Womb For Rent Part 9

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"Talli darling, there you are." A shrill voice sluiced across the hall, bringing every conversation in the room to a grinding halt.

"Wonderful," Emma groaned. "It's Gloria Van Whos-That-With-You coming. Quick, everybody hide."

"Darlings, it's so wonderful to see you all here tonight." Gloria kissed the air perfunctorily next to the three girls cheeks, then stepped back and smiled. "And who are these das.h.i.+ng gentlemen you're with this evening?"

"Gloria, this is my husband Jason Thorne," Emma managed politely, eager to be rid of the boorish woman.

"Jason Thorne, oh of course, you're one of the workmen at that new radio station here in town."

"Not exactly ma'am, I own it," Jason acknowledged politely, but by then Gloria was staring openly in Derek's direction.

"Well Derek Cameron, as I live and breathe. What are you doing here tonight? Slumming it?" A fake smile pasted itself to Gloria's mouth.

"Gloria, nice to see you again. I'm here with Talli. I'm sure you remember Talli Paxton?"

"Of course, we were best friends in school, did everything together, didn't we Talli?"

"Not that I can recall, Gloria. Must have slipped my memory." Talli smiled blandly, trying to quell her stomach as it lurched in rebellion at the cloying aroma of Gloria's perfume.

Derek cleared his throat. "Tell me Gloria, how's Charlie doing these days? I hear from my a.s.sociates at the Internal Revenue Service that he still hasn't been able to clear up that mess with the missing funds. I hope it won't affect your lifestyle if they're able to make the embezzling charges stick?"

Talli watched Gloria pale considerably under her fake and bake tan. "If you will excuse me, I hear someone calling my name." She practically bolted from their group, and hastened her way to the far side of the room.

Jason burst out laughing and clapped a hand across Derek's shoulders. "Derek, let me buy you a drink. That was the smoothest put-down I have ever seen. Ladies, if you will excuse us for a moment." Jason moved aside to let Derek pa.s.s and winked at Talli. "Better marry this one. I like his style."

Talli managed a wan smile at Jason's retreating back. She couldn't deny the thought had crossed her mind once or twice what it would be like to be married to Derek Cameron. Sharing his days, watching him leave for work in the morning, waiting for him to arrive home from work each night. Walking upstairs to bed together. Waking up in each others arms in the early hours of the morning. Talli gulped at the direction her thoughts were heading.

"Girlfriend, he's adorable."

"Where did you pick him up at?"

"He's my employer. I take care of his dogs," Talli mumbled, not quite sure of what to tell her friends.

"Sure you do," K.C. replied with a leer. "He can take care of my dogs anytime he wants. Woof, woof," she panted.

"Wait a minute," Emma broke in. "Is that the same Derek Cameron who graduated three years ahead of us, the one you drooled over incessantly?"

Talli nodded. If they only knew what she was doing now.

After dinner, the lights dimmed and the band took its place on the stage while they finished their desserts. Talli closed her eyes and wished the evening would never end. The feel of Derek's hand, warm against her skin, brought back memories of another place and time. She swayed in his embrace and sighed, her cheek resting intimately against his suit coat lapel.

"Having fun?" his deep voice inquired next to her ear. Without lifting her head, Talli nodded softly. A low chuckle followed.

"Did you know the music ended about thirty seconds ago and everyone has left the floor?"

Talli's eyes opened in surprise. The dance floor was vacant. She and Derek were the only couple left. Embarra.s.sed by her own musings, Talli groaned. "I'm sorry. I guess I didn't hear the music stop."

"No problem. Took me a few seconds to clue in as well." He wasn't about to admit it was the feel of her bare back, coupled with her cheek resting on his chest that caused him to forget. Some things were better left unsaid. Her hand in his, he led Talli off the dance floor and back to their table.

As they drew closer, their three table partners simultaneously held up their napkins. Upon each was printed a score.

K.C. spoke up first. "Their style was good, their form unique. I'd give them a nine."

Emma shook her head. "Nope, she stepped on his feet two times and he didn't slap her, so I'd have to give them a seven and a half."

Jason let out a loud laugh. "You're both wrong. They missed the end of the song by a good thirty seconds, but the blush on Talli's face is worth at least a nine and a half."

Talli felt her cheeks flame. She wished she could crawl under the table, but knew it wouldn't do any good. "Ignore them, maybe they'll go away," she muttered to Derek.

He merely grinned. "They're jealous. They know I'm with the prettiest girl here." Rea.s.suringly, he squeezed her hand.

"Not hungry?" Derek inquired quietly, watching her toy with her torte.

Talli looked up sheepishly, unaware of his mindful stare. "I guess not. I think my nerves are on edge right now."

"Anything I can do?"

Shaking her head no, Talli suddenly clamped a hand over her mouth, and pushed back her chair. "Oh no, I think I'm going to be sick. Excuse me." She leapt up and wove her way hurriedly among the tables.

Emma glanced at Talli's retreating form, then back to Derek. "What's wrong?"

Derek shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. One minute she was saying she wasn't hungry, then all of a sudden, she looked sick to her stomach. Emma, would you mind..."

Emma patted his hand. "No problem. I'll be right back."

"Here, try this."

Talli gratefully accepted the wet towel Emma offered and pressed it to her burning cheeks. The cold cloth felt heavenly to her flushed skin. "Thanks, Em."

Her feet dangling off the vanity top, Emma tilted her head to one side and studied Talli. "So, when's the baby due?"

Talli stammered out a non-intelligible reply, her face buried in the cloth.

"Of course you're pregnant, isn't it obvious? You almost pa.s.sed out from Gloria's perfume, then you play with your food, now you're in here puking up what you didn't even eat. Have you told Derek yet? It is his, right?"

Talli pushed herself upright, then leaned against the stall door, her face a myriad of emotions. "Pregnant?"

Emma smiled, rubbing a manicured pink fingernail across her front tooth. "Uh huh, you didn't know?"

"No, I didn't. What makes you so sure?"

"Easy. You're doing everything I did when I was pregnant with Mandy."

A soft sigh escaped from Talli's lips, as her hands curved protectively across her flat stomach. "Pregnant," she whispered to herself.

"Yup," Emma slid down off the counter. "Think you're ready to face the world again?"

Talli smiled at her best friend. "No, not really, but I can't stay in here all night."

"That's the spirit." Emma grinned, linking her arm through Talli's.

Derek drummed his fingers aimlessly on the table. Every minute, he checked his watch.

"About sixty seconds later than the last time you looked?" Jason's deep baritone broke into Derek's thoughts.

"Yeah," Derek admitted.

"Relax. I'm sure Talli's okay, or Em would have come back for reinforcements."

"Miss us, fellas?" Emma's voice drawled, as she leaned down to place a quick kiss on her husband's lips.

Both men quickly jumped to their feet.

"Talli, are you all right?" Derek asked, his eyes probed to her very soul, his voice full of concern.

She nodded. "I'm fine, but I think I'd like to go home, if you don't mind."

"No, whatever you prefer."

Talli hugged her friends, promising to call. Derek pa.s.sed his business card to Jason. "Don't forget to call me. I think we can work something out that'll be very beneficial for both of us."

Talli sat silently chewing on her lip in the darkened back seat of the limousine, trying to find the right words to tell Derek. Finally she decided it would be best to just say it. Her voice sounding shakier than she would have liked it to be, Talli blurted out her news. "Derek, I think I'm pregnant."

"What?" The crystal goblet dropped from Derek's limp fingers, club soda puddling on the floor of the limousine.

"I said, I think I'm pregnant," Talli repeated, leaning forward to press a stack of paper napkins atop the spill.

Derek swallowed past a lump in his throat the size of an elephant. "Pregnant," he said softly.

"I'm not positive, but all the signs are there."

Instantly, he was all business. "I'll make you an appointment with my physician. He's the finest Detroit has to offer. First thing tomorrow. We'll go together. d.a.m.n, I can't go. I've got to be in Flint at eight. Can you manage alone?"

Talli nodded, a shy smile crossing her lips. "Derek, it's just a simple test. I'll be fine."

Derek blew into his office like a hurricane, his steps rushed as he came to an abrupt halt at Margaret's desk. Wordlessly, she pa.s.sed a stack of messages to him. He scanned the yellow slips, his eyes dismissing the callers.

"Talli hasn't called yet?"

"No sir, only these."

Pus.h.i.+ng his office door open with more force than necessary, Derek dropped the pile down on the corner of his desk. "What the h.e.l.l takes so long? Shouldn't she have been here by now?"

Margaret trailed behind her boss, picking up the mess he left in his wake. "No sir, not necessarily. A pregnancy test takes time. If the results are positive, the doctor normally performs a physical on the patient to determine how far along the pregnancy is, and if the mother to be is healthy. It does take time, Mr. Cameron."

She silently hung up his overcoat, amus.e.m.e.nt dancing in her eyes.

Derek scrubbed his hand across his face, lines of fatigue showing under his dark eyes. "Sorry, Margaret. I guess I'm still a bit tense about this whole thing."

"Certainly sir, it's only natural for you to be concerned. I'll let you know the minute she calls."

"Right." Derek turned his chair to the window. The view never failed to calm him. He pressed his fingers together and contemplated the skyline. Bright white clouds wafted past, the sky a brilliant blue canvas as far as the eye could see. Off in the distance, he could see the Amba.s.sador Bridge. The steady stream of cars caught his attention. Leaning backward in the chair, he allowed his eyes to close.


Her soft feminine voice filtered into his brain, as Derek brought the chair down hard, the sound m.u.f.fled in the thick carpet.


Lowering herself slowly into a black leather chair opposite his large desk, she brought her eyes up to meet his. "I'm pregnant," she said softly, all the while trying to gauge his reaction.

Derek leaped out of his chair and crossed to her side in two strides. "Well, what do you know about that. Yes, I knew it." A loud whoop of excitement emerged from his mouth. Lifting her up into his embrace, he held Talli close, his hand moving to cup her stomach. "Hear that little guy, I'm your Daddy." He grinned lopsidedly, looking down at her belly.

Talli gasped at the intimate feel of his hand pressed against her stomach. She could feel her muscles tense under his gentle touch.

Derek immediately pulled his hand away. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine. You startled me, that's all."

Derek hurried to his office door, an irresistibly devastating grin splitting his features. Throwing the portal open wide, he called out. "Margaret, she's pregnant. I'm going to be a father."

"Yes, sir. I a.s.sumed that when I heard your loud war whoop."

Sheepishly, Derek quietly closed the door behind him and went back to his chair. He was going to be a Daddy!

"When is the baby due?"

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Womb For Rent Part 9 summary

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