Yussuf the Guide Part 23

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There was little to see, too, in the darkness, but the figures of the reclining sleepers, and that of the grave sentinel, who sat upon a big ma.s.s of stone, crouched in a heap and looking as if he were part of the rock, save when he changed his position a little to refill his pipe.

The night pa.s.sed without any alarm. The professor was awakened about two and took Yussuf's place, and soon after daybreak the others were roused, and the residue of the provisions was opened out.

"Be easier to carry when eaten," said Mr Preston laughing.

He looked serious directly, for there was a peculiarly sombre frown upon Yussuf's brow, which suggested that he was thinking over Mr Burne's suspicions of the previous evening, and his rather unpleasant way.

"Look here, Burne," the professor whispered, as they sat together on the sand eating their spare meal, "I think, if I were you, I would make a bit of an apology to Yussuf. He is really a gentleman at heart, and has been accustomed to mix a great deal with Englishmen. He is a good deal hurt by our suspicions, and it is a pity for there to be any disunion in our little camp."

"Camp, indeed!" cried the old man testily; "pretty sort of a camp, without a tent in it. I shall be racked with rheumatism in all my old bones. I know I shall, after this wild-goose chase."

"Let's hope not," said the professor; "but you will make some advances to him, will you not?"

"You mind your own affairs, sir. Don't you teach me. My back's horrible this morning. Can't you wait a bit. I was going to make amends if you had left me alone."

"That's right," said the professor cheerily. "I want him to have a good opinion of Englishmen."

Lawrence watched eagerly for Mr Burne's apology, but he did not speak till just as they were going to start, when he stepped aside behind a rock for a few minutes, and then came out again and walked up to Yussuf with something coiled up in his hand.

"Look here, Yussuf," he said. "You're a stronger man than I am, and used to the country. I wish you would buckle this round your waist--out of sight, of course."

As he spoke he held out his heavy cash-belt, which was thoroughly well padded with gold coin, and then threw it over the Turk's arm.

Yussuf looked at him intently, and a complete change came over the man's face as he shook his head and held the belt out for Mr Burne to take again.

"No, excellency," he said, "I understand you. It is to show me that you trust me, but you doubt me still."

"No, I do not," cried Mr Burne. "Nothing of the sort. You think I do, because I said ugly things yesterday. But that was my back."

"Your excellency's back?"

"Yes, my man; my back. It ached horribly. There, I do trust you. I should be a brute if I did not."

"I'll take your excellency's word, then," said Yussuf gravely. "I will not carry the belt."

"Nonsense, man, do. There, it was to make you believe in me; but all the same it does tire me terribly, and it frets me, just where I feel most tender from my fall. It would relieve me a great deal, and it would be safer with you than with me. Come, there's a good fellow; carry it for me. I beg you will."

The Turk shook his head, and stood holding out the belt, turning his eyes directly after to Mr Preston and then upon Lawrence.

"Come," continued Mr Burne, "you surely do not bear malice because a tired man who was in great pain said a few hasty words. The belt has really fretted and chafed me. I am ready to trust in your sincerity; will you not trust in mine?"

Yussuf's countenance lit up, and he caught Mr Burne's hand in his, and raised it to his lips hastily, after which he opened his loose robe and carefully buckled the money-belt within his inner garment.

"That's the way," cried Mr Burne cheerily; and he looked happier and more relieved himself; "and look here, Yussuf, I'm a curious suspicious sort of fellow, who has had dealings with strange people all his life.

I believe in you, I do indeed, and whenever you find me saying unpleasant things, you'll know my back's bad, and that I don't mean it.

And now, for goodness' sake, let's get to some civilised place where we can have a cup of coffee and a gla.s.s of wine. Preston, old fellow, I'd give a sovereign now for a good well-cooked mutton-chop--I mean four sovereigns for four--one a-piece. I'm not a greedy man."

Lawrence went forward to Yussuf's side, and these two led the way, along by the purple sea, which was now flas.h.i.+ng in the morning sun, and the delicious air made the travellers feel inspirited, and ready to forget all discomforts as they tramped on in search of a village, while, before they had gone far, Mr Burne turned his dry face to the professor and said:

"Well, did that do?"

"My dear Burne," cried the professor, "I am just beginning to know you.

It was admirable."

"Humph!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed the old lawyer, who then blew a sounding blast upon his nose. "I am beginning to think that a neater form of apology to a man--a foreign heretic sort of a man--was never offered."

"It could not have been better. What do you think, Lawrence?" he added as the latter halted to let his elders catch up, Yussuf going on alone.

"I don't know what you were talking about," he replied.

"Mr Burne's apology. I say it was magnificent."

"So do I," exclaimed Lawrence. "Capital."

"Humph! Think so? Well, I suppose it was all right," said Mr Burne.

"But I say," he whispered, gazing after Yussuf who was striding away fifty yards ahead and leaving them behind, "do you really think that money will be all right?"

"I say, Mr Burne," cried Lawrence laughing; "is your back beginning to ache already?"

The old lawyer stopped short, and turned upon the lad with a comical look, half mirth, half anger in his countenance.

"You impudent young dog," he cried. "I knew you were shamming, and not ill at all. My back, indeed! Well, yes. Come along. I suppose it was beginning to ache."



Mr Burne showed no more distrust, though Yussuf was striding away faster and faster, at a rate that Lawrence's strength forbade him to attempt to emulate; but the reason soon became evident. He was making for an elevation about a mile away, and upon reaching it he toiled up to the top, and as soon as he had done so he turned and took off his fez and began to wave it in the air.

"He has found out something," said the professor.

"If it is a hotel where we can get a good breakfast he shall have my advice for nothing any time he likes to come and ask it," said Mr Burne, rubbing his hands.

"In London?" said the professor.

"Anywhere, sir. There, that will do. Don't swing your arms about like that," he continued, addressing the guide, who was of course far out of hearing. "Anyone would think that because he was right on the top of a hill he had caught the wind-mill complaint."

The three travellers were almost as much excited as Yussuf, and hurried on, Lawrence forgetting his weakness in the interest of the moment, so that it was not long before they reached the top--hot, breathless, and panting with exertion.

Their guide pointed to what appeared to be a group of huts a long way off.

"Is that all?" grumbled the old lawyer. "I thought you had found a place where we could have a comfortable meal."

"There will be bread, and fruit, and a boat, excellency," said Yussuf quietly; "and these are what you want, are they not?"

"I suppose so," replied Mr Burne, gazing forward at what now appeared to be a cl.u.s.ter of small houses by the sea-sh.o.r.e, backed by a dense grove of trees, while in front, and about a quarter of a mile from the sands, lay three small boats. "It is not a desert place then," he grumbled, as they all went on together. "How far is it to that cl.u.s.ter of hovels?"

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Yussuf the Guide Part 23 summary

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