Introduction to the Science of Sociology Part 130

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(24) Mensch, Ella. _Bildersturmer in der Berliner Frauenbewegung._ 2d ed. Berlin, 1906.

C. _Psychic Epidemics_

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(1) Wallaschek, Richard. _Primitive Music._ An inquiry into the origin and development of music, songs, instruments, dances, and pantomimes of savage races. London, 1893.

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(4) Boas, F. "Chinook Songs," _Journal of American Folk-Lore_, I (1888), 220-26.

(5) Densmore, Frances. "The Music of the Filipinos," _American Anthropologist_, N.S., VIII (1906), 611-32.

(6) Fletcher, Alice C. _Indian Story and Song from North America._ Boston, 1906.

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(15) Bucher, Karl. _Arbeit und Rhythmus._ 3d ed. Leipzig, 1902.

(16) Lherisson, E. "La Danse du vaudou," _Semaine medicale_, XIX (1899), xxiv.

(17) Reed, V. Z. "The Ute Bear Dance," _American Anthropologist_, IX (1896) 237-44.

(18) Gummere, F. B. _The Beginnings of Poetry._ New York, 1901.

(19) Fawkes, J. W. "The Growth of the Hopi Ritual," _Journal of American Folk-Lore_, XI (1898), 173-94.

(20) Cabrol, F. _Les origines liturgiques._ Paris, 1906.

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Introduction to the Science of Sociology Part 130 summary

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