Orlando Furioso Part 76

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XCVI True to the time and place of change, they hie Whither Sir Aldigier's advices teach; And there survey an ample band who lie Exposed to fierce Apollo's heat; in reach, Nor myrtle-tree nor laurel they descry, Nor tapering cypress, ash, nor spreading beech: But naked gravel with low shrubs discerned, Undelved by mattock and by share unturned.

XCVII Those three adventurous warriors halted where A path went through the uncultivated plain, And saw a knight arrive upon the lair, Who, flourished o'er with gold, wore plate and chain, And on green field that beauteous bird and rare, Which longer than an age extends its reign.

No more, my lord: for at my canto's close I find myself arrived, and crave repose.


ARGUMENT Of mighty matters, sculptured in a font, Does Malagigi to his comrades tell: On them come Mandricardo and Rodomont, And forthwith battle follows fierce and fell.

Discord goes scattering quarrel and affront Amid the crew: but whither, forced by spell, Fair Doralice upon her palfrey speeds, The Tartar king, and Sarzan, turn their steeds.

I In former ages courteous ladies were, Who wors.h.i.+pt virtue, and not worldly gear.

Women in this degenerate age are rare, To whom aught else but sordid gain is dear; But they who real goodness make their care, Nor with the avaricious many steer, In this frail life are worthy to be blest, -- Held glorious and immortal when at rest.

II Bradamant well would deathless praise inherit, Who nor in wealth nor empire took delight; But in Rogero's worth, excelling spirit, In his unbounded gentlesse; and aright For this did good Duke Aymon's daughter merit To be beloved of such a valorous knight; Who, what might be for miracles received, In future ages, for her sake achieved.

III He, with those two of Clermont, as whilere To you I in the former canto said, I say with Richardet and Aldigier, Was gone, to give the prisoned brethren aid: I told, as well how they a cavalier Of haughty look approaching had surveyed, Who bore that n.o.ble bird, by fiery birth Renewed, and ever single upon earth.

IV When those three of that warrior were espied, Poised on the wing, as if about to smite, He fain by proof their prowess would have tried, And if their semblance tallied with their might.

"Is there, among you, one," the stranger cried, "Will prove upon me, which is best in fight, With lance or sword, till one to ground be cast, While in the sell his foe is seated fast?"

V " -- I, at your choice," said Aldigier, "were fain To flourish faulchion, or to tilt with spear; But this with feat, which, if you here remain, Yourself may witness, so would interfere, That for the present parley time with pain Suffices, and yet less for the career.

Six hundred men, or more, we here attend, With whom we must to-day in arms contend.

VI "Two of our own to rescue from their foes, And free from chains, us Love and Pity sway."

He to that stranger next the reason shows Why thus in steel their bodies they array.

"So just is the excuse which you oppose,"

-- He answered -- "that I ill should this gainsay, And hold you surely for three cavaliers That seldom upon earth will find their peers.

VII "With you a lance or two I would have crost To prove how great your prowess in the field; But, since 'tis shown me at another's cost, Forego the joust, and to your reasons yield.

Warmly I pray your leave against that host, To join with your good arms this helm and s.h.i.+eld; And hope, if suffered of your band to be, No worthless comrade shall you find in me."

VIII Some one, meseems, may crave the stranger's name, Who thus the champions on their road delayed, And so to partners.h.i.+p in arms laid claim With those three warriors, for the strife arrayed: SHE -- style no more a man that martial dame -- Marphisa was; that on Zerbino laid The task to bear about, against his will, Ribald Gabrina, to every ill.

IX The two of Clermont and their bold compeer Gladly received her succour in their cause, Whom certes they believed a cavalier, And not a damsel, and not what she was.

A banner was espied by Aldigier And shown the others, after little pause, Which by the wavering wind was blown about, And round about it ranged a numerous rout.

X And when, now nearer, the advancing crew Were better marked in Moorish habit stoled, For Saracens the stranger band they knew; And they upon two sorry jades behold, I' the middle of that troop, the prisoners, who Were to the false Maganza to be sold.

Marphisa cries, "Why is the feast delayed, When lo! the guests are here, for whom we stayed?"

XI -- "Not all," Rogero said, "Of the array Invited, lacks as yet a numerous part: A solemn festival is held to-day, And we. to grace it more, use every art: Yet they can now but little more delay."

While thus they parley, they from other part Descry the treacherous Maganzese advance; So all was ready to begin the dance.

XII They of Maganza from one quarter steer, And laden mules beneath their convoy go, Bearing vest, gold, and other costly gear.

On the other side, mid faulchion, spear, and bow, Approached the captive two with doleful cheer, Who found themselves awaited by the foe; And false and impious Bertolagi heard, As with the Moorish captain he conferred.

XIII Nor Buovo's nor Duke Aymon's valiant son Can hold, when that false Maganzese they view; Against him both with rested lances run: He falls the victim of those furious two, Through belly and through pummel pierced by one, And by the other, in mid visage, through His bleeding cheeks: may like disastrous fate O'erwhelm all evil doers, soon or late!

XIV Marphisa with Rogero moved her horse At this, nor waited other trumpet-strain; Nor broke her lance in her impetuous course, Till in succession three had prest the plain.

A mark well worthy fierce Rogero's force, The paynim leader in a thought is slain; And with him, pierced by the same weapon, go Two others to the gloomy realms below.

XV 'Twas hence a foul mistake the a.s.saulted made; It caused their utter loss, and ruined all: They of Maganza deemed themselves betrayed By the infidels, upon their leader's fall: On the other side, so charged with hostile blade, The Moors those Maganzese call; And, with fierce slaughter, either angry horde 'Gan bend bow, and brandish lance and sword.

XVI Rogero, charging this, or the other band, Slays ten or twenty, s.h.i.+fting his career; No fewer by the warlike damsel's hand Are slaughtered and extinguished, there and here: As many men as feel the murderous brand Are from the saddle seen to disappear: Before it vanish cuira.s.s, helms and s.h.i.+elds, As the dry wood to fire in forest yields.

XVII If ever you remember to have viewed, Or heard, -- what time the wasps divided are, And all the winged college is at feud, Mustering their swarms for mischief in mid air, -- The greedy swallow swoop amid that brood, To mangle and devour, and kill, and tear, You must imagine so, on either part The bold Rogero and Marphisa dart.

XVIII Not so Sir Richardet and Aldigier, Varied the dance between those squadrons twain; For, heedless of the Moors, each cavalier Had but an eye to false Maganza's train.

The brother of Rinaldo, Charles's peer, Much courage added to much might and main; And these were now redoubled by the spite, Which against false Maganza warmed the knight.

XIX This cause made him who in his fury shared, Good Buovo's b.a.s.t.a.r.d, seems a lion fell; He, without pause, each trusty helmet pared With his good blade, or crushed it like the sh.e.l.l Of brittle egg: and who would not have dared -- Would not have shown a Hector's worth as well, Having two such companions in the stower, Of warlike wights the very choice and flower?

XX Marphisa, waging all the while the fight, On her companions often turned to gaze, And as she marked their rivalry in might, Admiring, upon all bestowed her praise; But when she on Rogero fixed her sight, Deemed him unparalleled; and in amaze, At times believed that Paladin was Mars, Who left his heaven to mix in mortal wars.

XXI She marvels at the champion's horrid blows; She marvels how in vain they never fell.

The iron, smit by Balisarda shows Like paper, not like stubborn plate and sh.e.l.l.

To pieces helm and solid corslet goes, And men are severed, even to the sell; Whom into equal parts those strokes divide, Half dropt on this, and half on the other side.

XXII With the same downright stroke, he overbore The horse and rider, bleeding in the dust; The heads of others from their shoulders bore, And parted from the hips the bleeding bust.

He often at a blow cleft five and more; And -- but I doubt who hears me might distrust What of a seeming falsehood bears the impress -- I would say more; but I parforce say less.

XXIII Good Turpin, he who knows that he tells true, And leaves men to believe what they think right, Says of Rogero wondrous things, which you Hearing related, would as falsehoods slight.

Thus, with Marphisa matched, that hostile crew Appears like ice, and she like burning light.

Nor her Rogero with less marvel eyes, That she had marked his valour with surprise.

XXIV As she had Mars in bold Rogero seen, Perhaps Bellona he had deemed the maid, If for a woman he had known that queen, Who seemed the contrary, in arms arrayed; And haply emulation had between The pair ensued, by whom with cruel blade Most deadly signs of prowess should be shown, Mid that vile herd, on sinew, flesh and bone.

XXV To rout each hostile squadron, filled with dread, Sufficed the soul and valour of the four; Nor better arms remained for them who fled Than the sharp goads which on their heels they wore.

Happy was he with courser well bested!

By trot or amble they set little store; And he who had no steed, here learned, dismayed, How wretched is the poor foot-soldier's trade.

XXVI The conqueror's prize remained both field and prey; Nor was there footman left nor muleteer; The Moor took this, Maganza took that way; One leaves the prisoners, and one leaves the gear.

With visage glad, and yet with heart more gay, The four united each captive cavalier; Nor were less diligent to free from chains The prisoned pages, and unload the wains.

XXVII Besides good quant.i.ty of silver fine, Wrought into different vessels, with a store Of feminine array, of fair design, Embroidered round about with choicest lore, And suit of Flemish tapestry, framed to line Royal apartments, wrought with silk and ore -- -- They, 'mid more costly things in plenty spread -- Discovered flasks of wine, and meat and bread.

XXVIII When now the conquering troop their temples bare, All see they have received a damsel's aid, Known by her curling locks of golden hair, And delicate and beauteous face displayed: Her the knights honoured much, and to declare Her name, so well deserving glory, prayed; Nor she, that ever was of courteous mood Among her friends, their instances withstood.

XXIX With viewing her they cannot sate their eyes, Who in the battle such had her espied, She speaks but with the Child, but him descries; None prizes, values none, 'twould seem, beside.

Meanwhile that ready spread a banquet lies, To them is by the servants notified.

This they had served about a neighbouring fountain, Screened from the sun by an o'ershadowing mountain.

x.x.x This spring was one of those four fountains rare, Of those in France produced by Merlin's sleight; Encompa.s.sed round about with marble fair, s.h.i.+ning and polished, and then milk more white.

There in the stone choice figures chisseled were, By that magician's G.o.dlike labour dight; Save voice was wanting, these you might have thought Were living and with nerve and spirit fraught.

x.x.xI Here, to appearance, from the forest prest A cruel Beast and hideous to the eye, With teeth of wolf, an a.s.s's head and crest, A carca.s.s with long famine lean and dry, And lion's claws; a fox in all the rest: Which seemed to ravage France and Italy, And Spain and England's desolated strands, Europe and Asia, and in fine all lands.

x.x.xII The beast the low and those of proudest port Had slain or maimed throughout this earthly ball; Yea, fiercest seemed on those of n.o.ble sort, Sovereign and satrap, prince and peer, to fall; And made most havoc in the Roman court; For it had slaughtered Pope and Cardinal: Had filled St. Peter's beauteous seat with scathe, And brought foul scandal on the HOLY FAITH.

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Orlando Furioso Part 76 summary

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