The Ultimate Evolution Chapter 1049

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Chapter 1049: 1049
[ Sorcerer's Stone ]

[ Other Names: Nicholas Flamel's Sorcerer's Stone, Philosopher's Stone ]

[ Rarity: Mid-Tier Legendary Main Storyline Item ]

[ Item Effect (Pa.s.sive) : Maximum MP Value increased by 40% . ]

[ Item Effect (Pa.s.sive): MP recovery speed increased by 50% . ]

[ Legendary Item Effect (Pa.s.sive): 'Death Reversal' -- When the next attack may cause your death, the base damage of this attack will be converted into a healing effect by the Sorcerer's Stone's terrifying power . This effect will only work once in 60 minutes . (For example, if you only have 100 points of HP left, and the enemy's next strike will cause 200 points of damage, not only will you survive, your HP will also recover by 200 points . ) ]

[ Item Effect (Active) : Immediately restore 350 points of MP; cooldown 15 minutes ]

[ Item Effect (Active) : Immediately restore 350 points of MP; cooldown 15 minutes ]

[ Item Usage Requirement: At least 40 Intelligence ]

[ Details: I solemnly swear to never tell you that the only reason Harry Potter could resist the temptation of this invaluable treasure was because he was too young and too ignorant . . . . ]



Sheyan heaved a long sigh as he stared at the string of properties that popped up in front of him . After that, he immediately did two things .

The first was to forget the specs of that d.a.m.n stone, because he was afraid that he would be crushed by the intense feeling of regret that had abruptly crept into his heart . Such an insane item was once only thirty meters away from his reach!

The second was to suppress the desire to check the price of the stone, because he was afraid that he would start taking off the equipments he was wearing to join the bidding war . That would truly be unwise . Anyone here could see that the Philosopher's Stone was a very useful legendary storyline item . In truth, its rarity was on par with Divine equipments . To win it from the auction, Sheyan would have to sell everything he had, and even then, it might not be enough .

After Sheyan chased all those unnecessary thoughts out of his mind, he calmed down and checked out the bidding war from an outsider's perspective . Upon a closer look, he realised that the bidding war revolving around the Sorcerer's Stone had become a prolonged battle . The bidding had already lasted for an hour, mainly because an official Major General had brazenly used his privileges to stop the deal of the Sorcerer's Stone from happening and frozen its transaction .
The second was to suppress the desire to check the price of the stone, because he was afraid that he would start taking off the equipments he was wearing to join the bidding war . That would truly be unwise . Anyone here could see that the Philosopher's Stone was a very useful legendary storyline item . In truth, its rarity was on par with Divine equipments . To win it from the auction, Sheyan would have to sell everything he had, and even then, it might not be enough .

After Sheyan chased all those unnecessary thoughts out of his mind, he calmed down and checked out the bidding war from an outsider's perspective . Upon a closer look, he realised that the bidding war revolving around the Sorcerer's Stone had become a prolonged battle . The bidding had already lasted for an hour, mainly because an official Major General had brazenly used his privileges to stop the deal of the Sorcerer's Stone from happening and frozen its transaction .

"Major General . . . " Sheyan felt like a frog in the well in this auction . While he was still striving towards the rank of a Colonel, some others were already miles ahead of him and had stepped into the rank of an official general .

Even if Sheyan succeeded in his upcoming promotion mission and managed to become a Colonel, there was still a gap separating him from a Major General .
(TL: Second Lieutenant < lieutenant="">< captain="">< major="">< lieutenant="" colonel="">< colonel="">< major="" general="">< lieutenant="" general="">< general)="" a="" gap="" as="" wide="" as="" a="" canyon="" .="" that's="" the="" divide="" between="" a="" colonel="" officer="" rank="" and="" a="" general="" officer="" rank="" .="" it="" was="" surely="" no="" less="" difficult="" than="" to="" raise="" his="" rank="" from="" a="" major="" to="" a="" colonel="" .="" just="" look="" at="" the="" privilege="" given="" to="" a="" major="" general="" .="" everyone="" had="" to="" wait="" obediently="" for="" an="" hour="" regardless="" of="" who="" they="" were!="" just="" look="" at="" how="" domineering="" a="" major="" general="" could="" be!="" of="" course,="" the="" major="" general="" had="" to="" pay="" the="" exorbitant="" price="" of="" 200,000="" utility="" points="" in="" order="" to="" do="" so="" .="" since="" the="" major="" general="" would="" spend="" the="" terrifying="" amount="" of="" 200,000="" utility="" points="" just="" to="" interfere="" with="" the="" normal="" proceedings="" of="" the="" auction,="" he="" must="" be="" preparing="" for="" a="" major="" deal="" worth="" up="" to="" two="" million,="" maybe="" even="" four="" million="" utility="" points!="" when="" the="" major="" general="" finally="" made="" his="" bid,="" the="" price="" he="" named="" could="" be="" described="" with="" one="" word="" --="" madness!!!="" complete="" madness!!!="" a="" million="" utility="" points,="" plus="" five="" pieces="" of="" dark="" gold="" equipments!="" after="" the="" five="" pieces="" of="" hidden="" gold="" equipment="" were="" evaluated="" by="" the="" realm,="" the="" total="" price="" given="" was="" 1="" .="" 94="" million="" utility="" points="" .="" as="" soon="" as="" the="" number="" was="" shown,="" the="" whole="" venue="" fell="" into="" an="" awkward="" silence,="" as="" if="" the="" cold="" wind="" of="" siberia="" had="" just="" blown="" past="" .="" still,="" sheyan="" felt="" that="" the="" legendary="" effect="" of="" 'death="" reversal'="" alone="" meant="" that="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" was="" priceless,="" so="" it="" was="" definitely="" worth="" the="" price="" of="" two="" million="" utility="" points!="" this="" effect="" theoretically="" gave="" the="" holder="" an="" extra="" life="" every="" sixty="" seconds,="" and="" it="" was="" even="" a="" pa.s.sive="" effect="" which="" required="" no="" activation="" .="" every="" person="" understands="" that="" life="" is="" priceless="" .="" for="" the="" contestants,="" who="" had="" more="" frequent="" and="" in-depth="" contact="" with="" death,="" this="" saying="" held="" an="" even="" deeper="" meaning="" .="" finally,="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" was="" handed="" over="" to="" the="" major="" general,="" who="" spent="" more="" than="" 2="" .="" 1="" million="" utility="" points="" in="" total="" .="" it="" must="" be="" noted="" that="" the="" evaluation="" of="" the="" dark="" gold="" equipments="" made="" by="" the="" realm="" was="" quite="" objective,="" and="" the="" market="" price="" for="" them="" would="" have="" been="" much="" higher="" .="" therefore,="" the="" final="" price="" the="" major="" general="" paid="" was="" actually="" around="" 2="" .="" 5="" million="" utility="" points!="" seeing="" such="" a="" grand="" sight,="" sheyan="" could="" not="" help="" recalling="" the="" saying="" that="" was="" previously="" held="" as="" the="" truth="" in="" the="" realm:="" a="" dark="" gold="" s.h.i.+eld="" can="" only="" raise="" the="" strength="" of="" an="" mt="" by="" a="" notch,="" but="" selling="" it="" can="" raise="" the="" strength="" of="" the="" whole="" party="" by="" a="" notch="" .="" now="" it="" seemed="" there="" should="" be="" something="" else="" following="" that:="" a="" legendary="" item="" can="" only="" let="" a="" person="" be="" reborn="" anew,="" but="" selling="" it="" can="" let="" the="" whole="" party="" be="" reborn="" anew!="" while="" sheyan's="" mind="" was="" drifting,="" a="" man="" suddenly="" sat="" down="" beside="" him="" and="" said="" to="" him="" with="" a="" smile,="" "you="" mind="" if="" i="" sit="" here?"="" sheyan="" snapped="" out="" from="" his="" daze="" in="" surprise="" .="" he="" did="" not="" expect="" to="" meet="" an="" acquaintance="" here="" .="" he="" turned="" his="" head="" and="" replied,="" "well,="" h.e.l.lo="" .="" the="" seat's="" not="" taken,="" so="" feel="" free="" .="" "="" the="" person="" who="" appeared="" in="" front="" of="" sheyan="" at="" this="" moment="" was="" actually="" the="" strange="" contestant="" he="" once="" met="" in="" the="" lord="" of="" the="" rings="" world,="" the="" one="" claiming="" to="" be="" a="" "miner"="" of="" a="" neutral="" faction!="" he="" had="" the="" unbelievable="" 'absolute="" defence'="" ability="" which="" could="" absorb="" all="" damage="" for="" a="" short="" period="" of="" time,="" and="" his="" nightmare="" imprint="" was="" situated="" inside="" his="" body="" .="" technically="" speaking,="" the="" miner="" had="" ended="" up="" helping="" sheyan="" back="" then="" .="" sheyan="" suddenly="" realised="" something="" .="" he="" turned="" to="" the="" miner="" and="" asked,="" "that's="" strange,="" i="" thought="" everyone="" had="" their="" faces="" blurred="" in="" this="" place="" .="" how="" can="" you="" recognise="" me?="" "this="" is="" one="" of="" the="" privileges="" the="" realm="" grants="" to="" non-combat="" members,"="" answered="" the="" miner="" with="" a="" smile="" .="" sheyan="" could="" only="" shrug="" his="" shoulders="" to="" that="" .="" he="" continued="" staring="" at="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" in="" the="" major="" general's="" hand="" .="" the="" miner="" appeared="" to="" be="" a="" very="" talkative="" person="" .="" he="" followed="" sheyan's="" gaze="" and="" when="" he="" saw="" what="" sheyan="" was="" looking="" at,="" he="" smiled="" and="" said,="" "such="" a="" tempting="" legendary="" item="" .="" expensive,="" but="" it's="" worth="" the="" price="" .="" "="" sheyan="" sighed="" .="" "you="" definitely="" won't="" believe="" me="" if="" i="" told="" you="" that="" i="" was="" only="" thirty="" meters="" away="" from="" it="" once="" .="" "="" the="" miner="" laughed="" and="" said,="" "of="" course="" i="" believe="" you,="" but="" you're="" lucky="" you="" didn't="" cross="" those="" thirty="" meters="" to="" grab="" the="" stone="" .="" you="" probably="" didn't="" know="" that="" there's="" actually="" a="" curse="" hidden="" on="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" .="" if="" the="" stone="" falls="" directly="" into="" a="" contestant's="" hand,="" it'll="" prove="" to="" be="" a="" very="" unfortunate="" and="" maddening="" thing="" .="" this="" curse="" will="" make="" the="" stone="" unable="" to="" be="" brought="" out="" from="" its="" world="" of="" origin="" even="" after="" all="" the="" effort="" the="" contestant="" had="" put="" in="" to="" get="" it="" .="" sheyan="" scoured="" his="" memory="" and="" recalled="" that="" the="" information="" of="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" he="" had="" probed="" back="" then="" did="" state="" that="" it="" could="" not="" be="" carried="" out="" of="" that="" world="" without="" the="" proper="" approval="" .="" he="" could="" not="" help="" but="" wonder,="" "then="" how="" was="" this="" sorcerer's="" stone="" brought="" out?"="" the="" miner="" stared="" at="" sheyan="" with="" a="" profound="" look="" in="" his="" eyes="" .="" he="" told="" sheyan="" honestly,="" "a="" world="" mission,="" which="" will="" shake="" the="" world,="" must="" be="" triggered="" first="" in="" order="" to="" let="" out="" the="" curse="" on="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" .="" the="" longing="" for="" life="" and="" youth="" is="" the="" dream="" of="" all="" the="" elderly,="" and="" dumbledore="" is="" no="" exception,="" but="" he="" has="" always="" buried="" this="" desire="" deep="" in="" his="" heart="" .="" in="" order="" to="" get="" a="" sorcerer's="" stone="" that="" can="" be="" brought="" out="" of="" the="" world,="" one="" must="" make="" dumbledore="" succ.u.mb="" to="" temptation="" and="" so="" that="" he="" would="" carry="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" with="" him="" for="" a="" period="" of="" time="" .="" let="" him="" trigger="" the="" curse="" on="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone,="" and="" then="" take="" it="" away="" from="" him="" .="" "="" hearing="" the="" miner's="" words,="" sheyan="" could="" not="" help="" but="" laugh="" bitterly="" .="" he="" spread="" his="" hand="" and="" said,="" "i="" suddenly="" find="" that="" two="" million="" utility="" points="" for="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" is="" quite="" cheap="" .="" "="" because="" something="" big="" like="" the="" sorcerer's="" stone="" had="" just="" been="" auctioned,="" the="" next="" item="" was="" naturally="" something="" a="" bit="" more="" ordinary="" to="" lighten="" the="" atmosphere="" a="" little="" .="" in="" order="" to="" create="" the="" next="" climax,="" there="" must="" be="" a="" low="" point="" beforehand="" .="" therefore,="" the="" next="" thing="" to="" be="" auctioned="" was="" a="" collection="" of="" twelve="" strange="" and="" eccentric="" items,="" to="" be="" auctioned="" off="" simultaneously="" .="" some="" were="" unknown="" mysterious="" items,="" some="" were="" extra="" mission="" items="" .="" .="" .="" .="" these="" things="" may="" not="" be="" useful="" to="" most="" people,="" but="" if="" they="" happened="" to="" meet="" someone="" who="" were="" in="" need="" of="" them,="" they="" could="" still="" be="" sold="" for="" a="" decent="" price="" .="" (tl="" note:="" unknown="" mysterious="" items="" can="" be="" used="" to="" exchange="" for="" achievement="" points="" from="" the="" realm="" .="" )="" among="" these="" things,="" sheyan="" was="" checking="" out="" a="" pair="" of="" items="" called="" the="" high-energy="" ni-mh="" nuclear="" batteries="" .="" the="" description="" for="" the="" pair="" of="" items="" stated="" that="" they="" could="" be="" used="" for="" various="" forms="" of="" energy="" transfer,="" and="" could="" greatly="" increase="" the="" energy="" reserves="" of="" the="" target="" .="" sheyan's="" current="" plight="" was="" that,="" although="" his="" 'planetary-grade="" high-energy="" mechanical="" power="" gloves'="" were="" very="" nice,="" their="" high="" energy="" consumption="" was="" a="" huge="" source="" of="" headache!="" sheyan="" had="" already="" inquired="" about="" this="" pair="" of="" batteries="" and="" received="" confirmation="" that="" they="" could="" indeed="" be="" used="" to="" recharge="" his="" gloves="" .="" not="" only="" that,="" they="" could="" actually="" fully="" recharge="" the="" gloves="" at="" least="" four="" times!="" sheyan="" was="" determined="" to="" get="" them!="" the="" batteries="" had="" a="" cheap="" starting="" bid="" of="" only="" 3,000="" utility="" points,="" and="" no="" one="" had="" made="" a="" bid="" after="" so="" long,="" so="" they="" seemed="" like="" they="" may="" not="" be="" sold="" today="" .="" sheyan="" was="" naturally="" very="" happy="" to="" see="" this="" .="" he="" straightaway="" bid="" a="" price="" of="" 3,500="" utility="" points,="" thinking="" that="" he="" would="" surely="" get="" them="" .="" unexpectedly,="" as="" soon="" as="" he="" made="" a="" bid,="" various="" other="" bids="" immediately="" followed="" after="" his="" .="" four="" thousand="" utility="" points="" .="" six="" thousand!="" seven="" thousand!="" .="" .="" .="" .="" .="" .="" sheyan="" was="" also="" stunned="" to="" see="" this="" development="" .="" he="" never="" expected="" there="" to="" be="" so="" many="" people="" aiming="" for="" the="" batteries!="" he="" only="" found="" out="" through="" the="" enthusiastic="" miner's="" explanation="" that="" the="" batteries="" were="" actually="" very="" advanced="" technology,="" and="" they="" could="" even="" recharge="" exoskeleton="" armours!="" this,="" of="" course,="" led="" to="" the="" bidding="" war="" .="" the="" reason="" no="" one="" had="" bid="" for="" them="" before="" was="" because="" they="" were="" all="" observing="" the="" situation="" quietly,="" unwilling="" to="" expose="" their="" buying="" desire="" .="" sheyan="" was="" a="" very="" decisive="" person,="" so="" when="" he="" saw="" that="" the="" situation="" was="" going="" out="" of="" control,="" he="" immediately="" called="" out="" the="" maximum="" price="" he="" had="" in="" his="" mind="" .="" "twenty="" thousand="" utility="" points!"="" (tl:="" this="" is="" bonus="" chapter="" #4="" for="" january="" .=""> [ Sorcerers Stone ] [ Other Names: Nicholas Flamels Sorcerers Stone, Philosophers Stone ] [ Rarity: Mid-Tier Legendary Main Storyline Item ] [ Item Effect (Pa.s.sive) : Maximum MP Value increased by 40% . ] [ Item Effect (Pa.s.sive): MP recovery speed increased by 50% . ] [ Legendary Item Effect (Pa.s.sive): Death Reversal -- When the next attack may cause your death, the base damage of this attack will be converted into a healing effect by the Sorcerers Stones terrifying power . This effect will only work once in 60 minutes . (For example, if you only have 100 points of HP left, and the enemys next strike will cause 200 points of damage, not only will you survive, your HP will also recover by 200 points . ) ] [ Item Effect (Active) : Immediately restore 350 points of MP; cooldown 15 minutes ] [ Item Usage Requirement: At least 40 Intelligence ] [ Details: I solemnly swear to never tell you that the only reason Harry Potter could resist the temptation of this invaluable treasure was because he was too young and too ignorant ]   *** Sheyan heaved a long sigh as he stared at the string of properties that popped up in front of him . After that, he immediately did two things . The first was to forget the specs of that d.a.m.n stone, because he was afraid that he would be crushed by the intense feeling of regret that had abruptly crept into his heart . Such an insane item was once only thirty meters away from his reach! The second was to suppress the desire to check the price of the stone, because he was afraid that he would start taking off the equipments he was wearing to join the bidding war . That would truly be unwise . Anyone here could see that the Philosophers Stone was a very useful legendary storyline item . In truth, its rarity was on par with Divine equipments . To win it from the auction, Sheyan would have to sell everything he had, and even then, it might not be enough . After Sheyan chased all those unnecessary thoughts out of his mind, he calmed down and checked out the bidding war from an outsiders perspective . Upon a closer look, he realised that the bidding war revolving around the Sorcerers Stone had become a prolonged battle . The bidding had already lasted for an hour, mainly because an official Major General had brazenly used his privileges to stop the deal of the Sorcerers Stone from happening and frozen its transaction . Major General . Sheyan felt like a frog in the well in this auction . While he was still striving towards the rank of a Colonel, some others were already miles ahead of him and had stepped into the rank of an official general . Even if Sheyan succeeded in his upcoming promotion mission and managed to become a Colonel, there was still a gap separating him from a Major General (TL: Second Lieutenant < lieutenant="">< captain="">< major="">< lieutenant="colonel=">< colonel="">< major="general=">< lieutenant="general=">< general)="a=" gap="as=" wide="as=" a="canyon" .="thats=" the="divide=" between="a=" colonel="officer=" rank="and=" a="general=" officer="rank" .="it=" was="surely=" no="less=" difficult="than=" to="raise=" his="rank=" from="a=" major="to=" a="colonel" .="just=" look="at=" the="privilege=" given="to=" a="major=" general="" .="everyone=" had="to=" wait="obediently=" for="an=" hour="regardless=" of="who=" they="were!=" just="look=" at="how=" domineering="a=" major="general=" could="be!=" of="course,=" the="major=" general="had=" to="pay=" the="exorbitant=" price="of=" 200,000="utility=" points="in=" order="to=" do="so" .="since=" the="major=" general="would=" spend="the=" terrifying="amount=" of="200,000=" utility="points=" just="to=" interfere="with=" the="normal=" proceedings="of=" the="auction,=" he="must=" be="preparing=" for="a=" major="deal=" worth="up=" to="two=" million,="maybe=" even="four=" million="utility=" points!="when=" the="major=" general="finally=" made="his=" bid,="the=" price="he=" named="could=" be="described=" with="one=" word="--=" madness!!!="complete=" madness!!!="a=" million="utility=" points,="plus=" five="pieces=" of="dark=" gold="equipments!=" after="the=" five="pieces=" of="hidden=" gold="equipment=" were="evaluated=" by="the=" realm,="the=" total="price=" given="was=" 1="" .="" 94="million=" utility="points" .="as=" soon="as=" the="number=" was="shown,=" the="whole=" venue="fell=" into="an=" awkward="silence,=" as="if=" the="cold=" wind="of=" siberia="had=" just="blown=" past="" .="still,=" sheyan="felt=" that="the=" legendary="effect=" of="death=" reversal="alone=" meant="that=" the="sorcerers=" stone="was=" priceless,="so=" it="was=" definitely="worth=" the="price=" of="two=" million="utility=" points!="this=" effect="theoretically=" gave="the=" holder="an=" extra="life=" every="sixty=" seconds,="and=" it="was=" even="a=" pa.s.sive="effect=" which="required=" no="activation" .="every=" person="understands=" that="life=" is="priceless" .="for=" the="contestants,=" who="had=" more="frequent=" and="in-depth=" contact="with=" death,="this=" saying="held=" an="even=" deeper="meaning" .="finally,=" the="sorcerers=" stone="was=" handed="over=" to="the=" major="general,=" who="spent=" more="than=" 2="" .="" 1="million=" utility="points=" in="total" .="it=" must="be=" noted="that=" the="evaluation=" of="the=" dark="gold=" equipments="made=" by="the=" realm="was=" quite="objective,=" and="the=" market="price=" for="them=" would="have=" been="much=" higher="" .="therefore,=" the="final=" price="the=" major="general=" paid="was=" actually="around=" 2="" .="" 5="million=" utility="points!=" seeing="such=" a="grand=" sight,="sheyan=" could="not=" help="recalling=" the="saying=" that="was=" previously="held=" as="the=" truth="in=" the="realm:=" a="dark=" gold="s.h.i.+eld=" can="only=" raise="the=" strength="of=" an="mt=" by="a=" notch,="but=" selling="it=" can="raise=" the="strength=" of="the=" whole="party=" by="a=" notch="" .="now=" it="seemed=" there="should=" be="something=" else="following=" that:="a=" legendary="item=" can="only=" let="a=" person="be=" reborn="anew,=" but="selling=" it="can=" let="the=" whole="party=" be="reborn=" anew!="while=" sheyans="mind=" was="drifting,=" a="man=" suddenly="sat=" down="beside=" him="and=" said="to=" him="with=" a="smile,=" you="mind=" if="i=" sit="here?=" sheyan="snapped=" out="from=" his="daze=" in="surprise" .="he=" did="not=" expect="to=" meet="an=" acquaintance="here" .="he=" turned="his=" head="and=" replied,="well,=" h.e.l.lo="" .="the=" seats="not=" taken,="so=" feel="free" .="the=" person="who=" appeared="in=" front="of=" sheyan="at=" this="moment=" was="actually=" the="strange=" contestant="he=" once="met=" in="the=" lord="of=" the="rings=" world,="the=" one="claiming=" to="be=" a="miner=" of="a=" neutral="faction!=" he="had=" the="unbelievable=" absolute="defence=" ability="which=" could="absorb=" all="damage=" for="a=" short="period=" of="time,=" and="his=" nightmare="imprint=" was="situated=" inside="his=" body="" .="technically=" speaking,="the=" miner="had=" ended="up=" helping="sheyan=" back="then" .="sheyan=" suddenly="realised=" something="" .="he=" turned="to=" the="miner=" and="asked,=" thats="strange,=" i="thought=" everyone="had=" their="faces=" blurred="in=" this="place" .="how=" can="you=" recognise="me?=" this="is=" one="of=" the="privileges=" the="realm=" grants="to=" non-combat="members,=" answered="the=" miner="with=" a="smile" .="sheyan=" could="only=" shrug="his=" shoulders="to=" that="" .="he=" continued="staring=" at="the=" sorcerers="stone=" in="the=" major="generals=" hand="" .="the=" miner="appeared=" to="be=" a="very=" talkative="person" .="he=" followed="sheyans=" gaze="and=" when="he=" saw="what=" sheyan="was=" looking="at,=" he="smiled=" and="said,=" such="a=" tempting="legendary=" item="" .="expensive,=" but="its=" worth="the=" price="" .="sheyan=" sighed="" .="you=" definitely="wont=" believe="me=" if="i=" told="you=" that="i=" was="only=" thirty="meters=" away="from=" it="once" .="the=" miner="laughed=" and="said,=" of="course=" i="believe=" you,="but=" youre="lucky=" you="didnt=" cross="those=" thirty="meters=" to="grab=" the="stone" .="you=" probably="didnt=" know="that=" theres="actually=" a="curse=" hidden="on=" the="sorcerers=" stone="" .="if=" the="stone=" falls="directly=" into="a=" contestants="hand,=" itll="prove=" to="be=" a="very=" unfortunate="and=" maddening="thing" .="this=" curse="will=" make="the=" stone="unable=" to="be=" brought="out=" from="its=" world="of=" origin="even=" after="all=" the="effort=" the="contestant=" had="put=" in="to=" get="it" .="sheyan=" scoured="his=" memory="and=" recalled="that=" the="information=" of="the=" sorcerers="stone=" he="had=" probed="back=" then="did=" state="that=" it="could=" not="be=" carried="out=" of="that=" world="without=" the="proper=" approval="" .="he=" could="not=" help="but=" wonder,="then=" how="was=" this="sorcerers=" stone="brought=" out?="the=" miner="stared=" at="sheyan=" with="a=" profound="look=" in="his=" eyes="" .="he=" told="sheyan=" honestly,="a=" world="mission,=" which="will=" shake="the=" world,="must=" be="triggered=" first="in=" order="to=" let="out=" the="curse=" on="the=" sorcerers="stone" .="the=" longing="for=" life="and=" youth="is=" the="dream=" of="all=" the="elderly,=" and="dumbledore=" is="no=" exception,="but=" he="has=" always="buried=" this="desire=" deep="in=" his="heart" .="in=" order="to=" get="a=" sorcerers="stone=" that="can=" be="brought=" out="of=" the="world,=" one="must=" make="dumbledore=" succ.u.mb="to=" temptation="and=" so="that=" he="would=" carry="the=" sorcerers="stone=" with="him=" for="a=" period="of=" time="" .="let=" him="trigger=" the="curse=" on="the=" sorcerers="stone,=" and="then=" take="it=" away="from=" him="" .="hearing=" the="miners=" words,="sheyan=" could="not=" help="but=" laugh="bitterly" .="he=" spread="his=" hand="and=" said,="i=" suddenly="find=" that="two=" million="utility=" points="for=" the="sorcerers=" stone="is=" quite="cheap" .="because=" something="big=" like="the=" sorcerers="stone=" had="just=" been="auctioned,=" the="next=" item="was=" naturally="something=" a="bit=" more="ordinary=" to="lighten=" the="atmosphere=" a="little" .="in=" order="to=" create="the=" next="climax,=" there="must=" be="a=" low="point=" beforehand="" .="therefore,=" the="next=" thing="to=" be="auctioned=" was="a=" collection="of=" twelve="strange=" and="eccentric=" items,="to=" be="auctioned=" off="simultaneously" .="some=" were="unknown=" mysterious="items,=" some="were=" extra="mission=" items="these=" things="may=" not="be=" useful="to=" most="people,=" but="if=" they="happened=" to="meet=" someone="who=" were="in=" need="of=" them,="they=" could="still=" be="sold=" for="a=" decent="price" .="(tl=" note:="unknown=" mysterious="items=" can="be=" used="to=" exchange="for=" achievement="points=" from="the=" realm="" .="" )="among=" these="things,=" sheyan="was=" checking="out=" a="pair=" of="items=" called="the=" high-energy="ni-mh=" nuclear="batteries" .="the=" description="for=" the="pair=" of="items=" stated="that=" they="could=" be="used=" for="various=" forms="of=" energy="transfer,=" and="could=" greatly="increase=" the="energy=" reserves="of=" the="target" .="sheyans=" current="plight=" was="that,=" although="his=" planetary-grade="high-energy=" mechanical="power=" gloves="were=" very="nice,=" their="high=" energy="consumption=" was="a=" huge="source=" of="headache!=" sheyan="had=" already="inquired=" about="this=" pair="of=" batteries="and=" received="confirmation=" that="they=" could="indeed=" be="used=" to="recharge=" his="gloves" .="not=" only="that,=" they="could=" actually="fully=" recharge="the=" gloves="at=" least="four=" times!="sheyan=" was="determined=" to="get=" them!="the=" batteries="had=" a="cheap=" starting="bid=" of="only=" 3,000="utility=" points,="and=" no="one=" had="made=" a="bid=" after="so=" long,="so=" they="seemed=" like="they=" may="not=" be="sold=" today="" .="sheyan=" was="naturally=" very="happy=" to="see=" this="" .="he=" straightaway="bid=" a="price=" of="3,500=" utility="points,=" thinking="that=" he="would=" surely="get=" them="" .="unexpectedly,=" as="soon=" as="he=" made="a=" bid,="various=" other="bids=" immediately="followed=" after="his" .="four=" thousand="utility=" points="" .="six=" thousand!="seven=" thousand!="." =="" .="sheyan=" was="also=" stunned="to=" see="this=" development="" .="he=" never="expected=" there="to=" be="so=" many="people=" aiming="for=" the="batteries!=" he="only=" found="out=" through="the=" enthusiastic="miners=" explanation="that=" the="batteries=" were="actually=" very="advanced=" technology,="and=" they="could=" even="recharge=" exoskeleton="armours!=" this,="of=" course,="led=" to="the=" bidding="war" .="the=" reason="no=" one="had=" bid="for=" them="before=" was="because=" they="were=" all="observing=" the="situation=" quietly,="unwilling=" to="expose=" their="buying=" desire="" .="sheyan=" was="a=" very="decisive=" person,="so=" when="he=" saw="that=" the="situation=" was="going=" out="of=" control,="he=" immediately="called=" out="the=" maximum="price=" he="had=" in="his=" mind="" .="twenty=" thousand="utility=" points!="(tl:=" this="is=" bonus="chapter=" #4="for=" january="" .="">

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The Ultimate Evolution Chapter 1049 summary

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