Gleams of Sunshine Part 17

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I love him much for what I hope to be,

And show my love by yielding him his due; For sentimental love is ever vain, It cannot peace, much less heaven's favor gain; But those who love in deed are blessed and true.


With purpose strong to do or die, The race of life he ran, With love supreme to G.o.d on high, And equal love to man.

Some flaws the earthen vessel marred, Which all could clearly see; Within was found the precious nard; From guile his heart was free.

In motive e'er is found the sin; Let that to G.o.d be true, And he the Judge's smile will win, And man's approval too.


My old sweetheart is away to-day; I feel as I did of old, In my courting days, when far away I yearned for her more than gold.

I thought of her handsome, smiling face, Her n.o.ble and cultured brow, Of her gentle ways, and charming grace; I missed her less then than now.

Through the long years of our wedded life, Now nearly a full two score, She has proved herself a loving wife, And a sweetheart evermore.

Our love has grown with the flight of time, As the mountain stream may grow; Or as a tree in a genial clime When free from the frost and snow.

The tempest may madly rage without, We have lasting peace within; And confidence ne'er gives place to doubt, Nor concord to noisy din.

She will soon return again to me, From her visit in the West, And the dear face that I long to see Will be nestling on my breast.

And I will feel as in olden time, With a love not dreamed of then; No happier man in any clime Is known to the sons of men.

And when we part at the silent tomb, 'Twill be but a pa.s.sing day Before we meet where there is no gloom, And sweethearts forever stay.

Full forty-six years of wedded life, Enjoyed with my sweetheart here; They were happy years, devoid of strife, And full of Christian cheer; Then her Master called her spirit home, And I am left to walk alone.

Ere long my journey, too, will end, And my spirit to G.o.d arise; Perhaps he may my sweetheart send To escort me to the skies; And there with our Saviour we shall be, Yet sweethearts still through eternity.

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Gleams of Sunshine Part 17 summary

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