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BRINGING LOUIS RIELI 0 A. Macdonald, quoted in Sandra HEEL Gwyn, The Private Capital, P. 48. The plains -,vere as thou-p. 117.
sands: W.L. Morton in "A Cen tury of Plain and Parkland," in P. 58. "a dead man ": William R. Douglas Francis and Howard M,,tavish, quoted in Willson, Palmer, The Prairie West, p. 11).Life of'Lord Strathcona, Vol. 1, p. 284n.
P. 50n. "a haven ofwarmth": quoted in Eric Wells, Winnipeg, P. 5 8 n. "an injustice to the people Where the New R~Tt Begins: A n John Bruce, quoting William Ill.u.s.trated History. Mactavish, in House of com P. 5 1. "the incubus ofthe Company'smons Debates, 1876, pp. 811-12.
monopo~y ": James Ross, quoted inP. 59. 'The tendency ofNorth Frank Rasky, The Taming ofthe American events: New York Sun, Canadian West, p. 202. quoted in peter C. Newman, P. 5 1. "the greedy London direc-Flame oj'Power, pp. 56-57, tory": William Mactavish, quoted ibid., p. 202. P. 60. "to volunteer to correct": Donald A. Smith, quoted in P. 5 In. "I will not speak": WilliamWillson, Life ofLord Stratbcona, Mactavish, quoted in Beckles p. 182.
Willson, The Life of'Lord Strath cona and Mount Royal, Vol. 1, P. 60. "Ifno settlement occurs".
pp. 281-82.Donald A. Smith, quoted ibid., P. 52. "a stoker in h.e.l.l": WilliamVol. 1, p. 307.
Mactavish, quoted in Dictionary P. 63. "Imperial Government has ofCanadian Biography, Vol. IX, no intention": Sir John Young's p. 530.proclamation, quoted in W.R.
P. 54. "You go nojarther": LouisRichmond, The Life ofLord Riel, quoted injoseph Howard, Strathcona, pp. 106-7.
Strange Empire, a Narrative ofthe Northwest, p. 98. P. 65. "1 am here to-day": Donald A. Smith, quoted ibid.
P. 55. "to keep those wildpeople quiet": Sir John A. Macdonald, P. 67. "We must make Canada quoted in Frank Rasky, The respect us": Louis Riel, quoted in Taming ofthe Canadian West, Ilartwell Bowsfield, Louis Riel, pp. 203-4.The Rebel and the Hero, p. 49.
P. 67. "Oh, let me out ofthis": CHAPTER 4 Thomas Scott, quoted in THE GREAT FIRE CANOES Willson, Life ofLord Strathcona, Vol. I, p. 363.P. 80. "A corporation has no con science": WE Butler, quoted in P. 67. "The secret ofThontas ScottBeckles Willson, The Life ofLord burial": Alexandre Nault, quoted Stratbcona and Mount Royal, in Winnipeg Tribune, 6 March Vol. 1, p. 155.
1961, p. 12.
P. 68n. "Wc tried Riel": iuror P. 8 1. "The sudden -,vitbdrawal": quoted in G.F.G. Stanlcy, "Louis William Mactavish, letter, in Riel and the Prairie Uprising," Correspondence Inward, D p. 193.10 1, #145, Mactavish to Joseph Howe, 16 May 1870, p. 167, P. 71. "benevolent constabulmy": HBCA-PAC.
Col. Garnet Wolseley, quoted in -James [Janj Morris, Heaven R 82. "Gentlemen, this Company": Command, 1). 350. HBC shareholder, quoted in Arthur Ray, "Adventurers at the P. 7 1. "Hope Riel will ha7 e bolted":Crossroads," The Beaver, Col. Garnet Wolseley, quoted in April May 1986, p. 10.
Frank Rasky, The Tamin~f of'the Canadian Iliest, pp. 207-8. R 85. "coolly turned the boat": Manitoban, quoted in Theodore P. 72. "more suitablefor". R.G. Barris, Fire Canoe, p. 30.
MacBeth, quoted in Robert Stewart, Sam Steele: Lion ofthe P. 85. "Hey! You put": Steamboat Frontier, p. 24. captain, quoted in Bruce P. 73. "banditti": Howard, Wishart, "Paddle Wheels on the Strange Empire, p. 208. Prairies," The Beaver, Dec.
1989 jan. 1990, p. 3 1.
R 74. 1yield tip to you": Donald A. Smith and Adams G. Archi- P. 86. "We go from one bank": bald, quoted in Richmond, Lady Dufferin, quoted in Barris, Life ofLord Strathcona, p. 143. Fire Canoe, p. 37.
P. 75. "ourjust rights": Louis P. 8 8. "was trying to waltz Riel, quoted in Willson, Life of Manitoba Free Press, quoted in Lord Stratbiona, Vol. 1, p. 3 54.Wshart, "Paddle Wheels on the Prairies," p. 32.
P. 75. "Icongratulate".- Louis Riel, quoted in Morris, Heaven P. 88. Horses with buckskin riders: Command, p. 349. Barris, Fire Canoe, p. 20.
R 76. He was a man ofinrelli- P 90n. "the greatest marine gewce: Bowsfield, Louis Riel. Thedisaster": Saskatoon newspaper, Rebel and the Hero, p. 7. quoted ibid., p. 191.
P. 90. "0 my G.o.d": Louis Riel, R 114. His arrival in Winnipeg: quoted ibid., p. 85. Alan Wilson and R.A. Hotchkiss in Dictionary ofCanadian Biogra P. 90n. no-a' beckons a congregation:pby, Vol. XI, p. 124.
ibid., p. 256.
R 117n.
CHAPTER 5W.L. Morton, quoted in Peter.
PROGRESSION ANDC. Newman, The Canadian BETRAYALFstahlishvient, Vol. 11, The P. 100. "Our immediate destiny Acquisito; v, p. 3 03.
FIBC Factor quoted in Douglas P. 117 n. '*in the progress women MacKay, 'The Honourable have made,": E. H. Macklin, Company, pp. 285-86. quoted ibid., p. 302.
P. 103. "Ij'we bad insisted": P. 117. "The office now is" [and]
Roderick McKenzie quoted in "Bedlam let loose": Charles J.
Beckles Willson, The Lift oj LordBryclges to William Arinit, Stratbcona and Mount Royal, IlBCA, A 1212 1, fo. 40 and Vol. 1, p. 5 16. fos. 122-23.
P. 104. "It is all veiy well"janiesP. 117. were more crowded: Lockhart quoted ibid., Vol. 1, Merrill Denison, Canada's First pp.-521-22.Rank, Vol. 11, p. 2 10.
P. 106. "The Chief Commissioner P. I IQ. "I amsati.~fied": Charles J.
cares": James Lockhart, quoted Bryclges to G.J. Goschen, ibid., Vol. 1, p. 52 1. quoted in Alan Wilson, Intro duction in Hartwell Bowstield, P. 100. "It may not be out 0 ed., The Letters ofCbarlesjobn place": Donald A. Smith, letter, Bry ey IS79-IS82, p. x1in.
in Hardisty Papers, G-AIA-tile . 119i 76, Donald Smith to Richard P. 120-47-med with: Alan Wilson, Hardisty, 31 May 1873, Glen- ibid., P. lx.x.xiv.
bow Inst.i.tute, CAgary.
P. 12 1. erl ed on the fide: John S.
P. 108. "Wbere i-voy mans a Galbraith, "Land Policies of the liar": quoted in Grant I ludson's Bay Company, MacEwan, Between the Red and 1870-191 ;," Canadian Historical the Rockies, p. 29. Review, 32, no. I (March 1951), P. I 11. lf*ever an organization:P. 9.
Michael Bliss, Northern Enter-P. 122. "H~ trace all these prise, pp. 194-95. SirJohn Rose to SirJohn A.
P. I I ',. Looking to tbesmall IN'lacdonald, quoted in s.h.i.+rlec A.
amount: 'A"illiarn Armit to Don- Smith, "A Desire to Worry Me ald A. Smith, 1113CA, A6 5 1, fos.Out," The Beaver, Dec. 19 87 225-226, London, 19june 1878. Jan. 1988, p. 8.
P. 12 3. "My long conn& tion CHAPTER 6 Donald A. Smith, quoted in The STEAL OF EMPIRE Times, 28 Nov. 1883. P. 133. Forfortyyears: charac P. 12 3. Smith ~ actions: s.h.i.+rlee A.terization of Donald A. Smith, Smith, "A Desire to Worry Me WTR. Preston, The Life and Out," pp. 8-9.Times ofLord Strathcona, P. 124. "eve?y appearance ql": pp. 13-14.
Charles J. Brydges, letter to SirP. 134. His philosophical disposi John A. Macdonald, quoted tion: on Donald A. Smith, ibid., ibid., p. 11. p. 175.
P. 12 5. "1 see no prospect":P. 13 7. "a curse to the country": James L. Cotter, letter of 10 JulyDr John C. Schultz in House of 1886, quoted in Willson, Life of'Commons Debates, 18 April Lord Strathcona, Vol. 11, 1877, and Manitoba Free Press, pp. 39-40. 21 April 1877.
P. 12 6. While competent in the P. 13 7. a mixture ofputty: woods: George McTavish, Behind description ofWinnipeg, quoted the Palisades, p. 2 3 8. in Pierre Berton, The National Dream, p. 2 2 5.
P. 12 8n. "I have a pain here ": Robert Campbell, quoted in P. 137. "Winnipeg and Barrie"
Clifford Wilson, Robert report, quoted in WL. Morton, Campbell, p. 175. Manitoba: A History, p. 17 1.
P. 140. "Upon you and the P. 130. This very s-tartlinginfor-influence". SirJohn A. Macdon mation: N.M.W.J. McKenzie, ald to Donald A. Smith, quoted The Men ofthe Hudson'~ Bay in Peter C. Newman, Flame of Company, p. 46. Power, p. 60.
R 13 0. Here was a great: ibid., P. 140. "Wefirst noticed": Angus p. 137.McKay's journal, quoted in J.G.
MacGregor, Senator Hardisty P. 130. "1 have waited" J. Ogden Prairies, 1849-1889, p. 108.
Grahame, letter of 21 Mav 189 1, quoted in Willson, Lift of Lord P. 143. "To the health": MPs, Strathcona, Vol. 11, p. 185. quoted in Preston, Life and Times ofLord Strathcona, p. 84.
P. 130. "The fiat has goneforth" P. 143. "1 would be most willing Roderick Ross, quoted ibid., Donald A. Smith, quoted in p. 186.Newman, Flame of'Power, p. 60.
P. 13 1. "the prince ofliumbugs":P. 143. "DonaldA. has": letter, PAC, Roderick MacFar- Parliamentary page, quoted in lane papers, MacArthur to Dun- Preston, Life and Times ofLord can MacFarlane, 15 Feb. 1878. Strathcona, p. 85.
P. 144. "1 could lick ": Sir John V6eneration ofPolitics and Politi Macdonald, quoted in Newman, cians, pp. 112 -14, quoted in Flame ofPower, 1). 01. Cynthia NI. Smith with Jack P. 144. "Sirjohn is dead": LiberalsMcLeod, Sirjohn A.: An Anecdo in House of"Commons, 5 Nov. tal L~fe ofjohn A. Macdonald, 1873, quoted in Sandra Gwyn, pp. 72-73.
The Private Capital, p. 13 1. P. 152. Torv members: Preston, P. 144. "Mr. Smith was a rept e- Nly Generation of Politics and sentative": Charles Tupper's Politicians, p. 112, quoted ibid.
Orangeville speech, reported in P. 152. "Thatfellow Smith": Sir House of Commons Debates, John A. Macdonald, quoted in 1878, Vol. V, p. 2560, as quoted Donald Creighton, John A. Mac in Preston, Life and Times oj'Lorddonald: The Old Chieftain, p. 240.
Stratbcona, p. 307.
P. 145. The key to Smith's actions:P. 152. Now, Siryobn: DrJohn David Cruise and Alison C. Schultz, letter, PAC, Mac Griffiths, Lords oj'the Line, p. 72.donald Papers, Schultz to Mac P. 146. "We are now simp~y": donald, 28 May 1878.
Eden Colvile to James A. Gra- P. 15 2. "the primaiy object of the hame, 5 June 1874, HBCA railway": Donald A. Smith, A.7 4, fos. 198-99. quoted in Manitoba Free Press, R 146. "Few figures in polit.i.t al20 Aug. t878.
history": regarding Donald X. P. 153. keep the Company neutral: Smith, Gustav-us Myers, A His- William Armit to James A. Gra toty ofCanadian fVealth, Vol. 1, hame, HBCA, Al, Grahame to p. 266.Secretary, 10 Aug. 1878, and P. 150. "It is impossible": Lord reply.
Dufferin letter, PAC, Mackenzie P. 153. "nofavour to ask": Donald Papers, Dufferin to Mackenzie, A. Smith, quoted in Preston, Lif~ 10 Aug. 1877.and Times ofLord Strathcona, P. 150. "put money in": SirJohn pp. 119-20.
A. Macdonald, House of Com- P. 154. "1 am sorry to say": Don mons Debates, 1878, Vol. IV, ald A. Smith and a supporter, pp.1690-91.election of 1878, quoted in P. 15 1. "which would put a stop Newman, Flame ofPower, p. 50.
Sir John A. Macdonald, House P. 154. A new current was in of Commons Debates, 1878, motion: Ralph Allen, Ordeal by Vol. V, pp. 2 5 5 6-5 7. Fire, p. 13.
P. 15 1. Finally Black RodP. 15 5. The immensi~y of the tree- entered: W.T.R. Preston, Aly less Prairie: WL. Morton, in APPENDIX THREE 623.
unpublished MS biography of P. 163. "The time has now come": Donald A. Smith. Louis Riel, quoted in Hartwell Bowsfield, Louis Riel, The Rebel P. 156. This was the climate: and the Hero, p. 7.
Pierre Berton, The National Dream, p. 13 6.P. 167. "All suppliesf~rnisbed": Joseph Wrigley, quoted in J.E.
P. 15 6, "the most stupendous con-Rea, "The Hudson's Bay Com tract": Preston, quoted in New- pany and the North-West Rebel man, Flame ofPower, p. 67. lion," The Beaver, Summer 1982, P. 158, "W~ did not like him p. 47.
J.H.E. Secretan ofVan Horne, P. 16 8. "We tossed zip chairs quoted ibid., p. 80. Will i am Van Horne, quoted in P. 160. "It ma be that": Donald David Cruise and Alison YGriffiths, Lords ofthe Line, p. 15 S.
A. Smith to George Stcphen, quoted inAlcGill News, Mont- P. 168. "the Canadian Pacific real, March 193 2, p. 3 1. Railway": Sir Charles Tupper, P. 160. "HAf-E NO MPANS": describing Sir Donald A. Smith, quoted in Beckles Willson, The W.C. Van Horne to Donald A. Life of'Lord Stratbcona andMount Smith, quoted in Newman, Royal, Vol. 11, p. 132.
Flame ofPower, p. 64.
P. 161. 'forthe planet Jupiter": P. 168n. bonification: PAC MG 29, Sirjohn A. Macdonald to A5, vol. 22, IV, p. 52, Letter from George Stephen, quotcd ibid. F.A. McKenzie to Mr Garson, 22june 1915.
P. 161. "an idle, ice-bound": Lib-R 169. "The last spike": William eral critic, quoted ibid., p. 83.Van Horne, quoted in Pierre P. 16 1. He was the great Donald Berton, The Last Spike, p. 413.
A. Smith described in Preston, P. 170. "Itseemed": Sandford Life and Times ofLordStratbcona, Fleming, quoted in Lawrence p. 133.Burpee, Sandford Fleming, Empire P. 162. Onceagain tbepartnersbip:Builder, P. It 8.
Creighton, John 14. Macdonald: P. 170. "the work has been done": The Old Chieftain, pp. 397-98. William Van Horne, quoted in P. 162. "It's to the government":Berton, The Last Spike, p. 416.
Donald A. Smith to Gcorge P. 170. "All aboard": quoted ibid.
Stephen, quoted in Newman, Flame ofPower, p. 64. P. 170n. The last spike was an ordinaiy nail: Lord Strathcona, P. 163. "Theday the CPR busts": ain letter to author, 10 March CPR director, quoted ibid. 1989.
P. 17 In. "They didnt tell us": P. 182 n. "Canada has been mod CPR employee, quoted in Peter est": Sir Wilfrid Laurier, speech, C. Newman, "An Unseemly End quoted in John Robert to the Railway Saga," Maclean~, Colombo, Colombo's Canadian 5 Feb. 1990. Quotations, p. 332.
P. 172. The Canadian Pacific Rail-P. 183. There were Rajputprinces: way: Michael Bliss, Northern James [Jan] Morris, Farewell the Enterprise, p. 195. Trumpets, pp. 21-22.
P. 17 3. "Building that railroad":P. 18 3. The British as a whole: William Van Horne, quoted in Morris, Farewell the Trumpets, John Robert Colombo, Colomho~ p. 3 0.
Canadian Quotations, p. 611. P. 184. "the dervishes ofAnglo Saxondom": O.D. Skelton, The P. 17 3 n. "How much does the sta-Life and Letters ofSir Wi6Frid ble ho ' y ": story about William VanLaurier, p. 60.
Horne, Newman, Flame of Power, p. 88.R 185. Asa warm darknessfell: June Callwood, The Naughty P. 174. "Now, there ~ a very neatNineties, p. 2 1.
place": Donald A. Smith, quoted in Willson, Life ofLord Strath- P. 186. "The All-Red Line": Sir cona, Vol. 11, p. 125. Sandford Fleming, quoted in Lawrence Burpee, Sandford P. 175. "Remember,,7ames": Don- Fleming, Empire Builder, p. 199.
ald A. Smith, quoted in New man, Flame ofPower, p. 5 1. P. 18 7. "Now we must attend"
doctor to Lord Strathcona,