for 35 to 45 minutes, until the top is golden brown and the egg mixture has set in the middle. Serve immediately.


Asparagus Quiche 8 ounces asparagus, washed, trimmed of all hard, tough stalks, and cut into 1-inch lengths 4 large eggs cup whipping cream 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or more, if desired) teaspoon paprika 1 cup small-curd cottage cheese 1 cup grated Gruyere cheese cup grated imported Parmesan cheese Preheat the oven to 350F. b.u.t.ter a 9-inch pie plate.

Using a small saute pan that has a cover, heat about half a cup of water just to boiling. Pour in the sliced asparagus, cover, and turn off the heat. Allow the asparagus to steam, with the heat turned off, while you prepare the other ingredients.

In the large bowl of an electric mixer, beat the eggs on medium speed until they are very well blended. Blend in the cream, mustard, salt, pepper, and paprika until well combined. Using a heavy wooden spoon, stir in the cheeses, stirring until well combined.

Drain the asparagus (it should still be bright green, with a tender, slightly crunchy texture). Put it into the bottom of the prepared dish. Pour the egg mixture over the asparagus, and place the quiche into the oven.

Bake for about 35 to 40 minutes, or until the quiche has puffed and browned, and is set in the center. Allow to cool 5 minutes before slicing.

Note: Since this is a crustless quiche, it should be served with rolls or other bread.


Chicken Piccata Supreme 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, pounded thin between pieces of plastic wrap cup all-purpose flour (you will not use all of this-it is for dusting the chicken) teaspoon salt teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 2 teaspoons freshly pressed garlic cup scallions, finely chopped 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice cup dry white wine 6 tablespoons ( stick) unsalted b.u.t.ter Dredge the pounded chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s in a mixture of the flour, salt, and pepper. Set aside.

Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large saute pan over medium-high heat. When the oil s.h.i.+mmers, put in two of the chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s and saute for about 1 minutes per side, until the outside is nicely browned but the interior of the chicken is still very slightly pink. Remove the pieces to a plate and repeat with the other two chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Set aside.

Turn the heat under the saute pan to low and add the last tablespoon of oil and the garlic. Cook the garlic very gently for several minutes, until it is very soft and cooked through. Do not burn the garlic.

Add the scallions, juice, white wine, and b.u.t.ter to the pan. Bring the heat up to medium, stirring constantly. Once the b.u.t.ter is melted, continue to cook and stir for a minute or a bit longer, until the sauce has reduced slightly. Keeping the heat up, return the chicken to the pan, and cook and stir until the chicken has just cooked through (check by cutting into one piece), about 2 or 3 more minutes.

Place the chicken on a heated serving platter. Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve immediately.


All-American Deep-Dish Apple Pie CRUST:.

1 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons confectioners' sugar teaspoon salt 12 tablespoons (1 sticks) chilled unsalted b.u.t.ter, cut into 1-tablespoon pieces and chilled 3 tablespoons chilled lard or vegetable shortening, cut into 1-tablespoon pieces and chilled cup plus 1 to 2 tablespoons ice water 1 egg, lightly beaten In a large bowl (or in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade), whisk together the flour, sugar, and salt for 10 seconds.

Drop the first 4 tablespoons of chilled b.u.t.ter on top of the flour mixture, and cut in with two sharp knives (or pulse in the food processor) just until the mixture looks like tiny crumbs. (In the food processor, this will take less than a minute.) Repeat with the rest of the b.u.t.ter and the lard (or vegetable shortening), keeping the unused portion of each fat well chilled until it is time to cut it into the flour. The mixture will look like large crumbs when you finish adding all the b.u.t.ter and lard.

Sprinkle the water over the top of the mixture, and either mix with a spoon or pulse until the mixture just begins to hold together in clumps. If the mixture is too dry to hold together in clumps, add the additional water until it does. Place the mixture into a 2-gallon zipped plastic bag. Pressing very lightly through the plastic, quickly gather the mixture into a rough circle in the center of the bag. Refrigerate the bag of dough until it is thoroughly chilled.

When you are ready to make the pie, preheat the oven to 400F. Have a rimmed cookie sheet ready to place underneath the pie.

Remove the bag of dough from the refrigerator. Unzip the bag, then quickly roll out the dough (still inside the bag) to a circle approximately 10 inches in diameter. Using scissors, cut the plastic all the way around the bag and gently lift one side of the plastic. Place the bag, dough side down, into a 9-inch deep-dish pie plate. Gently remove the remaining piece of plastic so that the dough falls into the plate. Trim and flute the edge of the crust. Gently line the crust with parchment paper and weigh down the crust with rice, beans, or pie weights.

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Dark Tort Part 24 summary

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