Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 30

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Are you and Uncle Trey going to make babies, too?

Well, that wasnt a question I was prepared for.

I hope so, sweetie. Some day, maybe. Trey and I had talked about it once, but it wasnt something we planned on doing until the future.

How will the baby come out? she asked sweetly.

Theres a magic key that the doctor uses to get the babies out, Stella chimed in. Thats how you and River came out of mommy! She smiled proudly.

s.h.i.+t, I heard Molly mumble. She leaned in to my ear so only I would hear. Ive been meaning to have that talk with her again.

Well, it better be soon. I smirked as I eyed her growing belly.

Drakes up this time, she snapped. Im the one pus.h.i.+ng, he should be the one explaining.

I laughed. Can I just say how happy I am to not be around pregnant Molly this time?

She pouted, sticking her lower lip out at me. Was I that bad last time?

Molly, you were like a tornado in a tsunami. I didnt know whether to seek shelter or run away from the catastrophe.

I heard the kids giggle behind her.

Hey, when you push a baby out of your v.a.g.i.n.a, then well talk, until then, zip it, mister, she scowled.

Oh, how I missed hormonal Molly, I quipped.

Before she could retaliate, Drake walked in. Alright, time to go. Driver is here to take us.

Ow! Molly screamed just before walking out the door.

Are you alright? Drake asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Yes, Im fine. The baby just kicked, thats all. I could tell she was lying, but I didnt say anything. I knew she was hanging on for my sake.

Both of my parents walked me down the aisle, and as I met up with Trey, I kissed both my parents and grabbed Treys hand.

I promised I wouldnt cry, but I did. I never imagined being here. Molly and Stella were my life for so long, that it was just easier to go from guy to guy. No commitments. No serious relations.h.i.+ps. Until Trey came along. Then he made me want to change. He made me want to be better, and he reminded me that I deserved love, too.

The ceremony was beautiful. Everything was perfect. The flowers, the music, the vows"I was living a fairytale.

Trey and I walked down the aisle as husbands, smiling to our guests as we exited the tent. We stopped for a few pictures before getting into the limo. The wedding party was in the limo behind us, but as we started driving to the venue, I heard tires squeal and turn in a different direction.

Drake called me shortly after telling me Molly was in labor, but to go to the dinner without them. I hated the thought of her not being here and me not being there for her, but they both insisted.

As soon as the reception came to an end, I apologized to the remaining guests and left early. I hadnt heard from Drake in a few hours and was starting to get worried"but you already know the rest of that story.

So, not everything worked out as planned, but in the end, it was a perfect day for Trey and I. I was married to the love of my life, and Molly brought a new life into the world. The day was perfectjust like every day after that.

Bonus Scene

Honeymoon in Ireland * * *

Molly Holy c.r.a.p! I cant believe were here! Were really here! I gushed as we arrived in the city. It was breathtaking. The air, the trees, the sky"it was like a whole new world over here.

Its amazing, isnt it? Drake stood next to me, taking it all in with me. Id never been to any place like it, and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

So whats first? I asked.

First"hot shower. Second"hot s.e.x. Third"Cold shower. Fourth"eat. I winked, as he grabbed my hand to lead me to our hotel.

Wow, you answered that way too fast. Any chance that was on your mind?

On my mind? No, thats my whole agenda, sweetheart.

I rolled my eyes as we continued walking in. Drake booked us the Ten-Day Leisurely Ireland Tour. Wed be traveling the entire time, going to different cities and staying in new hotels every couple of nights. When Drake told me, I screamed like a little girl. Ireland had always been the one place I wanted to visit and being here now felt so surreal.

Our first stop was the Herbert Park Hotel in Dublin. Each day wed go sightsee on the luxury coach bus with a professional tour director"which made this even more awesome. I was hoping to learn as much as I could about Ireland while we were here.

Drake on the other handhad different plans.

SweetheartIm finding it very hard to keep my hands off you. He nuzzled his nose in my neck, rotating his lips from my jawline to my ear.

Why do I have a feeling were going to be missing dinner tonight? I giggled, moving my head to the side, exposing more of my neck.

Who needs dinner when I have dessert right here?

I choked out a laugh. Your cheesy pick-up lines are the one reason I married you.

He chuckled. And the truth comes out.

I spun around, locking my arms around him. As much as I want to give in and rip our clothes off, were in freaking Ireland! I want us to enjoy it, okay?

You know this is our honeymoon, right? Couples are usually known for never leaving their room on their honeymoon.

Well, yes. But were in Ireland! I gushed. I couldnt stop smiling I was so d.a.m.ned excited.

Fine. He smiled, wrapping a piece of hair behind my ear. Lets go to dinner and explore the city. But then I get to rip your clothes off. He winked.


The following morning, the tour officially began. Since we were in Dublin, the tour started out with a tour of the city and would end with Dublins Abbey Tavern dinner and show.

We took a short tour to the Dalkey Castle where a live show began every half hour. Drake and I smiled and laughed as we watched the actors get into character and put on a great show for the people. It was super sweet.

We then headed to the Trinity College and Library. We learned that it was Irelands first university, founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I.

Seeing and viewing all the history up close was fascinating. It was nice seeing Drake in a new element. He wasnt this alpha, business male. He was enjoying learning and seeing new things as well.

By the time we arrived back to our hotel, my feet were killing me. We were scheduled for dinner soon, so there wasnt much time to rest in between.

That was an amazing tour, didnt you think, babe? I sat on the bed and slowly pulled my shoes off my now swelling feet.

Yes, I thought it was great. He smiled, taking his shoes off on the love chair across from me.

My feet are killing me though. I think Im going to soak them for a bit. I started rolling my pants up so they wouldnt get wet.

Here, Drake said, kneeling down and taking one foot in his hands. Let me take care of that. He grinned. I could tell he was up to something"he normally was.

I lay back on the mattress in surrender as Drake slowly and seductively rubbed my feet. He dug his knuckles in nice and deep, releasing all the tension.

Oh my G.o.dthat feels incredible, I moaned, closing my eyes as I enjoyed the sensations. You have talent.

He dug his knuckle in deeper, rubbing a touch spot out. I have lots of talents.

YesI know. I smiled, my eyes still closed. I heard him grab something out of a nearby bag. Shortly after, he lathered up his hands with lotion and pressed his thumbs deep in the arch of my foot. Holymother offoot ma.s.sages.

d.a.m.nhad I known how to make you scream like that, I would have done this ages ago.

Oh, stop it. You act like Im never verbal, I retorted, embarra.s.sed.

In fact he dropped my foot and rose over me, now its my mission to make you scream like that.

Stop. I laughed, pus.h.i.+ng against him. Were supposed to meet for dinner in less than an hour.

Make you scream before dinner? Challenge accepted.

Books by Brooke c.u.mberland

Available on Amazon, B&N, and iBooks The Riverside Trilogy Kitchen Affairs, Book 1 Kitchen Scandals, Book 2 Kitchen Promises, Book 3 * * *

The Spark Series SPARK, Book 1 BURN, Book 2 FLAME, Book 3 Coming Soon!

About the Author.

Brooke is a Midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She's a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons) and a black furry dog. She studied Psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she found her pa.s.sion. Most days you can find her reading or writing, or just hanging out with her family! She loves movies, cooking, and shopping! She's addicted to Starbucks, Coach purses, and wearing yoga pants.

Find Brooke Facebook Twitter @blc.u.mberland Follow on Pinterest " bc.u.mberland8 Follow on Instagram " blessedmama26 Please consider leaving a review! Id appreciate it very much! Thank you for reading!

Brooke xoxo -----<>-----.

Brookes Signing Schedule -----<>-----.

Wicked Girls Book Weekend, March 7-9, 2014 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Authors in the City Signing, March 15, 2014 New York City, NY North Sh.o.r.e Author Signing, April 12, 2014 Boston, MA Cleveland Author Event, April 26, 2014 Cleveland, OH Tennessee Valley Author Event, July 12, 2014 Knoxville, TN Indie Mashup, July 26, 2014 Springdale, AR Penned Con, September 12-13, 2014 St. Louis, MO Rebels & Readers, November 8, 2014 Huntington, WV -----<>-----.


There are so many important people that helped me along the way in creating this book and the entire series. First, my amazing beta readers"Tabby C., Kelly M., s.h.i.+rley W., Manda G., Stefanie N., Heather M., Laura F., Lisa P., Melanie S., Ashley S., Cindy G., Rachael B., and Debbie D. Thank you for always being ready to read when I need you short notice for feedback and for being fast readers ready to give me inputespecially when you have to get up early for work or school tests! I appreciate it SOOOOOOO much! :) Im not sure this book wouldve finished without you all.

To my street team for being the best book pimps ever. I cant tell you how much it still feels surreal to know that people are talking about your book long after its been read. I feel like we are one big book lovin family and I love and appreciate your support so much!

To my husband, for always supporting me even when I neglect you for my laptop and weekend getaways to work. I love and need your support and Im so grateful to have it.

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Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 30 summary

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