The Future: six drivers of global change Part 86

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Ransom Myers and Boris Worm, "Rapid Worldwide Depletion of Predatory Fish Communities," Nature, May 15, 2003.

439 The world reached "peak fish" twenty-five years ago

Brad Plumer, "The End of Fish, in One Chart," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, May 20, 2012.

440 "with 14% of a.s.sessed stocks collapsed in 2007"

Convention on Biological Diversity, "Global Biodiversity Outlook 3: Biodiversity in 2010," 2010,§ion=6709.

441 large marine area in the Pacific Ocean

Suzanne Goldberg, "Bush Designates Ocean Conservation Areas in Final Week as President," Guardian, January 5, 2009.

442 61 percent of which will occur in China

OECD-FAO, "Agricultural Outlook 20112020."

443 can be tainted by pollution, antibiotics, and antifungals

Laurel Adams, Center for Public Integrity, "FDA Screening of Fish Imports Not Catching Antibiotics and Drug Residue," May 18, 2011,; George Mateljan, "Is There Any Nutritional Difference Between Wild-Caught and Farm-Raised Fish? Is One Type Better for Me Than the Other?," World's Healthiest Foods,

444 five pounds of wild fish for each pound of farmed salmon produced

U.S. Department of Agriculture, "Trout-Grain Project," 2012.

445 Over half of the fish food in agriculture

NOAA Fisheries ServiceNational Marine Fisheries Service, "Feeds for Aquaculture," 2012.

446 Although more than 10 percent of all cropland

Elizabeth Weise, "More of World's Crops Are Genetically Engineered," USA Today, February 22, 2011.


1 introduce human genes into other animals

Richard Gray, "Genetically Modified Cows Produce 'Human' Milk," Telegraph, April 2, 2011.

2 mixing the genes of spiders and goats

Adam Rutherford, "Synthetic Biology and the Rise of the 'Spider-Goats,' " Guardian, January 14, 2012.

3 computer chips into the gray matter of human brains

Daniel H. Wilson, "Bionic Brains and Beyond," Wall Street Journal, June 1, 2012.

4 parents who wish to design their own children

Keith Kleiner, "Designer Babies-Like It or Not, Here They Come," Singularity Hub, February 25, 2009,

5 sometimes noted, "There Be Monsters"

H. P. Newquist, Here There Be Monsters: The Legendary Kraken and the Giant Squid (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2010).

6 they seized knowledge that had been forbidden them

Genesis 3:1619.

7 so he could endure the same fate the next morning

Thomas Chen and Peter Chen, "The Myth of Prometheus and the Liver," Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87 (December 1994): 754.

8 replacement livers in their laboratory bioreactors

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