Introduction to the Science of Sociology Part 134

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(15) Louis-Jarau, G. _L'Albanie inconnue._ Paris, 1913.

(16) Brancoff, D. M. _La Macedoine et sa population Chretienne._ Paris, 1905.

(17) Fedortchouk, Y. _Memorandum on the Ukrainian Question in Its National Aspect._ London, 1914.

(18) Vellay, Charles. "L'Irredentisme h.e.l.lenique," _La Revue de Paris_, XX (Juillet-Aot, 1913), 884-86.

(19) Sands, B. _The Ukraine._ London, 1914.

(20) Auerbach, B. "La Germanization de la Pologne Prussienne. La loi d'expropriation," _Revue Politique et Parlementaire_, LVII (1908), 109-125.

(21) Bernhard, L. _Das polnische Gemeinwesen im preussischen Staat._ Die Polenfrage. Leipzig, 1910.

(22) Henry, R. "La Frontiere linguistique en Alsace-Lorraine," _Les Marches de l'Est_, 1911-1912, pp. 60-71.

(23) Nitsch, C. "Dialectology of Polish Languages," _Polish Encyclopaedia_, Vol. III. Cracow, 1915.

(24) Witte, H. "Wendische Bevolkerungsreste in Mecklenburg,"

_Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde_, XVI (1905), 1-124.

(25) Kaupas, A. "L'eglise et les Lituaniens aux etats-Unis d'Amerique,"

_Annales des Nationalites_, II (1913), 233 ff.

(26) Pelissier, Jean. _Les Princ.i.p.aux artisans de la renaissance nationale lituanienne._ Hommes et choses de Lituanie. Lausanne, 1918.

(27) Jakstas, A. "Lituaniens et Polonais." _Annales des nationalites_, VIII (1915), 219 ff.

(28) Headlam, Cecil. _Provence and Languedoc._ Chap. v, "Frederic Mistral and the Felibres." London, 1912.

(29) Belisle, A. _Histoire de la presse franco-americaine._ Comprenant l'historique de l'emigration des Canadiens-Francais aux etats-Unis, leur developpement, et leur progres. Worcester, Ma.s.s., 1911.


(1) Wirth, M. _Geschichte der Handelskrisen._ Frankfurt-am-Main, 1890.

(2) Jones, Edward D. _Economic Crises._ New York, 1900.

(3) Gibson, Thomas. _The Cycles of Speculation._ 2d ed. New York, 1909.

(4) Bellet, Daniel. _Crises economique._ Crises commerciales. Crises de guerre. Leur caracteres, leur indices, leurs effects. Paris, 1918.

(5) Clough, H. W. "Synchronous Variations in Solar and Terrestrial Phenomena," _Astrophysical Journal_, XXII (1905), 42-75.

(6) Clayton, H. H. "Influence of Rainfall on Commerce and Politics,"

_Popular Science Monthly_, LX (1901-2), 158-65.

(7) Mitch.e.l.l, Wesley C. _Business Cycles._ Berkeley, Cal., 1913.

(8) Moore, Henry L. _Economic Cycles: Their Law and Cause._ New York, 1914.

(9) Hurry, Jamieson B. _Vicious Circles in Sociology and Their Treatment._ London, 1915.

(10) Thiers, Adolphe. _The Mississippi Bubble._ A memoir of John Law. To which are added authentic accounts of the Darien expedition and the South Sea scheme. Translated from the French by F. S. Fiske. New York, 1859.

(11) Wiston-Glynn, A. W. _John Law of Lauriston._ Financier and statesman, founder of the Bank of France, originator of the Mississippi scheme, etc. London, 1907.

(12) Mackay, Charles. _Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds._ 2 vols. in one. London, 1859. [Vol. I, the Mississippi scheme, the South Sea bubble, the tulipomania, the alchymists, modern prophecies, fortune-telling, the magnetisers, influence of politics and religion on the hair and beard. Vol. II, the crusades, the witch mania, the slow prisoners, haunted houses, popular follies of great cities, popular admiration of great thieves, duels and ordeals, relics.]


A. _Fas.h.i.+on_

(1) Spencer, Herbert. _Principles of Sociology._ Part IV, chap. xi, "Fas.h.i.+on," II, 205-10. London, 1893.

(2) Tarde, Gabriel. _Laws of Imitation._ Translated from the 2d French ed. by Elsie Clews Parsons. Chap. vii, "Custom and Fas.h.i.+on," pp.

244-365. New York, 1903.

(3) Simmel, G. _Philosophie der Mode._ Berlin, 1905.

(4) ----. "The Attraction of Fas.h.i.+on," _International Quarterly_, X (1904), 130-55.

(5) Sumner, W. G. _Folkways._ "Fas.h.i.+on," pp. 184-220. Boston, 1906.

(6) Sombart, Werner. "Wirtschaft und Mode," _Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens._ Wiesbaden, 1902.

(7) Clerget, Pierre. "The Economic and Social Role of Fas.h.i.+on." _Annual Report of the Smithsonian Inst.i.tution_, 1913, pp. 755-65. Was.h.i.+ngton, 1914.

(8) Squillace, Fausto. _La Moda._ L'abito e l'uomo. Milano, 1912.

(9) Shaler, N. S. "The Law of Fas.h.i.+on," _Atlantic Monthly_, LXI (1888), 386-98.

(10) Patrick, G. T. W. "The Psychology of Crazes," _Popular Science Monthly_, LVII (1900), 285-94.

(11) Linton, E. L. "The Tyranny of Fas.h.i.+on," _Forum_ III (1887), 59-68.

(12) Bigg, Ada H. "What is 'Fas.h.i.+on'?" _Nineteenth Century_, x.x.xIII (1893), 235-48.

(13) Foley, Caroline A. "Fas.h.i.+on," _Economic Journal_, III (1893), 458-74.

(14) Aria, E. "Fas.h.i.+on, Its Survivals and Revivals," _Fortnightly Review_, CIV (1915), 930-37.

(15) Thomas, W. I. "The Psychology of Woman's Dress," _American Magazine_, LXVII (1908-9), 66-72.

(16) Schurtz, Heinrich. _Grundzuge einer Philosophie der Tracht._ Stuttgart, 1871.

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