A Guide for the Study of Animals Part 49

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d. What different emotions are expressed by a dog's tail? a cat's tail?

e. What sounds do cats and dogs make? Significance?

f. Contrast the sleeping habits of cats and dogs.

g. How large is the litter in case of dogs and cats? Condition of young at birth? How long before the eyes of the young are open? Care of young.


To what kind of life does a cat or dog seem best adapted: (a) as to food? (b) protection from enemies?

Carnivora; Review and Library Exercise


1. The general characters of carnivora.

2. Five important families. The characteristics and examples of each family.

_Morphology and physiology._

3. The dent.i.tion of the cat, the dog, and the bear. Variation in the "chewing teeth."

4. Three types of paired appendages among carnivora. Relation to habitat.

5. The difference in structure and use of the posterior legs of the seal and walrus.

6. The alimentary ca.n.a.l of a cat and rabbit compared.

7. The tongue of cats and dogs contrasted as to structure and use.


8. The difference between hair and fur.

9. The fur-bearing carnivora. Families, and habitat.

10. Trapping.

11. Game laws and game wardens. Hunters' licenses.

12. Hunting big game.

13. Carnivora harmful to man.

14. Carnivora useful to man.

15. Carnivora as pets.

16. Chief types or breeds of domesticated dogs. Characteristics.

Special value of each.

17. Chief types or breeds of domesticated cats.

18. Dogs as burden bearers.

_Natural History._

19. Distribution and range of carnivora. Carnivora of the United States.

20. Winter habits among carnivora.

21. Food of carnivora. Various methods of obtaining it.

22. The hunting habits of the dog and cat family.

23. The habits and distribution of the racc.o.o.ns.

24. The color schemes of the more important families of the carnivora.

25. Seasonal variation in color.

26. Distribution and habits of the ferrets and weasels.

27. How carnivora protect themselves from enemies. Which carnivora have been most successful in resisting man's advance?

28. Peculiar and interesting carnivora to be seen in museums and zoological gardens.

29. Origin of the domestic dog.

30. Intelligence of dogs.

31. Fox-hunting.

32. Coyotes and their relation to stock raising, etc.

The Ungulates


Pictures, charts, lantern slides, and books showing cow, sheep, hog, goat, horse, etc. Diagram of skeleton.

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A Guide for the Study of Animals Part 49 summary

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