Twilight's Possession - Everlasting Hunger Part 5

Twilight's Possession - Everlasting Hunger -

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She opened her eyes to discover both Bale and Tryphon had undressed. When? Her hand went to the side of her neck, it ached, like a deep bruise. Had she hurt herself? How?

Bewildered and stunned, she fingered the tender spot and stared at the men standing before her.

They were both absolutely perfect. Lean, athletic bodies with just a sprinkling of hair over their arms and legs, chest and groin. Thickly muscled. Broad shouldered. Chests wide enough to make the average girl swoon.

The planes of their abdomens were cut like the picture-perfect men in her Playgirl magazine. She'd never seen a man built like that in real life.

And their c.o.c.ks, good glory, there were no words. Big and hard and ready to go.

The throbbing between her thighs beat harder and faster the longer she looked at them. And looking at them was something she couldn't help but do. She was mesmerized. Literally. In fact, it wasn't until Tryphon moved that she was finally able to tear her gaze away from those twin shafts.

"This way," Tryphon said, his voice rough, words clipped. He looped one of his arms through hers.

Bale took her other one, at the elbow, and together they helped her to her feet. The minute she was vertical she was extremely glad they were there to support her.

Wow, since when did a little l.u.s.t make her so dizzy?

Lacing her fingers through theirs, she let them lead her back to a bedroom-all white and gla.s.s and steel, of course-and help her onto the bed.

Ahhh, heaven. The mattress was as soft as a cloud, and two nude angels hovered over her, giving her wicked-hot looks that made her toes curl.

Smiling, she bucked her hips up and unzipped her s.h.i.+rt. Then, her gaze fixed on Tryphon's eyes, she pulled it down, over her hips, lower, down her thighs. Bale kindly took over from there, pulling it off.

Next, she started working on her s.h.i.+rt, unfastening one b.u.t.ton after another, slowly, methodically, loving the way the blaze in Tryphon's eyes roared to life with every new sliver of skin she exposed.

The man could not hide the l.u.s.t in his eyes, not even a little. She checked Bale. He looked as if some vital bit of his anatomy was about to explode, which was probably not far from the truth. They were both kneeling on the bed now, one on each side of her, watching, their faces tense, their bodies tight, fists closed around their erect rods.

She sighed. "Oh yes, stroke yourself. That's so s.e.xy."

Now this was what she was accustomed to. Being the one in control. Yes, this was much better.

Just by exposing a little section of skin and giving them a hot come-and-get-it look, she could elicit a response from these guys. She was the aggressor, the one to call the shots, to decide when or if something-anything-was going to happen. Not the other way around. This was the way she liked it.

But whew, look at them!

Suddenly impatient, she unfastened the last three b.u.t.tons and shucked her blouse, sending it sailing through the air. Now, all that was left between Tryphon's and Bale's feasting eyes and what little of her body still lay hidden from view were one black push-up bra and matching lace thong.

She longed to feel a man's heavy body wedged between her thighs, a hard shaft gliding in and out of her wet p.u.s.s.y.

The rest of her clothes had to go.

This time, when she tucked her legs together, lifted her hips and reached for her panties, Tryphon pulled her hands away. She watched his fingers curl around the delicate material and jerk, felt the sharp bite of the fabric against her skin, and then heard the telltale riiiip as it gave way.

She gave a little squeal of surprise and plunged her hands between her legs, cupping her s.e.x protectively. Not that she was scared, though. Instead of making her furious, as it normally would, the fact that he'd literally ripped her panties off made the heat in her blood that much more unbearable.

"No, no. Don't hide." He tossed the torn panties away, gently plucked her wrists up and set them down on either side of her hips, and then cupped her knees. "Open your legs, Raine. I want to taste you."

That was it. She was going to die.

A whimper bubbled up her throat and slipped between her lips. She relaxed her legs and watched as he slowly pulled them apart. When she couldn't stand to watch any longer because she was so breathless and desperate she wanted to cry, she rocked her head to the side and gave Bale a desperate look.

He evidently decided that look meant she needed help with her bra because that's where his hands went, to the front clasp. With a snap, it unhooked and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s spilled out. The instant the air hit her bared nipples, they tightened to uber-hard, super-sensitive peaks.

Instinct had her crossing her arms over her chest before she knew what she was doing. Just like instinct had her clamping her legs shut the second Tryphon touched her p.u.s.s.y.

They were taking control again, and she was losing control, but even though a bite of cold fear was creeping through her body, more heat was pounding through her as well.

Hot. Cold. Trembling from the need. And yet fighting the urge to surrender to it.

If only they'd let her take control again.

"No, no. I want to pleasure you first. Let me show you what I can do with my hands. My mouth..." Desperate to put herself back into the position of in-charge seductress, she pushed Bale away from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s while simultaneously using her feet to force Tryphon to back off.

Granted, she might be hot enough to come if a soft breeze blew over her c.l.i.t, but she was still fully aware of herself and what was happening to her.

She would come. But it would be on her terms. Not theirs. Just as it always was.

First and foremost, she needed to get off her d.a.m.n back. In her opinion, lying on your back was for meek, submissive women who didn't know how to accept their s.e.xuality, or who liked to pretend they didn't enjoy s.e.x.

She loved s.e.x and wasn't afraid to tell a man that. She didn't need to be seduced, or cajoled or sweet talked. She just needed a hard c.o.c.k, possessed by a man who was willing to use it the way she told him to.

She flipped onto her stomach and pushed up on her hands and knees, intending to rise upright. But a pair of hands planted between her shoulder blades forced her back down, flat on her stomach.

A hard male body fell over hers, holding her there.

"Where are you going, you fiery little thing?" Tryphon whispered into her ear. The taunting, erotic tone of his voice sent shudders of pleasure down her spine. He rocked his hips back then forward again, the motion working his c.o.c.k into the crevice of her a.s.s. A flare of wanting blazed up her spine.

d.a.m.n, this was crazy.

"I told you. I want to pleasure you first." She threw her head back. "Get off me. I like to be on top."

"So do I."

Grrrr! Of course he'd say that.

She didn't like being manhandled. It was infuriating. It was demeaning. It was...a lot of bad things. So why was she getting more aroused?

He rocked his hips back and forth again, and his c.o.c.k inched deeper between her b.u.t.tocks.

But that was most definitely not a bad thing.

Okay, maybe there was a way she could still control this situation, and still get what her body was furiously demanding, without being on top.

Now was not really the time for arguing over such issues. Really, why was she bothering? If this turned out be a total letdown, what would she lose? An hour or two of her time. So what! She'd go home and never f.u.c.k Tryphon Zade again.

No big loss.

She arched her back, and the head of Tryphon's c.o.c.k slipped lower, closer to her wet slit. Mmmm, now that felt good! But her p.u.s.s.y was still empty, her nipples needed some attention and it was impossible for anyone, including herself, to reach her c.l.i.t in this position.

"Come on, Tryph," Bale grumbled. "You can't f.u.c.k her like that. What am I supposed do to here? Take a nap?"

Ah, so there was another dissatisfied member of their cozy little trio.

"Majority rules, Tryphon," Raine said, her tone lifting to meet her freshly elevated mood. "Off you go."

Tryphon grumbled something incoherent and eased off, and she pulled in the first really deep breath she'd been able to take in a long while.

She pushed up on all fours, then rose upright and smiled at Bale. "Since you're so much more agreeable than Mr. Bossy, I'm going to f.u.c.k you first."

Bale's eyes brightened at her words. And then she crawled toward him, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bouncing as she moved, and he licked his lips.

"You are such a gorgeous man. I can't stop looking at you. Touching you." This was the kind of wide-eyed response she was accustomed to, the kind she preferred over Tryphon's grunting, grabbing caveman-like maneuvers. The second she was within reaching distance, Bale pressed his flattened hands over Raine's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his palms gently chafing her nipples. Exquisite little jolts of pleasure shot from her chest, out from her center, down to her empty p.u.s.s.y.

Bale settled on his bottom, his legs extended in front of him. "Come here."

Facing him, she swung a leg over his and positioned herself. She reached down, took his hard c.o.c.k in her hand and gave it several long, slow swipes. When he dropped his head back and groaned, she guided it toward her entrance.

As she slowly impaled herself on him, the skin of her back warmed with awareness. Tryphon was behind her. Close. He lifted her hair off her back and laid it over a shoulder.

Oh, Bale's c.o.c.k was pure perfection. Just the right size. He filled her completely. He filled her perfectly.

"Oh, yes. That's it," he murmured.

She braced her arms against his shoulders and ground her p.u.s.s.y against his groin, enjoying the delicious friction of his crisp pubic hair against her tender tissues. While she lifted herself up to repeat the whole series of motions, Bale tormented her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and Tryphon nipped the super-sensitive skin at the crook of her shoulder.

How did he know that was the single most ticklish spot on her body? She s.h.i.+vered, even as a blaze of erotic heat ripped down her center.

Harder. Faster. More.

She ratcheted up the pace, riding Bale hard, letting the raw pleasure of his c.o.c.k stretching her p.u.s.s.y, his hands tormenting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and Tryphon's mouth exploring her neck and shoulders carry her closer, closer to o.r.g.a.s.m.

Her heavy eyelids fell shut. The world outside melted away, and all that remained was the sound of skin smacking skin, the soft sucking sound of her p.u.s.s.y as it swallowed Bale's c.o.c.k, the scent of s.e.x and man and the sounds of their male groans of pleasure.

Tight, urgent need wound through her limbs, pulling every muscle into hard knots. Closer. Yes. Oh, yes.

She f.u.c.ked him harder still, bucking up and down. Her legs burned from the demand she gave them but she didn't slow, couldn't slow.

Bale, the s.a.d.i.s.tic, gorgeous beast, pinched her nipples and she whimpered. Tryphon bit on the swell of her shoulder, and one side of her body puckered with goose b.u.mps. Chills whipped up and down her spine, tightening it until it was pulled taut like the string of a bow.

"Our fiery little sprite," Tryphon cooed against her skin. "We'll let you play your way today, but next time, you'll do things my way."

"That's what you think," she growled out. Ohhh, she was on the cusp of o.r.g.a.s.m. So close. The telltale tingling was building up in her chest, spreading. "My c.l.i.t. I've got to touch my c.l.i.t."

"Yes, baby. Touch it," Bale said.

She shoved at Bale's chest, forcing him to lean back a bit, and plunged her hand between their bodies. She slipped her index finger between her folds, finding her hard little pearl. The first touch made her jerk against Bale. The second made her shudder. And the third made her sigh.

The tingles built, stronger. Brilliant colors exploded behind her closed eyelids. And then she was there, at the cusp, ready to dive over the edge and let the pleasure just sweep her away.

But strong hands caught her under the armpits and hauled her off Bale's c.o.c.k mere seconds before her o.r.g.a.s.m blossomed.

"What the h.e.l.l!" Her eyes snapped open. Her gaze focused on Bale's flushed face. At first, she was too dazed, too shocked to register what had happened. Then her brain caught up. She twisted around, throwing the guilty party the meanest glare she could drum up in her current condition. "Tryphon! You-"

He caught her face between his hands and kissed her. His tongue swept into her mouth uninvited and took charge. It stroked hers. Subdued it, filling her mouth with his sweet flavor.

Just when she felt herself softening, surrendering, he extended his arms, pus.h.i.+ng her away. She fell back against Bale, and then, livid, curled her hand into a fist and swung at his head. He ducked, of course, having seen the blow coming from a mile away. She had such a sissy punch, it was humiliating. "You...! What kind of games are you playing?"

"I already told you."

"Yeah, and you said you were letting me play my way this time. So why'd you stop me?"

Tryphon shrugged. "Because Bale didn't have on a rubber. And you didn't tell us if you were on birth control. I didn't want you to do anything you'd regret later."

f.u.c.k. Her gut dropped to her toes.

"s.h.i.+t, I am on the Pill. But I always insist guys wear rubbers anyway. Every time." She raked her fingers through her hair, tugging sharply. "Where is my head?"

"It's okay. I stopped you before it was too late. You just became caught up in things." Tryphon climbed off the bed and opened the top drawer of a dresser. She listened to the crinkle of those little wrappers as she exchanged a guilty glance with Bale.

"I guarantee I'm not infected or carrying anything. I'm tested regularly, and even though today...Tryphon and I never f.u.c.k other people without protection." Bale took her hands in his and gave each one a sweet kiss in the palm. The tingles that had faded in her anger blossomed in her chest again.

Tryphon coaxed her around with a hand on her shoulder. He was kneeling, his rod sheathed in latex. "f.u.c.k me now, my red-haired fire sprite."

"But Bale?"

Bale nodded toward Tryphon. "No, go ahead."

Nodding, she planted her hands on his shoulders and, while gazing into his eyes, straddled his thighs and lowered herself onto his c.o.c.k. A million different emotions seemed to play through his eyes as she inched lower. They were there, in the dark depths, swirling like a stormy sea, and as she seated herself, she wondered for just the briefest of seconds who Tryphon Zade truly was. And what secrets he was hiding.

Shaking away those dangerous thoughts, she closed her eyes and concentrated on just f.u.c.king him, taking her pleasure, letting his body serve her.

That was how it should be with s.e.x, how it had to be. s.e.x was great, a healthy way to relieve stress, an adult form of play. To make it any more than that was to make herself vulnerable.


Shutting off her head, she focused instead on the sensations of f.u.c.king. The glorious fullness in her p.u.s.s.y. The erotic friction as Tryphon's thick c.o.c.k slid in and out of her tight channel. The heat pounding through her body, and sounds of s.e.x, tiny grunts and sighs and moans.

Driven by Tryphon's response, the groans and murmured expletives, she rode him hard, her entire being pus.h.i.+ng toward o.r.g.a.s.m, tightening, heating. She ground into him, enjoying the sensation of his crisp hair rasping her c.l.i.t and l.a.b.i.a. His c.o.c.k chafed against her inner walls, and more slick heat pumped from her core.

Reaching around her back, Bale tweaked her nipples. Pinches and pulls, just hard enough to hurt good.

She arched her back, pus.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s forward, welcoming the sharp sensations, silently begging for more.

This was simply decadent. Why she'd never thought to f.u.c.k two guys in one night was a mystery. She'd had some nights to remember, but they all paled in comparison to this.

Harder. Tighter. Hotter.

Almost there, oh yes.

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Twilight's Possession - Everlasting Hunger Part 5 summary

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