The Secret Fiend Part 12

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Just as he is leaving, he hears a voice.


Master Lestrade is puffing as he runs through strolling tourists toward the arch. He is wearing his checked brown suit and bowler hat, a thick woolen comforter thrown around his neck against the cool March evening. Something bulges in his pocket.

"My apologies."

"That may not do. He may be gone."

"My father didn't leave the office until very late. I couldn't take the pistol until he left the building. I have it here. I stole it from his desk."

He offers an uneasy smile and then begins to pull it from his pocket. Sherlock grips his hand.

"Not here!"

"Oh, yes, of course."

Holmes doesn't like what he sees: Lestrade is sweating, and he speaks in quick bursts. That's not simply because he has been running. He is nervous. The attempt to pull a police revolver from his pocket in plain view at busy Hyde Park Corner announces that loud and clear. Sherlock needs a competent ally tonight. Otherwise, he might very well end up dead.

"Calm yourself."

"I ... I am ready to fight evil, to collar the villains who have attacked Miss Leckie. I am as serene as the Lake District."

"Are you?"

"Look to yourself, Sherlock Holmes. I have been trained by the best."

The boy wants to say that is what worries him, but he bites his tongue.

"Your tardiness may have destroyed our opportunity. I will hurry to Queens Gardens. Hopefully, Malefactor has not left yet, and I will not be observed. That would be catastrophic. Wait here and stay out of sight. If all goes well, I will pick you up on the way by."

Sherlock turns to whisk along Knightsbridge Road, but stops in his tracks.

"Behind the arch! Now!"

"But why? ... I don't see "

Sherlock s.n.a.t.c.hes Lestrade by the collar and pulls him behind the hulking stone arch.

"He's coming!"

"I can't see "

"He is in disguise, wearing a bowler,, and black beard. I shall tell you when it is time to move."

Sherlock waits a good minute before he peeks out from behind the gray stones. Sure enough, Malefactor has pa.s.sed by and is heading down Const.i.tution Hill, exactly like he did this afternoon. The sun is beginning to set.

"We shall keep a good distance. I am guessing he will take the same route."

And so he does. Sherlock stays well back, much farther than when he followed his rival earlier in the day, so concerned is he about Lestrade's abilities. The older boy continues to be nervous, holding one arm carefully over the pocket containing the pistol, eyes riveted ahead, obviously in pursuit of someone. Sherlock has to keep reminding him to look nonchalant.

Malefactor begins to discard his disguise once he gets to the other side of Trafalgar Square and into the smaller streets, just as he did before. Lestrade is amazed. But Sherlock makes sure that his detective friend doesn't get too close a look. In fact, once they have reached Lincoln's Inn Field, he won't let the other boy enter the park or stand anywhere near the wrought-iron fence. He wants him somewhere on the far side of the street that surrounds the rectangular field.

The College of Surgeons is at the south end of the park, a big gray building with six Corinthian columns at its regal entrance and a black fence surrounding it. Sherlock knows this place well because Sigerson Bell always talks about it its bas.e.m.e.nt contains an amazing collection of scientific artifacts and bizarre oddities. The boy has sat in the park many times and stared at the building, imagining its innards. He's also noticed two things about its exterior: there is a tight walkway between it and another building, about as wide as a man's shoulders, and a gas lamp almost directly in front on the street. This will be a perfect place for Lestrade to wait, hidden and out of the way, and yet able to see the park. Sherlock is guessing that Malefactor will send his Spring Heeled Jack south of the river tonight, since many attacks have occurred there in working-cla.s.s areas, and that is where Beatrice lives. The best way to get out of the Lincoln's Inn Field area and go southward would be to leave the park by the entrance directly in front of the College.

It is a residential area, and only a few people are about at this darkening hour. Sherlock deposits his complaining partner in the walkway by the College, just out of view, telling him to remain silent and still. Lestrade is only to move when Sherlock appears and gives him a signal. Even then, he is to follow behind.

The Irregulars are convening at the opposite side of the field, under a cl.u.s.ter of big trees that provide cover. Sherlock doesn't dare get close. Instead, he takes a long route around the park and stops at the north-east corner, well out of sight and a good fifty feet away. Still, he is able to look through the bars of the black iron fence and at least make out the outlines of the Irregulars in the growing darkness.

Two gang members are posted as lookouts in the park at a distance from each other and eight more are gathered in a circle around someone. The one in the middle is not Malefactor. Sherlock can see the boss's tall top hat in the ring of boys looking on. There are eleven visible gang members in the eerie light. There should be twelve Irregulars plus Malefactor, for a total of thirteen. Where are the other two? There should be twelve Irregulars plus Malefactor, for a total of thirteen. Where are the other two? This makes Holmes nervous. He glances around; he looks back. The shadowy boys are making their circle tighter, closing ranks, so it is difficult to see exactly what the one in the middle is doing. But Sherlock This makes Holmes nervous. He glances around; he looks back. The shadowy boys are making their circle tighter, closing ranks, so it is difficult to see exactly what the one in the middle is doing. But Sherlock can can see that he is tall ... and that he appears to be pulling on something that looks like black wings. see that he is tall ... and that he appears to be pulling on something that looks like black wings.

Time to leave and rush back to Lestrade they are about to unleash the Jack!

Sherlock moves slowly at first, trying not to make a sound, but when he is farther away, runs, ignoring the looks he gets from three gentlemen who walk past. He is glancing around, wary of a sudden attack by the two absent Irregulars. His breathing is getting heavier, sounding awfully loud in the quiet park area, but not so loud that as he turns the corner and heads up the street toward the College of Surgeons, he doesn't hear the sound of a few voices ... and someone moaning.

He looks up and sees something hanging from the lamppost in front of the College, a dark lump in the circle of soft light.

"They put him up there so fast I couldn't even help him. There was two of them, two lads."

"You saw it?"

"Is he dead?"

"Not by the way he's moanin'."

Master Lestrade is hanging from the lamppost, upside down like a bat, tied to it by his long woolen comforter, watched by two respectable-looking men and a couple, the woman averting her eyes.

Sherlock sprints to the post and s.h.i.+nnies up.

"What are you doing lad? That's not how we should proceed. I'll call the police."

"Someone should look into this."

Sherlock doesn't want that. It will end his investigation, to say nothing of the deep embarra.s.sment and harm it will cause young Lestrade's career in the Force. In a minute, Holmes has unknotted the comforter and allowed Lestrade to slide down the post. The older boy crumples on the foot pavement, still groaning. Sherlock undoes the other end of the comforter from his feet and slaps him across the face.

"Get up!"

"I think you should let him be, lad."


Sherlock pulls Lestrade up onto his pins. The young detective's eyes are opening and becoming clear.

"Master Holmes! They attacked me so fast I didn't get to pull out my " He reaches for his revolver. "It's gone!"

Sherlock's heart sinks. They've armed the Irregulars with a police revolver. But that is the least of his concerns now.

"Can you run?"

Though Lestrade has taken a blow to the head, Sherlock knows that, despite his inadequacies, the other boy has a deep inner resolve.

"I am as fit as a fiddle!" he says, swiping his bowler hat off the ground and clapping it onto his head. He follows when Holmes starts to run, away from the park and through the narrow roads toward the river.

"Lads! Come back!" one of the spectators calls.

Both boys have the same idea. Go south. Seek Beatrice. She is in trouble. Go south. Seek Beatrice. She is in trouble.

They get across Blackfriars Bridge in no time, running with everything they have. Once into Southwark, they turn east and head through the smaller lanes, Sherlock leading them along shortcuts. He has no fear tonight together, these two can fend for themselves though he wonders what they will do if they encounter the Spring Heeled Jack near the hatter's shop. Now they have only the horsewhip and their bare hands. Their enemies have the gun, but that doesn't matter now. They must arrive before the fiend can.

Halfway between Blackfriars Road and Sherlock's old neighborhood, just past the Barclay and Perkins Brewery, out of breath, they stop momentarily where the London Bridge and Charing Cross Railway Line runs above a street. The boys bend over, hands on their knees, chests heaving. There's no one on the street but Sherlock Holmes and Master G. Lestrade.

Or so they think.

Holmes is the first to hear the noise a heavy breathing and low growl above them. He looks up to see a man dressed as a bat, scurrying along the tracks, its wings fluttering in the air. At least he thinks it is man. In some ways, it's more like an animal.

"Oh!" exclaims Lestrade.

It sees them. For an instant it pauses on the edge of the bridge, looking down, ready to jump. It lets out a full-throated growl. They can see its face, fairly bursting with anger. Its black hair is matted and greasy, something like horns stick out from its scalp, red eyes bulge, a vein stands out on its forehead, and while it perches rather like a vulture, it lets out a cry. "Chaos!" it shrieks, and a blue flame comes from its mouth. It wears huge black boots.

Is this the REAL Jack? Can it be Crew? thinks Sherlock. Fear surges through his veins. He feels sick to his stomach. Were it to attack him now, he wouldn't be able to move. But it jumps from the tracks onto a nearby building, a long dangerous leap of nearly ten feet, and vanishes into the night. thinks Sherlock. Fear surges through his veins. He feels sick to his stomach. Were it to attack him now, he wouldn't be able to move. But it jumps from the tracks onto a nearby building, a long dangerous leap of nearly ten feet, and vanishes into the night.

For a few moments there is silence.

"What, in the name of G.o.d, was that?" Lestrade's voice is quavering.

"I don't know. But it came from direction of the hatter's shop."


They fly toward the shop, but it seems as if they are too late. A little crowd is gathered up a lane just past the hatter's door. They are looking down at someone, crumpled on the cobblestones. It is a girl. Sherlock recognizes Beatrice's red bonnet lying nearby.

He beats Lestrade to the spot and bursts through the little group, pus.h.i.+ng people aside. "Beatrice!"

She lifts her head. Sherlock sighs in relief and Lestrade comes forward. But her face looks ashen, tears roll down her cheeks, and an angry welt is evident on her forehead. Holmes leans over her. The instant he does, she puts her arm around his shoulder and pulls him close. Her lips are right to his ear.

"You've come. I knew you would. I tried to use the pistol, Sherlock, I truly did. But I was too frightened, and he was on me too fast. I just stepped from the door to throw out the wash water and he leapt at me. He took the gun."

"Clear off!" Lestrade addresses the crowd, puffing out his chest. "I am with the London Metropolitan Police."

"You is?" asks someone.

"You're just a lad!"

"He is is with the police!" says Beatrice, struggling to her feet with Sherlock's help. "Call the Force, Master Lestrade. They must come immediately. Do you have a whistle? There's supposed to be a constable patrolling out on Borough 'igh Street." with the police!" says Beatrice, struggling to her feet with Sherlock's help. "Call the Force, Master Lestrade. They must come immediately. Do you have a whistle? There's supposed to be a constable patrolling out on Borough 'igh Street."

"You," says Lestrade, full of confidence now as he extends a finger at a burly man, "head out and put up a cry for the Bobbies. There should be more than one close by."

Sherlock doesn't want that. "Before you go," he says, stopping the man, "did anyone see this happen?"

"Who are you? Are you a policeman too? Is this the children's brigade?"

The crowd laughs.

"Did anyone see this happen?" snarls Sherlock.

"I didn't, not me," says a woman in a dirty brown bonnet.

"Not I," says a boy, not much older than Sherlock. "I runs out 'ere cause I 'ears the Leckie girl screaming terrible. I just sees her lying on the ground 'ere."

The burly man sets out, bellowing. "Police!" The rest begin to disperse.

"Take me in," says Beatrice in a weak voice. "Father will be home soon. I don't want him to see me like this."

Lestrade rushes over and takes an arm, while Sherlock grips her by the other. They support her, gently walking her into the hatter's shop. Holmes knows he can't stay. He doesn't want to be here when the police arrive. Inspector Lestrade is looking for a reason to shame him, perhaps even to find a charge against him.

"Master Lestrade," says Beatrice as she is set down on a chair, "you must tell your father that you saw this with your own eyes."

"I will, Miss Leckie, I most certainly will. We must put the full might of the police against this fiend now." He takes his hat off and glows at her.

"So," asks Sherlock, "you were alone when this happened?"

"I think so."

Trust no one. She was completely alone? Holmes has questions about the attack, but when Beatrice drops her head down to her chest in exhaustion, any sense of suspicion vanishes. There is blood oozing from wounds on her neck. Holmes has questions about the attack, but when Beatrice drops her head down to her chest in exhaustion, any sense of suspicion vanishes. There is blood oozing from wounds on her neck.

"Miss Leckie!" cries Lestrade.

"Is it bad?" she asks.

"Master Lestrade, you must tend to her. There are clean clothes in the back room where the family lives and a pump out front in the little square. Put some water on those lacerations. And have her come to see Mr. Bell tomorrow. He works wonders with infections."

"I am quite capable of looking after her. And I I shall find her a shall find her a real real doctor tomorrow." doctor tomorrow."

"I must go."

Sherlock heads for the door and Lestrade removes to the back room. But just as Holmes is going out, Beatrice speaks to him in an anguished voice. "I have another injury, I think, on my leg. It's ... up high."

Sherlock turns. She is lifting her dress ... and the undergarments. He sees her smooth white skin above her ankle, and then his eyes go up her shapely calf, past her knee, and the curve of her thigh. Up there, he sees another welt.

"I ... I ... yes," says Sherlock.

"Have you ever seen such a thing?"

"No. No, Beatrice, I haven't."

She lowers her dress and weakly smiles at him.

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The Secret Fiend Part 12 summary

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