The Italian's Rightful Bride Part 15

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'So he kept well clear,' Joanna finished.

Freddy laughed. 'Wise man. Where is he, then? Not still in Italy on that dig he told me about?'

'Yes. I'm going back there tomorrow.'

'So when can I see him? I miss him like the devil, Jo.'

'Come and visit him at Montegiano. I'm sure Gustavo won't mind, and Billy will be thrilled.'

'Thanks,' he said, as eager as a boy himself. 'Now come and talk to me. We've got a lot of catching-up to do.'

She acquiesced, chiefly for Billy's sake. She would rather have been with Gustavo, but that was ruined for the moment. Once broken, the spell could not be recaptured tonight. But there would be another time, she promised herself. And soon.

In the meantime, she made the best of it and found, yet again, that, if you weren't married to him, Freddy was great company. They spent a couple of happy hours discussing Billy, and finished the evening on the dance floor.

'What time do you have to go?' she asked as the lights began to fade, and the band packed up.

'Go?' Freddy asked innocently.

'You said you were only here for a few hours.'

'Ah, yes, so I did.'

'I see,' she said with a resigned sigh.

'I only came on the off-chance because I heard you were going to be here at the last minute. I thought Billy might be with you, or, at any rate, that we could have a good talk. Which we did.'

'But why didn't you just call me and ask about Billy?'

'Ah, well...' He became mysteriously awkward. 'There was another reason but-let's leave that for the moment.'

'All right. Do you have somewhere to sleep?'

'Yes, they're letting me have the groom's bed, since he's gone now.'

'Fine, then I'll see you in the morning.'

She kissed his cheek and went in search of Gustavo. But there was no sign of him, and someone told her that he'd gone to bed.

On the day after the wedding Gustavo was down early, hoping to catch Joanna alone. There was no sign of her in the breakfast room, where a buffet meal was laid out, so he poured himself a coffee and went to look out of the window.

The next moment he drew back out of sight. In the distance he'd seen Joanna and Freddy wandering beneath the trees, deep in conversation. It was too far for him to tell what they were saying, but their heads were close and they seemed at ease with one another.

Gustavo risked one more look and saw that they were heading towards the house. He went to the table where the food was laid out and tried to help himself to something, but all he could hear was the echo of Freddy saying, 'I'm only here for this evening.'

Something had happened to change his mind. Had that anything to do with Joanna's welcome, which had obviously become warmer when they were alone?

They were nearer now, enough for him to hear Freddy saying, 'I can't help it if I've got a magnetic appeal.'

And Joanna's reply, 'Yes, and you live on it.'

'I have to. It's all I've got.'

'Oh, no, it isn't. I gave you a very good settlement.'

'True, but actually, I was hoping to-'

'How much?' Joanna sounded both amused and resigned.

'I've got this opportunity for a little investment-'

'I know your little investments. I should by this time. Oh, all right. Put down the details and I'll call the bank.'

'You're a darling. And you still find me appealing, don't you? You laugh at my jokes, anyway.'

'You make good jokes, I've never denied that.'

'You see, you still care for me.'

'I've never denied that either. You're great fun, Freddy, but I wouldn't be married to you again for all the tea in China.'

'You wouldn't get the chance. I've replaced you several times over.'

'You didn't wait for the divorce to do that,' Joanna said wryly.

There was a brief silence before Freddy said, 'And may I remind you, my darling, that there's more than one way to be unfaithful? Oh, forget it. We agreed, no hard feelings on either side.'

'Yes,' she said, and Gustavo wondered if he only imagined the note of relief in her voice.

He was ashamed of himself for eavesdropping, but once he'd started to listen nothing could have made him draw back. For some reason he needed to know what sort of relations.h.i.+p Joanna had with the man whose wife she'd once been. What he heard left him not knowing what to think.

But he would have given a good deal to know how to interpret 'there's more than one way to be unfaithful'.

A moment later there was a step outside the room, and Gustavo turned to see Freddy enter alone.

'Coffee?' he asked politely.

'Thanks,' Freddy said. 'Well, well, fancy it being you!'

'You mean you've heard that old story? Well, it's history now, and there's no more mileage to be had out of it,' Gustavo said, keeping his voice light.

'Anything you say.' Freddy accepted the coffee and spooned in a generous amount of sugar. Seeing Gustavo regarding him he said, 'I've got a very sweet tooth.'

'So I would have imagined.'

Freddy gave a slight frown. He wasn't normally quick on the uptake but there was no mistaking Gustavo's tone.

'Meaning?' he asked. 'Meaning?'

'Let's just say that Joanna is a very generous woman.'

'Oh, you heard that last bit? Well, yes, she is a generous woman, but I'm a very tolerant man. It's not easy for a man when she's so much richer than he is. There's always that inequality, and you can't help feeling it. But I did my best to cope.'

Gustavo turned away to conceal his disgust. But in the next moment a picture flashed into his mind.

Joanna's suite at the Ritz, the most expensive the hotel had to offer. And his own single room, so much cheaper.

There's always that inequality, and you can't help feeling it.

Who was he to censure this man for seeking Joanna's money?

He recalled the indulgent half-contempt in her voice as she'd yielded to Freddy's pleas. She was used to men who were after her money. They were probably the only kind she'd ever known. Starting with himself.

And, like the voice of the serpent, there came into his ear the sound of Joanna saying, 'You abandoned my large fortune for her small one. I call that honourable.'

'Hey, are you all right?' Freddy clapped a hand on his shoulder.

'Yes,' Gustavo said, with difficulty. 'Yes, I'm all right.'

He got out fast before he did something violent.

On the way up to his room he met Joanna coming down. She smiled and touched his arm.

'I'm sorry to dash off and leave you last night, but I really had to talk to Freddy.'

'Obviously there was a lot to talk about,' he said, trying to keep an edge out of his voice, and not quite succeeding.

'It was mostly about Billy. He isn't seeing as much of him as he'd like, so we had to work something out.'

'And it took all night? He was supposed to be leaving yesterday.'

She smiled wryly. 'He only said that to get my attention. I'm afraid Freddy tends to say whatever is convenient at the moment. That's the kind of man he is.'


'What does that mean?'

'Nothing, I'm just in a bad mood.'

'Gustavo, I have a confession to make. Freddy wants to see Billy. He has every right and Billy loves to be with him, so-'

He groaned. 'So he's coming to stay with us? When?'

'I don't know. Do you mind?'

'Would it make any difference if I did?'

Laughing ruefully, she shook her head.

'h.e.l.lo there!'

The shout behind them made them turn and groan simultaneously.

'What's up, Freddy?' Joanna said.

'Well, I thought it was time we were on our way to Italy.'

'We?' Gustavo echoed ominously.

'Yes, didn't Jo say she'd invited me?'

'She has just informed me of the honour of your visit,' Gustavo said glacially.

'Honour? That's very kind of you but there's no need to go overboard. A bed in the corner will do me.'

'I think we can manage a little better than that,' Gustavo said with terrifying courtesy. 'So, we three shall travel to Rome together.'

'Jolly good!' Freddy whipped out his cellphone. 'I'll let Billy know now.'

'No, don't.' Joanna put a hand on his arm. 'Surprise him. Think of his face when you walk in.'

Freddy beamed. 'What a sight!'

'I'll call and book the tickets,' Joanna said.

'Be sure to let me know how much I owe you,' Gustavo said firmly.

'Get first cla.s.s,' Freddy called. 'More leg room.'

'You'll fit yourself into whatever I can get,' she called back cheerfully.

Left alone, the two men eyed each other. Gustavo's dislike was mixed with unease, but he doubted if anything in the world could make Freddy uneasy, unless it was a bill and no Joanna to pay it.


JOANNA managed to get three first-cla.s.s tickets to Rome, landing at seven o'clock that evening. managed to get three first-cla.s.s tickets to Rome, landing at seven o'clock that evening.

'I called Billy and said I'd be there tonight,' she told Gustavo as they flew over France later that day.

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The Italian's Rightful Bride Part 15 summary

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