The Italian's Rightful Bride Part 17

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'If you're tired we could go home,' he suggested.

There was a roar of disapproval and cries of 'Spoil-sport'. Joanna looked at him, her eyes glinting with fun.

'Am I tired?' she teased.

He laid his hand persuasively on her arm.

'I think you might be,' he said softly.

'In that case-'

She stopped because a man behind her had given a sharp intake of breath. Gustavo too had seen something that filled him with dismay. Turning her head, Joanna saw Crystal standing in the doorway, as beautiful as the fairy on the tree.

In that frozen moment only one thought pervaded Joanna's mind.

Dammit! She would would have to be wearing black too! have to be wearing black too!

It was ludicrous, but for a moment it would serve as a s.h.i.+eld between herself and the full wretchedness of the situation.

Like Joanna, Crystal had gained from the years. She was as dainty as ever, her hair as perfectly blonde, but experience had added a knowingness to her face.

It was true that, like Joanna, she wore black, but there the similarity stopped. Her dress was very tight and very short, revealing a pair of stunning legs.

For a long moment she stood still in the doorway, allowing her effect to sink in. Then she smiled and came forward to Maria, arms outstretched.

'Dear Maria, I'm positively in sackcloth and ashes. It's dreadful of me to gatecrash your party, isn't it?'

Since the only possible response to this was a denial, Maria obliged, embracing Crystal with apparent warmth, although her eyes flickered nervously to Gustavo and Joanna. But both had recovered themselves sufficiently to appear untroubled.

Crystal turned her big guns on to Joanna.

'Jo, darling darling, how lovely to see you after all this time. And so famous now! I'm really honoured to be allowed into your presence.'

She enveloped her in an embrace, which gave Joanna the chance to mutter in her ear, 'Don't be an idiot, Crystal. It's a good act but you're overdoing it. Actually, you always did.'

Crystal drew back just enough to smile into her face and murmur, 'I know, darling, but when time is short, overdoing it can be very useful.'

She surveyed Joanna fully.

'My, you have improved! Everything they say about you is true.'

Not for the world would Joanna have asked what 'they' said about her. She merely raised her eyebrows satirically and replied, 'Is that so? I doubt if the same could be said about you.'

She saw with satisfaction that Crystal wasn't sure how to take this. She turned away and began working the room, managing to draw the ministers and film star into her web at the same time, not seeming to notice Gustavo, whose face was very pale.

The party, which had briefly paused, began to swirl around them again. Joanna saw Gustavo turn away and take a few deep breaths. The sight dismayed her. Perhaps she'd been wrong about everything if Crystal could still affect him like this.

He came to her side.

'What the devil is she doing here?' he muttered. 'She's supposed to be in Paris.'

'You didn't have any warning of this?'

'Good G.o.d, no!' he said violently. 'Do you think I'd have brought you here if I'd known?'

'Shall we leave?'

'I think that would be a good idea. Let's find our hostess.'

But the next moment Crystal laid a hand on his arm.

'Gustavo, my dear, you surely aren't avoiding me, are you?'

'I was being tactful, Crystal. People are watching us with interest.'

'I know. Isn't it fun?'

'I don't find it fun to be stared at.'

'No, you never did know how to enjoy yourself.'

'Our ideas about enjoyment were always different,' he growled.

'Darling, our ideas about everything were different. Let's not go over that old ground again. The thing is that I do need to talk to you privately. Joanna won't mind, I know. Let's go out onto the balcony.'

Gustavo turned to Joanna, stiff with awkwardness at the scene Crystal had forced on him.

'If you'll excuse me for a moment.'

'Of course,' she said, sounding as cheerful as possible, trying to make him feel easier. 'You two go and talk.'

'And you go back to your admirers,' Crystal said, making Joanna wonder just how long she'd been there. 'My, what a success you've had! Tomorrow, all Rome will be talking about you even more than they already are.'

She went straight out of the gla.s.s door leading to the balcony.

'Go on,' Joanna urged him. 'Of course you two need to talk. I'll be fine.'

'With your admirers?' he echoed edgily.

'Of course. The more the better. Go and talk to her.'

But he stood looking at her, an unaccustomed fierceness in his eyes. A rush of something-jealousy? cunning?-made her say, 'If you can cosy up to Crystal I can cosy up to whoever I please.'

'I am not cosying up to her and you know it,' he said furiously.

'Better ask what her plans are.'

He ground his teeth. 'You're the one who's urging me to follow her out there.'

'Yes, so go.'



Glowering, he went out onto the balcony. Joanna watched him leave, wondering what had come over her. It had been a stupid, irrational spat that made no sense at all.

And she felt a thousand times better for it.

One of her flirts approached her, offering champagne.

'No, thank you,' she said kindly. 'What I'd really like is a nice cup of tea.'

Outside, in the cool air of the balcony, Gustavo stood regarding Crystal.

'I thought you were in Paris,' he said. 'That was your last excuse for not coming to see your daughter.'

'I got home from Paris last week. How is poor little Renata?'

'Very unhappy. And she wouldn't be "poor little Renata" if you gave her some of your attention. When are you coming to see her?'

'When I can. I've so much to see to just now. I'm buying an apartment in Rome and it's taking up all my time.'

'Well, at least if you're living in Rome you'll be able to see Renata a good deal.'

'I wish you wouldn't keep harping on about that,' Crystal said fretfully. 'It's much better for her to be with you. My life wouldn't suit her at all.'

'I'm not talking about her living with you, but visiting you, once you're living in Rome. She'll be able to visit you a lot now, won't she won't she?'

'Well, I expect we'll sort something out,' Crystal said vaguely. 'But that's not what I brought you out here to talk about. Have you had a letter from my lawyer yet?'

'Yes, it came this morning.'


'What do you expect me to say, Crystal? You know I can't find a sum like that at a moment's notice.'

'Hardly a moment's notice. It's months since I left. You've had plenty of warning.'

'Yes, but our agreement was that the rest of what I owed you could be paid next year.'

'I know, I know, but I need it now. Things have changed. I want to get on with my life.'

'Where's your boyfriend? He doesn't seem to be here tonight.'

'Oh, him,' she said dismissively. 'That's all over.'

'So soon?'

She shrugged. 'He was all right for a while. He had certain-talents.'

'Yes, you mentioned that at the time,' he said coldly. 'I gather his talents weren't enough in the long run.'

'I got bored with him,' she admitted. 'He wanted us to settle permanently in Naples and have lots and lots of bambini bambini.'

'No, I remember that lots and lots of bambini bambini never did fit into your schedule, did they?' Gustavo said drily. never did fit into your schedule, did they?' Gustavo said drily.

'Well, anyway, we're not together now,' Crystal said, adroitly sliding away from the subject. 'There was no way I was going to bury myself in Naples, bambini bambini or no or no bambini bambini. So I left him.'

'Despite his remarkable talents?'

She shrugged. 'There are other talented men in the world. I'm ready to start again, and I want the rest of my money.'

'Crystal, for pity's sake, I'm doing my best, but I can't produce it just like that. Surely you can be patient a little longer?'

'It seems that I'm going to have to be. Just don't make me wait too long. After all, you've got that huge estate. You can borrow against it.'

'Have you any idea how much I had to borrow to pay you the first half of the money? Of course not.'

'How could I? In any case, I've never understood much about money unless it was in large, simple amounts.'

'Well, we're talking about a large, simple amount now, and it's more than I can raise so quickly.'

'Oh, really, darling, don't be silly. Of course you can raise it. There's always Joanna.'

His face tightened. 'And what exactly do you mean by that?'

'She's worth far more than I ever was. People say you and she are as thick as thieves these days. So it's easy. All you have to do is marry her.'


GUSTAVO stared as though he couldn't believe what he had heard. stared as though he couldn't believe what he had heard.

'What-did you say?' he asked slowly.

'I said you should marry Joanna. Really, darling, don't be dense. She's got enough money to solve all your problems.'

When he still didn't speak she came closer.

'And then you could afford anything you wanted-including getting rid of me. Isn't that a tempting prospect?'

'That's enough!'

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The Italian's Rightful Bride Part 17 summary

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