The Italian's Rightful Bride Part 9

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'I'll be good, I'll be good,' he said, holding up his hands in a theatrical gesture of prayer.

She laughed and kissed him goodnight. But as she turned away she remembered something.

'Do you know how Gustavo is managing with Renata now?'

'Not well,' he said. 'I heard him talking to her yesterday. He started well enough, trying to be nice and all that. But he ended up telling her she'd do as she was told.'

'Oh, give me patience,' Joanna groaned. 'He means well. He really isn't the monster you thought, Billy.'

'I know. Like you say, he does his best, but he doesn't seem to know the right things to say.'

'That sounds like him. Goodnight, darling.'

She slept little that night, trying to silence the voice that said it wasn't too late to change her mind. She could abandon her trip and stay here.

At last she pulled herself together. If the prospect of a few days away could reduce her to a nervous wreck, then it was time she left.

Next morning she talked to Laura, who was totally under Billy's spell and promised to take good care of him. Carlo promised the same thing.

'Great kid,' he said. 'Don't worry. I'll try to keep him out of mischief, and if I fail I'll make sure you never find out.'

'It sounds like you've got it well sussed. I'd better speak to Gustavo now.'

'I'm afraid he isn't back yet.'

'You mean-not back from last night?'

'That's right. He does this occasionally. If it's been a very good dinner he wouldn't want to drive home.'

'No, of course not.'

'And sometimes there might be another reason,' Carlo said delicately.

For a moment she didn't understand. 'Another reason?'

'Well, his wife has been gone for some months now, and Rome is full of attractive ladies who don't ask for commitment. You could hardly blame him-'

'Yes, I see what you mean,' she said hastily. 'Fine, I'll catch him later.'

She left him before he could tell her any more and went to her room, cursing herself for her own stupidity. Where had her wits been wandering?

She threw some clothes into a bag, then went out to the dig and spent an hour talking with her team, who, as she'd known, were cheerfully unfazed by the thought of managing without her.

Suddenly she saw Gustavo's car approaching and waited for him to stop as he'd often done before. But he drove past. There was nothing for it but to follow him.

She reached the house about ten minutes later and went to look for him in his study. Like the rest of the house it was awesomely impressive, with shelves of books climbing to the ceiling.

He looked up when she entered and smiled briefly, but she had the impression that he was no more relaxed than herself.

'I've come to say that I'm going to England for a few days,' she said.

He stared. 'What did you say?'

'I need to check some things in the British Museum.'

She was planning to do that as well. It seemed more tactful to say nothing about a wedding.

He set down the paper he had been holding and stared at her.

'I don't understand.' His voice was curt.

'I'm going to England for a few days.'

'Nonsense,' he said sharply. 'There can be no need for that.'

Informing Gustavo should have been no more than a formality. Opposition was the last thing she had expected, and it had the effect of making her stubborn.

'I think I'm the best judge of the necessity,' she said coolly.

'You have duties here.'

'I'm aware of my responsibilities here, but you must leave it to me to decide how best to fulfil them.'

'And your team? How will they manage?'

'If my team couldn't work on their own they wouldn't be my team.'

Gustavo's eyes became harder and obstinate lines appeared around his mouth.

'Surely you'd do better to consult Italian museums?'

'There are things I can only find in the British Museum.'

'This is not a good idea,' he said curtly. 'I would prefer you not to go.'

Joanna regarded him with her head on one side. Gustavo was normally so punctilious that the sight of him growing angry was astonis.h.i.+ng.

'Gustavo,' she said very gently, 'I'm not asking your permission.'

'Perhaps you should, since I'm employing you.'

She drew a deep breath and answered with restraint.

'Even if you were employing me, it wouldn't mean you controlled how I spend every moment of my time.'

'What do you mean "even if if"?'

'Strictly speaking, you're employing Manton Research, and I work for the firm. The only person ent.i.tled to give me orders is the managing director.'

'And who is that?'

'Well, it's me, actually, but-'

'In that case, Madam Managing Director, I have a complaint to make about one of your employees, a lady who seems to think she can do her job at long distance. I am paying your firm for her services and I expect you to provide them.'

Joanna's voice was tight.

'If Your Excellency would care to study the contract you signed, you will see that all such decisions are the prerogative of the managing director. I and I alone shall decide the best use of Mrs Manton's time.'

'Mrs Manton has barely arrived and does not have my permission to leave.'

'Mrs Manton has my my permission to leave, and does not need yours.' permission to leave, and does not need yours.'

'Then I can only say that I consider her thoroughly unprofessional, and I suggest she thinks about that.'

Joanna stared at him, trying to get her bearings. This wasn't the Gustavo she'd thought she knew, but a hasty, arrogant man who presumed to judge her.

It crossed her mind that if she'd been leaving to avoid reigniting her old feelings, then she need no longer bother. Just being in Gustavo's company would protect her very nicely.

But she was in too much of a temper to give in now, and Gustavo's own temper was reaching new heights.

'Is this how your firm normally works?' he demanded cuttingly. 'Takes on a job, does it for a few weeks, then the head of the team vanishes and leaves the rest of the work to the underlings? I suppose there's another job waiting for you, and you'll run the two in tandem. Well, let me make it clear that I won't tolerate-'

'How dare dare you!' she raged. 'You ought to be ashamed of yourself, saying such a thing to me.' you!' she raged. 'You ought to be ashamed of yourself, saying such a thing to me.'

He had the grace to become uneasy.

'All right,' he snapped. 'I went too far.'

'Much too far,' she snapped back.

'I retract my words, but not my opposition. How do I know you'll come back?'

'Because I'm a woman of my word,' she said indignantly. 'When I take on a job, I complete it. When I say I'll do something, I do it, and what I say now is that I am going to England.'

'If you do, you do so in opposition to my wishes.'

'I'll live with that,' she flung at him, and walked out before he could reply.


SHE saw Billy as she was crossing the hall and beckoned him to follow her upstairs to his room. saw Billy as she was crossing the hall and beckoned him to follow her upstairs to his room.

'Sorry, darling,' she said when they were inside. 'Change of plan. You're coming with me.'

'I'm not going to be a pageboy,' he said, looking around wildly.

'All right, it's a deal. Now go and chuck a few things into a bag.'

'But you said it was all right for me to stay here.'

'Not any more.'

She went to her own room and began to pack hurriedly, growing more enraged with every moment. Gustavo's refusal to be reasonable, as much as his haughtiness, had stunned her.

The knock at her door was tentative, even slightly nervous. Still seething, she yanked it open.

Gustavo was standing there. 'May I come in?'

She stood back for him to pa.s.s, and closed the door behind him.

'Are you still speaking to me?' he asked.

'Just about.'

'I suppose it's more than I deserve. Joanna, please forgive my ill-temper. I don't know what got into me. Of course you must go, if-if you think it's necessary.'

In the face of his contrition her anger died. She faced him, arms akimbo, her face full of fond exasperation.

'How could you believe that I wouldn't come back?'

'It sounds crazy, I know. It's just that what's happening out there is so important to me, and naturally it matters that the boss should be there.'

He sounded self-conscious, like a man hiding his true thoughts. Joanna wouldn't allow herself to speculate on what those thoughts might be.

'Mum,' Billy said, bursting in, 'do I need to pack my-?' He stopped, seeing Gustavo.

'You too?' Gustavo said quickly. 'But you surely don't want to leave just when you're beginning to ride so well?'

'I was originally hoping to leave Billy here,' Joanna said. 'But then-'

'And I hope you will,' Gustavo said. 'You know he'll be all right, and Renata would be lonely without him.'

'That would be better,' Joanna admitted. 'Thank you. It's all right, Billy, you can unpack.'

'But you just told me to pack.'

'Well, now you're staying, so you can unpack.'

In silence, Billy looked from one to the other, and tapped his forehead.

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The Italian's Rightful Bride Part 9 summary

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