Aesop, in Rhyme Part 23

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The animals, on the death of the lion, During his life, prince of the country, Resolved to elect a king to try on The regal crown, and chose a monkey.

Because after the animals had all Tried on the regal crown, or let it fall, Because their heads were all too big, Or too small, too horned, or too thick, The monkey slipped through it; And with it cut up many a trick, Which they all thought refined, And chose him with one mind.

Only the fox regretted the election, And swore to reign in his defection.

He came and made his compliment; "Sire," said he, "I know a treasure meant For your high majesty. I will show The spot where it lies hid."

The monkey went at Reynard's bid-- And was caught in a trap.

The fox exclaimed, "How do you think to govern us, When, after all, with all your fuss, You cannot well, do what you may, Keep e'en yourself out of harm's way."

The animals agreed, That royal power suits very few indeed.




An a.s.s accompanied by a horse uncourteous, Who only had his harness on his back; And the poor jacka.s.s staggered 'Neath the load of vegetable and a pack; He begged the horse to help him, If he could-- But not a single bit, The other would.

"I ask," said the poor beast, "A little pity-- Help me at least, To reach the city."

The horse refused, And got his due, For the a.s.s died.

The farmer's man Stripped off the skin of honest Ben, And made the horse, whom they espied, Drag on the skin and the cart beside.


'Tis wise to lend our aid To others in distress, We often thus are made The means of happiness.

The churlish, unkind man His neighbor's death may cause, And have to help his family, Through taxes and the laws.



An astrologer, of high ambition, While star-gazing fell down Into a well. "Sage gentleman,"

Remarked the people of the town, "How did you think to read the stars, old man, When you cannot preserve your own position."

This adventure in itself, without going further, Might serve as a lesson, to most of mankind, For of us mortals, a certain part inclines, To the belief, that, with the help of mind, The book of Destiny may easily be read, But this book, by Homer and his disciples sung, What is it called but _Chance_, by ancients, And by us Christians named Providence instead.

Now in Chance there can no science be, Or why should it be called by them _Chance_-- And things uncertain, who knows in advance?

If all depends upon the fixed decree, Of Him who does all things, and nothing does unwisely.

How should we read his will, And know that which from us he would conceal?

Wherefore watch the stars so nicely, To know how to avoid inevitable woe; Or how, in future times, our fate will go; To make us, in the midst of pleasure, sad, Or with predicted evil, drive us mad, Convert all blessings into curses dire?

Is this the knowledge to which we aspire, Is it an error or a crime thus to believe That future destiny can thus be known?

In place of star-gazing above our head, Let us confide ourselves to the Great One.

The firmament exists, the stars go on their way, And the sun s.h.i.+nes upon us every day; And every day, the day is lost in night, Without our knowing aught else from the sight.

That the seasons come, the crops are ripe, And in what wood we should look out for snipe, And some few other things, but for the change Of day to night, by which the world doth range, It has not aught to do with Destiny.

Quacks, and ye compilers of horoscopes, Quit all the courts of princes in Europe, And take with you all mischief makers

You deserve belief no more than they do.


This astrologer in the well, Resembles all of his false art, Who while they are in danger, dream That in the stars, they read the happiest theme.




A scourge which spread terror, Invented by heaven to punish earth-- The plague (if to name it be no error) Was making every animal To curse his birth.

In one day it might have enriched Acheron, And upon beasts made busy war.

Amongst them all there was not one, But, sick and ailing, was complaining sore; All did not die, but each was ill-- Not one strove now to eat his fill, No meat excited them to taste, Nor did the wolves again lay waste, The innocent prey.

Even the doves fled from each other, And cooed no more the live-long day.

The lion held war counsel--"My brother,"

Said he, addressing each in turn, "I think that heaven hath allowed This punishment on us to fall For the sins we have disavowed.

Now I for one will confess all, And let him who is most to blame, Be slaughtered in the others' name.

Perhaps he may obtain a common cure, For history tells us that in like cases, The guilty die in others' places; Let us not then be false to Nature, Let us confess our faults--in fine I will the first acknowledge mine; And I avow, that oft I keep A serious tax on harmless sheep.

What had they done, In naught offended-- Yet I their quiet lives have ended.

Sometimes, with sorrow be it heard, I e'en have eaten the shepherd, And I acknowledge all-- And I will die like a quiet bird-- If my death keep you from your fall.

It must be hoped now in all justice, That he who is most guilty perish."

"Sire," said the fox, "you are too good a king To die for any trivial thing; Your simples are too nice.

Eat sheep, and why not?

Is it a sin? is it a vice?

No, sire, you did them honor; And as for shepherds, I desire, That over us their false empire Should cease, and we have all we want Of sheep and fleece."

So said the fox, flatterers applaud, The tiger, bear, and other powers they laud, Even for their most violent offence.

All quarrelsome people, Down to the mastiffs, Were little saints.

But when the donkey's turn came on, They heard him with many ifs.

He said, "I now remember That by a monk's garden pa.s.sing, (It was late in December, And my strength soon faints,) I ate a leaf of some dry plant, And e'en now I with terror pant."

They seized upon him and devoured, And said he was the cause Of heaven's anger being lowered.

With interested judges, _right_ Is always on the side of _might_.

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Aesop, in Rhyme Part 23 summary

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