Study of Child Life Part 17

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The Children of the Future ($1.00, postage 10c), Nora A.


Children's Rights ($1.00, postage 10c), Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora A. Smith.

Republic of Childhood (3 vols., each $1.00; postage 10c), Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora A. Smith.

Educational Reformers ($1.50, postage 14c), Quick.

Lectures to Kindergartners ($1.00, postage 10c), Elizabeth Peabody.

The Place of the Story in Early Education ($0.50, postage 6c), Sara E. Wiltse.

Children's Ways ($1.25, postage 10c), Sully.

Kindergarten and Child Culture Papers ($3.50, postage 20c), Barnard.

Adolescence (2 vols., $7.50; postage 56c), G. Stanley Hall.

Psychology and Advanced

The Mind of the Child (2 vols., each $1.50, postage 10c), W.


The Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child ($1.50, postage 12c), G. Compayre.

Child Study ($1.25, postage 14c), Amy Tanner.

The Story of the Mind ($0.35, postage 6c), J. Mark Baldwin.

Psychology (Briefer Course, $1.60; postage 16c. Advanced Course, 2 vols., $4.80; postage 44c), James.

School and Society ($1.00, postage 10c), John Dewey.

Emile ($0.90, postage 8c), Rousseau.

Pedagogics of the Kindergarten ($1.50, postage 12c), Froebel.

Education by Development ($1.50, postage 12c), Froebel.

Kindergarten and Child Culture Papers, Henry Barnard.

Letters to a Mother on the Philosophy of Froebel ($1.50, postage 12c), Blow.

Studies of Childhood ($2.50, postage 20c), Sully.

Mental Development ($1.75, postage 16c), Baldwin.

Education of Central Nervous System ($1.00, postage 16c), Halleck.

Child Observations, Imitative Symbolic Education ($1.50, postage 12c), Blow.

Interest as Related to Will ($0.25, postage 6c), Dewey.

Religious Training

Christian Nurture ($1.25, postage 12c), Horace Bushnell.

On Holy Ground ($3.00, Postage 30c), W.L. Worcester.

The Psychology of Religion ($1.50, postage 14c), E.D.


The s.e.x Question

The Song of Life ($1.25, postage 12c), Margaret Morley.

What a Young Boy Ought to Know ($1.00, postage 10c), Rev.

Sylva.n.u.s Stall.

What a Young Girl Ought to Know ($1.00, postage 10c), Rev.

Sylva.n.u.s Stall.

Duties of Parents to Children in Regard to s.e.x ($0.40, postage 4c), Rev. Wm. L. Worcester.

How to Tell the Story of Reproduction to Children, Pamphlet 5c; order from Mothers' Union, 3408 Harrison Street, Kansas city, Mo.

Of General Interest to Mothers

Wilhelm Meister ($1.00, postage 14c), Goethe.

Story of My Life ($1.50, postage 14c), Helen Keller.

The Ordeal of Richard Feveril ($1.50, postage 14c), George Meredith.

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Study of Child Life Part 17 summary

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