Underestimated Part 26

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"We're going into Drew's office. The lights are going to come back on any minute. Get up!"

I got up, and she moved the pillows under the cover and placed the blonde wig on my pillow. My heart was beating a million miles a minute. She was going to get us both killed.

We had just gotten the door closed when the lights came back on. "How the h.e.l.l are you turning the lights on and off?" I wanted to know.

She ran right to the computer and moved the mouse, bringing the sleeping computer to life. "Ms. K is taking care of it. I didn't ask questions. I just know how long we have. What's the pa.s.sword to log on?" she asked, sitting in his chair.

I couldn't think. I had seen him put in that pa.s.sword a hundred times, and it wasn't coming to me.

"Come on, Morgan!" Rebecca pleaded.

"Ten karat 4," I yelled in a loud whisper. I didn't know why I was whispering. I knew that the office had no cameras.

I watched while Rebecca pulled up different accounts. When she finally found the one that she was looking for, I stopped her and told her not to take it from that one because he would miss it. I told her to pull up the one in Florence because that was the one he was least involved in. She did, and of course it was pa.s.sword protected. I went through all of the pa.s.swords that I could think of, and it was finally the last one that I could remember.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing? You can't move that much money," I said when I watched her move seventeen thousand dollars into Lisa Fitzgerald's account.

"I already did," she said hitting approve transaction.

"Who the h.e.l.l is Lisa Fitzgerald?" I asked.

"n.o.body. If he traces it back he will hit a brick wall," she said logging off.

She ran back to my room and took the blonde hair with her. Five minutes later the power was miraculously restored. I pretended to move a little when the light from outside came into my window.

I freaked a little when my cellphone rang.


I didn't answer right away and feigned sleep. I looked around the room dazed and groggy, trying to put on a good show for Drew. I sat up and reached my phone.

"Why the f.u.c.k, aren't you answering your phone?"

he yelled.

"I did answer," I said. I didn't know that he had called while I was in his office.

"I called you three times."

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear it. Rebecca gave me something for a headache earlier. She said it was Tylenol pm. I must not have heard it. Did you want something?

What time is it?" I was proud of the quick sleeping aid response.

"Why the h.e.l.l does the power keep going out there?"

"Was it out again?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"Forget it, go back to bed," he said and hung up.

I laid the phone down and pretended to go right back to being sound asleep. I was far from it though. My mind reeled like mad. Rebecca was going to get us both killed. What the h.e.l.l was she up to? This couldn't possibly work. Could it? The excitement that we may just get away with it made me think about a life. A real life without Drew. Where would I live? Would I have neighbors? I wondered if I would ever be able to be with another man.

Probably not, not for a long time anyway. What kind of job could I get? I'd never had a job in my life, other than babysitting my little brother and my cousins back home.

I lay awake not moving for hours thinking about being free from Drew. I kept my eyes closed and didn't move, afraid that Drew was watching me, wherever he was. I knew I would endure some of his tedious c.r.a.p when he got back, but I didn't care at the moment. I was too excited.

When Drew arrived back home three days later, I was terrified. I tried to hide it as best I could, but I just knew he had found the missing money. I was reading a book in a chaise lounge by the pool when he opened the door and told me to follow him into his office. It was fairly early, not even noon yet. My heart sank. He knew.

I got up and wrapped a towel around my body and followed him to his office. Rebecca winked a hang in there wink.

"Should I skip this part?" I stopped and looked back at Dawson, asking if he wanted me to skip the bad.

He caught my cheek with his lips.

"No. I'm okay. You can continue," he replied, rubbing my arm.

I knew that I would be spending my day in Drew's office while he worked. Once I knew that he didn't know about the missing money, I relaxed and was glad to be spending the day with him. I planned on paying more attention to his conversations and what was on the screen of his computer if I got that close.

"I called you four times the other night," Drew said, removing my towel. "What are the rules, Morgan?"

he asked, running his fingers across the crook of my breast.

"I'm sorry. I didn't feel well that night. I answered as soon as I heard it."

"Are you making excuses, Morgan?" he asked, circling me and breathing his warm words on the back of my neck.

"No. I'm sorry. I should have answered on the first ring."

I could feel that he was already erect when he ground into my back.

"What should we do about your irresponsibility?"

Awe f.u.c.k...

I hated it when he made me tell him how he should punish me. I knew the drill. I was to de-pants myself and bend over his desk.

"I would love to spank your a.s.s right now, but I have to be on a conference call in five minutes," Drew whispered to my hair, grinding himself in my backside.

He moved around and sat at his desk. I waited for instructions.

"Come around to this side," he requested. I listened and resumed my position over his desk.

He rubbed my naked a.s.s as he dialed the number on his desk phone. My eyes went right to the folder on the desk. There was over forty thousand dollars donated to various charities last month alone. I was sure he didn't have a clue what half of them even were for. He just liked to keep the n.o.ble Callaway Jewels in the public eye.

I stayed bent over his desk while he talked to whomever on his phone. One of them was Derik I was sure.

"No, you can donate to one of them, but that's it.

Make sure it is donated by my wife," I heard him say, and wondered why. Had I donated to these charities before?

Neither he nor I was ever in the public eye, he made sure of that. I was never allowed to go anywhere except the library, and occasionally out to eat with Derik's wife Jena which I never wanted to do because I had to keep a little digital recorder attached to my cellphone. I was always afraid of saying something wrong. It was inevitable. It was always wrong in his eyes.

I remember having dinner with Jenna and Derik one evening while Drew was out of town. Jenna had gotten up and gone to the bathroom. I could see how Derik was looking at me, and just before he spoke I held up my cellphone showing him the tiny little chip stuck to the back of my phone. He abruptly closed his jaw.

I flinched a little when I felt an ink pen I was sure penetrating my r.e.c.t.u.m. Drew opened a drawer in his desk, and I knew that he was lubing up the foreign object so that it would slide in. It did, and he moved it in and out of me as he continued to talk business. That was as bad as it got.

I was pleasantly surprised. I was sure I would spend hours enduring his torture, but I didn't. I was also sure that it was for no other reason than he needed relief and had work to do. He didn't have time to play.

He stood, and I heard his zipper slide down, and then felt him slide into me, still holding the phone to his ear. He took me from behind slowly, stopping every so often when he needed to talk. He laid the phone on his desk when he was close and grabbed my hips and really went at it until he released.

Dawson sensed where I was. He could tell I was squirming a little.

"Keep talking," he said sliding his hand inside of my flannel pajama pants and the rim around my panties. I could tell that I was wet, and thought that I must be as sick as Drew. Who in their right mind would be turned on after talking about their s.e.xual abuse? Dawson always tried to tell me that there was nothing wrong with me, and n.o.body could go through what I did and come out scar-less. I supposed that he was right. It was the only s.e.x that I knew for six years. I never had anyone to be attentive with me until Dawson.

I continued to tell Dawson about my day spent naked in Drew's office, but getting a lot of beneficial information. I wasn't sure what I was even saying anymore. He was quickly bringing me to a mind blowing o.r.g.a.s.m with his fingers. I stopped talking and dropped my head to his chest as I called out and let go.

"You good?" he asked, kissing my hair. I could feel his erection on my back and was sure that he could use a little release himself, but knew that he wouldn't. I was talking, and that was more important than his s.e.xual gratification.

"Yes. Thank you," I rasped. Drew kept his hand down there and just held it still, cupping me as I continued to talk.

Chapter 12.

Drew didn't leave again for six weeks after the first time that Rebecca and I broke into his office. I had no clue where or how long he would be gone. I knew it would be over night because he took a bag. Rebecca and I had talked a couple of weeks before, and I told her how, when the power had gone out the last time, that Drew made me stay on the phone until the cameras reset. I knew we had three minutes. Our plan was for her to go to the bas.e.m.e.nt and quickly trip the breaker, giving me just enough time to run into his office before the cameras reset, and pray to G.o.d that he didn't notice until they were back on.

He must have been away from his computer. He never called because he couldn't see me. I had a story made up that I was in Rebecca's room if he called. I knew that I wasn't allowed in her room, but I was going to tell him that she wasn't feeling well and that I had gone to check on her. I didn't have to worry about it, and once I donated fifteen thousand dollars to the new bank account for my newfound charity. I tapped on the floor. I couldn't text or call because I was afraid that Drew would find out.

The lights blinked and I ran to the sofa and back to the show that I may or may not have been watching.

I don't think I've ever had that much adrenalin forcefully, pumping through my body in my life.

He was only gone for a couple of days that time and again when he had returned I thought for sure that he knew. I just knew that he had found out about the missing money. He didn't mention it, and when he came out of his office later in the afternoon, I asked him if I could have Rebecca take me to the library. I wasn't about to knock on his door and ask, so I just waited for him to come out.

He ran his finger down my arm with some sort of seductive look. "Do you need me to download some more books on your e-reader?"

"No. I have plenty on there. I would rather go to the library and get out of here for a little while."

"Where you a good girl while I was gone?" he asked, brus.h.i.+ng his thumb over my nipple. I knew that he would be paying me a visit later on.

f.u.c.k you...

"It's kind of hard not to be. I'm not allowed off of this property."

"You can go to the library. I have work to do anyway, but I expect payment later. Do you understand?"

"Yes and thank you."

Drew stuck the little chip on the back of my phone so that he could plug it into his computer when I got back.

I was hoping that I could pump information from Rebecca, but it wasn't going to be in the vehicle. I held up my phone in the car so that she knew not to say anything.

She instead talked about recipes and a show that we both had watched on television the night before.

Rebecca asked the librarian for some paper. I grabbed the first book that I had come to.

"June 2nd," Rebecca wrote and pa.s.sed the note to me.

"Three months?"

"Yes. Ms. K is working on your new residence now. The money that you have rightfully taken over the last couple of months has been withdrawn and has made a nice down payment on your new house."

"My new house? I'm going to be a home owner?" I wrote really fast, trying to contain my excitement.


"She wouldn't tell me. She said that you didn't need to know that part yet."

"Do you trust this Ms. K? How do you know that she isn't taking the money, and we will never hear from her again? How do you even know someone that does this?"

"She's not stealing your money. She is good, real good. You will disappear from here and be untraceable.

Do you remember on the news about three years ago when Constance Simmons disappeared? She is safe, living a beautiful life."

"Constance Simmons, that senator's wife?"

Rebecca nodded. I did remember that story. Her husband was all over the news. I actually felt bad for him.

He seemed so sincere and loyal to his missing wife.

"How do you know Ms. K? I asked again. Rebecca had been at the mansion as long as I had. I mean she did leave when Drew was home sometimes, usually when he wanted the house to himself with me.

"Lots and lots of red tape. I had to go through nine people before I finally got to talk to her. Three months, Morgan!!!"

We were only in the library for fifteen minutes when Drew text my phone.

"Times up."


What the h.e.l.l did I check out of the library? I sat naked in Drew's office reading about some sort of little creatures getting into people's houses through drain pipes while Drew worked and played with me of course. I usually checked out autobiographies. I loved to read about other people's lives, it helped me to step out of my own for a while. I wouldn't be stepping out of it with that book.

I couldn't even read it.

That was a good office visit. I lay bent over Drew's desk while he played with me, using different objects. He held the phone with his shoulder, and I watched him click on different views of the house. I paid close attention as he clicked on different windows, hitting stop camera, when he hit stop camera whatever image was up, froze on the screen. That was very useful information.

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Underestimated Part 26 summary

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