Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan Volume 1 Prologue

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My name is Kusakabe Sakura.

I don't have many talents, and I look like a plain, ordinary guy currently in my second year of junior high.

Come on, mock me! I know you want to! (Mock all you wis.h.!.+)

As far as I'm concerned, the one thing I always hated (and was made fun of) was my name.

Because "Sakura" sounded too girlish, I've always been frustrated over it, like a spoilt little child.

But, now, I couldn't care less any more.

And the one who caused me to realize that is currently living in my house right now.

Today, I knocked before entering my room again, as usual.

Because my room did not belong to me myself alone.

And, right now, a small, pet.i.te, cute-looking girl, about my age, was in the middle of changing in my room.

Needless to say, I saw everything she and every other girl had that I didn't. And, naturally…

… We both screamed simultaneously.


"Ahhhhhh! Dokuro-chan, I didn't…."

My sentence was broken by a huge, metallic spiked club in the girl's hands before I could even finish it.


The sound of her scream was accompanied by the gus.h.i.+ng of brain juices and splattering eyeb.a.l.l.s.

Not to forget my severed scalp, which dully landed on the windowpane and stuck there.

Perhaps I could say that she was shy?

"Ah! I'm sorry, Sakura-kun!"

With a cute and melodic voice that would make any lolicon kidnap her without hesitation, she twirled the blood-stained club around and chanted…


With a flash, my b.l.o.o.d.y remains magically flew from the floor and reattached themselves onto my neck, just like a video tape played in reverse.

"Come on, you promised that you wouldn't club me to death this morning…"

I said as I caressed my newly reformed cheek.

"It's all Sakura-kun's fault for suddenly barging in!"

Dokuro-chan said as she covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with her left hand and wielded the spiked club in her right.

I quickly shut the door with a bang.

That day, she suddenly appeared from my drawer.

Don't be surprised by what I tell you!

She's, in fact, an angel from the future!

You don't believe me? Well, I found it hard to believe, too.

Well, if you're asking for evidence, there's that s.h.i.+ny halo above her head (which is as sharp as a samurai's katana, I might add).

Her name is Dokuro-chan.

Her weapon is that terrifying club covered with spikes, the 'Ma.s.sacring Rod, Excalibolg'.

But, even if I were clubbed to death with it, I wouldn't die (even if I wanted to!). Strange, isn't it?

On her smooth and s.h.i.+ny back, there was a tattoo of a dragon lunging for the sky.

On the dragon's back were the words, "Angel in life, angel in death," tattooed in black (It's what I noticed when she was bathing).

And she insists that her favourite food is Dorayaki.

And, with that, my otherwise normal, average life was turned upside down.

This is my heart-warming, tear-inducing, blood-stained story of Dokuro-chan and me.

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Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan Volume 1 Prologue summary

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