The Botanist's Companion Part 48

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705 ---- platanoides Plane-leaved ditto c.m.

706 ---- v. laciniatum Cut-leaved ditto c.m.

707 ---- montanum Mountain ditto c.m.

708 ---- pensylvanic.u.m Pennsylvanian ditto c.m.

709 ---- monspessulanum Montpellier ditto c.m.

710 ---- cretic.u.m Cretan ditto c.m.

711 ---- Negundo Ash-leaved ditto c.m.

712 ---- Opalus Italian ditto c.m.


713 Gleditsia triacanthos Three-thorned Acacia c.m.

714 --------- v. horrida Strong-spined ditto c.m.

715 --------- v. monosperma Single-seeded ditto c.m.

716 Fraxinus rotundifolia Round-leaved Ash c.m.

717 -------- excelsior v. crispa Curled-leaved ditto c.m.

718 -------- v. diversifolia Various-leaved ditto c.m.

719 -------- v. pendula Weeping Ash c.m.

720 -------- v. striata Striped-barked ditto c.m.

721 -------- v. variegata Blotch-leaved ditto c.m.

722 -------- Ornus Flowering ditto c.m.

723 -------- americana American ditto c.m.

724 -------- chinensis Chinese ditto c.m.

725 -------- rotundifolia Round-leaved ditto c.m.

726 Diospyrus Lotus Date Plum Tree c.m.

727 Diospyrus virginiana Virginian Plum Tree c.m.

728 Nyssa integrifolia Mountain Tupello l.b.

729 ----- denticulata Water ditto l.b.


730 Ficus Garica Common Fig-Tree c.m.


In enumerating the foregoing, as well as the plants of the present section, I have had more than one object in view; being desirous to put in only such plants as were ornamental or curious, at the same time to insert none but what are perfectly hardy; yet, independently of this, to make it sufficiently general, to give to such persons who might wish to study plants scientifically, a sufficient number for examples in every genus. For this purpose I have retained a portion of the Umbelliferous and other plants. Although not to be distinguished for their general beauty or appearance, yet they are calculated to afford the student the best plants for comparison, and for that reason I have arranged them according to the Linnaean System.


1 Veronica sibirica Siberian Speedwell c.m.

2 -------- virginica Virginian ditto c.m.

3 -------- spuria b.a.s.t.a.r.d ditto c.m.

4 -------- maritima Blue-flowered Sea ditto c.m.

5 -------- longifolia Long-leaved ditto c.m.

6 -------- incana h.o.a.ry ditto c.m.

7 -------- incicisa Cut-leaved ditto c.m.

8 -------- Allioni Creeping ditto c.m.

9 -------- Teucrium Hungarian ditto c.m.

10 -------- urticaefolia Nettle-leaved ditto c.m.

11 -------- orientalis Oriental ditto c.m.

12 -------- candida White-leaved ditto c.m.

13 -------- multifida Multifid ditto c.m.

14 -------- latifolia Broad-leaved ditto c.m.

15 Verinoca prostrata Trailing Sea Speedwell c.m.

16 -------- austriaca Austrian ditto c.m.

17 -------- pinnata Wing'd-leaved ditto c.m.

18 -------- paniculata Panicled ditto c.m.

19 -------- Gentianoides Gentian-leaved ditto c.m.

20 Gratiola officinalis Hedge-Hyssop c.m.

21 Verbena urticaefolia Nettle-leaved Vervain c.m.

22 Lycopus virginicus Virginian Lycopus c.m.

23 Monarda fistulosa Hollow-stalked Monarda l.

24 ------- didyma Scarlet ditto l.

25 ------- purpurea Purple ditto l.

26 Salvia lyrata Lyre-leaved Sage l.b.

27 ------ virgata Twiggy-branched ditto c.m.

28 ------ sylvestris Spotted-stalked ditto c.m.

29 ------ nemorosa Spear-leaved ditto c.m.

30 ------ austriaca Austrian ditto c.m.

31 ------ Disermas Long-spiked ditto c.m.

32 ------ verticillata Whorl-flowered ditto c.m.

33 ------ glutinosa Yellow-flowered ditto c.m.

34 ------ lineata Flax-leaved ditto l.b.

35 Collinsonia canadensis Nettle-leaved Collinsonia c.m.


36 Valeriana Phu Garden Valerian c.m.

37 Ixia chinensis Chinese Ixia l.b.

38 Galdiolus communis Common red Corn-Flag c.m.

39 --------- byzantinus Larger ditto c.m.

40 Iris susiana Chalcedonian Iris l.b.

41 ---- florentina Florentine ditto c.m.

42 ---- germanica German ditto c.m.

43 ---- lurida Dingy ditto c.m.

44 ---- sambucina Elder-scented ditto c.m.

45 ---- dalmatica Dalmatian ditto c.m.

46 ---- variegata Variegated-flowered ditto c.m.

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The Botanist's Companion Part 48 summary

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