The Botanist's Companion Part 59

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77 --------- rotundifolia Round-leaved ditto c.m.

78 --------- ajugaefolia Ground Pine-leaved ditto c.m.

79 --------- sibirica Siberian Pine-leaved ditto c.m.

80 --------- adscendens Ascending Saxifrage c.m.

81 --------- viscosa Clammy ditto c.m.

82 Tiarella cordifolia Heart-leaved Tiarella c.m.

83 Mitella diphylla Two-leaved Mitella c.m.

84 Gypsophila repens Creeping Gypsophila l.b.

85 ---------- prostrata Trailing ditto l.b.

86 Saponaria acymoides Basil-leaved Soap-wort l.

87 -------- superbus Feathered ditto l.

88 -------- pungens Pungent ditto l.

89 -------- alpinus Alpine ditto l.

90 -------- capitatus Headed-flowered ditto l.

91 -------- glaucus Glaucous ditto l.

92 -------- virgineus Maiden ditto l.


93 Silene anemoena Siberian Catchfly l.

94 ------ alpestris Mountain ditto l.

95 ------ rupestris Rock ditto l.

96 ------ saxifraga Saxifrage ditto l.

97 ------ vallesia Downy ditto l.

98 Stellaria scapigera Naked-stalk'd St.i.tch-wort l.

99 Arenaria tetraquetra Square Sand-wort l.

100 ------- balearica Small ditto l.

101 ------- saxatilis Rock ditto l.

102 ------- striata Striated ditto l.

103 ------- grandiflora Great-flowered ditto l.

104 ------- liniflora Flax-flowered ditto l.


105 Sedum Aizoon Yellow Stonecrop c.m.

106 ----- Anacampseros Evergreen Orpine c.m.

107 ----- hybridum b.a.s.t.a.r.d Sedum c.m.

108 ----- populifolium Poplar-leaved ditto c.m.

109 ----- virens Green ditto c.m.

110 ----- glauc.u.m Glaucous ditto c.m.

111 ----- deficiens Round-leaved ditto c.m.

112 ----- hispanic.u.m Spanish ditto l.

113 Lychnis quadridentata Small-flowering Lychnis l.b.


114 Asarum canadense Canadian Asarabaca l.b.


115 Sempervivum globiferum Globular House-leek l.

116 ----------- arachnoideum Cobweb ditto l.

117 ----------- hirtum Hairy ditto l.

118 ----------- montanum Mountain ditto l.

119 ----------- cuspidatum p.r.i.c.kly-leaved ditto l.

120 ----------- sediforme Stone-crop-leaved ditto l.


121 Rubus arcticus Dwarf Bramble l.b.

122 Potentilla sericea Silky Cinquefoil l.b.

123 ---------- multifida Multifid ditto l.

124 ---------- bifurca Bifid ditto l.

125 ---------- tridentata Trifid-leaved ditto l.

126 Geum potentilloides Cinquefoil Avens l.

127 ---- reptans Creeping ditto l.


128 Sanguinaria canadensis Canada Pucc.o.o.n l.b.

129 Papaver nudicaule Naked-stalked Poppy l.

130 Cistus grandiflorus Great-flowered Cistus l.


131 Anemone Hepatica Common Liverwort c.m.

132 ------- hortensis Star Anemone l.b.

133 ------- dichotoma Forked ditto l.b.

134 Adonis vernalis Spring Adonis Flower c.m.

135 Ranunculus amplexicaulus Plaintain-leaved Crow-foot l.b.

136 ---------- alpestris Alpine ditto l.b.

137 ---------- glacialis Two-flowered ditto l.b.

138 Isopyrum thalictroides Thalictrum-leaved Isopyrum c.m.


139 Teucrium multiflorum Many-flowered Germander c.m.

140 -------- pyrenaic.u.m Pyrenean ditto c.m.

141 Dracocephalum denticulatum Tooth-leaved Dragon's-head c.m.

142 ------------- austriac.u.m Austrian ditto b.l.

143 ------------- grandiflorum Great-flowered ditto l.

144 Scutellaria alpina Alpine Skull-cap l.

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The Botanist's Companion Part 59 summary

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