Makikomarete Isekai Teni Suru Yatsu Wa Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 The Heroes and the rabbit girl

Author´s note

Uh, everyone's readers. Is there not a lot of people who saw the Heroes weak because of the MC? I would like to explain how a cheat the Heroes are.

The heroes are the strongest only for humans (except Kyousai), and not including demi-humans.

Let's a.n.a.lyze Yuus.h.i.+, the most powerful here.

First of all, it is grip strength, there are 2 tons. If he punched a punching machine, it will exceed 7500 kilograms. [TN I am sure there is something amiss but キロ only translates as kilometer or kilogram.]
Even if he is crushed by a heavy truck over 120 km/h, he will not die. I think he'll get hurt. He could crush the core of an apple hundred of meters away with a pencil throwing.

Running at full power, he'll run at around 850 km/h.

Please understand it. Thinking about this, the demons of this world are pretty scary, aren't they?

“Are you all right? Is there any injury?”

The blue-haired rabbit girl who suddenly appeared in front of the heroes was not showing fatigue at all, just to say that the previous magic was natural.

Rin was stunned, and no voice came out. The rabbit girl was anxious about that.

“Um … …… You're from the human race, right? You should be familiar with the language.……”

Rin looking at the girl's face came back.

“Oh … yes. I'm fine. But my friends are hurt.……”

The girl was relieved that the reply came back showed the expression of relief for a moment, and immediately frowned.

“Okay, please gather your friends right away, how many people?”

“There are 9 people including me …”

“9 people… OK, I will return soon.”

The girl built a simple hut with earth magic in a little vacant s.p.a.ce. Of course, it can hold nine people and it is quite st.u.r.dy.

It was just that, but Rin can't close her mouth.

(That's a lie ……? … How to use magic to build a hut with this size and robustness in no time… Who is this girl?)

Rin was anxious about the girl's status. However, Rin was astonished here.

(Oh, that kind of … … why … …)

The status Rin saw was this.

LV 10
HP 80/80
MP 150/150
STR 20
DEX 18
VIT 23
INT 21
AGI 26
MND 28
LUK 40


Taijutsu LV 2
Water attribute LV1
Earth attribute LV1


Water · earth

Rin had an intuition. 'Surely, this status is not real.' In the first place, MP itself has not decreased at all. A third person's magic. A suspicion crossed her brain for a moment, but she immediately denied it.

Because Rin is good at magic, she knows it.

The girl has only little magical power. Any magician would laugh. However, Rin was not able to think so.

The released magical power is perfectly constant. It is constant enough to be clearly adjusted. Only when it uses great magic, it becomes larger than it can be for an instant and becomes constant immediately.

When she thought about it, Rin became fearful. From the atmosphere, Rin can see that she is not an enemy. However, she doesn't understand the ability of this girl at all.

Until now she was able to grasp the status of the opponent thanks to super a.n.a.lysis. But that does not work. Fear of the unknown. That was it.

“Are you okay?”

Suddenly, she was called out and was about to cry, but Rin managed to resist.

“Oh, yeah.”

“…? So, I'm going to go for a while, so please take care of your friends there in the hut.”


Rin turns around once and looks again at the girl ……

“… Who are you really?”

There was no one there.

“With this, all the members are here."

Everyone gathered in the hut that the girl built, nodded. There is s.p.a.ce where everyone can sit.

So, Mio opened his mouth first.

“Hey, Rin, was this hut made as expected…?”

“Yeah, someone helped us”

“That person is…”

“Before that, I have a question for Velez”

“What is it?”

“Is the Rabbit tribe a combat race?”

“No, it is not, they are a non-combat race more than human beings, but why such a …………, no way …”

“Yeah, the benefactor who helped us is a rabbit girl … ….”

“Oh, no! Something's wrong…….! That great magic… They're not elves or spirits.……”

Velez recalled the previous magic and told Rin. However, Rin swung her head.

“It certainly was a rabbit girl and that's not the only thing that surprises me.”

Then Rin saw everyone and said this.

“I couldn't see her real status.”

Velez and the Dollet Kingdom's Heroes are amazed at those words. The Rise kingdom's heroes do not seem to understand.

“Rin, what do you mean?”

Yuus.h.i.+ asks Rin a little shaken.

“It's just the way it is. Her status is too general.”

It seems that most people understood the meaning. However, some people did not understand.

“Then, is not that normal?”

– It's s.h.i.+ki.

Rin is slightly irritated by s.h.i.+ki's words.

“He's really stupid”


“Then try to break the walls of this hut from now on. I'm telling you, this wall was made in absolutely No Time.”

Then s.h.i.+ki laughs.

“Okay, I will do it.”

Taking a glimpse to Hinagi, he rose quickly.

(Good grief, totally in no-time, at best it will be a beginner or lower cla.s.s …… Look at me, Hinagi, I will turn you over today!)

Saying so, s.h.i.+ki took out a UR grade Mace, strengthened it with magical power that exists there, and hit hard.



There was no crack in the wall.

“Do you understand? A child with a general status builds such an abnormal wall? I say it is abnormal.”

Rin sighed and talk to Velez.

“Hey, Velez. What do you think?”

She asked Velez who was the most familiar with this world.

“…… Perhaps, I think, that it is 'super-a.n.a.lysis' counter skill 'super concealment'. ”

The Heroes wondered at the cheap answer.

And Velez continued talking.
“'Super-a.n.a.lysis' should only see the status of 'super-concealment'… However, if you do not even see the status … … there are three possible things. ”

After a pause, Velez talked about her idea.

“The first thing is by improving the level of rare skills like Yuus.h.i.+, the second is to have both ‘super concealment' and ‘concealment'. The last one, there is no certainty, is that she is the owner of a legendary unique skill… That's about it.”

“The second one is the most probable.”

Everybody nods at Daichi's words.

“But what is that unique skill?”

Mio was curious and asked Velez……

“Everyone, sorry to keep you waiting.”

The rabbit girl came back. And, everyone except Rin was surprised.

It was Mio that first opened her mouth.

“Oh, did you help us?”

“When I was looking for ingredients, I was attacked by a group of monsters … … I'm sorry for doing selfish things…”

The girl lowered her head.

Looking at that figure, Mio quickly resolves the misunderstanding.

“No, no, no! Please don't apologize! I'm really grateful.”

Then the girl lifted her face and smiled.

“I would appreciate it if you say so.”

Everyone kept quiet for some reason.

However, Yuus.h.i.+ speaks to the girl to destroy the air.

“You are small, are you doing well?”

“I am seventeen, am I not?”


Everyone's voices matched. To their exact match, the girl inflated her cheeks.

“It's okay because I have no chest like someone here … … It cannot be helped if I look like a child.”

“Oh no… … I'm sorry…”

Yuus.h.i.+ also feels that this was rude, and a sense of guilt came out. But the girl's good mood soon returned.

“I'm used to it, so don't worry about it. And you're all hurt, right? If you want……. Here.”

That way, the girl takes out the potion from an empty s.p.a.ce.

They immediately understood that she had an item box, but they also understood the meaning of the Super-a.n.a.lysis.

Yes, this girl has no item box skill.

That alone was enough.

“Well, the item box shouldn't be that rare……”

“Oh no. I'm sorry. Go on.”

“I will continue to give this potion to everyone. One is enough, but I will give you another one. There is no poison.”

Saying so, the girl drinks a bottle to show it to everyone.

And when she handed out the potion to everyone, the girl noticed the mood's change.

“What's wrong?”

Velez, Yuus.h.i.+, Earth, Rin, and Mio were all sweating.

It was Velez that first opened her mouth.

“Well, no way …… This potions …… are special grade? And all-purpose …?”

“Oh, I understand well. Yes, all of the potions I gave to everyone are special grade potions, so please drink with confidence.”
Someone cried that it wasn't the problem of safety. For the time being, the Heroes drank that potion.

“… … this is a special grade …”

Rin muttered a few words.

They could not hide the surprise at its effect.

“It's really amazing……. Not only HP and MP but also fatigue.……”

Hinagi opened and closed her hand.

So the girl asked.

“Speaking of which, why are you in this forest?”

It is Yuus.h.i.+ who answered that question.

“Well, we came to this forest to raise our level … we intended to hunt demons around rank 10. … but we were surrounded by demons of rank 10 or above, you really saved us.”

Then the girl averted her eyes and smiled bitterly.

“That was tough…! Is it better to raise the level……? This is also the edge of something, let's help!”

It was a little suspicious of the sudden change in the subject, but this girl's proposal was attractive, so they didn't get too deep into it.

“Are you sure? You were looking for ingredients.”
“It's Okay. I've already gathered.”

Then the little girl suddenly put out her hand.

“My name is Luna. Nice to meet you all today.”

Yuus.h.i.+ shook hands without hesitation.

“Oh, my name is Yuus.h.i.+. I'll be in your care today, Luna.”

In this way, the heroes' level raising began.

“Well, let's go to Makai soon”


Luna has made a suggestion for Makai, so it's a level up in Makai.

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Makikomarete Isekai Teni Suru Yatsu Wa Chapter 36 summary

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