Introduction to the Science of Sociology Part 109

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(6) Balch, Emily G. _Our Slavic Fellow Citizens._ New York, 1910.

(7) Horak, Jakub. _a.s.similation of Czechs in Chicago._ [In press.]

(8) Millis, Harry A. _The j.a.panese Problem in the United States._ An investigation for the Commission on Relations with j.a.pan appointed by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. New York, 1915.

(9) Fairchild, Henry P. _Greek Immigration to the United States._ New Haven, 1911.

(10) Burgess, Thomas. _Greeks in America._ An account of their coming, progress, customs, living, and aspirations; with a historical introduction and the stories of some famous American-Greeks. Boston, 1913.

(11) Coolidge, Mary R. _Chinese Immigration._ New York, 1909.

(12) Foerster, Robert F. _The Italian Emigration of Our Times._ Cambridge, Ma.s.s., 1919.

(13) Lord, Eliot, Trenor, John J. D., and Barrows, Samuel J. _The Italian in America._ New York, 1905.

(14) DuBois, W. E. Burghardt. _The Philadelphia Negro, A Social Study._ Together with a special report on domestic service by Isabel Eaton.

"Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Series in Political Economy and Public Law," No. 14. Philadelphia, 1899.

(15) Williams, Daniel J. _The Welsh of Columbus, Ohio._ A study in adaptation and a.s.similation. Oshkosh, Wis., 1913.

C. _Americanization_

(1) Drachsler, Julius. _Democracy and a.s.similation._ The blending of immigrant heritages in America. New York, 1920. [Bibliography.]

(2) Dushkin, Alexander M. _Jewish Education in New York City._ New York, 1918.

(3) Thompson, Frank V. _Schooling of the Immigrant._ New York, 1920.

(4) Daniels, John. _America via the Neighborhood._ New York, 1920.

(5) Park, Robert E., and Miller, Herbert A. _Old World Traits Transplanted._ New York, 1921.

(6) Speek, Peter A. _A Stake in the Land._ New York, 1921.

(7) Davis, Michael M. _Immigrant Health and the Community._ New York, 1921.

(8) Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. _New Homes for Old._ New York, 1921.

(9) Leiserson, William M. _Adjusting Immigrant and Industry._ [In press.]

(10) Gavit, John P. _Americans by Choice._ [In press.]

(11) Claghorn, Kate H. _The Immigrant's Day in Court._ [In press.]

(12) Park, Robert E. _The Immigrant Press and Its Control._ [In press.]

New York, 1921.

(13) Burns, Allen T. _Summary of the Americanization Studies of the Carnegie Corporation of New York._ [In press.]

(14) Miller, Herbert A. _The School and the Immigrant._ Cleveland Education Survey. Cleveland, 1916.

(15) Kallen, Horace M. "Democracy versus the Melting-Pot, a Study of American Nationality." _Nation_, C (1915), 190-94, 217-20.

(16) Gulick, Sidney L. _American Democracy and Asiatic Citizens.h.i.+p._ New York, 1918.

(17) Talbot, Winthrop, editor. _Americanization._ Principles of Americanism; essentials of Americanization; technic of race-a.s.similation. New York, 1917. [Annotated bibliography.]

(18) Stead, W. T. _The Americanization of the World._ Or the trend of the twentieth century. New York and London, 1901.

(19) Aronovici, Carol. _Americanization._ St. Paul, 1919. [Also in _American Journal of Sociology_, XXV (1919-20), 695-730.]

D. _Personal Doc.u.ments_

(1) Bridges, Horace. _On Becoming an American._ Some meditations of a newly naturalized immigrant. Boston, 1919.

(2) Riis, Jacob A. _The Making of an American._ New York, 1901.

(3) Rihbany, Abraham Mitrie. _A Far Journey._ Boston, 1914.

(4) Hasanovitz, Elizabeth. _One of Them._ Chapters from a pa.s.sionate autobiography. Boston, 1918.

(5) Cohen, Rose. _Out of the Shadow._ New York, 1918.

(6) Ravage, M. E. _An American in the Making._ The life-story of an immigrant. New York, 1917.

(7) Cahan, Abraham. _The Rise of David Levinsky._ A novel. New York, 1917.

(8) Antin, Mary. _The Promised Land._ New York, 1912.

(9) ----. _They Who Knock at Our Gates._ A complete gospel of immigration. New York, 1914.

(10) Was.h.i.+ngton, Booker T. _Up from Slavery._ An autobiography. New York, 1901.

(11) Steiner, Edward A. _From Alien to Citizen._ The story of my life in America. New York, 1914.

(12) Stern, Mrs. Elizabeth Gertrude (Levin). _My Mother and I._ New York, 1919.

(13) DuBois, W. E. Burghardt. _Darkwater: Voices from within the Veil._ New York, 1920.

(14) ----. _The Souls of Black Folk._ Essays and sketches. Chicago, 1903.

(15) Hapgood, Hutchins. _The Spirit of the Ghetto._ Studies of the Jewish quarter in New York. Rev. ed. New York, 1909.


1. Race and Culture, and the Problem of the Relative Superiority and Inferiority of Races.

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Introduction to the Science of Sociology Part 109 summary

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