Orlando Furioso Part 21

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XXV "Bireno hardly from our court was gone, For such the name my faithful lover bore, When Friesland's king, whose realm is from our own No further than this stream from Ocean's sh.o.r.e, Designing to bestow me on his son, Arbantes hight (the monarch had no more), To Holland sent the worthiest of his land, Me of the count, my father, to demand.

XXVI "I without power to falsify that vow, Which to my gentle lover I had plight; Nor though I had the power, would Love allow Me so to play the ingrate, if I might, (The treaty, well on foot, to overthrow, And nigh concluded) with afflicted sprite, Cried to my father, I would rather shed My very life-blood, than in Friesland wed.

XXVII "My gracious father, he who took but pleasure In what pleased me, nor would my will constrain; Marking my grief, broke off the intended measure, To give me comfort and relieve my pain.

At this proud Friesland's sovereign such displeasure Conceived, and entertained such high disdain, He entered Holland, and the war began, In which my kin were slaughtered to a man.

XXVIII "Besides, that both his puissance and his might Are such, as in our age are matched of few, Such is in evil deeds his cunning sleight, He laughs to scorn what wit and force can do.

Strange arms he bears, unknown to any wight, Save him, of the ancient nations or the new: A hollow iron, two yards long, whose small Channel he loads with powder and a ball

XXIX "He, where 'tis closed behind, in the iron round, Touches with fire a vent, discerned with pain; In guise that skilful surgeon tries his ground, Where need requires that he should breathe a vein.

Whence flies the bullet with such deafening sound, That bolt and lightening from the hollow cane Appear to dart, and like the pa.s.sing thunder, Burn what they smite, beat-down or rend asunder.

x.x.x "Twice broken, he our armies overthrew With this device, my gentle brethren slain; The first the shot in our first battle slew, Reaching his heart, through broken plate and chain; The other in the other onset, who Was flying from the fatal field in vain.

The ball his shoulder from a distance tore Behind, and issued from his breast before.

x.x.xI "My father next, defending on a day The only fortress which he still possessed, The others taken which about it lay, Was sent alike to his eternal rest: Who going and returning, to purvey What lacked, as this or that occasion pressed, Was aimed at from afar, in privy wise, And by the traytour struck between the eyes.

x.x.xII "And I remaining, sire and brethren dead, The isle of Holland's only heir, the king Of Friesland, who by the desire was led Of better there his power establis.h.i.+ng, To me, and also to my people said, I peace and quiet to my state might bring, Would I (when I before would not accord) Now take his son Arbantes for my lord.

x.x.xIII "I, not so much for deadly hate I bear To him and all his kindred, by whose spite My sire and both my brothers slaughtered were, My country sacked and waste, as that the knight I would not wrong, to whom I fealty sware, And had my solemn word already plight That me to wedlock man should woo in vain, Till he to Holland should return from Spain.

x.x.xIV "For one ill-born, a hundred yet behind, Will bear (replied) to hazard all content, -- Slain, burnt alive, to let them to the wind Scatter my ashes, rather than consent. -- My people seek to move my stedfast mind, By prayer and by protest, from this intent; And threat to yield my city up and me, Lest all be lost through my obduracy.

x.x.xV "When in my fixt and firm resolve they read, That prayer and protest are alike in vain; My town and me, with Friesland's king agreed, Surrendered, as they vowed, my va.s.sal train.

Not doing by me any shameful deed, Me he a.s.sured of life and of domain, So I would soften my obdurate mood, And be to wed with his Arbantes wooed.

x.x.xVI "I who would have consented to forego My life to scape from him, reflection made, That, save I first avenged myself, all woe Endured, would be by this regret outweighed.

-- Long time I muse, and to my misery know, 'Tis only simulation which can aid.

Not simple willingness, I feign desire, To win his grace, and have him for my sire.

x.x.xVII " Mid many in my father's service, I Select two brothers fitted for my view, Of valiant heart and great ability But more approved for truth, as followers, who Bred in my father's court, from infancy Had with myself grown up; the brothers two So wholly bound to me, they would have thought My safety with their lives was cheaply bought.

x.x.xVIII "To them I tell my project, and the pair Of brethren promise me their faithful aid: To Flanders this, a pinnace to prepare, I sent, and that with me in Holland stayed.

Now, while both foreigners and natives were, Of Friesland's kingdom, to our nuptials prayed, Bireno in Biscay (the tidings went) For Holland had equipt an armament.

x.x.xIX "Since on the issue of the earliest fray, When in the rout one hapless brother fell, I had dispatched a courier to Biscay, Who the sad news should to Bireno tell: While he toils sore his squadron to array, Proud Friesland's arms our wretched remnant quell.

Bireno, who knew nought of this, had weighed, And with his barks put forth to bring us aid.

XL "These tidings told to Friesland's monarch, he Confiding to his son the wedding's care, To meet Bireno's squadron puts to sea, And (so chance willed) burns, sinks, or routs them there, Leading him off into captivity; -- But none to us as yet the tidings bear.

This while I to the amorous youth am wed, Who, when the sun sought his, would seek my bed.

XLI "Behind the curtains, I had hid the tried And faithful follower, of whom I said, Who moved not till the bridegroom he descried, Yet waited not till he in bed was laid: But raised a hatchet, and so well applied Behind the stripling's head the ponderous blade, Of speech and life it reft him; I, who note The deed, leap lightly up and cut his throat.

XLII "As falls the bullock upon shamble-sill, Thus fell the ill-starred stripling, in despite Of king Cymosco, worst among the ill; So was the impious king of Friesland hight Who did my brothers and my father kill, And, in my state to found a better right; In wedlock wished to join me with his son, Haply to slay me when his end was won.

XLIII "Ere new disturbance interrupt the deed, Taking what costliest was and lightest weighed, Me my companion by a chord, with speed, Drops from a window, where with boat purveyed In Flanders (as related) for my need, His brother, watchful of our motions, stayed: We dip the oar, we loose the sail, and driven By both, escape, as was the will of Heaven.

XLIV "The daring feat achieved, I cannot say If Friesland's king more sorrowed for his son, Or raged at me: he there arrived, the day Ensuing, where the dreadful deed was done, Proud he returned, both he and his array, Of the duke taken, and the victory won: And thought to feast and nuptials he was bound, But in his home all grief and darkness found.

XLV "His pity for his son, the hate he fed Towards me, torment the father day and night; But as lamenting will not raise the dead, And vengeance is a vent for smothered spite; That portion of his thoughts, which should have led The king, to ease by sighs his troubled sprite, Now willingly takes counsel with his hate, To seize me, and his vengeance satiate.

XLVI "All known or said to by my friends, or who Were friends of those that, chosen from my train, Had aided me the deadly deed to do, Their goods and chattels burnt, were doomed or slain: And he had killed Bireno, since he knew No other trouble could inflict such pain; But that he, saving him in malice, thought He had a net wherewith I might be caught.

XLVII "Yet him a cruel proposition made, Granting a year his purpose to complete; Condemned to privy death, till then delayed, Save in that time, through force or through deceit, He by his friends' and kindred's utmost aid, Doing or plotting, me from my retreat Conveyed into his prisons; so that he Can only saved by my destruction be.

XLVIII "What for his safety could be done, behold, Short of my own destruction, had been tried.

Six towns I had in Flanders: these I sold, And (great or small the produce set aside) A part of it, to wily persons told, That it to tempt his guards might be applied; The rest of it dispensed to move and arm Germans or English, to the miscreant's harm.

XLIX "My agents, whether they their trust betrayed, Or that they could in truth perform no more, Me with vain words instead of help have paid, And scorn me, having drained my scanty store: And now the term is nigh expired, when aid, Whether of open force or treasured ore, No longer will arrive in time to save My cherished spouse from torture and the grave.

L "Through him, from me was my dominion rent; Through him, my father and my brethren slain; Through him, the little treasure left me, spent (What served alone existence to sustain) To rescue him, in cruel durance pent; Nor other means to succour him remain; Save I, to liberate him from prison, go And yield myself to such a cruel foe.

LI "If nothing more be left me then to try, Nor other way for his escape appear, Than his with this my wretched life to buy, This life I gladly will lay down: one fear Alone molests me; and it is that I Can never my conditions make so clear, As to a.s.sure me, that with new deceit, Me, when his prey, the tyrant will not cheat.

LII "I fear, when I shall be in captive plight, And he has put all tortures upon me, He may not loose Bireno, and the knight Have not to thank me for his liberty: Like perjured king, and full of foul despite, Who with my murder will not satiate be; But by Bireno neither less nor more Will do, than he had done by me before.

LIII "The occasion now that I confer with you, And tell my case to all who seek the land, Both lords and knights, is with the single view, That taking counsel of so large a band, Some one may indicate a.s.surance due, That when before the cruel king I stand, No longer he Bireno shall detain; Nor, after I am killed, the duke be slain.

LIV "Warrior to went with me, I in my need, When I shall be to Friesland given, have prayed; But so he promise, that the exchange agreed Shall be between us in such manner made, That from his bonds Bireno shall be freed When I am to the monarch's hands conveyed: Thus I, when I am slain, shall die content, Who to my spouse shall life by death have lent.

LV "Not to this day have chanced upon a wight Who on his faith will give me warranty, That if the king refuse to loose the knight, When I am offered, from captivity, He will not suffer that in my despite (So feared those weapons!) I shall taken be.

So feared those weapons, upon every hand!

Which, howsoever thick, no plates withstand.

LVI "Now, if as strong Herculean port and bold Appear to vouch, such worth to you belong; And you believe to give me or withhold Is in your power, should he intend me wrong; Be with me, when committed to his hold, Since I shall fear not, in your convoy strong, When you are with me, that my lord, though I Be after slain, shall by his order die."

LVII Here her discourse, wherewith were interposed Loud sobs, the lady ceased, and silent stood: Orlando, when her lips the damsel closed, Whose ready will ne'er halts in doing good, Briefly to her replies, as indisposed To idle speeches of his natural mood: But plights his solemn word, that better aid She should from him receive than that she prayed.

LVIII 'Tis not his scheme to place her in the hand Of her foul foe, to have Bireno freed; He will save both the lovers, if his brand And wonted valour fail him not at need.

Embarked that very day, they put from land With a clear sky and prosperous wind to speed.

The county hastes in his impatient heat, Eager to reach that isle, the monster's seat.

LIX Through the still deeps, on this or the other side, The skipper veered his canvas to the wind: This isle, and that of Zealand, they descried, One seen before, and one shut in behind.

The third day, from the harboured vessel's side, In Holland, Roland disembarks, not joined By the complaining dame; whom to descend He will not till she hear that tyrant's end.

LX Armed at all points, the county pa.s.sed ash.o.r.e, Borne on a horse 'twixt brown and black, the breed Of Denmark, but in Flanders nurtured, more Esteemed for weight and puissance than for speed: For when the paladin embarked before, In Brittany he left the gallant steed, His Brigliador; so nimble and so fair, That but Bayardo could with him compare.

LXI Orlando fares to Dordrecht, where he views A numerous squadron, which the gate maintain; As well, because suspicion still ensues On the foundation of a new domain; As that before they had received the news, That out of Zealand, backed with armed train, Was coming with a fleet of many sail, A cousin of the lord here pent in jail.

LXII One, good Orlando to the monarch's ear Bade bear a message, 'that an errant knight Oh him would prove himself, with sword and spear; But would lay down this pact before the fight: -- That if the king unhorsed the cavalier, Her who Arbantes slew, he, as his right, Should have, that, at the cavalier's command, Was ready for delivery to his hand;

LXIII 'And willed the king should on his side agree, If him the knight in combat overbore, Forthwith released from his captivity, Bireno to full freedom to restore.'

To him the footman does his; But he, who knightly worth or courteous lore Had never known, directs his whole intent The count by treacherous fraud to circ.u.mvent.

LXIV He hopes as well, if he the warrior slay, To have the dame, whom, so aggrieved, he hates, If in the knight's disposal, and the say Of that strange knight, the footman well relates.

Hence thirty men dispatched by other way Than to the portal led, where Roland waits; Who with a long and privy circuit wind, And come upon the paladin behind.

LXV He all this while had made his guard delay The knight with words, till horse and foot he spied Arrived, where he this ambuscade did lay; When from the gate he with as many hied: As is the practised hunter's wonted way, To circle wood and beasts on every side: As nigh Volana, with his sweeping nets, The wary fisher fish and pool besets.

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Orlando Furioso Part 21 summary

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