Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 9

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Im going to have to approve your reading list from now on, he joked. Nicholas Sparks only.

Oh, so you want me to be a blubbering crying mess instead?

s.h.i.+t, no. Okay, fine. How about some mystery/thriller? he suggested. As long as you dont get any ideas about killing me or something, he warned, playfully pointing a finger at me.

I make no promises, I quipped. He reached around and aggressively squeezed my a.s.s. Ow! I squealed, laughing as he tried again.

That a.s.s better be in that bed in five minutes. Not a minute longer, he ordered.

Yes, sir, boss man. I saluted him as I wiggled out of his grasp and out of the closet. I heard his deep laughter as he exited the room.

I grabbed my body pillow and adjusted it perfectly, making sure not to put too much pressure on my belly or my back.

I heard Drake walk back into our room. He set a few items down on the dresser before I saw his feet on the floor next to the bed.

Soon, soft music began to play, surrounding the bedroom with jazz. I closed my eyes as the music reached me, calming and relaxing my body. I heard Drake rub his hands together and blow on his hands. He softly pressed his hands on my back, rubbing back and forth with warm lotion. It was perfect and felt incredible. It was definitely something I needed.

Mmm, this feels amazing, I mumbled between relaxed breaths. The way Drake took care of me made every fear, every struggle, every pained feeling go away. At the end of the day, Drake was mine and I was his. Forever.

I woke up some time later, not even realizing I had fallen asleep. My body felt incredible, completely relaxed, and rested. I grabbed the robe that was sitting on the end of the bed waiting for me and tied it in a tight knot above my belly.

I opened the door and immediately spotted red rose petals on the floor. I couldnt help the stupid grin that formed on my face as I realized Drakes next surprise is coming. I followed them into one of the spare rooms and immediately spot Drake looking out the window at the beautiful Chicago lights. Hes in a tux, and he looks d.a.m.n good.

Babe? He immediately spins around wearing the s.e.xiest grin on his face. You look mighty good in a tux. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands cupped my face as he laid a gentle kiss on my lips.

Do you know how much I love you? he asked, looking me in the eyes.

Of course.

Because I love you more than I can even fathom. I dont think there are words that can truly express how much. I c.o.c.ked my head, trying to understand where this is coming for.

Please dont tell me youre dying or something, I said wearily.

He laughed. No, no. I justjust want you to know how much I love you and how happy I am. He gently kissed me once more, and not giving me more than a few seconds of his touch before he broke the kiss. I wanted to give you a special evening, something that all newly engaged couples deserve. And since you cant go out, I thought Id bring something special here. I opened my mouth to ask what he was talking about, but he cut me off. And no, I wont tell. He reaches to a hook off the closet and grabs a white garment bag. Wear this. Ill be back in fifteen minutes.

I took it and walked back to our room. I unzipped the bag, realizing it has Saks Fifth Avenue on it and gasped when I saw what was inside. It was a red, one-shoulder c.o.c.ktail dress. It was stunning. There was a little flower on the shoulder strap, giving it just enough elegance and glamour.

I suddenly began to worry as I realized it was probably not going to fit me. As much as Drake put the effort into finding me a gorgeous gown, he probably didnt realize Id need a maternity size.

I studied the dress, wis.h.i.+ng I were only small enough to squeeze my ma.s.sive-self into it. A quiet knock startled me and as I turned, I saw Michael at the doorframe.

Need some a.s.sistance? His smile is contagious, so even though I wanted to be sad and cry, I smiled back.

I dont think its going to fit. Its a size 4, I complained.

Did you try it on? he asked, walking toward me.

No. But does this" I waved my hands up and down my body. Look like a size 4?

Oh, honey. He smirked. He grabbed the dress out of the bag and threw the hanger on the bed. I shot him a look and shook my head. Just trust me.

I shrugged, giving in. I dropped the robe and let him pull it over my head. It fell on me perfectly, fitting me in all the right places.

How the h.e.l.l? I asked, looking down. It should be tight on me. It shouldnt be fitting over my belly and it most certainly shouldnt be able to zip up.

Michael spun me back around to face him, a look of proudness in his eyes. How does this fit? I asked, knowing he did something.

Lets just say, I have skills. I playfully punched him, making him tell me.

Okay, fine. He rubbed a hand over his shoulder, pretending to be hurt. Drake asked me to get your dress size, knowing it was different, but I convinced him he just needed to alter the stomach of the dress, not get a maternity dress. So when you were sleeping, I measured your belly.

You measured me? I squealed. Thats creepy, you know?

Hey, would you rather a maternity dress where you drown in? He placed his hand on his c.o.c.ked hip, raising his brows at me.

Fine. I laughed, unable to deny it. I cant believe how great it fits.

Thats because youre all belly, Molly. I doubt anyone would know youre pregnant if they saw you from the back.

Yeah, right. I feel like a swollen whale.

A very s.e.xy whale I might add, Drake interrupted, approaching us from behind. You look incredible. He kissed my neck, letting his lips linger down to my exposed shoulder.

I cant believe you did this, I whispered.

Just you wait, girlfriend, Michael smirked, interrupting. Now, lets tackle this birds nest you call hair and get some makeup on that glowing skin of yours, which Im totally jealous of, by the way.

I laughed as I let Michael grab my hand as he led me away from Drake.

See you soon, sweetheart! he called out, blowing me a kiss.

For the next forty-five minutes, I let Michael do his magic on me. I barely recognized myself once he was done. He had curled my hair and put it half up, so only some was falling down on my neck. He did my makeup flawlessly, making it look practically airbrushed.

d.a.m.n girl. Michael stood behind me as we admired his work in the mirror. Its a good thing he put a ring on it, he said, practically singing Beyonces lyrics.

You sure know how to make a girl feel pretty. I smiled.

Pretty? Try a f.u.c.king knock out! I do good work.

I laughed at his bluntness. Yes. Yes, you do. I took another look at myself, hardly recognizing the Molly thats been in a funk for the last few weeks. I was so excited for this night that I could barely contain myself.

Well, chick, are you ready? Michael asked, reaching for my hand.

Are you going to tell me whats going on?

Nope. He looked away, grabbed my hand, and led me out of the bathroom. Stay here. Drake will come get you when its time. I quickly grabbed a pair of black flats, knowing I wasnt even going to attempt heels.

I was so ready to know what was going on, I could barely contain my excitement. I didnt have to wait too long before Drake walked in, smiling ear to ear.

Well, sweetheart, are you ready to go to your engagement party?

My eyes shot open. Engagement party? You planned us an engagement party? He nodded. What aboutdid you ask the doctor? I asked worried.

Yes. And tonight is just fine. Since its only one night, but you will need to sit and rest.

I could barely believe it. It was an emotional mess now. Everything coming together"breakfast in bed, the charm bracelet, the ma.s.sage, the dress"it was perfect.

You deserve it, Molly. You deserve to show off your happiness just like every other engaged woman out there. Just because youre on bed rest and pregnant, doesnt mean you cant celebrate our engagement. I want nothing more in this world than to call you my wife, and I want to make sure everyone knows that.

I was in complete awe. This man. He was justperfect.

I cant wait, I gushed, unable to say much through the tears threatening to come out. He grabbed my hand and ushered us out of the bedroom. As soon as we started walking down the stairs, the lights, music, and crowd became visible. Oh my G.o.d! I covered my mouth with one hand as I saw both my parents.

Theyve been dying to see you, he leaned in and whispered in my ear. He smiled and nodded down to where they were.

As soon as we took the last step, I flew right to them. I cant believe you guys are both here!

They engulfed me in a tight hug, tears swelling down my cheeks. I hadnt realized how much I missed them. Even speaking to my mother daily wasnt enough, but nownow this was just right.

You look stunning, Molly. You really do, my mother said, pus.h.i.+ng back slightly to look over me. You have the cutest

Okay, stop hogging her. My turn, my dad interrupted. I hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek.

Im so happy youre here. I wiped the tears and smiled.

Being isolated really took a toll on me. Just seeing new faces was making me an emotional wreck. Being able to show off my ring, my belly, and our happiness was just what I needed. I was never one to brag, but just for tonight, I wanted to act like a normal engaged person. I wanted people to be happy for us.

Blakely and Colin showed up as well, but late. I could sense what they were doing before they arrived, so I didnt give her too much grief about it.

You have s.e.x hair, I whispered so only she could hear me. She quickly brushed her fingers through the strands, untangling it. I laughed as she frantically adjusted herself. Youre a dirty ho, you know?

I learned from you, she teased.

I doubt it. If anything, you taught me.

Ha! We both laughed.

So, are you and Colin official?

Officially what? she asked, sincerely confused.

A couple, you s.l.u.t.

Oh, h.e.l.l if I know. Im not like you"needing all this lovey dovey s.h.i.+t, she groaned. I could tell she was giving me a hard time, so I laughed it off, knowing that she easily guarded herself, not allowing herself to get too close so she wouldnt get hurt in the end.

Its okay, you know? Its okay to like him, I reminded her.

I like him, she fired back quickly. I like him on top. I like him behind me. I like him underneath and even pressed against a wall. I pretty much like him anywhere. She smiled.

Oh my G.o.d. You have just ruined Dr. Seuss for me, I moaned. She head fell back as she laughed.

We continued talking a few more minutes before Colin came back over. I could tell he was completely smitten by her, hardly able to keep his eyes off her.

Well, Im going to take advantage of my freedom for the night and go visit. I reached my arm around her and gave her a quick squeeze. It was nice seeing her again. I surprisingly missed her these past few weeks and her smarta.s.s comments.

Drake ushered me to a few of his colleagues, letting them give us congrats and making small talk about the babies. It was nice. A nice, low-key evening that was helping me to forget about the reality of all that surrounded us and especially, me being confined to bed rest for the next few months.

Attention, everyone. Can I please have your attention? I looked up and saw Drake standing on the staircase a few steps up. He mustve snuck out of the circle when I wasnt looking.

I smiled as I watched him up there, holding his gla.s.s of champagne. Everyone silenced immediately and turned to listen to Drake.

First, on behalf of Molly and I, we thank you for being here tonight. Molly was just told a few hours ago about this and I cant think of a better way to surprise her than to celebrate our engagement with all of you. Its been five months since I proposed"five long-anxiously-waiting-to-marry-her-months. And then we were pleasantly surprised with the announcement of twins. His eyes grew wide and the crowd giggled. It was incredible how Drake could take over a room. Everyone watched him. It was impossible to take your eyes off him. He stood with authority, but something about him was different. He had changed.

He looked softer, happier than Ive ever seen him before. His face glowed whenever he talked about the babies or us getting married. I could tell he was happy. So happy.

I would like to give a little speech now, in honor of my bride-to-be if you all dont mind. His eyes met mine and we both smiled.

If I could marry you tomorrow, I would. h.e.l.l, I wouldve married you yesterday already, but I wanted to give you this" He waved his hand around to our guests, motioning the party, "tonight, because I have never been so happy in my entire life. And even if we cant get married for another ten years, I want you, our friends, and family to all know that no matter what happens, I promise you. I promise you everything"I promise to be true, always faithful, I promise to stand by your side, to love you unconditionally til death parts us, in sickness and in health, I promise you forever, Molly Woods.

The tears began to roll down my cheeks even before he was finished. This I hadnt expected. I blushed knowing everyone was staring between Drake and I, but I didnt care. I never heard those words before and to hear them from Drake sealed the deal for me. I was allowed happiness, yes. I wouldnt allow myself to feel bad anymore.

I slowly walked up to Drake, waiting anxiously for him to step down and meet me. I grasped his face in my hands and kissed him. I kissed him hard, pa.s.sionately, and filled with l.u.s.t. I didnt care who was watching.

I dont even know what to say to that, I whispered through the tears that were still falling freely.

Just say I do and Ill die a happy man. He smiled. He brought both hands and wiped my cheeks.

I cant wait. I smiled.

Then dont, he whispered. I could tell he was serious with the way his hold felt tighter on me and his eyes darkened.

Before I could respond, Drake stepped back and thanked our guests once again for being here tonight. He welcomed them to the champagne and hors d"uvres.

As the guests went back to chatting, Drake grabbed my hand and escorted me upstairs.

We cant ditch our own party. I giggled. I felt like a teenager, sneaking out past her curfew.

They wont even notice once the good stuff starts coming out. He grinned. As soon as we made it to the top level, I heard the piano. See? Now theyll be entertained.

I laughed again, tiptoeing behind Drake as he led. We ended up in the unfinished nursery.

What are you doing"

He cut me off before I could finish. Just listen.

There was a little chalkboard mounted to one of the walls already. Michael was working his magic, as he said on making this room as neutral as he could.

Take this, he ordered, handing me a piece of chalk. I narrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what he was planning. Just take it.

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Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 9 summary

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