The Season Of Passage Part 11

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'That's good,' Jim said. He seemed preoccupied. Lauren thought of his puzzling att.i.tude toward the Rover's pictures. If she didn't ask him now, she might forget when they woke up.

'Are you thinking about the footprints?' she asked.

'The footprints.' He frowned. 'I guess we all are.'

'But they bother you for different reasons than the rest of us. Tell me, Jim, what is it?'

He smiled his kind smile. Except for the faint colored glows of b.u.t.tons and dials, and the soft hum of equipment, the Nova was dark and quiet. For the first time, Lauren felt the full impact of having left Earth. Yet Jim's nearness was comforting.

'When I was a child,' he said, 'someone donated a telescope to the orphanage where I lived. I was interested in astronomy already, and the instrument was like a gift from heaven. Almost every night I would go out and look at the sky for hours, especially when Mars was up. For some reason, it always held a special fascination for me. Of course, the telescope could show scarcely any detail on the planet. But I had heard of the famous Martian, and for a long time I tried to see them. I must have been about ten at the time. There was no halfway knowledgeable adult around to tell me there were no So I kept searching, night after night, and eventually I saw them. Quite clearly, if I remember right. I was so happy. I could hardly sleep for thinking about them. I would stay awake and imagine how great the Martian engineers must have been to construct that circled their entire planet. But not long after that I read a library book that said the were an illusion. The book said that the famous astronomers, Lowell and Schiaparelli, had only imagined that they had seen them. I was disappointed, but in time I accepted the reality of the situation, and stopped seeing them myself. But even as a child I often wondered how such a great astronomer as Lowell, with a respectable telescope, could have made such a stupendous error. The theory that they were generated by his technique of occasionally placing a diaphragm over the lens of his telescope never made sense to me. In this technique - it's called "stopping down" - two bright patches sometimes bleed a dark line in between them. But you see, Lowell not only saw the, but drew intricate maps of them. Stopping down would have produced two or three illusionary images at best. No, Lowell saw the he drew on his maps, there is no doubt in my mind. Once he said that the more he looked at Mars, the clearer they became to him. And he wasn't alone. Several others confirmed his sightings.' Jim paused. 'Yet there are no'

'I don't understand,' Lauren said, understanding more than she wanted to admit. At first she hadn't seen any footprints, and then - once they had been pointed out to her - they had been perfectly clear. And so fascinating.

'I don't either,' Jim said, beginning to fade under the effects of the Antabolene. 'It worries me.'

'But how could this common illusion affect us?'

Jim closed his eyes. 'Lowell saw from millions of miles away. We'll be walking in that place.'


Too late. Jim was asleep. The discussion would have to continue in a few months. Lauren felt an eerie chill in her stomach as she looked down at him. Jim reminded her of her father. They both seemed so wise. They even looked similar: sun-beaten skin, thinning gray hair, lines of hards.h.i.+ps and triumphs etched in their faces. If Jim could not take care of them, no one could.

Lauren returned to her monitors. Everyone was doing nicely. Now it was her turn. She stripped and took a hot shower, afterwards putting on a pair of white shorts and an oversized Houston Oilers T-s.h.i.+rt. Then she climbed into her hibernaculum and repeated the machine-flesh fusion that she had accomplished on the others. She felt no fear of the process. A year ago she had undergone a practice hibernation in Houston that had lasted seven days. She had awoken feeling wonderful; full of energy. And in the event of an emergency, Friend would wake her.

Lauren fitted two clear plastic tubes into the artery shunt on her left arm and turned on the circulator. Quickly the Antabolene began to flood her system, bringing with it a sudden wave of drowsiness. She opened a final line to Houston and they wished her sweet dreams. For a long time she rested, following the heartbeats of her friends as they traced rhythmic green lines across the screens above her head. She felt herself drifting away, but also felt a sudden need to say a last goodbye to Earth. She hauled herself into an upright position where she could peer out a portal beside her hibernaculum. Unfortunately the revolution of the Nova had momentarily placed the s.h.i.+p's spine between her and Earth. She did not have the strength to wait for the Nova to wing her around to the other side. She fell back exhausted, experiencing a vague foreboding that she would never see her world again.

'Friend?' she whispered.

[Yes, Lauren?]

'What are the odds that I will return from Mars?'

[91.762 percent, Lauren.]

She yawned. 'Those are pretty good odds.'

[Yes, Lauren.]

'But why aren't they a hundred percent?'

[There are many unknown factors, Lauren. For example, the Hawk's main thruster efficiency has not been critically rated under ideal...]

Lauren heard only a part of the reasons why. She sank swiftly, as soft hands slipped gentle reins of thoughtlessness over her mind, easing her down into a gray field of oblivion. This was how death would be, she thought, a peaceful void. But before that time came she must ask Jim once more about why people saw on Mars, and why he gave Jennifer a s.h.i.+ny silver ring and told her to wear it. Before that final end came she had to see, at least one last time, her Princess.




Excerpts from Jennifer Wagner's Story.

In the Garden, on the edge of the vast ocean, and the borders of the tall mountains, lived the people ofSastra, the first and greatest of human beings. Because they were from the beginning, they were untarnished, beautiful and wise, of fair form and kind desire. Their king was Rankar, mightiest of the Sastra, and their queen, Chaneen, loveliest of the offspring of the G.o.ds. They were man and wife, the parents of the children and the guardians of mankind. Their powers were a mystery. Often Rankar could be found communing with the G.o.ds, seeking the knowledge of the immortals. But although Chaneen shared Rankar's abilities to contact the higher beings, it was in her heart to care for the Garden, to bring life and joy from the ground, and to make blessed the dwelling of her people. Seldom did she call upon the G.o.ds, being content to walk under the sun of her own world.

For countless cycles the Garden enjoyed peace, forgetting even the bitter war with the Asurians long ago. But it came to pa.s.s one day that an amba.s.sador from Asure arrived on the outskirts of the mountains that sheltered the Gardenfrom the desert. He begged permission to enter the Garden and exchange counsel with King Rankar. The news was brought to Rankar and Chaneen while they rested in their palace, near the pool of sacred waters where the stars shone bright at night. Janier, Chaneen's sister, and much loved among the Sastra, brought the tidings along with her husband, Tier, who had won great renown during the ancient war with the Asurians. Bowing low before their King and Queen, they advised that the request of the Asurian amba.s.sador be denied. Rankar considered the news and the advice with a long silence. Finally he spoke.

'What does the amba.s.sador give for a name, and how many of his people accompany him?'

Janier answered, 'There are but two who stand by his side, my Lord. 'She lowered her voice. 'It is Kratine himself who seeks entrance.'

At the mention of Kratine, a shadow fell over Chaneen's heart. Kratine was Asure, the land and its people, the King who had decreed that his race should inhabit the Garden. It was Kratine who had been responsible for the death of so many of her children. Only by Rankar's invocation of the Fire Messenger had the Sastra been able to defeat Kratine's army cycles ago. Scars of those battles, memories Chaneen wished to forget, returned vividly in her thoughts.

'Why would you have me turn Kratine away at our doorstep?' Rankar asked Janier. 'Would that put an end to whatever threat he may have devised since we last warred with him?'

'Perhaps not, my Lord,' Janier said. 'But the thought of him entering our home revolts me. I feel only grief will follow should he come into the Garden.'

I agree,' Tier said. 'Better the enemy at our doorstep than in our home. Kratine is too dangerous a force to be allowed to move among our people. I beg you deny his request, my Lord.'

'Perhaps he has come in peace,' Rankar said, 'and we would be in violation of the natural order to shun him.'

'Impossible,' Tier said.

I respectfully implore my Lord not to forget the past, 'Janier said.

Rankar turned to Chaneen. 'What are your thoughts, my wife? Amongst us four, you alone did not fight the Asurians last time. Your view may be the clearest. Should we hear what Kratine has to say?'

Chaneen hesitated before answering. She had no desire to be involved in matters that could lead to death and destruction. Rankar knew that. Why did he ask her? He must have his reasons. He always did.

'You are my King,' Chaneen said. I see already it is your desire to face him again. Do so.'

Rankar turned back to Janier and Tier. 'Allow Kratine to pa.s.s our borders. But keep his two companions at bay, and send a swift group of scouts over the mountains and into the desert beyond. See if these three Asurians are the only ones who want to enter our land.'

'I implore you to consider longer upon this matter,' Tier said.

'Myself included, my Lord, 'Janier said. 'He is hideous.'

Rankar bowed his head. I have already considered this matter for longer than you know. That is why I bid you do as I say.'

Janier and Tier bowed and left.

That evening, close to sunset, a late-night chill arrived on the lap of a foul-smelling breeze. It was then Janier and Tier returned to the palace with Kratine, standing to either side of him, their swords drawn. Chaneen and Rankar greeted the Asurian King in their throne room, which was open to the sky, and had streams of flowing water on either side.

'Kratine,' Rankar said. 'We pray you have come in peace and welcome you in such spirit.'

Kratine bowed low in respect. Chaneen was surprised at his physical form. He did not appear as an Asurian should, but rather, as a human being. How cunning of Kratine, Chaneen thought, to try and soothe their memories by taking such a shape. Yet she was not deceived. Looking into Kratine's eyes, which regarded her with a semblance of warmth, she saw only hate.

'Thank you, Rankar,' Kratine said, for granting me this audience. Thanks, also, for honoring me with the presence of your companion. We of Asure have heard many a tale of the wonder and beauty of Chaneen. It is indeed a joy to find that those tales fell short in glorifying her.' Kratine bowed again. Chaneen chose to remain silent. Kratine added, glancing out of the corners of his yes, 'Would it be possible, if only for a night, to forget the tragedies we both suffered in the past? I would have these two brave warriors stand at ease.'

'As you wish.' Rankar nodded. 'Put down your swords Janier and Tier. This is a season of peace. We will listen to the words of our visitor with open hearts. Tell us of your mind, Kratine.'

'The plight of Asure is grave,' Kratine said. 'Our land grows cold, our waters dry. The light dims. With each pa.s.sing cycle, my people, once proud and strong, weaken. Many more cycles and we will perish altogether. I tell you this now, as I should have in the past, so that you will understand why we fought to claim your Garden for our own. I hope that you will be able to find the compa.s.sion in your heart to forgive us. We were desperate then, we are desperate now. But in those days, I felt if we were to survive, then we would need your land, all of your land. This was a personal decision on my part, not a decision of my people. I was King then as lam now. lam to blame for the wrongs that were committed in the past.'

I know of your people's plight,' Rankar said. 'What do you now propose? How may I help you?'

I beg you to allow us to live peacefully beyond your mountains,' Kratine said. 'Far from your Garden, but still within the confines of your land.' He paused. 'If you deny us this request, Rankar, then you condemn a great race to death.'

'I feel your concern for your people to be genuine,' Rankar replied. 'The Asurians cannot last long without their waters. Even with your efforts to conserve, I know your rivers grow shallower with each pa.s.sing cycle. But I am reminded of a time when you entered my lands and were not content with the desert beyond the mountains, but tried to enter our Garden and have it for your own. How can I be rea.s.sured you would not try to do the same thing again?'

'There is nothing I can say,' Kratine replied, 'that can erase the evils I inflicted on your people. But that is the problem I have thought long and hard about. What could I do to show we are sincere? At length the basis of the distrust became clear to me, and the way to get rid of it. Our people, Rankar, are much alike.'

'We are nothing like you, 'Janier hissed.

Kratine glanced Janier's way and a smile broke on his face.

'Be still, child,' Rankar said. 'Please continue, Kratine.'

'Yes, my Lord,' Kratine said, although his gaze lingered upon Janier. She attempted to meet his stare but had to break away and look at the floor. Kratine went on, 'As I was saying, we are much alike. At present you fear and dislike us because we seem, outwardly, to be so alien. But if you knew us, the way we live and labor, you would understand that we possess your same love for life, your same desire for beauty and joy. I have asked you to allow us to inhabit the lands on the other side of your great mountains. But I believe that in time there would come a mingling of our people, in a peaceful and beneficial manner.'

'But you are of a separate origin,' Rankar said. 'Would it not be a violation of the natural order for us to mingle in the way you describe?'

'That is a misunderstanding,' Kratine said. 'One I have come to your Garden to correct. The natural order is progressive. It can always be improved.'

'You speak of ways of life, 'Janier said. I have heard stories of your Asurian ways. They disgust me.'

Again Kratine turned his attention to Janier. 'Stories, my child ? What are stories? Would you deny us a chance to prove ourselves as worthy of life as the Sastra?' Kratine smiled. 'Are you afraid to see the truth?'

I am afraid of nothing, 'Janier said.

'How do you propose to demonstrate this truth?' Rankar asked.

'Very easily, my Lord,' Kratine said. 'Allow an exchange of our people, two of your race for two of mine. A male and a female would be ideal. With your people living in Asure, and mine living here, a deep appreciation for each other's culture will naturally spring up. Then the differences and hostilities between us will dissolve, and be shown for the illusions they are.'

'Would you be one of those who will remain in our Garden?' Rankar asked.

I would not allow it,' Tier said quickly.

'No,' Kratine said. 'The two who wait at the edge of your fair Garden have traveled with me with the hope that they may have the privilege.'

'Why a man and a woman?' Rankar asked.

'It is of no particular importance,' Kratine said. 'But I feel that a male and female of your race would give my people a more complete understanding of the Sastra. I'm sure my Lord can see the wisdom of what I say.'

'This is all you wish at present?' Rankar asked. 'This exchange of people?'

'Yes,' Kratine said. 'We have no desire to enter any portion of your lands without first rea.s.suring your people that we come in peace.'

'What if after a cycle of this exchange I do not feel rea.s.sured?' Rankar asked. 'What if the couple I choose to send to your land still feels that you are a threat, even after living with you?'

'I pray that will not be the case,' Kratine said. 'But should it be so, what can we do? We do not have the strength we did ages ago. As you well know, we cannot defeat the Sastra in battle,' Kratine added. 'Not with your powers supporting them.'

Chaneen sensed that he was downplaying the Asurians' might. Nevertheless, she was confused, for Kratine's offer seemed reasonable.

'Who would arrange for the transportation of my two people?' Rankar asked.

I will personally accompany them to my home,' Kraline said. 'My bridge is waiting at the edge of your deserts.'

'Do you have any preference who I send?' Rankar asked. 'Besides that they be a male and a female?'

'No, my Lord,' Kratine said. 'But two of your strongest might be best. My people admire strength, and such a couple could demonstrate to my people how worthy the Sastra are of respect.' He appraised Tier and Janier. 'Perhaps these two warriors would be a good choice. Their spirit appears good.'

I have your word they would not be harmed?' Rankar asked. 'You swear on the name of Asure?'

Kratine nodded.

'Do you?' Rankar insisted.

Kratine bowed. 'Yes, my Lord. Nothing will be done to arouse your wrath. And I feel at ease with those I leave behind, knowing that above all else you would take no action that would harm your own children.'

Chaneen felt both truth and deceit in his words. Rankar must be equally aware, she thought. She watched as her husband sat back in his throne after a thoughtful pause.

I will consider your request and meet with you tomorrow, Kratine,' Rankar said. 'Tonight you may stay in our palace, and enjoy its comforts.'

I appreciate the invitation to stay,' Kratine said. 'But I must decline. No Asurian will stay in your Garden until your final decision has been made. But I am anxious to return tomorrow to see what that decision may be. Already I sense your consent, am I not correct, Lord Rankar?'

'Your goal to remove hostilities between our peoples is n.o.ble,' Rankar said. 'Still, I must confer with those I might choose to send. Tomorrow, Kratine, come when the sun stands at its peak.'

'Very well,' Kratine said. 'However, if the time is not important, I will visit your palace a bit later, after the sun has set. If my Lord permits?'

'Fine,' Rankar said. 'My warriors waiting at the front of the palace will escort you to the edge of the Garden.'

'Until tomorrow, Rankar,' Kratine said. He bowed and left. Chaneen felt a great heaviness depart from the room. Tier and her sister approached the throne.

I will go, Rankar,' Tier said. I will go and seek for signs of deceit in the Asurians.'

'We already know of their deceits, 'Janier told her husband. 'Everything changes through time,' Rankar said. 'Would you go, Janier, should I ask?'

Janier nodded slowly, 'Should my Lord ask.' 'But,' Chaneen whispered.

'Yes, Chaneen?' Rankar said.

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The Season Of Passage Part 11 summary

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