Orlando Furioso Part 87

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x.x.xII In all parts round about this chosen site, For love or fear, he master-masons found; And, making full six thousand men unite, Stript of their heavy stones the mountains round, And raised a fabric ninety yards in height, From its extremest summit to the ground; And he within its walls the church enclosed; Wherein entombed the lovers twain reposed.

x.x.xIII This nearly imitates that pile beside Old Tyber's stream, by Adrian built; and nigh The sepulchre, will he a tower provide, Wherein he purposes some time to lie.

A narrow bridge, and only two yards wide, He flung across the stream which rolled fast by.

Long, but so scanty is that bridge, with pain The narrow pa.s.s two coursers can contain;

x.x.xIV Two coursers, that abreast have thither made, Or else, encountering, on that causeway meet: Nor any where was ledge or barricade, To stay the horses's fall, who lost his feet.

He wills that bridge's toll be dearly paid By Christian or by Moor, who pa.s.s his seat; For with a thousand trophies, arms, and vest, That damsel's tomb is destined to be drest.

x.x.xV Within ten days, or shorter time, was placed The bridge, whose arch across the stream was dight; But not that pile and tower with equal haste Were so conducted to their destined height.

Yet was the last so high, a sentry paced Its top, who, whensoever any knight Approached the bridge, was wont his lord to warn, Sounding a signal on his bugle-horn.

x.x.xVI Whereat he armed, and issued for the stower, Now upon one and now the other side: For when a warrior p.r.i.c.ked towards the tower, Him from the adverse bank that king defied: The bridge affords the field their steeds must scour; And, should one but a little swerve aside, (Peril unparalleled!) the horse will go Into the deep and dangerous stream below.

x.x.xVII The pagan had imagined, as a pain, That, risking oft to tumble in the course, Head-first into that stream, where he must drain Huge draughts of water in his fall, parforce, He would a.s.soil and cleanse him from that stain, Whereof excess in wine had been the source; As if what ill wine prompts to do or say, Water, as well as wine, could wash away.

x.x.xVIII Soon thitherward flocked many a cavalier; Some who pursued the beaten road and plain; Since for way-faring men, who southward steer, No straighter lay for Italy or Spain: Their courage and their honour, held more dear Than life, excited others of the train; And all, where they had hoped the meed of strife, Had lost their arms, and many arms and life.

x.x.xIX If those he conquers are of pagan strain, He is content to take their arms and vest: And of those first arrived the t.i.tles plain Are written, and their arms suspended rest.

But he in prison pens the christened train, ('Twould seem) to be to Argier's realm addrest.

Not yet was brought that building to a head When thitherward the crazed Orlando sped.

XL It chanced Orlando, in his furious mood, Came thither where that foaming river ran; Where Rodomont beside the mighty flood Was hurrying on his work; nor yet were done The tower and tomb, the bridge, scarce finished, stood: Here -- save his casque was open -- Ulien's son Steeled cap-a-pee, stood ready armed for fight, When to the bridge approached Anglantes' knight.

XLI Orlando running thus his wild career, The barrier tops, and o'er the bridge would fly, But sullen Rodomont, with troubled cheer, Afoot, as he that tower is standing nigh, For he disdains to brandish sword or spear, Shouts to him from afar with threatening cry, "Halt! thou intrusive churl and indiscreet, Rash, meddling, saucy villain, stay thy feet!

XLII "Only for lord and cavalier was made, And not for thee, dull slave, that bridge was meant."

To this no heed insane Orlando paid, But, fixt upon his purpose, forward went.

"This madman must I school," the paynim said, And was approaching with the fell intent Him into that deep river to dispatch, Nor deeming in such foe to find his match.

XLIII This while, a gentle damsel sought the place That towards that bridge across the river rode, Richly arraid and beautiful of face, Who sage reserve in her demeanor showed.

'Tis she that, of her Brandimart in chase, (If you remember, sir,) through every road And place her lover seeks in anxious wise, Excepting Paris, where the warrior lies.

XLIV When Flordelice that bridge and tower was near, (So was by name the wandering damsel hight) Grappling with Roland stood the Sarzan peer, And would into that river pitch the knight.

She, conversant with Brava's cavalier, The miserable county knew aright; And mighty marvel in that dame it raised To see him rove, a naked man and crazed.

XLV She stopt, the issue of that strife to know, Wherein those two so puissant warriors vied.

His opposite by might and main to throw, Into the stream each doughty champion tried.

"How can a fool such mighty prowess show?"

Between his teeth, the furious paynim cried.

And, s.h.i.+fting here and there, was seen to strain, Brimfull of pride, and anger, and disdain.

XLVI This hand and now that other he puts out, To take new hold, where he his vantage spies; Now within Roland's legs, and now without, Locks his right foot or left, in skilful wise; And thus resembles, in that wrestling bout, The stupid bear, who in his fury tries The tree, from whence he tumbled, to o'erthrow; Deeming it sole occasion of his woe.

XLVII Roland, whose better wit was lost withal, I know no where, and who used force alone; That utmost force, to which this earthly ball Haply affords few paragons, or none, Let himself backwards in that struggle fall, Embracing as he stood with Ulien's son.

Together in the foaming stream they sank; High flashed the wave, and groaned the echoing bank.

XLVIII Quickly the stream asunder bore the pair.

Roland was naked, and like fish could swim, Here shot his feet, his arms extended there, And gained the bank; nor, when upon the brim, Halted to mark if his adventure were Achieved with praise or shame: in evil trim, The pagan, by his arms impeded sore, With heavier pain and trouble, toiled ash.o.r.e.

XLIX Along the bridge which spanned that foaming tide Did Flordelice meantime securely pace, And, having vainly sought on every side Brandimart's bearing, since nor iron case Nor vest of his she anywhere espied, She hoped to find the knight in other place.

But here return we of the count to tell, Who left behind him stream, bridge tower, and cell.

L 'Twere phrensy of his every frantic feat To promise the relation, one by one; So many and many, -- should I these repeat, I know not when my story would be done.

Yet some of his notorious deeds, and meet For mention in my song, will I make known: Nor will I not that wondrous one recount, Near Thoulouse, on the Pyrenaean Mount.

LI Much country had been traversed by the knight, Urged by the furious rage which him misguides: At last he reached the hill whose boundary height Arragonese and neighbouring Frank divides.

Thither directing aye his course outright, Where the descending sun his visage hides, He reached a path upon the rugged steep, Which overhung a valley dark and deep.

LII Here he by chance encountered in mid road Two youths, that wood men were, and drove before An a.s.s along that pathway, with a load Of logs; they, marking well what scanty store Of brain in poor Orlando's head was stowed, Called to the approaching knight, and threatened sore; Bidding him stand aside, or else go back, Nor to their hindrance block the common track.

LIII To this address Orlando answered nought, Save that his foot he to their beast applied, Smote in mid-breast, which, with that vigour fraught, -- That force exceeding every force beside -- Tost him so hight, that the beholders thought It was a bird in air which they descried.

The a.s.s upon a mountain-summit fell, Which rose above a mile beyond that dell.

LIV Upon those youths next sprang the furious knight.

With better luck than wit, one woodman shear From that tall cliff, twice thirty yards in height, Cast himself headlong downward in his fear: Him a moist patch of brambles, in his flight, Received; and, amid gra.s.s and bushes, here, From other mischief safe, the stripling lit, And for some scratches in his face was quit.

LV That other to a jutting fragment clung, Who so to gain the higher steep would strive; Because he hopes, if once those crags among, To keep him from that fool he may contrive; But by the feet Orlando, ere he sprung, Seized him, who will not leave the wretch alive; And stretching them as wide as he could strain, So stretched his arms, he rent his prey in twain.

LVI Even in such mode as often we descry Falconer by heron or by puller do; Whose entrails he plucks out, to satisfy Merlin or falcon that the game pursue.

How happy was that other not to die!

Who risqued his neck in that deep bottom, who Rehea.r.s.ed the tale so often, Turpin heard, And handed down to us the wondrous word.

LVII These and more marvels does the count, who bends His steps across that mountain to the plain; And, seeking long a path, at length descends Towards the south, upon the land of Spain.

His way along the beach he after wends, Near Arragon, beside the rumbling main, And, ever prompted by his phrensy rank, Will make himself a dwelling on the bank,

LVIII Where he somedeal may shun the noontide ray, With dry and powdery sea-sand covered o'er; And here, while so employed, upon their way Arrives Angelica with her Medore, Who, as you have been told in former lay, Had from the hills descended on that sh.o.r.e.

Within a yard or less approached the fair, Ere yet she of his presence was aware.

LIX So different from himself was he to sight, Nought of Orlando she in him surveyed: For, from the time that rage possest his sprite, He had gone naked forth in sun and shade.

Had he been born on hot Syene's site, Or sands where wors.h.i.+p is to Ammon paid, Or nigh those hills, whence Nile's full waters spin, Orlando had not borne a dingier skin.

LX Nigh buried in their sockets are his eyes, Spare in his visage, and as dry as bone: Dishevelled is his hair in woeful wise, With frightful beard his cheek is overgrown: No sooner is he seen, than backward flies Angelica, who, trembling sore, is flown: She shrieking loud, all trembling and dismaid, Betakes her to her youthful guide for aid.

LXI When crazed Orlando was of her aware, To seize the damsel he upsprang in haste; So pleased the wretched count her visage fair, So quickly was his mood inflamed: effaced In him all ancient recollections are, How she by him was whilom served and graced.

Behind her speech the count and hunts that dame, As questing dog pursues the sylvan game.

LXII The youth, that sees him chase his love who fled, His courser spurs, and in pursuit is gone.

With naked faulchion after him he sped, And cut and thrust at Roland as he run.

He from his shoulders hoped to cleave his head, But found the madman's skin as hard as bone; Yea, harder far than steel, nor to be harmed; So good Orlando at his birth was charmed.

LXIII When on his back Orlando felt him beat, He turned, and turning on his youthful foe, Smote with clenched fist, and force which nought can meet, -- Smote on his horse's head, a fearful blow; And, with skull smashed like gla.s.s, that courser fleet Was by the madman's furious stroke laid low.

In the same breath Orlando turned anew, And chased the damsel that before him flew.

LXIV At speed Angelica impelled her mare.

And whipt and spurred her evermore; whom slow She would esteem, albeit that palfrey were Yet faster than a shaft dismist from bow: Her ring she thought upon, and this the fair Placed in her mouth; nor failed its virtue now; For putting it between her lips, like light Extinguished by a puff, she past from sight.

LXV Was it through fear, or was she, while she stript This from her finger, shaken in her seat; Or was it rather, that her palfrey tript, (For neither this nor that I surely weet) Angelica, while 'twixt her lips she slipt The virtuous ring, and hid her visage sweet, Her stirrups lost; and, tumbling form the sell, Reversed upon the sand that lady fell.

LXVI If but two inches short had fallen his prey, Upon her would have pounced Orlando near; Who would have crushed her in his furious way, But that kind Fortune saved her from the peer.

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Orlando Furioso Part 87 summary

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