Bambi Part 12

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"Do you know I sometimes suspect that Fate had a hand in bringing us together? We are so alike."

"We are so alike we're different," she amended, laughing.

She waited until next day to explode her bomb.

"I think if you finish up the play this week, Jarvis, we can have it typed early next week, and get off to New York on Friday or"

He stared at her.

"On foot?" he inquired.

"Oh, no. I find I have the money."

"You find you have it! You had that much and didn't know it?" he exploded so loudly that the Professor came to, and paid attention.

"I am careless about these things," Bambi murmured.

"What's all this?" queried the Professor.

"What I can't see is that if you had money enough to pay up my board bill, why you married me," continued Jarvis.

"Just one of my whims. I am so whimsical," retorted Bambi.

"Would you mind telling me?" begged the Professor.

"She's got money enough to take us to New York," repeated Jarvis.

"Thank you. I don't wish to go to that terrible place. Of all the distressing, improbable places, New York is the worst," replied Professor Parkhurst.

"Be calm, Professor. I was not planning to take you," soothed his daughter.

"But what is to be done with me?" he inquired, anxiously.

"You are to be left the one sole duty of Ardelia, to be overfed and pampered until you aren't fit to live with."

"But you can't go off alone with Jarvis."

"Why not? I am married to him."

"Yes, I suppose you are, but you seem so unmarried," he objected.

"We will have to practise up a few married poses, Jarvis. You must not act so interested in me. Father says we don't act married."

"I am not in the least interested in you," Jarvis defended himself, valiantly.

"There, father, could anything be more husband-like?"

"Where did you get the money, Jarvis?" the Professor asked.

"I didn't get it. She got it."

"Why, my dear," protested her father, "where did you get any money?"

"I have turned lady burglar."


"Cheer up. It's b.u.t.ter-'n'-eggs money."

"b.u.t.ter-'n'-eggs money?" repeated Jarvis.

"Certainly. The downtrodden farmer's wife always gives up her b.u.t.ter-'n'-eggs money to save the family fortunes, or build a new barn."

"What are you talking about?" interrupted the Professor.

"I don't know why the fact that I have a little money saved up should start a riot in this family. I have to go to New York on business, and as Jarvis has to go to see managers about 'Success,' I merely proposed that we go together."

"What business have you in New York, my dear?"

"My own, Professor darling."

"Excuse me," he hastened to add.

"Certainly," she replied, blithely.

"I hate New York," said Jarvis. "How long do you suppose we will have to stay?"

"I adore New York, and we will stay as long as the money holds out."

"Would you mind stating, in round figures, how much you have?" the Professor remarked.

"I would. I detest figures, round or oblong. I have enough."

"I hope you won't get there, and then call on me for a supply, as you usually do, my dear. I am a little short this spring."

"You two have no confidence in me. If you will just put your trust in Bambi, I'll mend the fortunes of this family so you will never be able to find the patch."

The two men laughed in spite of themselves, and the matter was dropped, but Bambi herself took the ma.n.u.script of "Success" to the stenographer, with strict orders as to a time limit; she led Jarvis, protesting, to a tailor's, to order a suit of clothes; she restocked him in collars, s.h.i.+rts, and ties. In fact, she handled the situation like a diplomat, buying the railroad tickets with a thrill of antic.i.p.ation.

Jarvis made no protest at all, until the night before they were to start. He came to her and offered her a little black notebook.

"What is this?"

"I want you to put down every cent we spend. This is a loan, you understand."

"It's a gift from the G.o.ds. Go offer libations. I don't want your old debit and credit book."

He laid his hand on her shoulder, and looked into her s.h.i.+ning eyes.

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Bambi Part 12 summary

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