Principles of Geology Part 80

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[444] Belpaire, Mem. de l'Acad. Roy. de Bruxelles, tom. x. 1837.

Dumont, Bulletin of the same Soc. tom. v. p. 643.

[445] Von Hoff, vol. i. p. 364.

[446] Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iv. p. 32; Memoirs.

[447] See examples in Von Hoff; vol. i. p. 73, who cites Pisansky.

[448] Book vii. Cimbri.

[449] Lib. iii. cap 3.

[450] New Monthly Mag. vol. vi. p. 69.

[451] Von Hoff, vol. i. p. 96.

[452] Phil. Trans. 1833, p. 204.

[453] See Lyell's Travels in North America, in 1842, vol. ii. p.

166. London, 1845.

[454] Rennell, Phil. Trans. 1781.

[455] MS. of Capt. Bayfield, R. N.

[456] Silliman's Journ. vol. x.x.xiv. p. 349.

[457] Phil. Trans. 1829, part i. p. 29.

[458] Phil. Trans. 1724.

[459] Bull. de la Soc. Geol de France,--Resume, p. 72, 1832.

[460] Clarke's Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, vol. iii. pp.

340 and 363, 4th edition.

[461] Nouvelle Chronique de la Ville de Bayonne, pp. 113, 139: 1827.

[462] Stevenson on bed of German Ocean, Ed. Phil. Journ. No. v.

p. 44: 1820.

[463] Stevenson, ibid. p. 47: 1820.

[464] Robt. A. C. Austen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. vi. p.


[465] Experiments to determine the Figure of the Earth, &c. p.


[466] Lochead on Nat. Hist. of Guiana, Edin. Trans. vol. iv.

[467] On the authority of Mr. Faraday.

[468] On the authority of Mr. R. Phillips.

[469] See Von Buch's Description of Canary Islands (Paris, ed.

1836) for a valuable sketch of the volcanoes of the globe.

[470] Darwin, Geol. Trans. 2d series, vol. v. p. 612.

[471] Ibid. p. 606.

[472] Bull. de la Soc. Geol. tom. vi. p. 55.

[473] Bull. de la Soc. Geol. de France, tom. vi. p. 56.

[474] Caldeleugh, Phil. Trans. 1836, p. 27.

[475] Comptes Rendus, 1849, vol. xxix. p. 531.

[476] See map of volcanic lines in Von Buch's work on the Canaries.

[477] Von Buch, ibid. p. 409.

[478] Darwin, Structure and Distrib. of Coral reefs, &c., London, 1842. In the subjoined map, fig. 39, I have copied with permission a small part of the valuable map accompanying this work.

[479] Von Buch, Descrip. des Iles Canar. p. 450, who cites Erman and others.

[480] Paper read at meeting of Brit. a.s.soc. Southampton, Sept.


[481] Macclelland, Report on Coal and Min. Resources of India.

Calcutta, 1838.

[482] Geology of the American Exploring Expedition. See also Lyell's Manual, "Sandwich I. Volcanoes"--Index.

[483] Strabo, ed Fal., p. 900.

[484] Researches in Asia Minor, vol. ii. p. 39.

[485] Virlet, Bulletin de la Soc. Geol. de France, tom. iii. p.


[486] Daubeny on Mount Vultur, Ashmolean Memoirs. Oxford, 1835.

[487] Book v. ch. xlvi.--See letter of M. Virlet, Bulletin de la Soc. Geol. de France, tom. ii. p. 341.

[488] See ch. 32, _Cause of Volcanic Eruptions_.

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