The Botanist's Companion Part 57

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669 Smilax herbacea Herbaceous Smilax b.l.s.


680 Datisca cannabina b.a.s.t.a.r.d Hemp c.m.


681 Napaea laevis Smooth Napaea l.b.

682 ----- scabra Rough ditto c.m.


683 Veratrum alb.u.m White h.e.l.lebore l.b.s.

684 -------- nigrum Dark-flowered Veratrum l.b.s.


These are cultivated by sowing their seeds, in the months of March or April, in the places where they are to remain and flower during the summer months.


1 Alyssum sweet Alyssum halimifolium 2 Alkekengi Physalis Alkakengi 3 Arctotus annual Arctotus anthemoides 4 Argemone or Devil's Fig Argemone mexicana 5 Asphodel annual Antheric.u.m anuum 6 Aster China quilled 7 ----- red Aster chinensis 8 ----- white Aster chinensis 9 ----- purple Aster chinensis 10 ---- superb Aster chinensis 11 ---- Bonnet Aster chinensis 12 ---- striped Aster chinensis 13 Balm Moldavian Dracocephalon moldavic.u.m 14 ---- white Dracocephalon moldavic.u.m 15 ---- h.o.a.ry Dracocephalon moldavic.u.m 16 Belvidera Chenopodium Scoparium 17 Bladder Ketmia Hibiscus trionum 18 Candytuft purple Iberis umbellata 19 --------- white Iberis umbellata 20 --------- Normandy Iberis umbellata 21 Caterpillar Scorpiurus vermiculata 22 Catchfly pendulous Silene pendula 23 -------- Lobel's Armeria 24 Cya.n.u.s major Centaurea Crupina 25 ------ minor Centaurea Cya.n.u.s 26 Clary purple topped Salvia Hormium 27 ----- Red ditto Salvia Hormium 28 Chrysamthemum white-quill'd Chrysamthemum coronarium 29 ----------- yellow ditto Chrysamthemum tricolor 30 Hawkweed red Crepis rubra 31 -------- yellow Crepis barbata 32 Hedgehogs Medicago polymorpha, v. intertexta 33 Honeywort great Cerinthe major 34 --------- small Cerinthe minor 35 Indian Corn Zea mays 36 Jacobaea Senecio elegans 37 Larkspur Tall Rocket Delphinium Ajacis 38 -------- Dwarf Rocket Delphinium Ajacis 39 -------- Rose Larkspur Delphinium Ajacis 40 -------- Branching ditto Delphinium Ajacis 41 Lavatera Red Lavatera trimestris 42 -------- white Lavatera trimestris 43 Lobel's Catchfly red Silene armeria 44 ---------------- white Silene armeria 45 Love-lies-bleeding Amaranthus caudatus 46 Lupine yellow Lupinus luteus 47 ------ straw-coloured Lupinus luteus 48 ------ large blue Lupinus hirsutus 49 ------ small ditto Lupinus varius 50 ------ rose Lupinus pilosus 51 ------ blue Dutch Lupinus var 52 ------ white Lupinus albus 53 Mallow-curled Malva crispa 54 Marigold French Tagetes patula 55 -------- African Tagetes erecta 56 -------- small cape Calendula pluvialis 57 -------- great Cape Calendula hybrida 58 -------- starry Calendula stellata 59 Mignionette Reseda odorata 60 Nasturtium great Tropaeolum majus 61 ---------- small Tropaeolum minus 62 Nettle Roman Urtica pilulifera 63 Nigella Roman Nigella Romana 64 ------- Spanish Nigella Hispanica 65 ------- small Nigella sativa 66 Nolana Trailing Noalan prostrata 67 Noli-me-Tangere Impatiens Noli-me-Tangere 68 Oenothera purple Oenothera purpurea 69 Pea sweet purple Lathyrus odoratus 70 --------- scarlet Lathyrus odoratus 71 --------- white Lathyrus odoratus 72 --------- black Lathyrus odoratus 73 --------- striped Lathyrus odoratus 74 --------- painted lady Lathyrus odoratus 75 Pea jointed-podded Lathyrus articulatus 76 --- Anson's Lathyrus magellanicus 77 --- Painted Lady Crown Lathyrus sativus 78 --- Tangier scarlet Lathyrus tingita.n.u.s 79 --- purple Lathyrus tingita.n.u.s 80 --- red-winged Lotus tetragonolobus 81 --- yellow ditto Lotus tetragonolobus 82 Persicaria red Polygonum orientale 83 ---------- white Polygonum orientale 84 Poppy carnation Papaver somniferum 85 ----- dwarf Rhoeas 86 Quaking-gra.s.s Briza maxima 87 Saltwort Rose Salsola rosacea 88 Scabious starry Scabiosa stellata 89 Snails Medicago scutella 90 Soapwort Saponaria Vaccaria 91 Stock purple 10-week Cheiranthus annuus 92 ----- scarlet 10-week Cheiranthus annuus 93 ----- white 10-week Cheiranthus annuus 94 ----- white Prussian Cheiranthus annuus 95 ----- purple ditto Cheiranthus annuus 96 Stock Virginian white Cheiranthus maritimus 97 --------------- red Cheiranthus annuus 98 Stramonium purple Datula Tatula 99 ---------- white Datula stramonium 100 Spinage strawberry Blitum virgatum 101 Sunflower tall Helianthus annuus 102 --------- dwarf Helianthus annuus 103 --------- double Helianthus annuus 104 Sultan sweet purple Centaurea moschata 105 ------ white Centaurea moschata 106 ------ yellow Centaurea suaveolens 107 Toadflax three-leaved Antirrhinium triphyllum 108 Trefoil crimson Trifolium incarnatum 109 Venus's Looking-gla.s.s Campanula speculum 110 -----Navelwort Cynoglossum linifolium 111 Xeranthemum yellow s.h.i.+ning Xeranthemum lucidum 112 ----------- white Xeranthemum annuum 113 ----------- purple double Xeranthemum annuum 114 Zinnia yellow Zinnia pauciflora 115 ------ red Zinnia multiflora 116 ------ elegant Zinnia elegans 117 ------ violet-coloured Zinnia tenniflora 118 ------ whorl-leaved Zinnia verticillata


Biennial Flowers, i.e. such as do not bloom the same year they are raised from seeds.

These should be sown in the month of May or June, and let remain in the place till the month of September, when they should be planted into beds, and in the following spring placed out where they are to flower.

1 Canterbury Bells Campanula media 2 Iron-coloured Foxglove Digitalis ferruginea 3 Hollyoak Alcea rosa 4 Honesty Lunaria rediviva 5 Stocks red Brompton Cheiranthus inca.n.u.s 6 ------ white ditto Cheiranthus inca.n.u.s 7 ------ purple ditto Cheiranthus inca.n.u.s 8 ------ Queen Cheiranthus inca.n.u.s 9 ------ Twickenham Cheiranthus inca.n.u.s 10 Wallflower Cheiranthus fruticulosus


Such as are usually sown in hot-beds in the months of February or March, and grown in the stove or green-house after the removal of the plants in the summer months, for which purpose they are very ornamental.


1 Amaranthus three-coloured Amaranthus tricolor 2 ---------- two-coloured ---------- bicolor 3 ---------- globe white Gomphrena globosa 4 ---------- purple Gomphrena globosa 5 Balsam Impatiens Balsamita 6 ------ scarlet Impatiens coccinea 7 Striped double white 8 Browallia blue Browallia elata 9 --------- white Browallia elata 10 Cacalia scarlet Cacalia coccinea 11 Capsic.u.m large red Capsic.u.m annuum 12 -------- yellow Capsic.u.m annuum 13 -------- small red horn Capsic.u.m annuum 14 -------- yellow ditto Capsic.u.m annuum 15 -------- cherry Capsic.u.m annuum 16 -------- Cayenne Capsic.u.m annuum 17 Calceolaria wing-leaved Calceolaria pinnata 18 Convolvulus large-flowered Convolvulus major 19 ----------- minor ----------- tricolor 20 c.o.c.ks...o...b..dwarf Celosia cristata 21 --------- tall Celosia cristata 22 --------- branching Celosia cristata 23 --------- buff or yellow Celosia cristata 24 Egg plant white Solanum Melongena 25 --------- purple Solanum Melongena 26 Impomaea Scarlet Impomaea coccinea 27 ------- wing-leaved ------- Quamoc.l.i.t 28 Ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 29 Love apple Solanum Lycopersic.u.m 30 Sensitive plant Mimosa pudica 31 Stramonium double purple Datura Metel 32 ---------- Double white ------ v. flore albo



The following list comprises a number of plants of great beauty and interest; but, being in general too small for the open borders, are only to be preserved either in pots; planted in rock-work, or in such other places where they are not overgrown by plants of larger size. There are many others of a similar kind that we grow in gardens, but which, being difficult to keep, we have thought fit not to insert; as persons who try to cultivate such in the open ground have in general the mortification to find that they do not compensate for the care and trouble necessary for preserving them.

1 Ancistrum lucidum s.h.i.+ning Ancistrum b.l.

2 --------- laevigatum Smooth ditto b.l.

3 --------- latebrosum Hairy ditto b.l.

4 Veronica aphylla Naked-stalked Speedwell b.l.

5 -------- bellidoides Daisy-leaved ditto b.l.


6 Trichonema Bulbocodium Crocus-leaved Trichonema b.l.


7 Asperula cra.s.sifolia Thick-leaved Woodroofe b.l.

8 Houstonia caerulea Blue Houstonia l.

9 repens Creeping l.

10 Plantago alpina Alpine Plantain l.

11 -------- subulata Awl-leaved ditto l.

12 Cornus canadensis Herbaceous Dog-wood b.

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The Botanist's Companion Part 57 summary

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