Souls' Rescue Part 17

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"It's been four days since your surgery. Today we're going to get some measurements and do a few simple exercises. The sooner we get going, the sooner you're walking."

"The doctor said I'd be walking in a few months. Is that true?"

"That all depends on you." Lucie lowered the bed rail and pulled the sheet to the end of the bed. She placed a wheelchair close and pointed to it. "Optimism, positive thinking, and some hard work will get you up and walking. Negativity is not allowed. Now get in, and let's go for a ride."

The physical therapy area looked like a small gym. It reminded Talia of the fitness place Megan had taken her to a couple of times. Her ex had been determined to make her get into shape. Talia only remembered that it felt like pure torture.

She recognized the treadmill and stationary bikes that lined one wall. A couple of complicated looking weight machines were in the center of the room and along the back wall were some contraptions Talia couldn't identify.

Lucie rolled her to a set of parallel bars.

"We're going to get you up on that good leg of yours and see how well you do."

"You and how many helpers?"

"That was almost funny." Lucie put the wheelchair between the bars. "I'll help you stand up. You hold on to the st.u.r.dy bars here."

"I don't think I can."

"You can." Lucie stood in front of her and held out her hands. "C'mon. I'm right here."

Talia took hold of Lucie's hands. "I'm scared."

"It's okay. That's to be expected."

"What if I fall?"

"Then I'll get you back up." Lucie smiled kindly. "Up."

"Okay." Talia placed her foot on the floor and let Lucie leverage her to a standing position. When Lucie let go of her hands, Talia grabbed the bars. A sharp, stabbing pain hit her left leg and Talia nearly screamed. "It hurts. Please, I have to sit down."

"But you did it." Lucie helped Talia back into the wheelchair. "And that, dear Talia, was my point. You can do this. You will walk again and I'm going to help you get there."

"I-I can't believe I stood up. Why did it hurt so much? I mean, it hurt in the leg that's not even there."

"We'll work on that. I promise." Lucie unlocked the wheels, pushed the chair to one of the tables behind them and redid the locks. "Now, let's get to work.

TALIA'S FIRST PHYSICAL therapy session lasted close to an hour. She wasn't sure what to make of the perky woman who sounded like a mixture of General Patton and Richard Simmons. Lucie made dozens of measurements of her good leg and her stump and put her through a variety of exercises. Talia felt the strain in her muscles.

When they returned to her room, Lucie gave her some exercises to do between sessions. Talia got through the first set and couldn't raise her left leg anymore. She let it plop onto the bed. "I'm done," she said breathlessly.

"You've only done seven. Three more," Lucie stood beside her, one hand steadying Talia's good leg. "Three more and you can be done."

Talia would have given Lucie a cross look if she'd had the energy. "I'm done. My leg hurts more than it did before we started." She rubbed her thigh for emphasis.

"Okay." Lucie put lotion on her hands. "We'll stop for today. I'm going to give you some light ma.s.sage, then we'll put some ice on both legs. Sound alright?"

Talia nodded and lay back on bed. Lucie set to working on her leg, her hands warm and firm. The combination of pressure and light strokes didn't hurt at all. She closed her eyes and felt her pain subsiding. "Ahh."

"Feels good?" Lucie asked.

"Very good." She smiled at Lucie, hoping the therapist didn't think she'd been too big of a whiner throughout the session. Talia saw movement across the room and was surprised when Jacob approached.

"Look at you," he said.

"What are you doing here?" Talia asked.

"Bad timing?"

"No, not at all." She introduced Jacob to Lucie. "I just finished my first session of physical therapy."

Jacob eyed Lucie as her hands worked expertly on the muscles of Talia's bad leg. "Hmm. That's my kind of therapy."

Talia ignored his comment. "Please excuse him, Lucie. My friend can be obnoxious sometimes."

"I don't mind." Lucie finished the ma.s.sage. "I'll get you some ice and you two can visit for a bit."

"Thanks, Lucie."

"Now spill," Jacob said the moment they were alone.

"Spill what?"

He sighed dramatically. "Whatever's bothering you."

"It's nothing."



"Talia Stoddard."

"Jacob Meier." She mimicked his admonis.h.i.+ng tone and they both laughed. "Really, it's just-Mother ran Kelly off yesterday. And not so much as a call or text message since."

"Ever think she might be working?" Talia shrugged. "Or maybe she's actually got a life and hasn't made it up here yet?" Jacob leaned forward and put his hand over hers. "It's hard to believe that even the Queen Mother could run off the woman who stuck by your side when she didn't have to."

"Mother was-"

"A b.i.t.c.h as usual. Trust me, dear friend of mine. Kelly'll be back. I saw the look in her eyes."

"What look?"

He raised one eyebrow. "That look."

Talia thought back to the day before. She didn't recall seeing "that look," as Jacob put it. "You're full of s.h.i.+t, but thanks for trying."

She changed the subject. "What'd you bring me?"



"d.a.m.n. How can you tell?"

Talia giggled. "Because you're the worst liar ever. Hand it over."

He put a small box in her hands. Wrapped with bright pink foil, it didn't weigh more than a few ounces. Talia ripped off the foil and squealed with delight. The tiny electronic device was exactly what she'd been wanting. The iPod had 8 gigabytes of s.p.a.ce and a nice set of earbuds so she could listen to her favorite music. The only problem was she didn't know anything about using one.

"You're going to have to show me how this thing works."

"Only if you promise me you'll call Kelly."

"I'm not going to call her. If she wants to talk, she'll call."

"Right. And if everyone said that no one would call anyone." Jacob made a face at her. "I mean it. No using the iPod until you promise me you'll call her."

"What if-"

"Ah ah." He shook his finger at her. "As a matter of fact, call her right now or I'll leave and you'll never figure that thing out." He handed her his phone. "I know how techno stupid you are, so you better dial away, darlin'." He kissed the top of her hand. "You have to learn to trust, honey. She's the real thing."

"I'm scared. What if you're wrong?"

"Won't be the first time."

"What am I supposed to say to her when I call?"

"Tell her you're sorry your mother is a b.i.t.c.h and you want to see her. You'll figure out the rest as you go." Jacob winked at her. "Or you'll be spending all your free time figuring out that iPod."

She stuck her tongue out at him, but accepted her cell phone when he handed it to her. "You're mean."

"No," he leaned back and crossed his arms, "I'm good."

The phone rang several times and Talia was about to hang up when Kelly answered. "Hey Talia."

"Hi Kelly. You sound out of breath. Am I calling at a bad time?"

"Nope. Just had to run to get my phone. I was working out."

Talia imagined what Kelly's look like, sweaty, flushed, wearing tight shorts and a sleeveless t-s.h.i.+rt, muscles of her upper arms showing definition as she lifted weights. She heard a snicker and realized Jacob was staring at her and obviously caught on to her train of thought. Talia cleared her throat. "Um, I just wanted to say hi."

"Hi," Kelly laughed. "Your timing sucks, but I'm glad you called. I was thinking about you."

"You were?" Why was that so hard to believe?

"Of course. I've been thinking about coming up there and having a picnic lunch with you. How does that sound?"

"A picnic? With real food?"

Kelly laughed again and the sound warmed Talia's heart. "Of course. I know how hospital food sucks. I'll be over tomorrow and we'll have a nice quiet meal."

"I can't wait."

"Cool. I need to get back to my workout before I cool down. Talk to you later?"


"Okay. Bye baby."

"Bye." Talia closed her cell phone and held it against her chest. She tried to ignore the smug look on Jacob's face. "She's bringing me lunch tomorrow."

He buffed his fingers on his chest. "I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so."

"I hate you."

"I know. But that's what makes you so cute. Now, let me show you how to work your iPod.".

TALIA OPENED HER eyes and tried to focus on the woman silhouetted against the window. The sun s.h.i.+ned brightly, but she knew it was Kelly standing there. "Hey."

"Afternoon, lazy b.u.t.t. How you feeling?"

"Better. Lucie, the PT Torture Queen, put me through an exhausting workout first thing this morning. Guess I needed a nap." She adjusted the bed so she could sit up. "How long have you been here?"

Kelly shrugged. "Long enough." With a sigh, she moved slowly and leaned on the bed rail. "I've been waiting, actually. I thought you might like to have lunch with me."



"Did you bring the food?"

Kelly waggled her eyebrows and pointed to a small cooler by the door. "I would never willingly subject a woman to hospital food. I'm much more suave than that."

"When do we leave?"

Kelly moved a chair out of the way and pulled Talia's wheelchair closer. "Your chariot awaits."

THE COURTYARD OUTSIDE the rehab center's cafeteria was deserted. Talia chalked that up to humid weather, which felt good to her after being cooped up in the air conditioned room for so long.

Kelly rolled her to a black metal bench and angled the chair so they would be facing each other. She pulled a small round table over and spread a red and white checkered cloth over it. She placed two Styrofoam plates, plastic utensils and a big bowl of food onto it. Two bottles of soda completed the arrangement.

"So, would you like me to open your drink for you, madam?"

Talia laughed. "Please. Then let's eat. I'm starved."

The spaghetti salad Kelly had brought was almost gone. Talia sipped on her soda and hid a small belch. "Mmm, you're a good cook." She looked at the remains of lunch and seriously considered seconds, but her mother's voice echoed in her head about gaining weight and she stopped herself.

"Thanks. There's plenty more," Kelly offered, as if she could read Talia's thoughts.

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Souls' Rescue Part 17 summary

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