Running Scared Part 30

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"You want to join me?" he asked.

"No, I-"

The driver's door creaked open and he slid across the bench seat just as headlights flashed down the highway. Daegan fastened his gaze on the approaching car, and Kate, wondering if she had any brains left, climbed in. The car pa.s.sed, spraying the interior with a wash of light before roaring past.

Inside the truck, Daegan offered her an old army blanket that she draped over her shoulders.


"Yeah." What was she doing, for crying out loud? One part of her mind screamed she was dancing with the devil, taking a horrendous risk by being alone with him, the other part-that traitorous feminine side of her soul-was seduced by being alone with him in the dark, watching a ribbon of road in the moonlight.

She felt his eyes studying her-as if looking for flaws. Her cheekbones, chin, neck. Her pulse throbbed at the base of her throat. "I don't know what I'm doing here."

"Sure you do," he drawled, leaning against the pa.s.senger door. "You wanted to get to know me better."

"Pardon me?"

"Jon's been coming over and you want me to tell you how it's going."


"And you want to find out what makes me tick. It makes you nervous that your son's spending so much time with a man you hardly know." He paused for a second and added, "And it makes you nervous to be in here with me. Nervous as h.e.l.l." To prove his point, he touched that jumping pulse with the tip of a finger.

The air in the cab seemed suddenly close and she couldn't breathe, couldn't think of anything but the skin touching hers.

"I-um, just don't know how to take all this interest in my family," she admitted, deciding to go for broke and find out his reaction. "In one of his premonitions, just about the time you showed up in Hopewell, Jon saw a man, one he couldn't identify, who was looking for him."

"And you think I'm the guy?" he asked, withdrawing his hand, his eyes flattening in the darkness. She sensed his change of mood, his silent anger.

"I don't know."

"But you do believe someone is coming?"

"Oh, G.o.d, I wish I knew."

Another vehicle appeared moving slowly, one headlight dimmer than the other. An old truck. Her heart froze and Daegan s.h.i.+fted, every muscle rigid as the pickup didn't slow down, just rolled past.

"Oh, Lord," she whispered, "now you've got me jumping at shadows. How long will you keep up this vigil, or whatever you'd call it."

"As long as it takes to convince me that Neider won't bother Jon again."

"That may be a while."

"I've got time," he said, his voice hard-edged. "Tell me about the man who Jon thinks is coming."

She hesitated a second, unsure how much she could trust him. Outside an owl hooted softly. "That's just it, I don't know," she said.

"But you're scared."

"A little."

"Don't be," he said in a voice that was rough. He slid closer to her and placed a strong arm over her shoulders. "I'm here."

"I know but-"

"I'm on your side," he said, his breath ruffling her hair. "I want you to know that, Kate." Was there a hitch in his voice-a new edge? "I won't let anything happen to Jon."

Something inside her broke, a dam that held back her emotions, a st.u.r.dy wall that she'd built brick by brick, a.s.suring her that she could keep her distance, stay clearheaded, keep all relations.h.i.+ps on an even keel. Somehow Daegan had found a crack in the cement around her heart. She swallowed hard as he turned her head with one finger so that she was forced to look into his eyes.

"Trust me, Kate," he whispered, his breath fanning her lips, and her heart, suddenly fragile, threatened to break.

"Oh, Lord-"

He kissed the side of her mouth and she quivered. He kissed her cheek and she let out a ragged, whispery breath. His arms surrounded her, gathering her close, and she didn't protest, didn't argue against his needs or her own.

His mouth claimed hers in a kiss that stole the breath from her soul. She opened her mouth to him willingly and he took what she offered, his tongue sliding past her teeth, touching, exploring, mating with her own.

A soft moan escaped her as he s.h.i.+fted, his weight pressing her downward, his powerful arms holding her close. Her heart pounded, echoing in her ears, and old, long-dead desires heated her blood.

"Kate," he whispered and his voice sounded desperate. ""

An engine rumbled and Daegan lifted his head. "h.e.l.l," he ground out, releasing her suddenly, his muscles coiled as the beams of headlights split the darkness and an old car without much of a m.u.f.fler slowed near Kate's drive.

Daegan reached under the seat but the car pa.s.sed, moving on noisily, and Kate sagged against the driver's door. "What's that?" she asked, her heart hammering, expecting him to hold up a gun of some kind.

"A weapon."

"What kind of weapon?"

"A deadly one."

Metal glinted in the night and her heart nearly stopped until she realized that he was holding a wrench. She laughed nervously. "Just don't tell me you've got a gun in the glove compartment."

"Okay, I won't," he agreed but the edge to his words only made her more anxious.

"I think I'd better go. I guess if you want to lose sleep out here, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Guess not."

She reached for the door handle, but strong fingers wrapped around her wrist. "Kate-"

Her breath caught in her throat.

"Anytime you want to visit me again, the door's open."

"I'll remember that," she said, scrambling out of the cab and taking deep breaths of cold midnight air. Wrapping her jacket around her, she walked quickly away and vowed that she wouldn't return to the truck. Being alone with Daegan was too dangerous.

"Are you out of your mind?" Frank lit a cigarette and flopped into a chair. Red-faced, a little gray sprinkling the hair at his temples, the youngest Sullivan brother was beginning to show signs of age.

Robert looked past his brother to the open door, where his secretary was standing helplessly, motioning that she'd tried to stop Frank from bulldozing his way into the office. "It's all right, Louise. I was about to go home anyway. Please, close the door."

She did as she was bade, and when they were finally alone, Robert folded his hands on the desk in an effort at patience. "What are you talking about?"

"You're trying to find Bibi's kid? After all these years? For the love of Jesus, Bob, why?"

"He's blood. The only grandson I'll ever see."

"Big deal." Frank shot a stream of smoke from the corner of his mouth. "Big f.u.c.king deal."

"It is to me."

"Why?" Scratching his eyebrow, Frank studied his brother through the smoke curling toward the ten-foot ceiling of the law office.

Robert felt the old rivalry grow between them again, as it had since they were children. Frank resented being born last, behind him, behind William. Since William had died young, only Robert stood in his way of inheriting everything-and now Robert was looking for a new heir? Frank was feeling cheated again.

"You don't know what it's like to lose a child."

"So this is about Stuart."

"There's no h.e.l.l on earth that measures up to the loss of a son. That he was murdered..." He could barely say the word and scowled down at the folder still open on his desk.

Slowly he closed the file and set it aside. "Your boy did that."

"Not mine. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d's not mine, I never claimed him, Bob, didn't give him my name. h.e.l.l, how do I know Mary Ellen didn't get herself pregnant by someone else and say Daegan was mine?"

"Enough!" Robert spat out, disgusted. "He was yours all right, looked more like you than his mother; had the cursed sight, too. Just like William!"

"You know a lot about him." Frank's eyes narrowed, as if he were calculating what his brother was up to, and he took a long drag on his smoke.

"I make it my business to know as much as I can about every member of the family. Legitimate and illegitimate."

"Except Bibi's boy."

"Yes," he admitted, standing and walking to the liquor cabinet, where he poured two snifters of brandy. "That was my mistake. I listened to Adele and thought it was best for the family if the child disappeared."

"And you were right," Frank said, accepting the drink. "It's now when you're making your mistake." He took a long swallow and waited for the brandy to hit his belly. "You know how I handle b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, don't you?"

"By raping their mothers and nearly getting killed by a bullet?"

"The kid was a freak."

"Whatever happened to him?"

"Don't know. Don't care." Frank scowled. "I thought you kept track of everyone remotely a.s.sociated with the family."

"He slipped through my fingers. Doesn't his mother keep in touch?"

"She swears she doesn't; but she's probably lyin'." Frank s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably in his seat. "I don't see much of her these days. After the night that O'Rourke tried to shoot off my b.a.l.l.s...Well, let's just say I've moved on to younger, tighter a.s.s."

"Despite the fact that I advised you to be more discreet. That your philandering almost got you killed."

Frank's lips thinned. "No one tells me what to do. No one."

Not even you.

He hadn't said it, of course, but it was there, hanging in the air, unspoken and a challenge. Robert felt the old animosity between them raise its ugly head, baring greedy teeth.

A sick feeling unwound in Robert's insides. His brother had been out of control, drinking and cavorting, for far too long. It was an embarra.s.sment, a stain on the family reputation. All the more reason to search for someone else to carry on the family name-a responsible heir.

Frank leaned forward a little in his chair and swirled his drink. "You know Collin resents you trying to find Bibi's kid. He sees it as a threat; as if you don't trust him. Or me."

"I don't."

"But you'd put your faith in some fifteen-year-old b.a.s.t.a.r.d?" Frank stubbed out his cigarette.

"That remains to be seen." Robert felt empty inside as Frank finished his drink in a flourish. They'd never been close, not even as children. His own kids had experienced a special bond for a while, or so it had seemed, and then they, too, had drifted away from each other. Before they could reconnect, Stuart had been killed.

"Be careful, Bob," Frank warned as he stood and adjusted the cuffs of his jacket. "You're playing with fire, here. I'd hate to see you get burned."

"I won't," Robert said calmly. Frank had never scared him. Worried him, yes, but never frightened him. If anything, he was more determined than ever to find his grandson.

Things were quiet. Too quiet, Kate thought as she tapped the eraser tip of her pencil on the corner of the desk in her little cubicle optimistically called an office in the English Department of the community college.

Ever since the incident with Todd Neider nearly two weeks ago, life had settled into its same, slow, normal pace. Except that Daegan O'Rourke had entrenched himself into their lives, and each day he was becoming more important to Jon.

And to you. Whether you admit it or not, Kate, you can't ignore the undercurrents that charge the air whenever he's around. Even though you've never been stupid enough to wander back to his pickup at night again, it's there, simmering between you, a dark fascination that shouldn't exist.

Headache brewing, she slid her reading off her nose and rubbed her temples. She noticed him in ways she'd never noticed another man, the way his s.h.i.+rt stretched across his shoulders, the fact that his belt was worn on the third notch, the flare of his nostrils and furrowing of his brow as he concentrated, and the way his faded jeans hung low on his hips. He didn't bother s.h.i.+ning his boots or mending a torn patch in his Levi's and seemed unaware that he always plowed both hands through his hair when he was frustrated. She'd caught a glimpse of his sense of humor-cynical though it was-and wished she knew more about him and the past that he never shared with her.

Don't borrow trouble. So he'd shown up when Jon was freaking out about danger coming their way, so he just happened to be around whenever there was a crisis, so he'd gotten into a fight with his cousin, so he claimed never to put down any permanent roots. So what? So he'd shown up when Jon was freaking out about danger coming their way, so he just happened to be around whenever there was a crisis, so he'd gotten into a fight with his cousin, so he claimed never to put down any permanent roots. So what?

So you're beginning to fall for him, Kate, and that's scary. d.a.m.ned scary. She'd never let herself become interested in another man, not since Jim had died. The old pain and guilt gnawed at her again and she remembered the last morning she'd seen him, how they'd argued when she'd said she had to work late, how he'd left the apartment so angry he'd slammed the door hard enough to break the doorjamb. He hadn't wanted to pick up Erin from the babysitter, it was his night to play basketball with some friends, but Kate had been adamant, they needed the money-overtime that she could make working for Tyrell Clark. She'd never let herself become interested in another man, not since Jim had died. The old pain and guilt gnawed at her again and she remembered the last morning she'd seen him, how they'd argued when she'd said she had to work late, how he'd left the apartment so angry he'd slammed the door hard enough to break the doorjamb. He hadn't wanted to pick up Erin from the babysitter, it was his night to play basketball with some friends, but Kate had been adamant, they needed the money-overtime that she could make working for Tyrell Clark.

In the end he'd acquiesced, as he always had, and on the way home had been struck by a speeding car. Erin, who had been in his arms, had died instantly. Jim had survived the ambulance ride to the hospital, where he, too, had given up on life before Kate had time to say good-bye or to tell him how much she loved him.

"Mrs. Summers?"

A soft voice jarred Kate from her thoughts, and she saw one of her students, Renee Wilson, tentatively sticking her head in the airless room.

"Are you all right?" Renee asked, nervously biting her lower lip.

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Running Scared Part 30 summary

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