Underestimated Part 32

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I followed her to the door and then headed to Drew's office.

I was stoned stupid when I stood outside listening to the conversation between him and Derik.

"She's not your little slave anymore. I'm telling you, she is going to make trouble," I heard Derik say.

"Don't worry, my friend. I will have her back to knowing who her master is in no time flat."

I walked quickly past the door and into the kitchen with Marta, the cook.

"Can I get a cup of coffee?" I asked. My hair and makeup was done beautifully, and all I needed to do was pull on my dress. I didn't want to go anywhere with Drew.

I felt sick. Slave? Master? What did that mean? Why can't I remember? I really need to remember. Something dreadful happened there. I could feel it.

I tried to tell Drew that I didn't feel well, and I should stay home, but he wouldn't hear of it. He was making me go, and all of my nerve to tell him no had disappeared with the slave and master remark.

I reluctantly went with him. Derik drove us, and I wondered what role he played in Drew's business. He seemed to always be around. I stared out the window and jumped when Drew took my hand and smiled at me.

"You okay?" he asked.

No. I wasn't okay.

"I'm fine," I smiled a weak smile.

We had to stop at one of his stores on the way to the party, and that did seem familiar. I looked straight ahead in a daze as I took in the jewelry store.

"I've been here before," I stated, mostly to myself.

Drew snorted. "You've been here a lot of times.

Go pick out a new set of wedding rings," he said looking down at the watch on his wrist. "We have to hurry."

"Where are the ones that I had?" I asked, not understanding.

"They cut them off of you in the wreck."

"Oh," that made sense.

I didn't care about the fancy diamonds, and picked the first set that my eyes landed on.

There weren't a lot of people at the party. I was glad of that. I did notice right away the man in the wheelchair. I couldn't remember the name. He wheeled over to us with a smile. He took my hand and admired the wedding set.

"How are you doing, Morgan?" he asked.

"Better," I lied. I wasn't better at all, maybe physically, but certainly not emotionally or mentally.

"Well, you look radiant," he said.

"Thank you."

Derik's wife joined us next. She was said to have been my best friend there. I didn't think so. She didn't seem like someone that I would be friends with, but I didn't think a lot of things that seemed to be my life.

"It's so good to see you," Jena said.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Jena," she offered. "I'm Derik's wife," she smiled.

Poor girl.

We were all led to a table and sat with the man in the wheelchair, his caretaker, Derik and Jena. I mostly listened to the conversation around the table. Everyone seemed fine with that except for the man in the wheelchair.

Callaway, yeah that was his name.

For some reason he was more concerned with my wellbeing than my husband was. He wanted to know what the doctor had said at my appointment that week. I wondered how he knew about that. I finally had to ask. I couldn't take it a second longer. Drew choked on the wine that he had just put into his mouth.

"How do we know each other?" I bluntly asked. I expected that he was going to tell me that he knew me through Drew.

"Let's just say that it has been a goal of mine ever since I found out about you, to make sure that you were always taken care of," he smiled.

I hadn't even seen Drew get up. The next thing I knew he was by my side. He held out his hand for me.

"Would you dance with me, Mrs. Kelley?" he asked.

"I don't think I know how to dance," I admitted, already taking his hand.

"I happen to know that you are a remarkable dancer," he smiled. He could be so charming and yet turn into such a d.i.c.k when I least expected.

I could dance. How did I know how to waltz around the floor like that? I moved with Drew like we had done it a million times.

"I take it we have done this before?" I asked as he spun me back into his arms.

"Yes, you used to love to go out dancing."


"Yes, Mrs. Kelley?"

"I'm not sure that I am okay with what happened last night."

Drew looked down at me as though he was clueless.

"What do you mean," he asked.

"I just wasn't expecting our first time to be like that."

He snickered and pulled me closer to him. "It wasn't our first time, Morgan, and I was just trying to give you what you liked. You know? Hoping to jog your memory."

"I liked that?"

"I do miss that a lot," he admitted. "That was actually mild to what you normally like."

"It was?"

Oh, G.o.d. I was some sort of s.e.x freak.

He laughed again. "Don't worry about it. I'll try to remember that you don't remember what you like. How's that."

"Maybe we should start by sleeping in the same bed together again," I suggested. I could have sworn that I felt him tense.

"I don't think you are ready for that just yet."

Who the h.e.l.l was he to tell me what I was ready for?

I leaned in closer to his ear. "You don't think that I am ready to sleep in your bed, but I was ready for you to stick your d.i.c.k in my a.s.s?"

I know for a fact that he tensed that time.

Drew pulled me from the dance floor and back to the table. He never let go of my hand as he spoke to the other guests around the table.

"I think that we are going to call it a night.

Morgan's not feeling too well."

I pulled my hand from his. "Actually, I feel fine. I would love to try the pie," I spoke up, sitting back beside Mr. Callaway.

Mr. Callaway smiled and patted my hand. "That's my girl. The pecan pie here is to die for. I think I'll have one too," he smiled.

My girl? What did that mean? Drew took his seat in front of me and glared at me. I had just defied him in front of other people. I was sure that he wasn't okay with that.

Drew drove us home, and Derik left with his wife.

I could tell that he was p.i.s.sed. He wore a clinched jaw and his knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tight.

"What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you?" I asked. I didn't care. He was acting like some spoiled over grown child.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? You just embarra.s.sed the h.e.l.l out of me in there, and you want to know what is wrong?"

"And how the h.e.l.l do you think I did that? You shouldn't have lied and said I didn't feel well. Did I always let you talk for me and decide what I wanted?"

"Yeah, Morgan you did and when you didn't listen, you would be punished once we were home. Maybe I need to show you how we do things around here," he said through clinched teeth.

That scared the h.e.l.l out of me. Punish me? What the h.e.l.l did that mean? I wasn't backing down. I wasn't about to let him think I was intimidated by him for one second.

"f.u.c.k you!" I yelled.

He grabbed me by my hair. "You need to stop. I'm warning you, Morgan. You don't want to do this."

I knew at that moment that he did hit me, and that vision of him backhanding me did happen. I had a feeling that it happened more often than not. I didn't care. I wasn't stopping.

"Take your hands off of me. Now!" I demanded through the same gritted teeth.

Drew let go. I was happy. I was no match for his muscular build, and I knew it. I also knew that I had to get away from him. I don't know who I was before my accident or what I allowed to happen to me, but I knew that I wasn't willing to let it happen again. I just didn't know what I was supposed to do about it. Where would I go?

I didn't wait on him to open my door. I stormed into the house and right up to my own room.

"Of course, no lock," I said out loud to the empty suite.

I took off the expensive dress, pulled the pins from my hair and pulled on my baggy flannel pants and simple white t-s.h.i.+rt. Drew didn't bother me, and I was glad. I went to bed thinking about him telling me that I needed to be punished. I wondered what kind of s.e.x life we had. I didn't think that I liked it.

I dozed off after taking one of the pain pills. I slept solid and sound. I was in a deep sleep when I woke hours later with tears in my eyes. I sat up trying to remember what I had dreamt. I couldn't remember. The only thing that I had taken from my dream was the name Dawson. I didn't know who he was, but I knew that my heart ached for him, and I missed him. I hadn't heard the name Dawson at all. I wondered if Drew knew a Dawson. I decided not to ask him. Maybe he was someone that I had met in Florence. Maybe that was why I was there and not here with Drew.

I lay awake for a long time, trying to remember something, anything. I didn't care what it was. It's unexplainable to wake up and not know who you are or where you came from. There were so many questions that n.o.body could answer for me. I had talked to the lady that cooked for us, but she said that she hadn't been there that long, and didn't know me pre-accident. Why did it seem like Drew and Derik were the only two people that I was acquainted with?

I reached for the bottle of pills on my nightstand and took two of them. It was dark, and I didn't look at them, but they did seem to feel different in my hand. I rolled them around my finger and almost turned the light on to see if they had been replaced with something else.

Oh my G.o.d, Stop it, Morgan...

I dry swallowed the pills and was quickly dozing back to a comatose state. I could have sworn that Drew was standing in my room. I could see his shadow or maybe it was the pills that I had just taken. I didn't feel so good, and it felt like I was drifting down, down, down.

"Don't worry my little bad girl. You'll be out in no time. You won't remember any of this," Drew said. I was sure that he said it. I think.

I felt his hands slide up my s.h.i.+rt and squeeze both of my nipples. I know I felt it. I think.

He sat me up to remove my s.h.i.+rt, and I couldn't hold my head up. I was trying to move, but none of my limbs would work. I knew I was naked. I knew my legs were spread opened, and I was being touched there, but I couldn't move.

"Where were you for two years, Morgan?" Drew asked, kissing and sucking on my breast. "Did you really think you were going to get away with it? Uh? Did you, Morgan?"

I was sure that I felt the sting from his hand on my bare a.s.s, but I couldn't really tell. I thought it stung, but then again, I didn't really feel anything. Was I drugged?

Was this just another bad dream? I had to think. I had to stay focused, but I couldn't. All I could do was lay there and drift in and out of what was going on. I knew I was being moved around like a ragdoll, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move.

"Open your mouth, bad girl," Drew said. I was lying on my side, and his fingers were trying to pry my mouth open. I wanted to bite down, but I couldn't do that either. My jaw muscles wouldn't work and only parted at his command as I felt his p.e.n.i.s slide across my tongue and to the back of my throat.

"Yeah, baby. This is all that you are good for. You need to learn that real fast. I own you. You do what I want, when I want," I could hear the words. I knew what he was saying.

I felt him pull out and slide between my legs. He would pump in and out of me fast and hard and then slide back in and out of my mouth. I don't know how many times he kept up the routine, but I knew. I could taste myself every time he did it.

"I brought your favorite toy, bad girl," Drew said.

I couldn't see it. I couldn't really see anything, and what I did see was distorted and distant. I could no doubt feel it.

Whatever it was caused and instant o.r.g.a.s.m, almost.

Whatever he was touching me with would send some sort of current through my female parts, bring me to the peak of an o.r.g.a.s.m, and stop. If I would have been able to speak, I would have been begging to come. It was that intense.

I don't know how long Drew played with the toy before he had me flipped over. I felt him drag my legs so that they hung over the bed. He split me open and I felt something being inserted into my a.s.s. I didn't think it was him, but I wasn't sure and then I knew it wasn't when I felt the vibration. He moved it in and out, making l.u.s.tful noises and saying perverted things as he did. I felt him smack my naked bottom more than once. I knew it was him shortly after, and he pounded hard and fast into my a.s.s for I don't know how long. I knew it was over when I heard him moan loudly and steady himself deep inside of me.

I woke in the morning fully clothed in what I went to bed in. Did I dream all of that? Was it all just a nightmare? I tried to notice how I felt down below, but I couldn't a.s.suredly tell. It felt a little off, but I didn't know if that was just me being paranoid or not. I grabbed the bottle of pills to see if they had been switched. They hadn't. It was the same little blue pills that I had been taking for over a month, the ones that Dr. Tharp had prescribed when he released me.

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Underestimated Part 32 summary

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