Ashes - Standoff In The Ashes Part 23

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The six freedom fighters were being held in a downtown jail in New Syracuse, in a very heavily guarded facility. A team from Buddy's spec op group checked out the prison and reported back."It can be done, Father," Buddy told his dad, "but not easily.''

"You don't think it's a setup?"

"I don't believe so. The place is literally crawling with Black s.h.i.+rts."

"We don't have time to try to get a blueprint of the place. It's so new that if anyone tried that would be a dead giveaway that something was up."

"It's going to be loud and risky, Father," Buddy warned.

"Can't be helped. Osterman's supporters have to be shown that we will do exactly what we say we'll do. These people are under the command of the army of the SUSA. They're Rebels. And we take care of our own." Ben stood 199.


up and slammed a fist onto the desktop. "So let's do it, Buddy."

"My people are ready to go. Do we take any of the local groups?"

"Only the most experienced among them. This is not going to be any place for amateurs."

"When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible. We can be there in a few hours. Pick the fastest route to the city and send teams of your people ahead to neutralize any roadblocks."

"I have to point out anything like that will tell the Feds we're on the way."

"Can't be helped. Let's do it, boy."

Standing back a few yards from the father and son, Jersey smiled and said: "Kick a.s.s time!"

Buddy's people did not finesse the taking out of the Fed roadblocks.

They blew them wide open with rockets and rolled on through without giving the dead and wounded a second glance. Ben and his group were right behind the lead team of Scouts, pus.h.i.+ng the Scouts hard.

The dozens of teams of Rebels and resistance fighters rolled dirough small towns on their way to New Syracuse. They met no trouble from the local police.

One local chief radioed to the FPPS HQ in New Syracuse: There is no way in h.e.l.l I'm going to sacrifice any of my people to the Rebels. These people are out in force and out for blood, and by G.o.d it isn't going to be mine or my mens'.

I am ordering you to throw up roadblocks and halt this Rebel advance, was the answer.

I have four words for you, the police chief radioed back to the Black s.h.i.+rt. f.u.c.k you. I quit!200 That sentiment seemed to be shared by all the local police.

The FPPS pulled as many guards as they could from around the jail and threw up roadblocks on the highways leading into New Syracuse from the north. They did not have the force or the will to match the fury of the Rebels. The Rebels and the freedom fighters tore through the roadblocks and slammed their way toward the jail.

The citizens watched from their homes as hundreds of Rebels and resistance fighters poured into their newly rebuilt city.

The men and women who made up the FPPS were bullies, but they were not fools. Those who were guarding the jail carefully laid their weapons on the ground and stood quietly with their hands in the air as the jail was completely surrounded by Rebels and resistance fighters. Many of them muttered somewhat brief but very sincere prayers.

Not a single shot was fired as the Rebels took control of New Syracuse.

Ben walked through the crowd of surrendered FPPS people until he was face-to-face with an older man who had been pointed out as the commander of the detachment.

"Your name?" Ben asked.

"Jim Barnes."

"Well, Jim, you and your people got smart this night. We'll see if the smarts continue. For now, get those six freedom fighters out here."

"Freedom fighters!" the commander of the FPPS blurted. "You call these terrorists freedom fighters? Are you serious, General Raines?"

"Yes, Commander. I am very serious. Get those men and women out here.

And they'd better be walking and without injury."

"If they were hurt, General," Barnes said, "they were injured while being arrested, not while in custody."



"We'll have to see about that, won't we?"

"You don't believe me?"

"You work for Osterman, Jim. Do I have to say more?"

"I work for the United States of America. I enforce the laws of this government."

"I don't intend to stand in the middle of the street debating the dubious merits of socialism with you. Get those prisoners out here-right now!"

Jim waved his hand, and four men and two women were brought out of the jail. The crowd of local civilians that had gathered around the jailbegan cheering. Commander Jim Barnes flushed in anger at the jubilation.

"My, my," Ben said. "You're not as well thought of around here as you might have suspected, Jim. Doesn't that make you wonder about your everlasting allegiance toward Madam President-For-Life Osterman?"

The commander of the local FPPS glared hate at Ben. He opened his mouth to speak, then thought better of it and shut his trap.

"Destroy all the records," Ben said, turning to Buddy. "Then collect all the weapons, ammo, and other gear."

"And then?" Buddy questioned with a knowing half-smile on his lips.

"Blow the d.a.m.n building!"

Commander Barnes paled at that. He muttered something under his breath.

"Something on your mind, Jim?" Ben asked, once more turning to Commander Barnes.

"That facility cost several million dollars to construct, General Raines. Taxpayer money. Aren't you going a bit far by destroying it?"

"Osterman went a bit far. We're just correcting her actions, you might say."

"At the risk of being shot by your terrorists, let me say that I will enjoy watching you hang."


William W. Johnstone "You're at the end of a long list of eager prospective spectators. But don't worry about being shot. That won't happen unless you try to escape."

The Rebels and militia and other resistance members were busy loading up guns and other equipment from the jail. Commander Barnes watched them work for a moment, then returned his gaze to Ben. "A lot of blood will be spilled because of this night, General Raines."

"I hope it will all be the blood of those loyal to Osterman."

"Some of it will be, I'm sure."

Boxes containing computer discs were carried out of the building and tossed onto a growing pile by the side of the jail. Gasoline was poured on the pile. When the fumes had dissipated, the mound of records was set on fire. Flames immediately began leaping into the night sky.

"Do you have a hobby, Jim?" Ben asked.

"What? A hobby? Why .. . yes, I do."

"And that is?"

"Computers. I'm something of a nut about computers."

"That might be a good vocation for you, don't you think?""Are you trying to tell me something?"

"As a matter of fact, yes I am. It just might be a good time for you to retire and start a new career."

Barnes shook his head. "I like my present job, General. I enjoy bringing traitors to justice."

"That's too bad. I really thought I detected a spark of decency in you."

That remark got to Barnes. "I'm as decent as any man! Who in the h.e.l.l are you to judge me?"

"You work for Osterman. You can't be very decent and do that."

The FPPS man flushed and clenched his hands into fists. Then he slowly relaxed, and a very thin smile creased his 203.


lips. "That's good, General. Very good. But it won't work. You can't provoke me enough into taking a swing at you. As much as I might want to," he added.

"I wasn't trying to provoke you, Commander. Not into starting a fight, that is."

"You could have fooled me. What the h.e.l.l were you trying to do?"

"Make you see that what you're doing is wrong. It's wrong to oppress people."

"I don't believe I'm oppressing anyone. I'm just following orders, that's all."

Ben's smile was tinged with sadness: "Just following orders," he repeated softly. "Are you a student of history?"

"I enjoying studying history, yes. Why? What has that to do with now?"

"Everything. But I guess you don't see it. Probably never will. And I'm sorry about that."

"I don't know what in the h.e.l.l you're talking about."

Corrie motioned to Ben, and he walked over to her. She whispered to him, then backed off. Ben shook his head and cursed under his breath. "Get done with it here, people!" he shouted. "Shake it up!"

Lara walked up to him. "What's happening, Ben?"

"Osterman has hired her mercenary army. They're on their way. Our intel just confirmed it."

"And that means?"

"We've got a h.e.l.l of a fight facing us, Lara. We've got a few weeks before they can all get here and get lined out. Then the s.h.i.+t reallyhits the fan."

"How many men could she have hired? And where did she find them?"

"A full division, I was just informed. And they won't be green troops.

Where did she find them? All over the world. The USA is pretty closer to normal as far as government, industry, jobs, so forth. Seventy-five percent of the world 204.

William W. Johnstone is still in a state of chaos. Men and women will grab at a chance to make some money fighting."

Buddy walked up. "I just heard, Father. Ike b.u.mped me."

"He sound worried?"

"Not in the least."

"He wouldn't be. I don't think that d.a.m.ned ex-SEAL ever worried very much about anything in his life. All right, let's get it wrapped up here and clear out. The building cleaned out?"

"Down to the walls and the floor."

"Blow it and let's get the h.e.l.l out of here. We've got a lot of planning to do, and not a whole lot of time in which to get it done."


After chatting with Ben for a few minutes, Cecil ordered every citizen of the SUSA to go on high alert. High school were canceled so the older kids could help on the farms, bringing in the crops. Factories again were running twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Citizens drew emergency rations. The SUSA got ready for possible invasion.

Ben left a team of Rebels in upstate New York and flew back to Base Camp One with his team and Buddy. Within an hour after landing, he was in a meeting with President Cecil Jefferys.

"The brigade commanders will be coming in later today," Cecil told him.

"We'll schedule a council of war for tomorrow afternoon. I thought you and I had best hit the high points today."

"As soon as we know for sure where the staging area is for those mercenaries, we hit them with air strikes and missiles," Ben said. "I've alerted the missile crews, and 206.

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Ashes - Standoff In The Ashes Part 23 summary

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