Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel Part 15

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This book was researched at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library of the University of Michigan.

Professor Bert S. Hall of the Inst.i.tute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the University of Toronto read the ma.n.u.script and provided corrections, improvements, and valuable suggestions.

About the Authors FRANCES AND J JOSEPH G GIES have devoted the past thirty years to synthesizing the work of medieval scholars into a series of books on major areas of medieval history, including have devoted the past thirty years to synthesizing the work of medieval scholars into a series of books on major areas of medieval history, including Life in a Medieval Village Life in a Medieval Village and and Life in a Medieval City Life in a Medieval City. Joseph Gies is a former technology editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica. They live near Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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By Frances and Joseph Gies

Life in a Medieval Village (1990) Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages (1987) Women in the Middle Ages (1978) The Ingenious Yankees (1976) Life in a Medieval Castle (1974) Merchants and Moneymen (1972) Leonard of Pisa (juvenile) (juvenile) (1969) (1969) Life in a Medieval City (1969) Also by Frances Gies The Knight in History (1984) Joan of Arc (1981) Also by Joseph Gies By the Sweat of Thy Brow: Work in the Western World (with Melvin Kranzberg) (with Melvin Kranzberg) (1975) (1975) Wonders of the Modern World (1966) Bridges and Men (1963) Adventure Underground (1962)

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