Womb For Rent Part 7

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Talli watched Derek cross the room to the door, then pivot to face her. "Talli?"

"Yes, Derek?"

"Thank you for tonight." With that said, he vanished down the hallway to his office.

Talli dropped unto the sofa and sighed audibly. "Bottom of the first, bases loaded, the batter steps up to the plate and strikes out. Story of my life."

The next morning Talli awoke to find a dozen red roses adorning her night stand, a cream colored envelope tucked among the blooms. Carefully, she plucked the card free and read aloud.

"Talli, I have to make an emergency presentation before Congress. Please forgive my not saying goodbye in person. See you soon. Derek"

The card dropped down onto the floor as Talli leaned forward to smell the heavenly aroma of the blossoms. "Well, Mr. Cameron, there will be other nights. I'm sure of it."

The week pa.s.sed in a flurry of activity. Talli found herself busier than ever. Yet in spite of her busy schedule, thoughts of Derek intruded into her day. The dogs garnered her attention and kept her thoughts occupied during the day. But late at night, her mind turned toward her employer. She yearned for the taste of his lips again.

For the memory of his hands upon her body. The memory of their last night together brought a tender smile to her face. She lay in the drowsy warmth of her bed and thought back.

Was Derek as deeply affected by the evening they spent together as she was?

Joseph cleared his throat. "Mr. Cameron will be arriving home this evening, Maimie"

"About time he got back. This baby is never gonna get to be born at this rate, not with him gallivanting all over the country."

Talli felt her cheeks heat up at Maimie's words, accurate though embarra.s.sing. She wished there was something she could do to hasten things along. A mischievous look came into her eyes, as a s.h.i.+ver danced crazily down her spine at the mere thought.

"Joseph, would it be okay if I went to the airport with you this evening to pick up Derek?"

"Certainly, Miss Talli. I see no problem with that."

"Thanks, I'll be ready whenever you say." Talli pushed herself off the bar stool and carried her plate to the sink, unaware of the look Maimie sent in her direction.

Maimie waited for the patio door to close behind Talli then smiled at her husband. "That girl has something in mind for Mr. Cameron tonight. I can feel it."

"Now Maimie, don't start up with that nonsense again."

"Nonsense, my great grandmother's apple pie. Talli has something cooking, you wait and see."

Talli felt a shudder involuntarily run through her. Immersed in her thoughts, she never noticed the limousine glide silently to a stop at the curb.

"Miss Talli, we're here," Joseph announced.

"Huh? Oh thank you, Joseph." Talli looked out the window at the tall gla.s.s building towering before her. A small sigh escaped her lips as she sat awaiting Derek's arrival.

Minutes later, Derek exited the terminal with two gentlemen in tow. Joseph opened the rear door of the limo to allow the men access to the warm interior. Talli's gaze bounced back and forth in horror. She hadn't expected anyone to arrive with Derek this evening.

Derek's gray eyes widened in surprise. "Talli, what are you doing here?" Gentlemen, may I present my ah...a.s.sociate Talli Paxton. Talli, this is Grant Holden and Gary Marsh, senior officers of Entro-Bax Incorporated."

"Miss Paxton, I hope we haven't caused you any inconvenience. Derek graciously asked us to join him for dinner this evening." Gary Marsh smiled becomingly as he reached out to pump her hand emphatically.

"Dinner? No Mr. Marsh, no inconvenience at all." Talli politely acknowledged, her mind racing trying to come up with an excuse to get her out of there.

"Why don't you join us, Miss Paxton? We'd be delighted to have you, that is if Derek here doesn't mind." Grant Holden asked, his smile wide and friendly.

Derek agreed wholeheartedly with their suggestion.

Talli felt slightly befuddled within the confines of the limousine. She couldn't refuse without looking somewhat rude.

"Thank you, Mr. Holden, I'd be delighted to." Talli pulled her raincoat tighter about her, as Joseph merged the large vehicle into traffic.

Once inside the restaurant, Talli gawked at the Victorian surroundings. High back chairs nestled cozily against burgundy colored, covered round tables, bearing intimate plate settings.

What had she gotten herself into?

The hostess stood expectantly, as Derek moved to slide Talli's coat from her shoulders. She pulled the coat tighter to her and shook her head. "No thanks, I'll keep it on. I'm ah...I'm a bit chilly tonight."

Derek looked at Talli and smiled. "I can have the hostess seat us next to the fire, if you'd prefer. That would be warmer for you." He reached up again for her coat.

Talli shook her head vehemently. "Really, I'd rather keep it on." She smiled weakly and offered a silent apology to the hostess.

Talli sat down slowly, trying to conquer her fleeting nerves, then immediately jumped back up. "Gentlemen, please excuse me for a moment."

All three men rose in a fluid motion as Talli scurried from the table. Once inside the powder room, she leaned against the cool ceramic tiles and stared at her reflection in the bra.s.s mirror. A pale, wide-eyed image looked back at her.

'What am I doing here?"she muttered, and pushed herself off the ornately wallpapered wall to pace the room. "Why did I ever think this stupid idea would work?"

A knock sounded on the door, disturbing her thoughts.

"Talli, it's Derek. Are you all right in there?"

Talli exhaled and faced the wooden portal, thankful he couldn't see through it. "I'm fine, Derek,"she called out, her hand trembling on the k.n.o.b.

Talli stepped into the corridor and paused. Derek stood directly in front of her, a worried look etched on his features.

"Are you ill? You look pretty pale."

She shook her head and lowered her gaze to the carpet. "No, nothing like that."

Derek reached out a hand and gently lifted her chin. "Then tell me what's wrong? I know something has been bothering you since we got here."

"I'm not sick, not really." Suddenly, Talli was unsure of how to handle the turn the conversation was taking.


"Derek, I apologize for just showing up tonight. I thought you'd be alone. I didn't know anyone would be with you. Joseph never said anything about Mr. Marsh or Mr. Holden."

"Joseph didn't know about them," Derek broke in. "Was there a particular reason you would have preferred I was alone?"

Talli glanced around the empty hallway for any signs of customers. "Yes, there is." Slowly, she raised her gaze to his as she fumbled with the belt of her raincoat.

Derek watched her fingers tremble as she undid the belt, his gaze locked on her hands.

Talli took a deep breath and held the coat open wide, allowing Derek an intimate view of what was underneath.

His breath caught in his throat. Talli stood before him, scantily clad in a black bustier and black silk panties. Her long legs were encased in black matching nylons, the tops held up by a lace garter belt. His eyes widened at the vision in front of him, then he lowered his gaze to take in her entire body.

"What is this?" he croaked, his voice sounding very bullfrogish.

"I believe it's satin and lace," Talli answered slowly, her low tones seeping into his every pore.

"That's not exactly what I meant," Derek countered.

Talli sighed. "I had hoped you'd be alone, so we could work on having that baby you so desperately want. I thought the limousine would provide us some privacy. But, if it's an imposition, I can go on home." Talli made a move to close the coat.

Derek reached out with lightning speed, halting her hands. He stood stock-still, his mind reeling. He closed his eyes to calm his raging emotions. Now, if he could control his own gut reaction, he thought.

He felt his stomach tighten, at his own response, his evident arousal straining against his fly.

"Let me get this straight. You planned to jump my bones on the limo ride home tonight?" None of the women he had dated ever had the nerve to try to seduce him. He was always the aggressor, always the seducer. This was beginning to get very interesting.

Talli pulled the raincoat tighter around her waist, dodging his touch. "I don't know if I'd call it jumping your bones exactly."

"Well, what would you call it then?"

"Ah, I don't know exactly."

Derek found himself intrigued. He caught her wrist and tugged her forward. "Talli, come here."

Slowly, she moved toward him and drew to a halt, her fingers nervously twisting the belt of the raincoat into a wadded bunch.

Derek laced his finger through hers and forced her to loosen her death grip on the belt.

Talli gulped, her pulse thrumming crazily. She felt a momentary panic as the coat fell open.

Derek's eyes lowered to take in her heaving chest, the black lace caressing her skin as it moved with every breath she took. His fingers touched her throat, feeling her pulse beat wildly beneath his thumb. He felt her swallow and watched her s.h.i.+ft from foot to foot, as he stood silently a.s.sessing her.

Derek dropped his gaze and saw the tiny black ribbons that secured the nylons to the garter. One tug and the ribbon would give way, to expose the creamy flesh hidden underneath.

"Talli," he groaned for her ears alone, his tormented sigh a heavy invitation.

Her lips parted in antic.i.p.ation of his kiss. Her arms wove themselves around his neck, her fingers pulling his head down to met hers. As their mouths met, Talli moaned.

Derek's hands slid inside her coat. A tingling sensation filled her body as his hands lowered to cup her backside. She was caught up in her own emotions.

Talli darted her tongue forward, tasting Derek's lips, tracing their fullness. Suddenly, she felt her raincoat drawn tight about her.

"Don't move,"Derek growled, pivoting about on one heel and left her standing alone in the hallway.

Before she could regain her senses, Derek was back. "Let's get out of here." He wrapped a protective arm across her shoulders and led her from the restaurant.

Joseph opened the rear door of the limo and stepped back, allowing Derek to ease Talli inside.

"Take us home and no matter what, I don't want to be disturbed. Not for any reason, is that clear?"

Joseph tipped his head. "Certainly sir, no problem at all."

A split second after the door closed behind them, Derek pulled an astonished Talli atop his lap. "Now, we're all alone. Why don't you show me what you had planned for this evening, hmm?"

Talli's startled look focused on Derek's face. "But the gentlemen in the restaurant. What about them?"

"I told them something came up that needed my immediate attention. They'll understand." Derek smiled, as he loosened the tie of the coat. "Now, where were we?"

Talli gasped as the double entendre of his words. .h.i.t her. His fingers stroked her skin and she s.h.i.+vered.

She placed her hands lightly on his shoulder and slipped the coat from her arms. "I've never done this before. I'm not really sure how to proceed."

Derek ran his hands across her back and trailed lightly to her spine. "Well, I think you're off to a very good start."

"Oh," Talli sighed, feeling the warmth of his hands on her bare skin. Conscious of where he had touched her, Talli had no desire to remove herself from his embrace. Digging deep within herself, she forced her courage to the surface. She had planned this evening down to the tiniest detail and nothing was going to stop her.

She released her hold on his shoulder and slid her palms down the front of Derek's s.h.i.+rt, pausing only long enough to pop open each b.u.t.ton on her descent. Her courage built as she continued her downward quest.

Derek watched her free his s.h.i.+rt. As her fingers dipped to his waistband, he smothered a groan. He s.h.i.+fted his weight forward and eased his suit coat and s.h.i.+rt off without out relinquis.h.i.+ng his hold on her. He pressed his lips together in a tight white line, as Talli inched forward, her soft bottom pressing itself intimately against his straining arousal.

He closed his eyes and felt her tentative touch on his face, then the fleeting caress of her lips as they molded themselves to his. Instinctively, he tightened his grip on her hips and gave in to the feelings she invoked. Derek recaptured her mouth, more demanding. His tongue explored the soft inner contours of her mouth.

Talli could feel his uneven breathing, his heart hammering wildly against her own. The touch of his bare skin to hers sought to be her undoing. Her nipples strained, yearning to be released from their confines, eager for his caress.

Her head lolled back on her shoulders as she felt Derek's mouth trail down the hollow of her throat. Her hands clenched his bare shoulders, the flesh hot and hard beneath her hold. Her senses reeled, as s.h.i.+vers of delight followed his lips.

"Yes, Derek, please." Her last words were smothered by his lips.

His mouth seared a path down her neck, coming to rest at the edge of the black lace. Derek could feel the racing of her heart as he gently eased Talli back on the limo seat, hearing the supple leather crackle as his body covered hers.

The air in the car was charged with electricity. The cool touch of the leather upholstery beneath her bare skin caressed her nerve endings, setting her skin on fire. The touch of Derek's bare flesh short-circuited her nervousness. The mere brush of his chest hairs upon her skin caused her stomach to do major flip-flops. Through the dim glow of the lights beyond the windows, Talli could see the pa.s.sion in Derek's eyes as they darkened in intensity. She held his smoldering gaze.

He lowered his head and slowly trailed his tongue across Talli's skin, the sensations causing her to arch in abandon under him. She moaned softly, her response to his touch spurred him on. Derek pressed his mouth to the black lace, feeling the pebbled bud trapped, hidden inside. His tongue slid under the edge of the bustier, teasing her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness.

Talli closed her eyes in ecstasy as his mouth claimed her breast. She pulled her hands free of his and fumbled between them, frantic to free him from his trousers.

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Womb For Rent Part 7 summary

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