Diary Of A Vampeen Part 8

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"Oh." I guess I had been stand-offish with him, but that's because I thought he was attracted to Mel. I didn't want to be the third wheel in their conversations. Perhaps that was why I was so unsure of our relations.h.i.+p. I was so sure that he had liked Mel that when his attention was entirely on me, I panicked fearing it was another high school prank.

We both lied side by side on my bed, talking as our lives unfolded between us. It was an intimate conversation about everything that pa.s.sed the hours quickly. I shared my infant travels, favorite food Mexican, and color green. He divulged his little league horror stories, Boy Scout escapades, and favorites as well Italian, green, and he said his favorite song was Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing.'

We laughed at cla.s.smates past, reveled in horror over certain teachers and discussed future college plans. Every subject we could brush upon it felt like we did. We rekindled what hours ago I thought was non-existent or lost. It wasn't until my stomach growled and I peered over at the clock, 5:57pm, that I realized how much time had elapsed. I got up and looked out my blinds to see a darkening sky and the moon half raised.

"Wow, I can't believe it's almost night," I stated turning back to Mike who was still lying down on my bed. I stared at him in admiration. His hair was a well groomed mess against my pale teal pillows. I never noticed how symmetrical his face was; his nose sloped gracefully below his brown eyes. He's wearing khaki cargo shorts with a long sleeved black DC brand t-s.h.i.+rt and matching black skater tennis shoes. The way his s.h.i.+rt hung in his flat position revealed a slightly sculpted physique below.

He looked over at me and smiled enticingly. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

"A little," he admitted sheepishly.

"Let's go downstairs and raid the fridge." He got down from the bed with one leap and we wandered down to the kitchen. I opened the side-by-side fridge and freezer for the choices to be on display.

"What looks good to you?" he asked.

"I'm not picky. Want to just heat up the leftover pizza?"

"Sounds good, but I like it cold."

I smiled. "So do I."

He chuckled as I grabbed the box from the fridge. I handed him a and we sat at the island together to eat.

"I wonder where my parents are. They've been gone for a while now."

"I won't lie, I've enjoyed the time alone with you. I'm glad I was impulsive and came over," he said between bites.

I looked over at him. He caressed my face momentarily with his left hand, his right still holding the slice of pizza. I smiled shyly replying, "Me too."

My phone started buzzing on the island. I picked it up to read a new text from Mel. 'Where r u?! I've called a million times! What happened w/ Mike?'

I backed out of my texts to an alert showing an astronomical fifteen missed calls from Mel. "Oh my gos.h.!.+" I exclaimed.

"What is it?"

I showed him my phone. "I must have left my phone down here, and, being a bit preoccupied, I guess I didn't miss it."

He chuckled lightly and leaned close to me. "I can preoccupy you again if you'd like."

"Maybe later," I dismissed though my heart was already increasing pace with his close proximity.

"I'm not going to forget," he cited with a smirk.

I sighed and dialed Mel. I knew I couldn't procrastinate much longer without a visit from her personally.

"Lexi?!" she answered with clear fretfulness and relief in her voice.

"Yea, it's me." Before I could say any more she went off on a tangent.

"Do you know how worried I've been?! I called you a million times. I've considered everything, freaked out that maybe he was really obsessive to the point of kidnap or murder. Do you know how guilty I would feel for supporting that before? And where the h.e.l.l have you been this whole time?! I'm going crazy over here contemplating calling the police!"

"Calm down Mel. I'm fine. Mike is still here. We were up in my room talking and I'd left my phone in the kitchen."

She huffed dramatically. "Do you have any idea how worried I've been? And it's been over seven hours since I last talked to you. What have you two been doing all this time?" she demanded.

"I'm fine but he's still here so I'll call you later. I promise."

"You better or I will show up with a posse," she warned. Her tone at least had taken a slightly molded edge over the hard one before.

"Ok Mel," I laughed, "Bye." I hung up before she could interject any more.

"I probably should call my mom to come get me. It's getting late," he said glancing at the clock on the stove.


His mom was already in the neighborhood at a family friend's house so she arrived within five minutes.

"I've had fun today Lex," he said as we walked towards the door. He slid into his zip up hoodie for added warmth against the cold October night air.

"So did I." I blushed like the school girl I was as he turned back towards me. "I would appreciate a little notice first though...please."

"I think I can handle that."

"Have a good night."

"Only if you kiss me good-bye." He tilted his head towards me.

I met him halfway. He reached his arms around my waist and held me close. We kissed softly not lingering as we had earlier.

"Ok...I think you should go before, well...I will see you tomorrow." I stuttered awkwardly.

He smiled wide. "See you tomorrow babe." He started to open the door but swiftly turned back around and planted a quick smooch on my lips again.

Caught off guard I exclaimed, "Hey!"

"Leaving now," he replied and rushed out the door closing it behind him.

I stood there frozen in the entry way for at least five minutes. It was then that the shock set in. Today really did happen. I had to call Mel.

I grabbed my cell and dialed Mel on my way up the stairs. "Oh my gos.h.!.+ Today was the best day of my life," I gushed when she answered. We talked for over an hour. She had me give every detail and describe our earlier kiss several times as she squealed enthusiastically.

Reliving the day with her made me realize just how amazing and fairytale-like it was. It truly was a perfect memory. I was on an amazing, indescribable high. I felt like I was floating on cloud nine and never wanted to come down. Maybe Mike and I did have a chance; maybe we were meant to be.

Before I fell asleep Mike text me, 'Good Nite s.e.xy' to which I replied 'Sweet Dreams.'

Chapter 7.

It's ironic how things work out. First and third period I was with Mike; second and fourth I shared with Kellan. The two men I was fawning over at the moment, though only one of them knowledgeably liked me back in that way, intermingled with me throughout every school day.

Mike was waiting for me when I walked through the doors at school with Mel. He greeted me with a smile, and pulled me in with his arm to kiss me lightly before he walked us to cla.s.s.

"How was your morning?" he asked on the way.

"Good. How was yours?"

"It's better now that you're here."

"Oh, give me a break," Mel interjected sarcastically faking sickness.

"Hey. I put up with you and Ben for over a year," I reminded her.

"Yea, yea."

First period dragged by. It usually did since math was my worst subject. I'd never been a numbers person; Mel on the other hand exceled at it. She had to tutor me last year but this year I was slipping by with a B+ on my own. When the bell rang, Mike resumed his station next to me.

Mike walked me and Mel halfway to our next cla.s.s. He gave a tug at my hand when he split from us but didn't say anything, which was surprising for him. Thinking back though, I don't think Mel gave him the opportunity to.

As soon as he was out of site, Mel drilled me. "So are you two staying together or what?"

"I think so."

"It's like overnight you two became a hot item again. Before he would touch you, but you were never giddy about it like today."

"You think?"

"Ugh, h.e.l.lo?! Did you not have a major make-out session yesterday? And look at how you are today with him versus Friday. Black and white, day and night."

"Hmm, I guess," I shrugged. I realized she was right though. Friday we were normal then Sunday we kissed and spilled our guts with new fascination and attraction, and boom! Today we were more ambitious in our PDAs. Well, actually I supposed I was more receptive. Before I always held up this invisible barrier not wanting to draw any attention to myself. Today I didn't care. Wow. Mel was right. It all happened so fast though. One minute I thought we were over; the next I had renewed interest. It didn't erase my attraction to Kellan, but removed my finger from the stop b.u.t.ton.

My life seemed like such a blur these days. New emotions and feelings had been awakened within me which were causing me to be confused. I wasn't thinking clearly because I was usually sharp, on my game. If I wasn't a mental mess, I would have figured out Kellan's secret by now, and I probably wouldn't have been such a weakling when it came to Mike. I felt like I melted into a puddle around him now. Ugh! Pull yourself together Lexi!

We entered the cla.s.sroom, Mel was still babbling on about something as we took our seats. I was in a daze, off in my own world trying to figure things out unsuccessfully. Cla.s.s began and the first note was pa.s.sed from Kellan.

Hey Hey How was your weekend?

Good, yours?

The same. Did you have fun with Mike yesterday?

How did you know about that?

I heard him in the background when I called.


Let's just say I have good hearing.


So did you have fun?

Yes, what did you do yesterday?

I wrote.

I didn't know you write...what did you write?

I'll let you read it one day.

I'm going 2 hold you to that!

I didn't say when...

So unfair!

I think there is a saying about that.

Oh, aren't we smart today?!

Today? Try always! at all?!

I just state the facts.

Facts or fiction?

Good one. It looks like I'm already increasing your IQ with my presence.

You really are

You still like me though. You can't hide that.

Is it that obvious? I don't know why I didn't just deny it...

No, but I'm very observant. I notice the things other overlook.

What else have you observed about me?

When you are deep in thought, you walk with your head down and stare at nothing below you.

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Diary Of A Vampeen Part 8 summary

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