Souls' Rescue Part 24

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"Good. You never should have listened to your mother. Honey, you've got to learn to tune her out."

"I know, but it's so hard. Especially when she's right there, day and night, ready to pounce on every mistake I've ever made."

"Then you need to have it out with her." Jacob held up his hand to stop her protests. "Yes, you can. You just go right up to her and tell her 'it's my life and let me live it.' Let her have it."

"I've tried, but the second I think I've got the courage she somehow gets the best of me, and I let her walk all over me again. I can't change overnight, Jacob."

"The h.e.l.l you say. You can and you will." He gave her hand a quick squeeze. "I'll even go with you if you'd like me to."

"That's very sweet, but if I'm going to do this I need to do it alone. Besides, she'll just get mad if you're there."

"It's your apartment. You can have anyone there you want."

"I know."

Jacob smiled at her. "I think you'll do just fine."

"Hope so."

Jacob dropped her off at the elevator in the apartment complex parking garage. With trepidation, Talia made her way up to her place. She wasn't even inside her home for ten seconds before Colette went on the attack.

"Why did you hang up on me? I've been worried sick. Why did you turn off your phone?"

Talia made her way to the living room and got comfortable on the couch. "Which question do you want me to answer first?"

"Cut the sarcasm, young lady. Where were you?"

"I'm thirty-six years old. I don't have to answer to you, but like I said before, I was at the hospital to see Kelly."

"Kelly? I thought you weren't seeing her anymore. Honestly, when will you listen?"

"I've been listening for way too long."

"It's too bad you refuse to learn from your mistakes. She-"

"She's not Megan, I know. I'm sorry that I didn't choose the perfect woman, but I did choose the right one for me. I never should have pushed her away."

"Megan is very upset with you. She's staying at a hotel until she can get a flight home."

"Good. I'm sorry she's upset, but Kelly could have been killed tonight. I realize now how important she is to me."

Colette settled beside her on the couch and fidgeted with the fringe on one of the throw pillows. After a moment, she said, "I'm sorry that Kelly was hurt."

Talia almost laughed because those five words sounded like they were some of the hardest her mother had ever spoken.

"I was so scared. Please, Mother. Just accept that she's in my life. If you want to be friends with Megan, fine. But stop being angry with me over Kelly."

"I'm not angry. I just don't think she's right for you." Reluctantly Colette said, "But I'll stop."

Talia waited for more. Wasn't this the part where the two of them broke down the barriers and learned to get along?

"You should rest now. It's getting late."

"Yes Mother."

Chapter Twenty-Eight.

KELLY PULLED THE curtain back from her living room window for what must have been the tenth time. She'd spent three days in the hospital, another three on bed rest at her mother's insistence, and was looking forward to getting out of the house for a few hours. Any minute Talia would arrive.

It was amazing how much she'd progressed in her physical therapy. Talia had a temporary prosthetic leg and was walking with a cane. Since her car was an automatic, Talia had no trouble driving. Kelly could help being anxious to see her pull into the driveway.

"She's not going to magically appear because you keep watching for her," Marina said from behind Kelly.

"She might." Kelly set the curtain back in place. "I've never been this nervous before." She adjusted the strap on her sling.

"I know." Marina kissed her on the forehead and then settled into her recliner. "She's not supposed to be here for another-"

"She's here!" Kelly left the window at a sprint for the door. "I'll see you later."

"What? She doesn't get to come in and say h.e.l.lo?"

"I'm not sixteen, Ma. And you've met her before." Kelly hurried out the front door before her mother had a chance to say more.

Talia was just rising out of the driver's seat when Kelly reached her. "Hey there," Talia said.

"Hi." Kelly stood for an awkward moment before moving close enough to give Talia a kiss. She felt like a giddy teenager.

"I guess you're ready?" Talia asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to get away from prying eyes." She pointed to the living room window where her mother was watching them. Marina waved and smiled, but never left the window. "See what I mean?"

"I like your mom."

"Me too, but can we just go now?"

"Sure. Need any help getting in?"

"Nah." Kelly opened the car door and slid into the pa.s.senger seat. Closing the door with her right arm was harder than she thought with her left arm in a sling and the seat belt proved impossible to get on.

Talia leaned in and took the belt from her. "Let me get that."

Kelly breathed in the scent of lavender and felt a weird, tingling sensation in her belly. Warm and inviting. Talia's body pressed against hers and Kelly wished like h.e.l.l that her arm wasn't broken and they weren't in her driveway. She had a strong urge to take Talia into her arms and...

"Good and snug." Talia's voice got her attention and Kelly looked into her deep brown eyes.

"Uh, well, good." Kelly cleared her throat. "So, where are we going?"

"Dinner at The Netherland Plaza, and then I thought we could rent a movie and go back to my apartment for a while."

"Your mother-"

"Has gone home. She had some business to attend to, and I a.s.sured her I'd be fine. I'm getting around pretty well with my cane."

"I noticed that. Baby, I'm proud of you." Kelly rested her hand on Talia's knee. "And I'd love to spend some time with you after dinner."

AFTER SUPPER TALIA and Kelly spent the rest of the night on the couch watching Star Wars. The evening was still young, so they decided to watch the entire trilogy.

Half-way through the second DVD, Talia pressed pause. "Sorry. Nature's calling."

"She can be a b.i.t.c.h that way. Need any help?"

"Nope." Talia managed to get to her feet and headed down the hallway at a steady pace.

She'd been gone a few minutes when Kelly heard a thump and a crash. "Uh oh!" Kelly ran to the bathroom, which was in the master bedroom. "What's wrong?" She couldn't see Talia. "Where are you?" She moved around the bed and found Talia on the floor, her left leg partially under the bed. Her cane was out of reach, propped against the wall.

"Why is your cane over there?"

"I hate using it in the bathroom. It's too awkward."

"So you hobble in and out of there?"

Talia grumbled and tried to get her leg under her body so she could stand. Her hands gripped the bed, but instead of pulling herself up, Talia pulled the comforter off and fell onto her b.u.t.t.

"Need help?"

"No. I'm fine. Go back to the living room. I'll be there in a minute."

"No." Kelly leaned against the wall next to the cane with her good arm folded across the sling on her chest. "This is much more fun."

"You enjoy watching a crippled woman fall on her a.s.s?"

"No. I hate to see such a nice a.s.s get bruised."

Talia raised an eyebrow. "You like my a.s.s?"

"h.e.l.l, yes. But not when it's flat on the floor." Kelly knelt beside her. "It's much better when you're standing up."

Talia cracked a smile. "Fine. Help me up."

"Okay." Kelly grasped Talia's hand. "I'll try to pull you up, but I'm not much good with these cracked ribs. You get the weight on that leg."


Kelly tugged, but Talia tugged harder and in the opposite direction, and Kelly fell forward and landed on top of her. Talia giggled.

"You think that's funny?"


"Yeah. I would too if it didn't hurt so d.a.m.n much." She rolled onto her side and sat up. "I've never had cracked ribs before and I don't ever want them again."

Talia gently touched Kelly's side, but stopped when Kelly flinched. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

"It's okay." She raised her s.h.i.+rt to show Talia the bruises. "They're gonna be sore for a few weeks, but I'll heal."

Talia traced one of the bruises with the tip of her finger. She looked up and Kelly saw the desire in her eyes. Suddenly she felt shy. She swallowed a lump in her throat. "Talia, I-"

Talia touched two fingers to Kelly's lips. "Don't." She moved her fingers as her hand slipped behind Kelly's neck, urging her to lean down.

Kelly's lips touched Talia's, and she closed her eyes, letting the moment take her somewhere she'd only dreamed of being.

Taking a breath between kisses," Talia said, "This isn't very comfy. Can we get up? For real this time?"


Kelly held her hand out to steady Talia as she got her balance and stood up. "I need my cane."

Kelly handed it to her and waited for Talia to steady herself. She hadn't paid attention before, but when she and Talia stood facing one another, her line of sight was on a pair of the most inviting mounds of flesh she'd ever seen. If she took a step forward she could bury her face- "Kelly?"

Uh-oh. Busted. "Yes?" Kelly tried to sound innocent while pulling her gaze away from Talia's chest with great effort. Oh, wow, she couldn't believe how fast she'd gotten turned on. Had it really been that long?

Talia said, "If you hand those to me, you won't have to keep holding me steady."

"Sure, sure," Kelly said. She handed her the crutches. "Here you go."

"Thanks. Shall we go back to the movie?"

"Sounds good to me." Kelly stood back so Talia could lead her out of the room, and she enjoyed the view.

"Are you looking at my b.u.t.t?" Talia asked.

"Does Darth Vader wear black?"

Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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Souls' Rescue Part 24 summary

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